Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

It's accurate.

As I've went through life, I have found the people living in America who call themselves 'Socialists' or 'Communists', are individuals who are failures.
They have failed to realize the potential of living in America and enjoying the successes that can come from the system that has lifted up more lives than any nation in history.
It then becomes a trait of immature human nature to strike out at what you've failed at. If you can destroy what you've failed at, then in your mind you have mastered it.
Communism, an idea so good, you have to build a wall to keep the people from leaving.
There was no wall for most of the USSR's
It's accurate.

As I've went through life, I have found the people living in America who call themselves 'Socialists' or 'Communists', are individuals who are failures.
They have failed to realize the potential of living in America and enjoying the successes that can come from the system that has lifted up more lives than any nation in history.
It then becomes a trait of immature human nature to strike out at what you've failed at. If you can destroy what you've failed at, then in your mind you have mastered it.
Believe whatever nonsense toots your horn.
It's worth nothing without human labor. It's a complete waste of money. It's buying something that is dead, without the human element animating it and producing products for me while I leech off of other people's labor. They risk losing their fingers and breathing in the toxic fumes of the machines while I sit in my office looking down at them while smoking my Cuban cigar. Assuming I'm there, I might just be at the beach, while you toil for me. You're the one dependent upon me? I'm dependent upon other people's labor. I reduce them to a commodity and part of the means of production. You're part of that machine. I reduce human beings to the machinery of production in order to turn a profit while I sit on my ass at the country club by the pool.

Production is a social endeavor, it's not private. Why should they allow me to be their lord? I was born in opulence, on the lap of privilege, with access to everything I ever wanted. I was born a "have", you were born a "have-not", so I exploit you. Why not? Right? That's why we're on the brink of fighting a nuclear war with Russia because the wealthy ruling elite want to make a profit selling weapons to Ukraine. That's what capitalism creates. Alienation and war.

It's worth nothing without human labor. It's a complete waste of money.

So what?

They risk losing their fingers and breathing in the toxic fumes of the machines while I sit in my office looking down at them while smoking my Cuban cigar.

Yup. Maybe the workers should put you up against a wall.

Why should they allow me to be their lord?

Exactly! They should live in Cuba. Commies can be their lords.

What did those facilities and machines cost?
What did the materials and other inputs cost?
There was no wall for most of the USSR's

They were awesome!

So how many people did the Soviets allow to leave from 1945-1990?

You never explained why, starting from the same point, West Germany built a modern 1st World economy while East German's waited 10 years for a Trabant?
They were awesome!

So how many people did the Soviets allow to leave from 1945-1990?

You never explained why, starting from the same point, West Germany built a modern 1st World economy while East German's waited 10 years for a Trabant?
With plenty of help from the US. All of your arguments conveniently ignore a myriad of inconvenient facts.
It's worth nothing without human labor. It's a complete waste of money.

So what?

They risk losing their fingers and breathing in the toxic fumes of the machines while I sit in my office looking down at them while smoking my Cuban cigar.

Yup. Maybe the workers should put you up against a wall.

Why should they allow me to be their lord?

Exactly! They should live in Cuba. Commies can be their lords.

What did those facilities and machines cost?
What did the materials and other inputs cost?
It doesn't matter what the machines or the materials and "inputs" cost, because nothing warrants the commoditization and exploitation of human beings. The consumer should own the means of production collectively, with other consumers. The machines should be publicly owned and all production should be simply to meet human needs, not for profits. There should be democracy in politics and in the workplace, where people spend most of their waking hours.
It doesn't matter what the machines or the materials and "inputs" cost, because nothing warrants the commoditization and exploitation of human beings. The consumer should own the means of production collectively, with other consumers. The machines should be publicly owned and all production should be simply to meet human needs, not for profits. There should be democracy in politics and in the workplace, where people spend most of their waking hours.

It doesn't matter what the machines or the materials and "inputs" cost,

But it does, otherwise how would you determine if your venture was a success or a pile of communism?

because nothing warrants the commoditization and exploitation of human beings.

I agree, that would be the commie thing to do.

The consumer should own the means of production collectively, with other consumers.

They're free to team up with others and buy all the shares.

The machines should be publicly owned and all production should be simply to meet human needs, not for profits.

Yeah, but who's gonna force the consumers to buy your Trabants?

There should be democracy in politics and in the workplace,

If you're feeling unappreciated or underpaid, you're free to vote with your feet.

Unlike under communism.
The US was able to help West Germany succeed but with help from the super awesome USSR,
East Germany was still a slum in comparison?

