DNA testing reveals a THIRD of migrants faked family relationship with children to claim asylum

The current crisis is very much a result of (among other factors) his policies. It is his policies that are seeking INDEFINITE DETENTION for families at the border. Seriously? Indefinite? God we don't even do that for murderers and rapists. It is his policies that are keeping kids confined in horrible conditions for far longer than the legal 72 hours and it is his Administration that has been seeking to CHANGE the 72 hour rule for keeping kids detained. INDEFINITE?

It's not indefinite, it's only until their case is heard and judged.

Right now, people come here making phony asylum claims, and are granted bond in which they take off and never to be seen again. This opens the door for more (with children not their own) to do the same.

If the invaders understand that this will not happen any longer, they won't come here because the Get Into America Free card will be gone. What this would do is deter phony asylum seekers and only bring real cases to our border. Not only that, but would decrease our badly backlogged court cases full of phony claims.

When you grow up in their condition, you MIGHT have something to say.
When was the last time you walked 2000 miles?
As they say " if you haven't been there you have zero to say"
Might be useful if you knew the def of liberal.
Latin, free
For the individual and small gov
So you're ok with kidnapping and child trafficking
Kind of the same way you are ok with child abuse in detention facilities.
Obama was releasing children in the custody of sex traffickers, which is why Obama started putting children in cages.


Obama's cyclone cages for children:

FACT CHECK: Did Obama Admin Build Cages That House Immigrant Children at U.S.-Mexico Border?
From what I can see, in postings here, you align closely with the Republican Tribe and you consistently give Trump a free pass in this mess. If I'm wrong - show me where you put any responsibility on him.

Probably not gonna happen in this thread. I'm laser focused on kid trafficking problem...

and you are totally ignoring the terrible situation we are putting these kids in that we detain - a much larger proportion of kids then that found to be unrelated to the person they are with. You are in complete denial of what is happening at the border in these facilities - you ignore the new policy which is going to remove educational programs, recreation, and legal help for these warehoused kids.

Not in denial.. It's a crisis.. You won't even admit that. You can't solve anything by spending money here. Or -- by catching and releasing to the interior when there no probability of being LEGALLY employed. The morons calling for "setting the kids free" are a large part of the problem.. Because THAT ALONE encourages the kidnapping and the GROWING over-crowding at the border. When you empty the so-called "concentration camps" and these folks are undocumented or totally illegal because they haven't been thru customs, they are GONNA be "in the shadows"... It's like the folks that set pets "free range" in the country..

These detention facilities and "the cages" are for THEIR protection because they need to be isolated from the masses that are not yet vetted.. And those "cages" have been around for more than a decade... It's not NEW.. It's just opportunistic whining by folks who BENEFIT from not solving the problem and trying to pin the blame on this new Administration...

It's chaos.. And one of two useless, arrogant, and incompetent political parties has NO GOOD solutions to curb these refugee spikes.... Because they have NO DESIRE to moderate or curb it...

If you follow the links, it says that they could not get an answer on whether the 30% was for all the immigrants, or forthe special immigrants they singled out, in which they believed to be suspicious in some manner....

And that's a pretty important piece of the puzzle to know, before making any kind of sound judgement on this imo.

1- it could be 30% of all children crossing are not with family members

2- or it could be 10% or 20% or 30% of ALL those crossing, were suspicious to them, and those people were DNA tested, and 30% or those 10 % etc... were really not parents and bad apples, but 2/3's of those that they were suspicious of, WERE actually family members.

Basically, it is pretty important to know, which one it is, in order to make further decisions on how to handle the border crossers.
I totally support DACA.

The politicians you are defending don't.. They were offered a BIGGER DACA solution than they were asking for 2 or 3 times and wouldn't buy in because the offer was to fund more SECURITY at the border...

I'm in favor of DACA also... That's why I'm so PISSED at the Dems... They're USING the crisis to the disadvantage of finding ANY solutions...

