Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

My entire Jewish community in Nassau County was swamped by calls from, for instance, Chase, Citibank, Wells-Fargo, etc..., ready to hand out 300K-600K by Rubber Stamping approvals that failed the system input.
I was Rubber Stamped by Citibank for 300K after being unemployed for several years.
They wanted me and everybody else to take 600K, but most of us were too wary about paying it back.

Chase sent out 4 million foreclosures to people who didn't have a Loan from Chase.
Wells-Fargo received a joke of a fine for handing out loans like candy.

We all know the borrowers got screwed and the Lenders borrowed tax dollars to get back in the good graces of GW's corrupt looking the other way.
GW still claims to be the Home Ownership President.

What a joke.

The same thing is happening today; my upper middle-class Town is starting to look like Millionaires Row and the streets weren't built for the traffic.

Yeah, that's awful. Make enough stupid loans and you'll end up like Bear Stearns.

We all know the borrowers got screwed and the Lenders borrowed tax dollars to get back in the good graces of GW's corrupt looking the other way.

Borrowed money? What kind of weak ass bailout is that?
Well, you're proving my point that capitalists could care less about improving the lives of Afghans or anyone else, it's strictly a profit-driven system. That's how trillions can be spent in Afghanistan after a 20-year occupation that has absolutely
nothing to show for it other than a mountain of dead corpses and maimed Afghans, not to speak of American casualties. What did we get in return for all of that blood and money? The Taliban are back in power and the Afghans are under the heel of American economic sanctions. What did we accomplish there after trillions of dollars and 20 years?

As an American taxpayer, I would've preferred to see at least some of those trillions of dollars used to improve the lives of those people whose country we invaded and occupied for two decades. As I said, perhaps if we would've done that, the Taliban wouldn't be back in power now. Your appeal to American taxpayers is moot since our federal budget has nothing to do with our taxes. Do you actually believe the US federal government needs us to pay taxes to fund itself? You need to study economics and how our monetary system works.

Actually, the Soviets improved the lives of the Afghans until the US began arming and radicalizing rebels. The USSR was establishing new secular institutions, free of religious radicalism, sexism..etc. If the Soviets would've finished their project in Afghanistan, it would now be a more secular, better-developed country, but instead what we have now is a nation under a brutal, Islamist regeme that treats women and children as property. And BTW the taliban aren't communists, there's plenty of capitalism in Islamic countries.

Well, you're proving my point that capitalists could care less about improving the lives of Afghans or anyone else,

I don't buy anything from a capitalist unless I think my purchase is going to improve my life.

As an American taxpayer,

Stop it.....you're killing me!

Actually, the Soviets improved the lives of the Afghans

I told you to stop!!!!!

If the Soviets would've finished their project in Afghanistan, it would now be a more secular, better-developed country

Like Cuba.
My entire Jewish community in Nassau County was swamped by calls from, for instance, Chase, Citibank, Wells-Fargo, etc..., ready to hand out 300K-600K by Rubber Stamping approvals that failed the system input.
I was Rubber Stamped by Citibank for 300K after being unemployed for several years.
They wanted me and everybody else to take 600K, but most of us were too wary about paying it back.

Chase sent out 4 million foreclosures to people who didn't have a Loan from Chase.
Wells-Fargo received a joke of a fine for handing out loans like candy.

We all know the borrowers got screwed and the Lenders borrowed tax dollars to get back in the good graces of GW's corrupt looking the other way.
GW still claims to be the Home Ownership President.

What a joke.

The same thing is happening today; my upper middle-class Town is starting to look like Millionaires Row and the streets weren't built for the traffic.

The repeal of the glass Steagall act was a real bad idea.
It's not how you start the race, it's how you finish it that matters. It took centuries for capitalism to replace chattel slavery and feudalism, and it will take time for socialism and then communism to replace capitalism. It's just a matter of time.
communism will never work...if you stop paying people for their labor they will simply stop working...that is why in the old soviet Union it took six months to geta toilet unclogged....people show up to work but get drunk instead and why not...they dont get paid an they cant be fired...party time
Well, you're proving my point that capitalists could care less about improving the lives of Afghans or anyone else,

I don't buy anything from a capitalist unless I think my purchase is going to improve my life.

As an American taxpayer,

Stop it.....you're killing me!

Actually, the Soviets improved the lives of the Afghans

I told you to stop!!!!!

If the Soviets would've finished their project in Afghanistan, it would now be a more secular, better-developed country

Like Cuba.

Conveniently ignore the fact that Cuba is heavily, brutally sanctioned and essentially is operating with one arm and leg, one eye. It's not because of socialism, it's due to being in the shadow of a capitalist empire, namely the United States.

When capitalists are in control of a government like ours, it creates an immense amount of pain and suffering.

As a communist living in a capitalist economy, I had to learn how to earn a living and that entailed learning a very marketable skill. I live in the upper-west side of Manhattan in a very nice place, that is now after fifteen years of paying the mortgage, fully paid. I've been paying taxes since I got my first job at Subways in Miami Beach, back in 1985 at the age of 15. You don't have a clue.
Conveniently ignore the fact that Cuba is heavily, brutally sanctioned and essentially is operating with one arm and leg, one eye. It's not because of socialism, it's due to being in the shadow of a capitalist empire, namely the United States.

Socialism is inevitable. Unstoppable. The best thing ever.

Unless capitalism is mean to it.

Then it shrivels up and dies.

