DNA testing reveals a THIRD of migrants faked family relationship with children to claim asylum

I'm not reading it that way at all Flac. What I am reading is that WHEN they suspect fraud, they seperate them - and out of that subgroup, 30% are found to have indeed committed that fraud. That also means out of that subgroup - 70% did not commit fraud. What that tells me is, first - the agents who are trained (unlike the politicians supporting 100% seperation) to spot this are doing a pretty good job. What it does NOT say is the 30 percent of all migrants are trafficking kids. It says 30% of those suspected of trafficking (a subgroup) are indeed trafficking.

This is not "just fraud".. This is kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse.. So I don't care whether the percentage is 30% or 10%... It's abominable...

They MAY be good guessers or maybe they're not.. But all of this test group was pulled from folks turning themselves in or going thru checkpoints. And that's LESS than 40% of the number coming in through the open border with the cartel coyotes.. The coyotes USE "families" to tie up CBP while they do their drug runs...

So perhaps, this number is high because they are GOOD guessers, or because the sample is not representative. MAYBE the problem is smaller, maybe it's larger... You did not answer the question --- Don't you want to know??? Any token humanity in a soul would make people WANT TO KNOW......

VERIFY: Report claiming one third of families seeking asylum in US aren't related is misleading

The pilot program found 30% of the migrants tested weren’t actually related to the children they were with. What's left out is that authorities only tested migrants that they already suspected were with children not their own.

A Washington Examiner story reporting on this same pilot program stated the rapid DNA tests were of adult immigrants who were suspected of arriving at the southern border with children other than their own. It stated about 30% of those tested were found to be unrelated to the children they were with.

An ICE official confirmed to VERIFY that there was a pilot program for DNA testing of migrant adults suspected of fraudulently posing as families. The ICE official also confirmed that the number in the Examiner story -- 30% -- was correct.

The official said fraudulent families are already being identified without DNA testing through law enforcement observations, documented evidence or other intelligence by various teams.

ICE officers are trained to identify potential fraud and human trafficking - if they suspect it, the pilot program does DNA testing. Nothing wrong with that. It helps stop REAL cases of trafficking without harrassing legitimate families. Too bad the OP lied.

It just means that ICE is CORRECT 30% of the time they SUSPECT this vile fraud... So this pilot program probably DOES lead to a VERY LARGE NUMBER of stolen, rented or otherwise snatched kids being trafficked.

If it's 30% of a suspected group and ICE turns out to be pretty good at guessing, that might make it 10 or 15% of ALL the kids being dragged across the border...

Should have been doing this YEARS ago.... Don't you agree? Because all this talk about decriminalizing border crossing and getting released IF YOU RENT a kid is what's causing this refugee stream.... Those Dems played directly to the Telemundo audience down in Latin America.. And MILLIONS are probably their trip as we speak...

I'm not reading it that way at all Flac. What I am reading is that WHEN they suspect fraud, they seperate them - and out of that subgroup, 30% are found to have indeed committed that fraud. That also means out of that subgroup - 70% did not commit fraud. What that tells me is, first - the agents who are trained (unlike the politicians supporting 100% seperation) to spot this are doing a pretty good job. What it does NOT say is the 30 percent of all migrants are trafficking kids. It says 30% of those suspected of trafficking (a subgroup) are indeed trafficking.

Secondly, you say "they should have been doing this years ago"...well, the short answer is: they have. I don't know about DNA tests because that is a relatively new technology to use at the border, but they have for years seperated migrants suspected of trafficking or not being related to the kids they have in tow. And - frankly, the Dems you seem to be blaming for this and the public in general, have long supported this practice. No one wants to see child trafficking.

What does kind of bother me is this...(and it should bother you as well):

Separating families without any suspician of trafficking. That policy was NOT undertaken as a means of reducing trafficking, THAT excuse was an after thought. The reasons for seperation were clearly articulated by Trump and members of his Administration and those reasons were to provide deterrence to would be immigrants and asylum seekers.

Transcript: White House Chief Of Staff John Kelly's Interview With NPR

The results of these ongoing policies (which, despite the faux claims made by the right) are a big part what is producing the humanitarian nightmare at the border now and in that sense it is a self made crisis. Look at Border Apprehensions:


They are going up, but they are still not up to the level under Obama and all of it is a far cry from the 90's. So what exactly is causing a "crisis" that is leading to horrendous over crowding, dangerous and unhealthy situations for children and adults and, in fact - abusive practices and what is coming to light as an increasingly abusive CULTURE within the border security profession?