Decriminalizing is not the same as open borders. It means illegals are deported not prosecuted.

You really believe what you just typed? Because it makes no sense.. When Castro and other Presidents says he wants to DECRIMINALIZE illegal entry, it means the UNSEEN HALF of the border crashers get in free with no THREAT of deportation, because they can't even be DETAINED, because they've committed no crime by crashing the border..

Presumably this also means that I can just shoot a bird at the Customs station at the Intl Airport when I arrive back home and go right to my car... If the number of APPREHENSIONS for this year is going past 1 million, than there's AT LEAST another million getting in scot free with no criminality when you "decriminalize illegal entry".. That and ABOLISHING ICE or DEFYING ICE which is FAR more popular than you admit, makes these proposals an "open border" policy....

Do I have to come up with 10 or 12 candidates of your tribe saying "no one is illegal"? Or maybe you can find ONE leading Democrat that even has the gonads to say the things that OBAMA said about controlling our border...

If you don't even CARE about child trafficking in the multiple THOUSANDS per year, I don't suspect you're genuinely concerned about the kids or the humanitarian implications of this crisis... Can't you just SAY that is wrong and we should work to STOP IT ?????
If you follow the links, it says that they could not get an answer on whether the 30% was for all the immigrants, or forthe special immigrants they singled out, in which they believed to be suspicious in some manner....

It's 30% of the 100 or so they tested --- where the agents had REASON to suspect some kind of problem..

It's not a secret.. It's not from a whistle-blower.. The DETAILS of this pilot program and the results are on the ICE website..
The politicians you are defending don't.. They were offered a BIGGER DACA solution than they were asking for 2 or 3 times and wouldn't buy in because the offer was to fund more SECURITY at the border...

I'm in favor of DACA also... That's why I'm so PISSED at the Dems... They're USING the crisis to the disadvantage of finding ANY solutions...
I think you are mistaken on that... the deal was not broken because of the Democrats, but due to the President, and his changed demands on cutting LEGAL immigration... Read this below, on it!

President Donald Trump has rebuffed numerous opportunities to secure billions for a border wall, and with Democrats set to take control of the House that goal could be out of reach for good.

Trump’s best chance for border wall funding at the level he wants came in February 2018, when Republican Senator Mike Rounds teamed up with independent Senator Angus King on compromise immigration legislation.

It included $25 billion over a decade to build a wall along the southern border and a path to citizenship for so-called Dreamers who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. It also barred green card holders from sponsoring adult children for permanent residency and reoriented enforcement priorities to focus on criminals in the country illegally.

Trump torched the bill as a "giant amnesty" for narrowing the scope of deportations, and complained that it didn’t end diversity visas or stop "chain migration" -- his derisive term for laws that allow American citizens to sponsor siblings and parents for green cards.

Amid fierce White House opposition and a veto threat from Trump, just eight Republican senators voted for the bill. With support from Democrats it got 54 votes, but that was short of the 60 needed to advance in the Senate. A separate immigration proposal backed by Trump got just 39 votes.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
The politicians you are defending don't.. They were offered a BIGGER DACA solution than they were asking for 2 or 3 times and wouldn't buy in because the offer was to fund more SECURITY at the border...

I'm in favor of DACA also... That's why I'm so PISSED at the Dems... They're USING the crisis to the disadvantage of finding ANY solutions...
I think you are mistaken on that... the deal was not broken because of the Democrats, but due to the President, and his changed demands on cutting LEGAL immigration... Read this below, on it!

President Donald Trump has rebuffed numerous opportunities to secure billions for a border wall, and with Democrats set to take control of the House that goal could be out of reach for good.

Trump’s best chance for border wall funding at the level he wants came in February 2018, when Republican Senator Mike Rounds teamed up with independent Senator Angus King on compromise immigration legislation.