That's weird.
It wasn't a slum.

Actually, the slums exist mostly in Capitalist countries, not in communist societies. The nations with the worst slums are capitalist-run, not communist. Those capitalist countries aren't even sanctioned or embargoed, yet they're dirt poor and full of crime, and drugs. etc.

It wasn't a slum.

Actually, the slums exist mostly in Capitalist countries, not in communist societies. The nations with the worst slums are capitalist-run, not communist. Those capitalist countries aren't even sanctioned or embargoed, yet they're dirt poor and full of crime, and drugs. etc.

It wasn't a slum.

Compared to West Germany, it was a real dump.
It doesn't matter what the machines or the materials and "inputs" cost,

But it does, otherwise how would you determine if your venture was a success or a pile of communism?

because nothing warrants the commoditization and exploitation of human beings.

I agree, that would be the commie thing to do.

The consumer should own the means of production collectively, with other consumers.

They're free to team up with others and buy all the shares.

The machines should be publicly owned and all production should be simply to meet human needs, not for profits.

Yeah, but who's gonna force the consumers to buy your Trabants?

There should be democracy in politics and in the workplace,

If you're feeling unappreciated or underpaid, you're free to vote with your feet.

Unlike under communism.

That's the capitalist thing, not the communist. Not all companies sell stock and it's silly to assume that employees would have the resources to buy all of the shares of the company. Not all of the shares are necessarily for sale so your proposal is moot.

No one forces anyone to buy anything, what are you talking about? In communism there are no markets or need for money. We produce what we use in order to use it, not sell it.

It's the capitalists who need to start walking not the workers. Mass production is a social enterprise, not a private one hence workplaces will be run democratically. If you don't like that, you can go fly a kite.
No, it wasn't, it was quite clean and free of street crime, drugs, homeless. You're quite ignorant.

Well, compared to most other commie shitholes, it was pretty clean.
But what was their gdp per capita compared to West Germany?
Half? One-third?

And you did have to deal with the Stasi.
It was a little weird that so many people were so unhappy under communism, wasn't it?
Well, compared to most other commie shitholes, it was pretty clean.
But what was their gdp per capita compared to West Germany?
Half? One-third?

And you did have to deal with the Stasi.
It was a little weird that so many people were so unhappy under communism, wasn't it?
Not that many people were unhappy. The following video was filmed by someone like you who hates the USSR. A young Russian liberal, who's angry with Putin for not flying rainbow flags over the Kremlin. He asked people on the streets of Moscow what they think about the USSR:

Here is a similar video..

It wasn't as bad as it is portrayed by the Western cold war propaganda that you apparently have swallowed, hook, line, and sinker. You're claiming there were slums or that Eastern Germany and the USSR were dumps. Actually no they weren't. People took care of their communities, their streets. You didn't have the criminality, drugs, homelessness that is seen in capitalist-run countries.

All of that however is irrelevant. I'm not a Russian Bolshevic communist, or Chinese communist, or even a Cuban communist despite my parents being Cuban. I'm an American communist living in the 21st century, so your insistence on equating all communists and their communism to conditions of the last century is naive and disengenious. We have a lot more technology today, hence communism would function a lot better than it did in the past. More, if America converts to communism, it won't have to deal with a capitalist empire as it once was, threatening socialist countries with war and imposing economic sanctions. All of that will end if America converts to communism. America would have it easy.

You keep ignoring my question. How will capitalism solve the quandary of advanced 21st-century automation technology replacing wage labor? Once and for all, answer the question.
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Not that many people were unhappy. The following video was filmed by someone like you who hates the USSR. A young Russian liberal, who's angry with Putin for not flying rainbow flags over the Kremlin. He asked people on the streets of Moscow what they think about the USSR:

Here is a similar video..

It wasn't as bad as it is portrayed by the Western cold war propaganda that you apparently have swallowed, hook, line, and sinker. You're claiming there were slums or that Eastern Germany and the USSR were dumps. Actually no they weren't. People took care of their communities, their streets. You didn't have the criminality, drugs, homelessness that is seen in capitalist-run countries.

All of that however is irrelevant. I'm not a Russian Bolshevic communist, or Chinese communist, or even a Cuban communist despite my parents being Cuban. I'm an American communist living in the 21st century, so your insistence on equating all communists and their communism to conditions of the last century is naive and disengenious. We have a lot more technology today, hence communism would function a lot better than it did in the past. More, if America converts to communism, it won't have to deal with a capitalist empire as it once was, threatening socialist countries with war and imposing economic sanctions. All of that will end if America converts to communism. America would have it easy.