Funding. Why is not more funding going to increasing the resources needed to more rapidly process these people so that long term detention (much more expensive) is not necessary? It would seem that resources are going to ENFORCEMENT - rounding up, detaining and deporting people, instead of taking care of what is actually going on at the border. This is leading to horrendous, substandard conditions for adults and children that does not bode well. And it is frankly, abuse. Child abuse. It's been in all the news, and it just gets uglier, not better. Forget "enforcement" other than violent criminals, of those within our country until we clean up the crisis at our holding facilities and we create more tolerable policies and FUND them appropriately. The issue of trafficking is not the most urgent one at this moment.

The other thing is the term "decriminalization".

The history of the southern border is interesting. It was not a crime to cross the border until 1929. The US could deport unauthorized immigrants but it didn't prosecute them. In 1929, as a attempt to restrict Mexicans specifically, it became a misdemeanor on the first attempt and a felony on the second attempt. In 1996, Clinton passed much harsher immigration laws that increased the prosecution and detention of illegal immigrants. It wasn't heavily prosecuted until President Bush, which continued under Obama, and rose under Trump, with his policy of "100% prosecution". And in part - that is why we are where we are here now because those laws form the basis for Trump's policy rationale.

So where has that left us? Forced family seperation, abused and traumatized parents and children, children lost within the system, children warehoused in huge incampments, parents deported without their children.

What is the answer here? There are those who claim that if we have a law it must be prosecuted (100%) but the reality is - they never are. You have finite resources and finite manpower so you make decisions on where to prioritize enforcement. We don't prosecute jaywalking 100% (and those who claim all illegals should be prosecuted are somewhat selective in the crimes they feel should be prosecuted) - but we may enforce it more heavily in areas that are particularly risky, where pedestrian accidents are more common. Likewise with illegal immigration - we prioritize violent crimes, fraud, trafficking for prosecution. Should we completely decriminalize? Probably not. Should we repeal the 1996 laws? Should we alter our policies? Is the status quo at the border detention facilities sustainable in your view?

The other factor is that the current situation is not primarily motivated by "pull factors" - people aren't fleeing El Salvador, Honduras and Guatamala because they want a cushy life on welfare in the US. The fact that the right seeks to promote that is indicative of a systemic attempt to dehumanize migrants (and maybe it makes it easier to promote and support abusive policies?). These illegal immigrants typically come here to work, work mulitple low paying jobs, and tolerate conditions many Americans would not. What's pushing them out is a complex mixture of climate change (there is a multi-year drought in affect covering portions of those countries), severe poverty, political and social violence, and few recourses for the citizens.

What is the solution to the crisis at the border? Not the policies that the current administration has been promoting. At over two years of these policies the situation is worse even though number of border detentions is still well below that of preceding administrations.

You need to fire your propagandist fact checker unless you're allergic to independent research and thinking. They are making asses out of the lazy rabid partisans.

.. Apprehensions at the Southern Border JUST the past 7 months of this year are at 600,000.. Of that number about 1/2 are "family units" or "unescorted minors" wanting Uncle Sam to be their mommy and daddy.. 56,000 MINORS WITHOUT a parent.... That's a whole medium city size Unk Sam ORPHANAGE just thru the 1st half of this gvt fiscal year...

I think your fact manipulator also LIED about 2018 by about 100,000 apprehensions. This is only 1/2 or LESS of the entries.. The same amount or MORE come in completely un-recorded and un-apprehended. That makes the fucking "fact check" graph a POS and SPINNING of the actual magnitude of the problem. Maybe fraud...

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection


Southwest Border Unaccompanied Alien Child 4,966 5,259 4,753 5,107 6,818 8,968 8,900 11,507 56,278
Family Units* 23,116 25,164 27,507 24,189 36,531 53,208 58,724 84,542 332,981
Single Adult 22,926 21,433 18,488 18,684 23,535 30,664 31,680 36,838 204,248
Southwest Border Total Apprehensions
51,008 51,856 50,748 47,980 66,884 92,840 99,304 132,887 593,507

This sharp rise in the economic refugee stream is directly related to all the hyper-partisan advertising for free stuff and free admission to US for migrants.. Those debates went out on Telemundo to ALL of Latin America.. Expect that your tribe is gonna boost that stream as much as they can....
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This is not "just fraud".. This is kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse.. So I don't care whether the percentage is 30% or 10%... It's abominable...

Oh my gawd.

They may have tested 30% of those coming in, or they may have tested 10 groups. They may have gotten a clue when the supposed "dad" was 25, with a 15 year-old son, or some such. And no, this is not "kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse." That's just your hysteria playing tricks with you. Not even the whistle-blower (that wasn't, as whistle-blowers report on government wrongdoing) alleged that criminality was involved. And you certainly don't know.

What's abominable is your attempts to depict a mass criminality situation at the border based on next to nothing, following diligently Trump's earlier attempts at the same sleazy tactics - remember the girls hand-cuffed and with duct tape over their mouths in SUVs at the border? Sure you do. You're touting the same horn.