It included $25 billion over a decade to build a wall along the southern border and a path to citizenship for so-called Dreamers who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. It also barred green card holders from sponsoring adult children for permanent residency and reoriented enforcement priorities to focus on criminals in the country illegally.

Trump torched the bill as a "giant amnesty" for narrowing the scope of deportations, and complained that it didn’t end diversity visas or stop "chain migration" -- his derisive term for laws that allow American citizens to sponsor siblings and parents for green cards.

Amid fierce White House opposition and a veto threat from Trump, just eight Republican senators voted for the bill. With support from Democrats it got 54 votes, but that was short of the 60 needed to advance in the Senate. A separate immigration proposal backed by Trump got just 39 votes.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

How can you be confused about this?? Republicans offered 85,000 DACA folks an immediate path to citzenship in exchange for border wall funding, an end to Visa lottery and some petty restrictions on chain migration.. 85,000 was MORE than currently existed thru the now defunct Obama Exec order that was shot down by courts...

He didn't "torch" the Republican proposal, the Dems rejected all of the Republican goals. So a FINAL bill contained NOTHING in exchange for DACA. THAT -- he torched.

And so did the entire Congress. All the Dems and the reconcialation process left from the ORIGINAL proposal was some paltry sum for border security that did not INCLUDE real barriers... You can blame McConnell for this as well since he caved to a bill that when voted on would fail.. Rather than pushing for better negotiations.

They had this deal TWICE and the Dems GUTTED it without dealing on it.. And --- they turned around and demanded a "CLEAN" DACA bill with no concessions to border security at all...

DACA kids aren't gonna forget who failed to give them hope and change...
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Thread is not about DACA or general immigration policy.. I'm not discussing ANYTHING that doesn't have to do with the outrageous AVOIDANCE of all my Dem buds of this rent-a-kid ,,, "get in free" situation....
If you follow the links, it says that they could not get an answer on whether the 30% was for all the immigrants, or forthe special immigrants they singled out, in which they believed to be suspicious in some manner....

And that's a pretty important piece of the puzzle to know, before making any kind of sound judgement on this imo.

1- it could be 30% of all children crossing are not with family members

2- or it could be 10% or 20% or 30% of ALL those crossing, were suspicious to them, and those people were DNA tested, and 30% or those 10 % etc... were really not parents and bad apples, but 2/3's of those that they were suspicious of, WERE actually family members.

Basically, it is pretty important to know, which one it is, in order to make further decisions on how to handle the border crossers.

If they were family members, why lie to border patrol?

Well......I would assume that we don't let people with children into this country just because they are family or distant family. Rightfully so. After all, most of us have minor relatives in our family somewhere, and so do these invaders. So is the key to getting into the US packing up one of those family members and head to the border?
I believe it was a sample, where fraud would be more than likely.

Either way the blinds aren't folded over my eyes. If I were running shit we'd have that wall, helicopters, dogs and high pressure hoses. Want to come here do it the right way period, otherwise we're playing hardball. We're a country, not the third world populace toward one-world order shit hole the prog elite desires. I think there are more than a few plans for our demise in place, depending on agenda. The more dumbed-down, lazy, fat, poor and confused we are the easier controlled and the greater disparity in wealth. I believe some see an opportunity for the bubble to burst with a rapid reduction of people. In other terms, the more people and contrary ideas there are the more certain and rapid our demise.
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Depends on what the meaning of "year" is... CBP collects data for the FISCAL YEAR starting in October.. That's the way ALL their charts and graphs are presented... From start of Oct to end Nov of the following year...

That's why the 2018 stats from THEIR websites that I gave you showed a number OVER 500,000... And any org that wants to SLANT the conversation and lie with statistics in their favor has the option to manipulate those official charts and make the numbers smaller...

But WORSE THAN THAT little accounting gimmick is the fact that your phony "fact-checker" has a graph showing BARELY 400,000 for 2018.. Putting the whole GRAPH is deep doo-doo.... Use those phony ass partisan "fact-checkers'" at your own peril....

phony "fact-checker"

phony ass partisan "fact-checkers"

Look at the picture again:


Lo and behold, that's data for fiscal years, starting on the first of October and ending at 30th of September of the following year.