That's fucking hilarious!!!!!
communism will never work...if you stop paying people for their labor they will simply stop working...that is why in the old soviet Union it took six months to geta toilet unclogged....people show up to work but get drunk instead and why not...they dont get paid an they cant be fired...party time
People did get paid in the USSR and it didn't take six months to unclog a toilet. The USSR was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Do you see the word "communist" there anywhere? Socialism is the process that leads to communism. What is communism? According to Karl Marx, communism is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. The term "communist state" is an oxymoron according to Karl Marx. There has never been a Marxist communist state, just socialist states. I believe the state will always be necessary, but as technology advances and the consumer has more power over the means of production, the state can become very small and manageable.

This idea that you have that people will only work for money is quite short-sighted if not misleading. It all depends on whether people live in a society free of scarcity. In a modern, high-tech communist society, where everyone enjoys a high standard of living, work doesn't need to be "waged". Non-waged work will take the form of civic duty and volunteerism, a means to personal growth, social interaction, and accomplishment, and simply trying to make the world we all share a better place.

Many millionaires and billionaires work hard and they do it not for money or to survive because they could live off their savings for the next 500 years. People don't necessarily need to get paid money to work when they have everything available to them thanks to technology. In a modern, high-tech communist society, people will also, work fewer hours and have a lot more time to do the things they are passionate about, whatever that might be.
Socialism is inevitable. Unstoppable. The best thing ever.

Unless capitalism is mean to it.

Then it shrivels up and dies.

That's fucking hilarious!!!!!
Yep, exactly. Material conditions have to be present for both industrial capitalism and communism to exist. As technology advances and further automates production and the delivery of goods and services to consumers, the need for wage-labor is reduced and eventually eliminated. This advanced automation of production, with 21st-century technology, will eventually in the not-too-distant future require the socialization and democratization of production. In other words, society is going to be forced out of necessity, to adopt a socialist, democratic system of production, to meet human needs rather than human greed or profits.

Socialism will fully replace capitalism by 2050 and communism, which is a society with a small state, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money, will replace socialism by 2085-2100. With the advent of atomic precision manufacturing machines like this:

The individual consumer will be able to produce everything they consume, from the comfort of their homes. Pour a glass of water into a machine and from the other side comes out a pair of shoes or a pizza. That's high-tech communism, and we're not going to see that for about 100 years. But before that, we will see a communist society, with a very small government and the consumer will have an immense amount of control over the production of what is consumed. All human relationships will be fully voluntary and consentual. Any government that doesn't win the approval of its citizens will find itself alone, hearing crickets. You can imagine, once technology becomes advanced enough, there will be no need for you to remain in one location. The concept of holding on to land will become superflous and silly. You will take the garden with you.
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Shoes and pizzas aren't made out of water.

That's high-tech communism

That's proof communists are bad at economics and worse at science.

Hehehe you didn't listen, that's the problem. The atoms that constitute H20 are the exact same atoms that constitute a pair of sneakers or a pizza. Read carefully: "Atomic PRECISION manufacturing machines". Machines that are able at the nanoscale, to rearrange atoms and create anything. Drexler is an MIT scientist, he's not an idiot. He's no Mickey Mouse. He says we could have these machines in less than twenty years if we put enough funding into it. Are you laughing at him too or just me? Hehehe.
If you lived in a communist country, all you know is how it is to live under American sanctions and threats of war. Nations that outwardly identify themselves as Marxist, get their hands tied behind their backs by the United States and its allies.
As it should be.
As it should be.
Why can't other countries decide to adopt a socialist or communist economy? However, your remark is telling, because it admits that socialist countries are being sabotaged and undermined by capitalist powers. So your argument that socialism doesn't work is moot. At least thanks for being honest.
Conveniently ignore the fact that Cuba is heavily, brutally sanctioned and essentially is operating with one arm and leg, one eye. It's not because of socialism, it's due to being in the shadow of a capitalist empire, namely the United States.

When capitalists are in control of a government like ours, it creates an immense amount of pain and suffering.

As a communist living in a capitalist economy, I had to learn how to earn a living and that entailed learning a very marketable skill. I live in the upper-west side of Manhattan in a very nice place, that is now after fifteen years of paying the mortgage, fully paid. I've been paying taxes since I got my first job at Subways in Miami Beach, back in 1985 at the age of 15. You don't have a clue.
The fucking COMMIES in Cuba did the exact same thing as the fucking COMMIES in China and the COMMIES in South Africa.

They STOLE all the land from it's legitimate owners.

And MURDERED half of them.

COMMIES are evil human beings. They killed 120 million people in the last century.

Anyone who wants to align with that deserves whatever they get.
Why can't other countries decide to adopt a socialist or communist economy? However, your remark is telling, because it admits that socialist countries are being sabotaged and undermined by capitalist powers. So your argument that socialism doesn't work is moot. At least thanks for being honest.

Youngster, I've seen more communist countries than you have fingers.

Communism requires universal participation. There's no way to get that, other than enforcement.

Communist regimes always follow the same pattern. ALWAYS.
Hehehe you didn't listen, that's the problem. The atoms that constitute H20 are the exact same atoms that constitute a pair of sneakers or a pizza. Read carefully: "Atomic PRECISION manufacturing machines". Machines that are able at the nanoscale, to rearrange atoms and create anything. Drexler is an MIT scientist, he's not an idiot. He's no Mickey Mouse. He says we could have these machines in less than twenty years if we put enough funding into it. Are you laughing at him too or just me? Hehehe.

The atoms that constitute H20 are the exact same atoms that constitute a pair of sneakers or a pizza.

No they aren't, you stupid commie twat.

"Atomic PRECISION manufacturing machines". Machines that are able at the nanoscale, to rearrange atoms and create anything.

You can rearrange hydrogen and oxygen all you want, you will never be able to build a pizza or a pair of sneakers out of it.

Unless it's an ice pizza and ice cubes for your feet.

Drexler is an MIT scientist, he's not an idiot.

If he said pizza and shoes from a cup of water......he's a fucking iddiot.

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