SMH. It's been the exact same since at least two centuries: The newcomers were always, always decried as crime- and disease-ridden subhumans, capable of unconscionable atrocity, to fan the flames of xenophobia, no matter whence they came. Nothing changes, and nothing is ever being learned from the past experience in the United States of Hysteria.
This is not "just fraud".. This is kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse.. So I don't care whether the percentage is 30% or 10%... It's abominable...

Oh my gawd.

They may have tested 30% of those coming in, or they may have tested 10 groups. They may have gotten a clue when the supposed "dad" was 25, with a 15 year-old son, or some such. And no, this is not "kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse." That's just your hysteria playing tricks with you. Not even the whistle-blower (that wasn't, as whistle-blowers report on government wrongdoing) alleged that criminality was involved. And you certainly don't know.

What's abominable is your attempts to depict a mass criminality situation at the border based on next to nothing, following diligently Trump's earlier attempts at the same sleazy tactics - remember the girls hand-cuffed and with duct tape over their mouths in SUVs at the border? Sure you do. You're touting the same horn.

SMH. It's been the exact same since at least two centuries: The newcomers were always, always decried as crime- and disease-ridden subhumans, capable of unconscionable atrocity, to fan the flames of xenophobia, no matter whence they came. Nothing changes, and nothing is ever being learned from the past experience in the United States of Hysteria.

Let me ask: If the police pulled you over, and you had a child you lied about and said was yours, and the authorities found out, what do you think would happen to you for crossing state lines with a minor?

You people on the left constantly use children to promote your Nazi-Socialst causes. You use children to promote your gun confiscation agenda, you use children to promote the takeover of nutrition in schools, you use children to promote your mindless global warming nonsense, you use children for everything.

But here we have a case, with scientific evidence, that these children are being brought here like freight by people who lie and say the children are theirs, and suddenly, the scientific evidence is irrelevant. Suddenly, the percentage of children are not high enough for your concern. As typical of a leftist, you make excuses for the liars and criminals.
The best use for our money is to use it to keep those people out of here. Then we wouldn't be having bed and toothbrush problems. If you want to take care of the rest of the world, fine. There are plenty of charities out there and you can give YOUR money to any group that takes care of people in the selected country of your choice.

The best use of your money is to go to their home countries and rid those countries of the narco terrorists, and to start fighting the climate change driving the drought. But you aren't smart enough to do that. You'll continue to support building a useless wall, and closing the border, but you won't do anything about the root causes of this migration.

Oh, so climate change is doing it now.

You say I'm not smart enough, and then tell me we should control the climate? Oh the irony.

Unless we start a war with these countries, we would need their request for aid in fighting these drug lords and terrorists. I've never seen any such request because their governments are in bed with the bad guys.

Eventually, maybe you'll pull your head out of the sand and recognize that climate change is affecting a great many things. There is a severe drought affecting Guatamala, Hondoras and parts of El Salvador...where most of the families fleeing are coming from. You think that might have something to do with conditions forcing them out?

Changing climate forces desperate Guatemalans to migrate
After months of subsisting almost exclusively on plain corn tortillas and salt, his eyes and cheeks appear sunken in, his skin stretched thin over bone. The majority of his neighbors look the same.

It’s the height of rainy season in Guatemala, but in the village of Conacaste, Chiquimula, the rains came months too late, then stopped altogether. Méndez López’s crops shriveled and died before producing a single ear of corn. Now, with a dwindling supply of food, and no source of income, he’s wondering how he’ll be able to feed his six young children.

“This is the worst drought we’ve ever had,” says Méndez López, toeing the parched earth with the tip of his boot. “We’ve lost absolutely everything. If things don’t improve, we’ll be forced to migrate somewhere else. We can’t go on like this.”

Guatemala is consistently listed among the world’s 10 most vulnerable nations to the effects of climate change. Increasingly erratic climate patterns have produced year after year of failed harvests and dwindling work opportunities across the country, forcing more and more people like Méndez López to consider migration in a last-ditch effort to escape skyrocketing levels of food insecurity and poverty.

So they're having a drought. How is that our fault and why should we be the ones to suffer for it? We have droughts in our country too. That's nature.


Who says it's "our fault"? It isn't. But it affects us. So go and bury your head in the sand again.

I'm not burying anything. If your contention is that their drought is not our fault, why are we responsible for allowing these people to enter our country and have taxpayers take care of them? Why did you bring it up in the first place?

We have nearly 8 billion people in this world; many of them experiencing droughts, floods, diseases, starvation, lack of education. So how many of these 8 billion should this country of 21 trillion in debt take care of?