Now, as to those 400k apprehensions in 2018 - the fact check was from June. That quite obviously means, the 2018 data weren't in yet in full because July, August and September had yet to happen.

You couldn't figure that out? But you sure are prepared to render judgement:

phony "fact-checker"

phony ass partisan "fact-checkers"

Turns out, you even had a hunch as to what happened to those 2018 numbers - "Or you just used an OLD source.... " - but you still couldn't stop yourself scolding those phony ass partisan fact-checkers for, in 2018, ignoring the 2019 data.

"So for FISCAL 2019 --- the numbers are on track to MEET OR EXCEED the all time highs in recent history... THAT'S the salient part of why there is an actual crisis... And of course, a phony fact checker would want to ignore all that.."

Whatever. Coyote's point stands. The U.S. dealt with far higher immigration numbers, and no, there were no concentration camps at the border to deal with them. Which, if you think about it, pretty conclusively demonstrates that this is currently an entirely manufactured crisis that serves no discernible purpose other than criminalizing migration and fanning the flames of xenophobia.

Sharing a border with the third world, while waging that phony war on drugs in relevant part on their backs, and after a long history of mass murderous and deleterious meddling into their affairs, a steady stream of migration should be expected, and there it is. And now, under that incompetent, ghoulish clown, the U.S. is shredding the last remainder of its decency and respect for humanity - because "invasion!"
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Thread is not about DACA or general immigration policy.. I'm not discussing ANYTHING that doesn't have to do with the outrageous AVOIDANCE of all my Dem buds of this rent-a-kid ,,, "get in free" situation....

Frankly, and with all due respect, everyone understands your concern. Families in all kinds of desperate situations are looking for a way out, and kids are going to be victimized in a myriad of ways. "Rent-a-kid" (assuming it actually exists) is just one of them.

DNA testing is just diddling around with the symptom. It does not reduce migratory pressure, and closing a "get in free" situation (assuming it actually exists) just results in kids forced on more dangerous, more expensive paths into the U.S., resulting in more kids dying and / or longer servitude to pay the cartels back.

And, seriously, these folks are fleeing some of the most murderous places on earth (outside war zones), and you actually think they are coming, risking their lives on their journey to the U.S., for the overly generous "bennies"? I mean, come on...
I totally support DACA.

The politicians you are defending don't.. They were offered a BIGGER DACA solution than they were asking for 2 or 3 times and wouldn't buy in because the offer was to fund more SECURITY at the border...

I'm in favor of DACA also... That's why I'm so PISSED at the Dems... They're USING the crisis to the disadvantage of finding ANY solutions...

Decriminalizing is not the same as open borders. It means illegals are deported not prosecuted.

You really believe what you just typed? Because it makes no sense.. When Castro and other Presidents says he wants to DECRIMINALIZE illegal entry, it means the UNSEEN HALF of the border crashers get in free with no THREAT of deportation, because they can't even be DETAINED, because they've committed no crime by crashing the border..

Presumably this also means that I can just shoot a bird at the Customs station at the Intl Airport when I arrive back home and go right to my car... If the number of APPREHENSIONS for this year is going past 1 million, than there's AT LEAST another million getting in scot free with no criminality when you "decriminalize illegal entry".. That and ABOLISHING ICE or DEFYING ICE which is FAR more popular than you admit, makes these proposals an "open border" policy....

Do I have to come up with 10 or 12 candidates of your tribe saying "no one is illegal"? Or maybe you can find ONE leading Democrat that even has the gonads to say the things that OBAMA said about controlling our border...

