Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

Conveniently ignore the fact that Cuba is heavily, brutally sanctioned and essentially is operating with one arm and leg, one eye. It's not because of socialism, it's due to being in the shadow of a capitalist empire, namely the United States.

When capitalists are in control of a government like ours, it creates an immense amount of pain and suffering.

As a communist living in a capitalist economy, I had to learn how to earn a living and that entailed learning a very marketable skill. I live in the upper-west side of Manhattan in a very nice place, that is now after fifteen years of paying the mortgage, fully paid. I've been paying taxes since I got my first job at Subways in Miami Beach, back in 1985 at the age of 15. You don't have a clue.

By themselves. They weren't sanctioned by anyone else in the world but us. They could do business with anyone, and they chose other dictators.

Gosh, how unsurprising.
The atoms that constitute H20 are the exact same atoms that constitute a pair of sneakers or a pizza.

No they aren't, you stupid commie twat.

"Atomic PRECISION manufacturing machines". Machines that are able at the nanoscale, to rearrange atoms and create anything.

You can rearrange hydrogen and oxygen all you want, you will never be able to build a pizza or a pair of sneakers out of it.

Unless it's an ice pizza and ice cubes for your feet.

Drexler is an MIT scientist, he's not an idiot.

If he said pizza and shoes from a cup of water......he's a fucking iddiot.

He didn't say that, I did. It's true, all atoms aren't identical, there are different types of atoms, however, atomic precision manufacturing machines will allow us to produce all types of consumable products, even food.
Youngster, I've seen more communist countries than you have fingers.

Communism requires universal participation. There's no way to get that, other than enforcement.

Communist regimes always follow the same pattern. ALWAYS.

In the not-too-distant future, it's the communists who will be free and fully empowered, while the rest of humanity will be enslaved under their techno-feudal lords.

Stossel Comes from Long Island, where he's a social butterfly. For all his "capitalism" hot air, when his 2.5 Mil Hamptons mansion was blown away years ago, he had no problem getting Gov't agencies to pay for the loss. Some say, he was "underinsured". He's the ultimate 'Bankster': "Socialism for me, capitalism for the peasants".

Only a complete moron would support communism.
The fucking COMMIES in Cuba did the exact same thing as the fucking COMMIES in China and the COMMIES in South Africa.

They STOLE all the land from it's legitimate owners.

And MURDERED half of them.

COMMIES are evil human beings. They killed 120 million people in the last century.

Anyone who wants to align with that deserves whatever they get.

You're exaggerating. Lift the sanctions if you actually care about the Cuban people.
Of course not, because I was born and raised here in the United States. It's illegal for me to live in a communist country, under American sanctions and threats of war. But anyways, why would I live in another country, when I can live here in the United States and do whatever I can to make it more socialist and communist?
Any number of commie countries would be happy to take you. They can't keep people in. Anybody who can get out, does.

If you commies were not trying to make us commie (and steal our property), we could get along.
Jesus was a communist, so I doubt he will be throwing us into the lake of fire. He's going to throw capitalists and their fans into the lake of fire.
if you arent out there earning capital it means you are a bum and living off someone elses hard earned paycheck
I don't have to say "virtually", due to the great amount of Native Americans who fell victim to European colonization of the Americas.
They mostly fell victim to small pox. Most died long before anyone in their tribe ever saw a European.

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