Leftist led cities have people sleeping on their streets, sometimes forming tent cities. They won't even rent a port-a-potty for these people. Yet we should be worried about people from hundreds of miles away to take care of.
They may have tested 30% of those coming in, or they may have tested 10 groups. They may have gotten a clue when the supposed "dad" was 25, with a 15 year-old son, or some such. And no, this is not "kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse." That's just your hysteria playing tricks with you. Not even the whistle-blower (that wasn't, as whistle-blowers report on government wrongdoing) alleged that criminality was involved. And you certainly don't know.

Let's not make this more complicated and GUESS at what they did in this pilot program. THe articles cited in previous pages explain all of that...

I'll ask again... No answers so far from the leftists.. Don't you WANNA KNOW what the numbers are for this heinous criminal act????
And no, this is not "kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse." That's just your hysteria playing tricks with you.

You know you're a certified ass wart.. Whether it was OBVIOUS OR NOT -- it's still a heinous crime.. Especially if the drug cartel coyotes are profiting from this.. And you don't care.. Because you're an ass wart with a selective sense of right and wrong...

All of your demented leaders are lying about the situation and proposing things that only make this problem worse.....
From the ICE website link that Disir supplied on page 1 -- THE GOVERNMENT calls this a heinous crime, not just fraud...

ICE awards new contract for rapid DNA testing at southwest border, expands pilot program

From the three-day operation, 84 family units who presented indicia of fraud were tested. Of those tested, 16 family units were identified as fraudulent, and the adults involved in the fraud may face criminal charges related to: identity and benefit fraud, alien smuggling, human trafficking and child exploitation.

And more that link.. In ONE MONTH without the DNA testing, CBP/ICE confirmed 275 fraudulent families. That's WELL over 5000 a YEAR at the increased rate since that number below was reported.... That's enough for any CARING person to be more than concerned...

ICE continues to take a multi-pronged approach to combat fraud by those claiming to be family units and rely on a myriad of data inputs to determine whether a group presenting as a family unit presents with indicia of fraud, based on intelligence gathering, interviews, documentary evidence, or other law enforcement observations.

Between mid-April and June 14, ICE has identified approximately 275 fraudulent families, uncovered 735 fraudulent documents or claims, and presented 553 individuals for prosecution to the Department of Justice.

From the ICE website link that Disir supplied on page 1 -- THE GOVERNMENT calls this a heinous crime, not just fraud...

ICE awards new contract for rapid DNA testing at southwest border, expands pilot program

From the three-day operation, 84 family units who presented indicia of fraud were tested. Of those tested, 16 family units were identified as fraudulent, and the adults involved in the fraud may face criminal charges related to: identity and benefit fraud, alien smuggling, human trafficking and child exploitation.

And more that link.. In ONE MONTH without the DNA testing, CBP/ICE confirmed 275 fraudulent families. That's WELL over 5000 a YEAR at the increased rate since that number below was reported.... That's enough for any CARING person to be more than concerned...

ICE continues to take a multi-pronged approach to combat fraud by those claiming to be family units and rely on a myriad of data inputs to determine whether a group presenting as a family unit presents with indicia of fraud, based on intelligence gathering, interviews, documentary evidence, or other law enforcement observations.

Between mid-April and June 14, ICE has identified approximately 275 fraudulent families, uncovered 735 fraudulent documents or claims, and presented 553 individuals for prosecution to the Department of Justice.

CBP is doing it’s job. That is good.

275 fraudulent families in two months out of thousands. In February 76,000 migants crossed the border. Just to put it in perspective.

Yet the rightists and their demented leaders refuse to call the conditions these kids are being kept in a heinous crime. Why is that?
This is not "just fraud".. This is kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse.. So I don't care whether the percentage is 30% or 10%... It's abominable...

Oh my gawd.

They may have tested 30% of those coming in, or they may have tested 10 groups. They may have gotten a clue when the supposed "dad" was 25, with a 15 year-old son, or some such. And no, this is not "kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse." That's just your hysteria playing tricks with you. Not even the whistle-blower (that wasn't, as whistle-blowers report on government wrongdoing) alleged that criminality was involved. And you certainly don't know.

What's abominable is your attempts to depict a mass criminality situation at the border based on next to nothing, following diligently Trump's earlier attempts at the same sleazy tactics - remember the girls hand-cuffed and with duct tape over their mouths in SUVs at the border? Sure you do. You're touting the same horn.

SMH. It's been the exact same since at least two centuries: The newcomers were always, always decried as crime- and disease-ridden subhumans, capable of unconscionable atrocity, to fan the flames of xenophobia, no matter whence they came. Nothing changes, and nothing is ever being learned from the past experience in the United States of Hysteria.

Let me ask: If the police pulled you over, and you had a child you lied about and said was yours, and the authorities found out, what do you think would happen to you for crossing state lines with a minor?

You people on the left constantly use children to promote your Nazi-Socialst causes. You use children to promote your gun confiscation agenda, you use children to promote the takeover of nutrition in schools, you use children to promote your mindless global warming nonsense, you use children for everything.