If you don't even CARE about child trafficking in the multiple THOUSANDS per year, I don't suspect you're genuinely concerned about the kids or the humanitarian implications of this crisis... Can't you just SAY that is wrong and we should work to STOP IT ?????
They were absolutely not offered a bigger DACA solution. They were offered a rightwing "comprensive" immigration reform package that did not offer a permanent DACA solution but merely the can down the road.

Schumer offered Trump the wall funding in exchange for DACA. He agreed then reversed. But you blame the Dems and defend Trump. Go figue.
I totally support DACA.

The politicians you are defending don't.. They were offered a BIGGER DACA solution than they were asking for 2 or 3 times and wouldn't buy in because the offer was to fund more SECURITY at the border...

I'm in favor of DACA also... That's why I'm so PISSED at the Dems... They're USING the crisis to the disadvantage of finding ANY solutions...

Decriminalizing is not the same as open borders. It means illegals are deported not prosecuted.

You really believe what you just typed? Because it makes no sense.. When Castro and other Presidents says he wants to DECRIMINALIZE illegal entry, it means the UNSEEN HALF of the border crashers get in free with no THREAT of deportation, because they can't even be DETAINED, because they've committed no crime by crashing the border..

Presumably this also means that I can just shoot a bird at the Customs station at the Intl Airport when I arrive back home and go right to my car... If the number of APPREHENSIONS for this year is going past 1 million, than there's AT LEAST another million getting in scot free with no criminality when you "decriminalize illegal entry".. That and ABOLISHING ICE or DEFYING ICE which is FAR more popular than you admit, makes these proposals an "open border" policy....

Do I have to come up with 10 or 12 candidates of your tribe saying "no one is illegal"? Or maybe you can find ONE leading Democrat that even has the gonads to say the things that OBAMA said about controlling our border...

If you don't even CARE about child trafficking in the multiple THOUSANDS per year, I don't suspect you're genuinely concerned about the kids or the humanitarian implications of this crisis... Can't you just SAY that is wrong and we should work to STOP IT ?????
Child trafficking is wrong and we stop it.

Now how about you? If you really care cant you just say these policies are badly thought through and hugely abusive to children?
Another corpse for the stack of American bodies killed by foreigners.

Ayoola Ajayi, the man suspected in the death of 23-year-old Mackenzie Lueck, was banned from Utah State University after being jailed on suspicion of theft, according to school documents obtained by The Times.

Police reports from campus law enforcement indicated Ajayi was homeless in 2012 and living on the campus with an expired visa. He was accused of stealing an iPad, and police said he used it to play video games and look for a wife to avoid being deported, despite being married at the time.

Prosecutors have until next week to file charges against Ajayi in Lueck’s case. He was booked Friday on suspicion of aggravated murder, kidnapping, obstruction of justice and desecration of a body in connection with the El Segundo woman’s disappearance, according to the Salt Lake City Police Department.

Lueck, a student at the University of Utah, was last seen June 17 after taking a Lyft to North Salt Lake, where authorities say she met with Ajayi. The same day, neighbors reported seeing Ajayi burning something with gasoline in his backyard.

Mackenzie Lueck killing suspect was banned from college, faced police problems, records show

When will we be smart enough to close our borders to everybody, or at the very least, immediately deport people who are a problem?
Lo and behold, that's data for fiscal years, starting on the first of October and ending at 30th of September of the following year.

Then it's an EVEN BIGGER misrepresentation... I was giving them the benefit of an excuse...

From the CBP data link.....


Total for FISCAL year 2018 was 521,000...

Wanna guess at how they plotted 400,000 from that data????

Probably be prudent to check all the OTHER points on that phony fact checker graph if you don't KNOW how they butchered a simple graph point....
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Whatever. Coyote's point stands. The U.S. dealt with far higher immigration numbers, and no, there were no concentration camps at the border to deal with them. Which, if you think about it, pretty conclusively demonstrates that this is currently an entirely manufactured crisis that serves no discernible purpose other than criminalizing migration and fanning the flames of xenophobia.