You keep ignoring my question. How will capitalism solve the quandary of advanced 21st-century automation technology replacing wage labor? Once and for all, answer the question.

Not that many people were unhappy.

Really? How do you know? How many did you speak to?

You're claiming there were slums or that Eastern Germany and the USSR were dumps.

I'm claiming that compared to the west, they were dumps. And Russia still is.
Not that many people were unhappy.

Really? How do you know? How many did you speak to?

You're claiming there were slums or that Eastern Germany and the USSR were dumps.

I'm claiming that compared to the west, they were dumps. And Russia still is.
Notice how Todd ignores the following question:

How will capitalism solve the quandary of advanced 21st-century automation technology replacing wage labor? Once and for all, answer the question.
Not that many people were unhappy.

Really? How do you know? How many did you speak to?

You're claiming there were slums or that Eastern Germany and the USSR were dumps.

I'm claiming that compared to the west, they were dumps. And Russia still is.

First of all, you nor I have to personally speak to anyone face to face to arrive at that conclusion, when there are plenty of videos online of people who lived in the USSR and loved it. You claim the opposite is true, and yet don't make the demand that the only way to conclude the negative, is by meeting someone in person, face to face, that hated the USSR. Right? You simply read your books and collect evidence online (or wherever you get it) supporting your position and you assert it here. Are you suggesting that the only way for someone to agree with you that the USSR was a horrible place is based on them having a face-to-face interaction with someone who lived there? Your reasoning is flawed.

As far as your claim that communist countries were "dumps" compared to capitalist-run countries, believe whatever you want. You can believe the moon is made of Swiss Cheese.

Now answer the question and stop running:

How will capitalism solve the quandary of advanced 21st-century automation technology replacing wage labor? Once and for all, answer the question.

The death of capitalism, the birth of communism:

Modern, 21st-century, democratic, American communism is coming and you know it. Advance automation = communism.


PDF version is attached below. Read the book.​


  • Fully Automated Luxury Communis - Bastani, Aaron.pdf
    2.2 MB · Views: 12
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First of all, you nor I have to personally speak to anyone face to face to arrive at that conclusion, when there are plenty of videos online of people who lived in the USSR and loved it. You claim the opposite is true, and yet don't make the demand that the only way to conclude the negative, is by meeting someone in person, face to face, that hated the USSR. Right? You simply read your books and collect evidence online (or wherever you get it) supporting your position and you assert it here. Are you suggesting that the only way for someone to agree with you that the USSR was a horrible place is based on them having a face-to-face interaction with someone who lived there? Your reasoning is flawed.

As far as your claim that communist countries were "dumps" compared to capitalist-run countries, believe whatever you want. You can believe the moon is made of Swiss Cheese.

Now answer the question and stop running:

How will capitalism solve the quandary of advanced 21st-century automation technology replacing wage labor? Once and for all, answer the question.

The death of capitalism, the birth of communism:

Modern, 21st-century, democratic, American communism is coming and you know it. Advance automation = communism.

As far as your claim that communist countries were "dumps" compared to capitalist-run countries, believe whatever you want.

Have you ever seen those before/after photos of Havana? Wow!

Ask your family.
As far as your claim that communist countries were "dumps" compared to capitalist-run countries, believe whatever you want.

Have you ever seen those before/after photos of Havana? Wow!

Ask your family.
Again and again, and then again, you ignore inconvenient causes and factors. The direct cause is always communism, not embargoes imposed by a capitalist empire, not war, not anything other than what you hate, for your own personal reasons. Again, believe the moon is made of Swiss Cheese if you want to.

Stop ignoring the question:

How will capitalism solve the quandary of advanced 21st-century automation technology replacing wage labor? Once and for all, answer the question.



  • Fully Automated Luxury Communis - Bastani, Aaron.pdf
    2.2 MB · Views: 13
Again and again, and then again, you ignore inconvenient causes and factors. The direct cause is always communism, not embargoes imposed by a capitalist empire, not war, not anything other than what you hate, for your own personal reasons. Again, believe the moon is made of Swiss Cheese if you want to.

Stop ignoring the question:

How will capitalism solve the quandary of advanced 21st-century automation technology replacing wage labor? Once and for all, answer the question.

The direct cause is always communism, not embargoes imposed by a capitalist empire,

I know. Communism is very fragile.

How will capitalism solve the quandary of advanced 21st-century automation technology replacing wage labor?

I don't know. How are your failed communists states going to solve it?

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