But here we have a case, with scientific evidence, that these children are being brought here like freight by people who lie and say the children are theirs, and suddenly, the scientific evidence is irrelevant. Suddenly, the percentage of children are not high enough for your concern. As typical of a leftist, you make excuses for the liars and criminals.

Using children to promote your own causes (Nazi? Seriously?)...isn’t that what you are doing? Using the relatively small number of trafficked children caught by border control to distract from or justify the conditions those detained are being kept under? Aren’t you making excuses for liars and criminals?
I'm not reading it that way at all Flac. What I am reading is that WHEN they suspect fraud, they seperate them - and out of that subgroup, 30% are found to have indeed committed that fraud. That also means out of that subgroup - 70% did not commit fraud. What that tells me is, first - the agents who are trained (unlike the politicians supporting 100% seperation) to spot this are doing a pretty good job. What it does NOT say is the 30 percent of all migrants are trafficking kids. It says 30% of those suspected of trafficking (a subgroup) are indeed trafficking.

This sharp rise in the economic refugee stream is directly related to all the hyper-partisan advertising for free stuff and free admission to US for migrants.. Those debates went out on Telemundo to ALL of Latin America.. Expect that your tribe is gonna boost that stream as much as they can....

You seriously believe that bullcrap? How about showing us some data to support that claim.

Some how I suspect things like drought in a country where most of the children show signs of malnutrition, severe violence and extreme poverty might be a more compelling factor. Perhaps you can show me some of this advertising for free stuff cause it seems these people are working pretty hard.
This is not "just fraud".. This is kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse.. So I don't care whether the percentage is 30% or 10%... It's abominable...

Oh my gawd.

They may have tested 30% of those coming in, or they may have tested 10 groups. They may have gotten a clue when the supposed "dad" was 25, with a 15 year-old son, or some such. And no, this is not "kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse." That's just your hysteria playing tricks with you. Not even the whistle-blower (that wasn't, as whistle-blowers report on government wrongdoing) alleged that criminality was involved. And you certainly don't know.

What's abominable is your attempts to depict a mass criminality situation at the border based on next to nothing, following diligently Trump's earlier attempts at the same sleazy tactics - remember the girls hand-cuffed and with duct tape over their mouths in SUVs at the border? Sure you do. You're touting the same horn.

SMH. It's been the exact same since at least two centuries: The newcomers were always, always decried as crime- and disease-ridden subhumans, capable of unconscionable atrocity, to fan the flames of xenophobia, no matter whence they came. Nothing changes, and nothing is ever being learned from the past experience in the United States of Hysteria.

Let me ask: If the police pulled you over, and you had a child you lied about and said was yours, and the authorities found out, what do you think would happen to you for crossing state lines with a minor?

You people on the left constantly use children to promote your Nazi-Socialst causes. You use children to promote your gun confiscation agenda, you use children to promote the takeover of nutrition in schools, you use children to promote your mindless global warming nonsense, you use children for everything.

But here we have a case, with scientific evidence, that these children are being brought here like freight by people who lie and say the children are theirs, and suddenly, the scientific evidence is irrelevant. Suddenly, the percentage of children are not high enough for your concern. As typical of a leftist, you make excuses for the liars and criminals.

Using children to promote your own causes (Nazi? Seriously?)...isn’t that what you are doing? Using the relatively small number of trafficked children caught by border control to distract from or justify the conditions those detained are being kept under? Aren’t you making excuses for liars and criminals?

THousands of trafficked, abducted children a year is a "small problem" to you?? At 5000 a year, that's about 20,000 kids in danger while Congress has diddled for 4 years.. TWICE that if you count the illegals that DIDN'T get apprehended... It's not a "small problem"... It's an admission of FAILURE by your government to fulfill their immigration/naturalization duties....

WHY are they doing this? Because they KNOW -- you bring a kid -- you get released...

And who is pushing that shit? And broadcasting directly via Telemundo to all of Latin America that they want to decriminalize entering the country outside of ports of entry, not detain them for asylum hearings, and provide free benefits to them?

Renting a kid from the bad guys is like a golden ticket...
You seriously believe that bullcrap? How about showing us some data to support that claim.

New York and California becoming "sanctuary states".. Nobody is Illegal. The movement to abolish ICE.. The free shit several mayors and governors are offering.. Bring a kid -- get released at the border... Registration to vote... Free healthcare. Other benefits.. This has been the advertising the Dem socialists have done..

That CBP graph I showed you shot clear up to sky about Nov last year as the election cycle started to gear up.. Outpaced EVERY year prior while Dems were screaming "no crisis"...