Don't think there IS a point arguing about how the fact checkers blew their graph for 2018... It was a busy year. And the salient fact is that in Jan 2019 with all the political infighting going on about a "manufactured crisis" the RATE of apprehensions was rising at a historic pace... 2019 is on pace to DOUBLE the stats for 2018 and that's the IMPORTANT point...

Fact checker posts live forever.. But the relevance of them has a half life value of no more than a year in cases like this....
I totally support DACA.

The politicians you are defending don't.. They were offered a BIGGER DACA solution than they were asking for 2 or 3 times and wouldn't buy in because the offer was to fund more SECURITY at the border...

I'm in favor of DACA also... That's why I'm so PISSED at the Dems... They're USING the crisis to the disadvantage of finding ANY solutions...

Decriminalizing is not the same as open borders. It means illegals are deported not prosecuted.

You really believe what you just typed? Because it makes no sense.. When Castro and other Presidents says he wants to DECRIMINALIZE illegal entry, it means the UNSEEN HALF of the border crashers get in free with no THREAT of deportation, because they can't even be DETAINED, because they've committed no crime by crashing the border..

Presumably this also means that I can just shoot a bird at the Customs station at the Intl Airport when I arrive back home and go right to my car... If the number of APPREHENSIONS for this year is going past 1 million, than there's AT LEAST another million getting in scot free with no criminality when you "decriminalize illegal entry".. That and ABOLISHING ICE or DEFYING ICE which is FAR more popular than you admit, makes these proposals an "open border" policy....

Do I have to come up with 10 or 12 candidates of your tribe saying "no one is illegal"? Or maybe you can find ONE leading Democrat that even has the gonads to say the things that OBAMA said about controlling our border...

If you don't even CARE about child trafficking in the multiple THOUSANDS per year, I don't suspect you're genuinely concerned about the kids or the humanitarian implications of this crisis... Can't you just SAY that is wrong and we should work to STOP IT ?????
Child trafficking is wrong and we stop it.

Now how about you? If you really care cant you just say these policies are badly thought through and hugely abusive to children?

I care about it ALL... I care about the skeletons in desert that are common... I care that virtually nothing happens on the Mexican side of border without the Cartels being involved and making a profit.. I care that Honduras has a narco thug dictator as a leader who just stole an election.. We've arrested and indicted 2 members of that jerk's immediate family in the US for marketing and directing the narcotics into the states..

Whenever I hear that "we have to solve these problems AT THE SOURCE" from all the Dems -- I go ballistic.. Because that's naive and stupid to believe that sending MORE MONEY to narco dictators is any kind of solution.. Short of going to war (ISIS style) with the gangs, cartels and corrupt governments down there --- there is NOT MUCH we have the focus to accomplish "at the source"... You want the CIA to WHACK Hernandez and his Admin down in Honduras? That would be a start....

But I particularly care that 1/2 of the political leaders DON'T CARE about moderating or improving immigration laws... And there are PARTISAN reasons for encouraging the stampede to the our border. Like 10 or 16 excess House seats that Dems have gained at the expense of other states (some of them even purple or blue) by STUFFING as many illegals into their state census as possible...

And I care that Dems held DACA folks HOSTAGE after the courts shot down the Obama exec order because the Dems didn't want to give Trump a SINGLE thing in terms of border barriers or end to Visa lottery.... DACA got screwed BECAUSE the DEMS claimed there was no crisis (ignoring the actual human suffering going on) and because they just want this crisis to fester....

The "wall" doesn't change our immigration policies... The OBJECT is to clear EVERYONE through the ports of entry. That is SANE policy design.. And it's humane... Because it takes the cartels and the criminals out of process and out of business of RUNNING their side of the border...

So THIS PROBLEM with the rent-a-kids needs to get addressed.. The unescorted minor problem needs to gets fixed... And my current government is INCAPABLE of any of that..

Yeah -- I'm upset.. But I EXPECT this from 2 dying brand parties wrapped in a grudge death match...

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