Diversity makes the US stronger ????????

archangel said:
My mistake...Gunny is a E-7 rank...I was just a E-5 Sgt and 01...Lt...Lance Corporal E-3 and that was the last time you obeyed a order from a Lt...no wonder you finished at the E-7 rank vs E-8 or Sgt Major E-9...anymore ammo needed Gunny? And for the record I finished up my career as a Capt...Gs-11 rank in Federal Law enf...so sorry... a Officer and Gentleman I was .... ;) :rolleyes: :funnyface

You're a barrel of laughs today. aren't you? I retired an E-7 because 20 came before eligibility for E-8. Once again you're firing blanks.

If the fact I didn't take any shit off snot-nosed, know-it-all zeroes kept me from making E8 or 9, so be it. I can proudly live with that.

And an officer maybe, but you're doing a REAL good job of proving you and "gentleman" are mutually exclusive terms.
GunnyL said:
You're a barrel of laughs today. aren't you? I retired an E-7 because 20 came before eligibility for E-8. Once again you're firing blanks.

If the fact I didn't take any shit off snot-nosed, know-it-all zeroes kept me from making E8 or 9, so be it. I can proudly live with that.

And an officer maybe, but you're doing a REAL good job of proving you and "gentleman" are mutually exclusive terms.

just let it end here...we both proved the word gentleman escaped both of us in the heat of the battle...carry on non-com... :cof:
nucular said:
I think he was just curious, not insulting. I wasn't online to respond. And then you guys got into your thang. That's OK.

Japanese or Okinawan?

I only asked because I have practiced one of the Okinawan martial arts for 20+ years. There was no duplicity involved. I thought it might lead to a discussion at some point in time.
archangel said:
well just let it end here...we both proved the word gentleman escaped both of us in the heat of the battle...carry on non-com... :cof:

I am afraid you are mistaken once again. The only one displaying ungentlemanly conduct by making wild accusations when totally clueless to my intent is YOU.
OCA said:
You know what really tickles me about all this bitching and moaning about Blacks etc. etc.? Well in the case of the Blacks it was fucking Whites who brought them here, if Whites in the South hadn't been such lazy motherfuckers back then and did their own work their would not be one single Black here today probably save for your college exchange students and such, its Whites faults that they are here!



Does that mean that the mistakes of whites past doom the lives of whites future? Shall we be a guilty race in perpetuity, OCA? Shall we pay reparations? Shall we lay down our lives, or our culture, our land, for them, to show how much we care?

I think not. I think that slavery ended a long time ago. Since then, we've bent over backwards to help. And it hasn't worked.

We need NEW approaches. The old ones aren't working.

I'll give you this: I think whites are generally IDIOTS when it comes to race. Look at us. One day, we think it's nifty to ENSLAVE other races. Today, we think it's nifty to BE ENSLAVED by them! We tremble in fear of the violence of the great black man, afraid to say even the mildest truths about him, dying to be nice to him, dying to give him all our money, our houses, our neighborhoods, our daughters... we are ON OUR KNEES for the blacks. And it gets us what? Kanye West.

Whites need to grow up and realize that racial differences are VERY, VERY real, and we should respect that. We basically need to "grow a pair" as white men and say ENOUGH of the multiculti, left-wing crapola. Let us go our own way, and if you can't make it yourself in life, that's YOUR fault, and tough noogies.

William Joyce said:
Whites need to grow up and realize that racial differences are VERY, VERY real, and we should respect that. We basically need to "grow a pair" as white men and say ENOUGH of the multiculti, left-wing crapola. Let us go our own way, and if you can't make it yourself in life, that's YOUR fault, and tough noogies.


OK suppose someone agrees with this (and even most of the self proclaimed right wingers on this list don't) what do you intend to do about it? How do you achieve your goal? Either personally or as a society? I'd really like to know.

Because if you can't answer that you are just an impotent racist sitting around whining about not liking blacks and wishing they didn't exist. Are you blowing hot air, or do you have specific ideas about this?

By the way, what are "noogies"?
:afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro:
Originally posted by GunnyL
Wonder how many midnight trips to the slave quarters old Willie's ancestors made?


You meant it as a joke but this is absolutely true.

Humans races have been mating with each other since we left Africa.

We all descend from black immigrants from Africa.

Joyce would go into a shaking frenzy if he could see some of his distant relatives.

Europe and Asia are in fact a single continent Eurasia and only a pond separates it from Africa. A pond that was crossed for the first time in pre historical times.

Expect racial homogeneity from a group of humans living in that part of the world is sheer madness.