It's all morally repugnant... Because they are pushing open borders for sinister partisan power purposes... This whole fight over the census is because Cali and New York are STEALING congressional seats from about 10 other states by packing their census with illegals... That's why all the "advertising" and pandering...
I'm not reading it that way at all Flac. What I am reading is that WHEN they suspect fraud, they seperate them - and out of that subgroup, 30% are found to have indeed committed that fraud. That also means out of that subgroup - 70% did not commit fraud. What that tells me is, first - the agents who are trained (unlike the politicians supporting 100% seperation) to spot this are doing a pretty good job. What it does NOT say is the 30 percent of all migrants are trafficking kids. It says 30% of those suspected of trafficking (a subgroup) are indeed trafficking.

This is not "just fraud".. This is kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse.. So I don't care whether the percentage is 30% or 10%... It's abominable...

They MAY be good guessers or maybe they're not.. But all of this test group was pulled from folks turning themselves in or going thru checkpoints. And that's LESS than 40% of the number coming in through the open border with the cartel coyotes.. The coyotes USE "families" to tie up CBP while they do their drug runs...

So perhaps, this number is high because they are GOOD guessers, or because the sample is not representative. MAYBE the problem is smaller, maybe it's larger... You did not answer the question --- Don't you want to know??? Any token humanity in a soul would make people WANT TO KNOW......

VERIFY: Report claiming one third of families seeking asylum in US aren't related is misleading

The pilot program found 30% of the migrants tested weren’t actually related to the children they were with. What's left out is that authorities only tested migrants that they already suspected were with children not their own.

A Washington Examiner story reporting on this same pilot program stated the rapid DNA tests were of adult immigrants who were suspected of arriving at the southern border with children other than their own. It stated about 30% of those tested were found to be unrelated to the children they were with.

An ICE official confirmed to VERIFY that there was a pilot program for DNA testing of migrant adults suspected of fraudulently posing as families. The ICE official also confirmed that the number in the Examiner story -- 30% -- was correct.

The official said fraudulent families are already being identified without DNA testing through law enforcement observations, documented evidence or other intelligence by various teams.

ICE officers are trained to identify potential fraud and human trafficking - if they suspect it, the pilot program does DNA testing. Nothing wrong with that. It helps stop REAL cases of trafficking without harrassing legitimate families. Too bad the OP lied.

It just means that ICE is CORRECT 30% of the time they SUSPECT this vile fraud... So this pilot program probably DOES lead to a VERY LARGE NUMBER of stolen, rented or otherwise snatched kids being trafficked.

If it's 30% of a suspected group and ICE turns out to be pretty good at guessing, that might make it 10 or 15% of ALL the kids being dragged across the border...

Should have been doing this YEARS ago.... Don't you agree? Because all this talk about decriminalizing border crossing and getting released IF YOU RENT a kid is what's causing this refugee stream.... Those Dems played directly to the Telemundo audience down in Latin America.. And MILLIONS are probably their trip as we speak...

I'm not reading it that way at all Flac. What I am reading is that WHEN they suspect fraud, they seperate them - and out of that subgroup, 30% are found to have indeed committed that fraud. That also means out of that subgroup - 70% did not commit fraud. What that tells me is, first - the agents who are trained (unlike the politicians supporting 100% seperation) to spot this are doing a pretty good job. What it does NOT say is the 30 percent of all migrants are trafficking kids. It says 30% of those suspected of trafficking (a subgroup) are indeed trafficking.

Secondly, you say "they should have been doing this years ago"...well, the short answer is: they have. I don't know about DNA tests because that is a relatively new technology to use at the border, but they have for years seperated migrants suspected of trafficking or not being related to the kids they have in tow. And - frankly, the Dems you seem to be blaming for this and the public in general, have long supported this practice. No one wants to see child trafficking.

What does kind of bother me is this...(and it should bother you as well):

Separating families without any suspician of trafficking. That policy was NOT undertaken as a means of reducing trafficking, THAT excuse was an after thought. The reasons for seperation were clearly articulated by Trump and members of his Administration and those reasons were to provide deterrence to would be immigrants and asylum seekers.

Transcript: White House Chief Of Staff John Kelly's Interview With NPR

The results of these ongoing policies (which, despite the faux claims made by the right) are a big part what is producing the humanitarian nightmare at the border now and in that sense it is a self made crisis. Look at Border Apprehensions:


They are going up, but they are still not up to the level under Obama and all of it is a far cry from the 90's. So what exactly is causing a "crisis" that is leading to horrendous over crowding, dangerous and unhealthy situations for children and adults and, in fact - abusive practices and what is coming to light as an increasingly abusive CULTURE within the border security profession?

Funding. Why is not more funding going to increasing the resources needed to more rapidly process these people so that long term detention (much more expensive) is not necessary? It would seem that resources are going to ENFORCEMENT - rounding up, detaining and deporting people, instead of taking care of what is actually going on at the border. This is leading to horrendous, substandard conditions for adults and children that does not bode well. And it is frankly, abuse. Child abuse. It's been in all the news, and it just gets uglier, not better. Forget "enforcement" other than violent criminals, of those within our country until we clean up the crisis at our holding facilities and we create more tolerable policies and FUND them appropriately. The issue of trafficking is not the most urgent one at this moment.

The other thing is the term "decriminalization".

The history of the southern border is interesting. It was not a crime to cross the border until 1929. The US could deport unauthorized immigrants but it didn't prosecute them. In 1929, as a attempt to restrict Mexicans specifically, it became a misdemeanor on the first attempt and a felony on the second attempt. In 1996, Clinton passed much harsher immigration laws that increased the prosecution and detention of illegal immigrants. It wasn't heavily prosecuted until President Bush, which continued under Obama, and rose under Trump, with his policy of "100% prosecution". And in part - that is why we are where we are here now because those laws form the basis for Trump's policy rationale.

So where has that left us? Forced family seperation, abused and traumatized parents and children, children lost within the system, children warehoused in huge incampments, parents deported without their children.

What is the answer here? There are those who claim that if we have a law it must be prosecuted (100%) but the reality is - they never are. You have finite resources and finite manpower so you make decisions on where to prioritize enforcement. We don't prosecute jaywalking 100% (and those who claim all illegals should be prosecuted are somewhat selective in the crimes they feel should be prosecuted) - but we may enforce it more heavily in areas that are particularly risky, where pedestrian accidents are more common. Likewise with illegal immigration - we prioritize violent crimes, fraud, trafficking for prosecution. Should we completely decriminalize? Probably not. Should we repeal the 1996 laws? Should we alter our policies? Is the status quo at the border detention facilities sustainable in your view?

The other factor is that the current situation is not primarily motivated by "pull factors" - people aren't fleeing El Salvador, Honduras and Guatamala because they want a cushy life on welfare in the US. The fact that the right seeks to promote that is indicative of a systemic attempt to dehumanize migrants (and maybe it makes it easier to promote and support abusive policies?). These illegal immigrants typically come here to work, work mulitple low paying jobs, and tolerate conditions many Americans would not. What's pushing them out is a complex mixture of climate change (there is a multi-year drought in affect covering portions of those countries), severe poverty, political and social violence, and few recourses for the citizens.

What is the solution to the crisis at the border? Not the policies that the current administration has been promoting. At over two years of these policies the situation is worse even though number of border detentions is still well below that of preceding administrations.

You need to fire your propagandist fact checker unless you're allergic to independent research and thinking. They are making asses out of the lazy rabid partisans.

You seem to think only the leftists are rabid partisans. Funny that. What is your tribe trying to boost? And yes you have a tribe, you seldom criticize the right/Trump.

.. Apprehensions at the Southern Border JUST the past 7 months of this year are at 600,000.. Of that number about 1/2 are "family units" or "unescorted minors" wanting Uncle Sam to be their mommy and daddy.. 56,000 MINORS WITHOUT a parent.... That's a whole medium city size Unk Sam ORPHANAGE just thru the 1st half of this gvt fiscal year...

I think your fact manipulator also LIED about 2018 by about 100,000 apprehensions. This is only 1/2 or LESS of the entries.. The same amount or MORE come in completely un-recorded and un-apprehended. That makes the fucking "fact check" graph a POS and SPINNING of the actual magnitude of the problem. Maybe fraud...

Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection


Southwest Border Unaccompanied Alien Child 4,966 5,259 4,753 5,107 6,818 8,968 8,900 11,507 56,278
Family Units* 23,116 25,164 27,507 24,189 36,531 53,208 58,724 84,542 332,981
Single Adult 22,926 21,433 18,488 18,684 23,535 30,664 31,680 36,838 204,248
Southwest Border Total Apprehensions
51,008 51,856 50,748 47,980 66,884 92,840 99,304 132,887 593,507
[migrants.. Those debates went out on Telemundo to ALL of Latin America.. Expect that your tribe is gonna boost that stream as much as they can....

According to PEW:
There were nearly 467,000 apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2018, the most for any calendar year since at least 2012, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of the most recent available data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The increase was driven in part by a dramatic spike in border apprehensions of family members at the end of last year.

Despite the increase, the number of border apprehensions in 2018 remained far below the levels throughout most of the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, when around 1 million or more migrants were being apprehended each fiscal year.

So no, my source wasn’t off by 100,000 and it was accurate in that it was not as high as 2012 or prior years which is the main point I was making.

Also, the number unaccompanied minors is lower than 2014.

Fact is your crisis is in part self inflicted due to POS policies exacerbating the situation and perpetrating it for your tribes own political purposes - rally the base!
You seriously believe that bullcrap? How about showing us some data to support that claim.