The Huns invaded Western Europe and settle there, and even today, in some french villages, children are born with something called the mongolic spot, a genetic trait typical of asian children.

And we didn’t even talk about the Mongol invasion, the arab Conquest and all the africans brought to Europe since 1500 (people don’t talk much about them but believe me millions of africans were sent to Europe since 1500).

The Portuguese had a significant presence in Japan during 1500. I wonder how many Japaneses are my distant relatives... LOL

All races are, BY DEFINITION, mixed races.

There’s only one prerequisite for being a mestizo. It is to be a human.

If you are human being you are a mestizo.

Miscigenation is the vocation of our species.

Maybe it is not in your skin color but it’s in your genes.

Scrap a white, a black or an asian and you will find a cocktail of races.

Segregationists are trying to &#8220;preserve&#8221; a <B>MITHOLOGICAL</B> racial purity that never really existed.

I guess it doesn&#8217;t get any more pathetic than this.

We all know human sexuality is not linked to race (I mean, people don&#8217;t feel sexually attracted exclusivily to individuals of the same race).

Being human sexuality the way it is together with the global village getting smaller and smaller each day it&#8217;s possible that in the future humans will belong to a single mixed race.

Even today the small pockets of segregation throughout the world (Israel, some parts of the US) are pathetic in their insignificance compared with the entire world.

In a world where nations and peoples increasingly intermingle and intermarry, where cultural, national and technological impediments to communication have all but collapsed, ethnocentricity is truly an anachronism.

Sometimes I think they deserve commiseration much more than hostility.

They are the losers of human history...

Racial integration won and they lost.
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The ONLY possible way that I can see diversity making the US any stronger is if all the diverse cultures were working together towards a common goal. When diverse races and cultures only seek to pursue the agenda thier OWN races and cultures we have the mayhem we see today. Add politics and religion into the mix and you have one of the weakest groups of people in the world. That is exactly the weakness that Islamo-terrorism and Bin Laden see in America and are exploiting it. While we remain divided we remain vulnerable.
An incredibly old truism--I would have thought we could have learned it by now.
dilloduck said:
The ONLY possible way that I can see diversity making the US any stronger is if all the diverse cultures were working together towards a common goal. When diverse races and cultures only seek to pursue the agenda thier OWN races and cultures we have the mayhem we see today. Add politics and religion into the mix and you have one of the weakest groups of people in the world. That is exactly the weakness that Islamo-terrorism and Bin Laden see in America and are exploiting it. While we remain divided we remain vulnerable.
An incredibly old truism--I would have thought we could have learned it by now.

Hey Dillo,

You're being relocated by your job. You have two choices:

One town has MacDonalds, Burger King, and Hardee's.

The other town has those three, plus a pizza place, a Chinese restaurant, a sushi bar, a soul food place, a Greek restaurant, a French bistro, an Argentine steakhouse, a curry joint, a Thai restaurant, and a place that serves oysters from all over the world.

Which town do you want to move to?
nucular said:
Hey Dillo,

You're being relocated by your job. You have two choices:

One town has MacDonalds, Burger King, and Hardee's.

The other town has those three, plus a pizza place, a Chinese restaurant, a sushi bar, a soul food place, a Greek restaurant, a French bistro, an Argentine steakhouse, a curry joint, a Thai restaurant, and a place that serves oysters from all over the world.

Which town do you want to move to?

Food wouldn't have the slightest significance to me. I can cook.
dilloduck said:
Food wouldn't have the slightest significance to me. I can cook.

Good for you! You're shipwrecked. There are two islands you can land on.

One island has two books: William Bennett's Book of Virtues and a bio of Ronald Reagan.

The other has those two books plus the complete works of Shakespeare, the Kama Sutra, Plato's Dialogues, the Tale of Genji, Nahguib Mahfouz, Jorge Luis Borges' "Ficciones" and the Bible.

Otherwise the islands are identical. Which one do you make landfall on?
dilloduck said:
Food wouldn't have the slightest significance to me. I can cook.

now that was funny..wonder why nucular did not mention a ME restaurant though...I talked to a young lady and her fiance awhile back on internet...she was a Royal Princes staying in Lebbanon with her fiance...we started talking about food and she said she was making goat stew with okra and pita bread...she gave me the receipe and I tried it...not bad...but I would rather eat pizza or steak and fries....lol
archangel said:
now that was funny..wonder why nucular did not mention a ME restaurant though...I talked to a young lady and her fiance awhile back on internet...she was a Royal Princes staying in Lebbanon with her fiance...we started talking about food and she said she was making goat stew with okra and pita bread...she gave me the receipe and I tried it...not bad...but I would rather eat pizza or steak and fries....lol

Ooops forgot! I'm with you on the steak. But I'd rather have both than just one!
nucular said:
Good for you! You're shipwrecked. There are two islands you can land on.