New York and California becoming "sanctuary states".. Nobody is Illegal. The movement to abolish ICE.. The free shit several mayors and governors are offering.. Bring a kid -- get released at the border... Registration to vote... Free healthcare. Other benefits.. This has been the advertising the Dem socialists have done..

That CBP graph I showed you shot clear up to sky about Nov last year as the election cycle started to gear up.. Outpaced EVERY year prior while Dems were screaming "no crisis"...

It's all morally repugnant... Because they are pushing open borders for sinister partisan power purposes... This whole fight over the census is because Cali and New York are STEALING congressional seats from about 10 other states by packing their census with illegals... That's why all the "advertising" and pandering...

Show me data that says migrants are coming FOR those reasons. I am not buying it nor am I buying the Republican’s screeching about stealing congressional seats or open borders. We had much higher illegal immigration rates a couple decades ago. There is very little support for for open borders. More tribal fear mongering to encourage partisan warfare and rally the base. Like “socialism” it is a magic buzzword.
There is very little support for for open borders.

Except for 99.9% of democrat politicians, 99.9% of MSM fake news broadcasters, 99.9% of Hollywood and Academia, etc. :p

More tribal fear mongering to encourage partisan warfare and rally the base.

That is projection. The invasion supported by the establishment of my country is based on tribal warfare against White people. It is a stealth genocide. :mad:
When you grow up in their condition, you MIGHT have something to say.
When was the last time you walked 2000 miles?
As they say " if you haven't been there you have zero to say"
Might be useful if you knew the def of liberal.
Latin, free
For the individual and small gov
As a tax paying citizen that lives in a free society I have every fucking right to an opinion on any subject. When was the last time your definition applied to .Liberals in the US ?
And no, this is not "kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse." That's just your hysteria playing tricks with you.

You know you're a certified ass wart.. Whether it was OBVIOUS OR NOT -- it's still a heinous crime.. Especially if the drug cartel coyotes are profiting from this.. And you don't care.. Because you're an ass wart with a selective sense of right and wrong...

All of your demented leaders are lying about the situation and proposing things that only make this problem worse.....

A "certified ass wart". Is that a new one in your ongoing self-debasement?

You know, let's close down State borders in the U.S., and make everyone traveling across with a child take a DNA test. There may be child traffickers among them. Or, are so callous and uncaring a person, you don't even want to know? I am absolutely sure you are going to catch quite a number of dads who will be made to discover they aren't. You gonna criminalize them all?

If you think DNA testing solves the child trafficking problem, you are patently mistaken. The coyotes will be the first to learn about it, and they'll devise even more devious, even more expensive, even more dangerous routes into the U.S., with all kinds of side-effects including more kids dying while evading detection. But sure, until the data on that is in, DNA testing kits are going to be yet another monstrous big-government boondoggle that solves nothing. Moreover, from the looks of it, CBP and ICE are devolving into a giant child trafficking operation almost as degrading and dehumanizing as you'd expect from the cartel goons. That's when the cat got your tongue.

All the while, the nation is going to be treated to fake headlines and ghoulish lies like, "DNA testing reveals a THIRD of migrants faked family relationship with children", to fan the flames of xenophobia for electoral gains.

The way to end this misery is to end the war on drugs - and the tens of billions in cartel and gang profits that go with it - and to work together to equalize as much as possible the living conditions in North and Central America. That requires enormous investment, not least of brain power to get it right, respect for Those people as humans, and all that in the absence of short-term profits, let alone the obscene short-term profits the plutocratic money lenders of the day require. It won't be a vote winner either. And that's why it ain't gonna happen.

So, screeching about the criminal invasion at the Southern border it is, and will be, because Trump hopes to be re-elected on that wave of xenophobic fauxtrage. It is shameful to fall for that scam, just as it was shameful to fall for the 2002/3 Iraq scam, but learning from history is also a thing in short supply.
Cool...they have time and $$ to do DNA testing, but they can't give them beds, blankets, clothes, shampoo, or toothbrushes. #MAGA! I bet all CRCs are proud as punch.

I would suggest that implementing procedures such as this, that can help identify whether these children are victims of kidnapping or human trafficking is a pretty damn high priority. Don't you agree?

You people love to pound your chest and proclaim your righteousness and morality, but don't seem to have any concern whatsoever about children being brought here against their will (or so young that they lack any awareness) by adults who have nefarious intentions.

Nobody is asking you to step off your morality soap box. But if you wish to be taken seriously as a moral authority, and not someone who is merely expressing opportunistic political criticisms clothed as moral outrage, then it would serve you well to express at least some degree of concern in your soapbox spiels about the large number of children being victimized by kidnapping/human trafficking, and to support procedures our government can implement to quickly identify those instances and curtail the additional harm such children are facing.
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