One island has two books: William Bennett's Book of Virtues and a bio of Ronald Reagan.

The other has those two books plus the complete works of Shakespeare, the Kama Sutra, Plato's Dialogues, the Tale of Genji, Nahguib Mahfouz, Jorge Luis Borges' "Ficciones" and the Bible.

Otherwise the islands are identical. Which one do you make landfall on?

The one that had the most fresh water.
dilloduck said:
The one that had the most fresh water.

I said they were identical in all regards. C'mon, you are really squirming to stop from admitting that you like diversity after all.

How about music? You are given the choice of two iPods.

One has John Phillip Sousa marches and the greatest hits of John Ashcroft.

The other one has those two plus Louis Armstrong, Beethoven, the Beatles, Ravi Shankar, some Japanese koto music, Tito Puente and Midnight Oil.

Which iPod do you pick?
theim said:
Multiculturalism is most definately not a good thing. Firstly, it requires us to pretend that other cultures are our equals. Many are not. Many are, simply, barbaric, and by no reasonable standard worthy of emulation. And many, however well they served people 500 years ago, are simply ill-suited to adapt to the modern world, and should therefore, cease to exist. Native American and Middle Eastern cultures are prime examples. Attempting to artificially preserve cultures not out of merit or survivability but out of sheer nostalgia is not rational.

Ancient vikings had a "vibrant" and "unique" society. People discovered though, that whatever the adventerous and romantic value that was to be found in raiding and pillaging in the name of Thor was simply not a viable way of surving in changing times, as more barbarian tribes around Europe settled down into fortified cities. Viking culture died out.

Likewise, like ancient Rome, Native American and Middle Eastern have their appealing points, and great histories, but their time is over. To attempt to "flash freeze" them and maintain them not totally but as a living museum exibit will only result in a cheap, hollow, husk. A shadow of the culture's former glory. It's pointless.

Secondly, it is vital to maintain this nation that American culture remain dominant. Eventually, having some sections of the country act as de facto territory of other sovereign states will lead to some sections of the country becoming de jure territory of other states.

Yep! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
nucular said:
I said they were identical in all regards. C'mon, you are really squirming to stop from admitting that you like diversity after all.

How about music? You are given the choice of two iPods.

One has John Phillip Sousa marches and the greatest hits of John Ashcroft.

The other one has those two plus Louis Armstrong, Beethoven, the Beatles, Ravi Shankar, some Japanese koto music, Tito Puente and Midnight Oil.

Which iPod do you pick?

Enough of the bizarre personal preference analogies. United we stand-Divided we fall. Remember that one? Who cares what we all had for dinner if a group of fanatics can destroy our country because its' citizens simply don't care about the US as a nation or bother to identify themselves as an American.
nucular said:
What is "American Culture"? Nascar, Michael Jackson, Walmart? America is a lack of culture. Why romanticize something that doesn't exist? How can a country full of illiterates, musical idiots, corporate food, artistic nobodies and cinemagraphic primitives qualify as a "culture"? Have you ever been anywhere else? What gives you the right to determine what is culture in the first place, and secondly to rank this one higher than others today or in the past? You don't know what you're talking about.

I define "American Culture" as that which bekons the rest of the world to want to live here. :thanks:
kurtsprincess said:
I define "American Culture" as that which bekons the rest of the world to want to live here. :thanks:
I define America as a place where one can be born in poverty and rise to greatness, ie. Oprah Winfrey-yuk, but an example nevertheless. Heck one can be born somewhere else, come here and succeed, ie. Arnold. One can be born of parents of the 'greatest generation' who did well, but never finished college and get a Phd. One can be born with every advantage and still be a FU, ie. Teddy K.

We can reverse rivers-Chicago.
We can overcome attacks by terrorists. Anniversary today.
We can build buildings the world envies. John Hancock. Sear's. WTC. Empire State Building. Louis Sullivan. Mies van der Roe.
We have museums that are not 'exclusive', but rather 'inclusive' probably a given with our 'diversity': NY Met, Chicago Science and Industry, Field Museum, Smithsonians, Art Institute of Chicago...
We have Universities that accept from all over the world, including the most impoverished.
Our school systems-for better or worse-are based on the idea that all children, not just those of certain classes or basic intelligence-are worth educating.

Our culture is strong and distinct, only fools don't recognize it or think it inferior to those based on feudalism or worse.
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