DNA testing reveals a THIRD of migrants faked family relationship with children to claim asylum

When you grow up in their condition, you MIGHT have something to say.
When was the last time you walked 2000 miles?
As they say " if you haven't been there you have zero to say"
Might be useful if you knew the def of liberal.
Latin, free
For the individual and small gov

What does walking 2000 miles have to do with the fact that kids might be trafficked? I'll answer for you because your unable. Nothing. It sounds like you have zero to say. You personaly do not know if the kid was from honduras or picked up off the street in Mexico, but their skin is brown so you don't know the difference.
The pilot program will focus on a select number of adults suspected by Customs and Border Protection agents of posing as the parents of migrant children...
In many cases, he says, immigrant parents already in the U.S. pay for fake documents for an adult travelling companion to bring their children.

Fake Birth Certificates And 'Fake Families' Amid Migrant Surge At Border

The officials at the border can sniff out those they think are phonies--they are good at their jobs. It is still a small number of family units that come through the border overall and the stats--1/3 are not related--shows those officials know their jobs.
Good for them.

The article explains that a lot of these "non parents" are relatives of the child, or a friend of the family, trying to bring children to be with parents already in the US. Apparently illegally, so that's no good, though. If the parents were here legally, wouldn't it be easy for them to get their children here?
Even if true it doesn’t justify Trump’s deplorable treatment of immigrants seeking asylum, the deplorable practice of taking children from immigrant families, or Trump’s deplorable practice of keeping immigrant children in unsafe, unsanitary detention centers without enough food, water, and medical attention.

Indeed, it doesn’t justify Trump and his supporters’ bigotry and hatred directed at immigrants, and Trump’s failed, wrongheaded policy concerning immigrants and asylum seekers.
Trump is correct again, and again. They aren't sending their best.

Every immigrant who got in this way need to be checked now and possibly sent packing. Of course, one thing Trump hasn't still delivered on is ending this madness altogether.
You do know immigrants cost the first. Generation and pay your commie benefits ever after?
Have you got the gonads to walk 2000 miles fat white boy?

Sorry kid, they can walk 5000 they still shouldn't get in.
Even if true it doesn’t justify Trump’s deplorable treatment of immigrants seeking asylum, the deplorable practice of taking children from immigrant families, or Trump’s deplorable practice of keeping immigrant children in unsafe, unsanitary detention centers without enough food, water, and medical attention.

Indeed, it doesn’t justify Trump and his supporters’ bigotry and hatred directed at immigrants, and Trump’s failed, wrongheaded policy concerning immigrants and asylum seekers.

Gee, maybe they should have stayed in their own country, or seek asylum in Mexico.
Even if true it doesn’t justify Trump’s deplorable treatment of immigrants seeking asylum, the deplorable practice of taking children from immigrant families, or Trump’s deplorable practice of keeping immigrant children in unsafe, unsanitary detention centers without enough food, water, and medical attention.

Indeed, it doesn’t justify Trump and his supporters’ bigotry and hatred directed at immigrants, and Trump’s failed, wrongheaded policy concerning immigrants and asylum seekers.

Maybe if Obama hadn't been doing it first...

When you grow up in their condition, you MIGHT have something to say.
When was the last time you walked 2000 miles?
As they say " if you haven't been there you have zero to say"
Might be useful if you knew the def of liberal.
Latin, free
For the individual and small gov

Fuck you commie, they cost the country hundreds of billions a year. People who commit immigration fraud are criminals. They should be jailed and then deported. If they come back they should be executed.

Even if true it doesn’t justify Trump’s deplorable treatment of immigrants seeking asylum, the deplorable practice of taking children from immigrant families, or Trump’s deplorable practice of keeping immigrant children in unsafe, unsanitary detention centers without enough food, water, and medical attention.

Indeed, it doesn’t justify Trump and his supporters’ bigotry and hatred directed at immigrants, and Trump’s failed, wrongheaded policy concerning immigrants and asylum seekers.

First off, it was your liberal courts that said kids can't stay with adults in detention. Secondly, our government can only spend the money allocated to them by Congress. If it costs ten thousand a day to take care of these people, and you only have eight thousand a day to do it, cuts have to be made.

You leftists throw out this huge Welcome door mat on our borders, and then complain that we can't take care of these thousands of people a day that YOU invited to come here.

Daily mail "told" the examiner?
A real reputable source.
You can't be a Brit, we laugh at the Mail
I wonder what our hospital rate is.
As through History, migrants are the most aggressive and inventive and productive.
Would you have the guts to give up everything and move thousands of miles?
I guess you know our Muslims are better educated and earn more than we local rubes?

If you're a brit, you should shut the fuck up, this in none of your business.

To be honest, I'm surprised it's only a third. They sell or rent these kids out for adults to get into the country, and who knows what happens to these kids once they get in. I imagine they send the kids back to get more adults and make the same claim.
Oh boy another brave pantywaist, never been in hand to hand or bombing in his life.

WTF are you talking about anyway?
Even if true it doesn’t justify Trump’s deplorable treatment of immigrants seeking asylum, the deplorable practice of taking children from immigrant families, or Trump’s deplorable practice of keeping immigrant children in unsafe, unsanitary detention centers without enough food, water, and medical attention.

Indeed, it doesn’t justify Trump and his supporters’ bigotry and hatred directed at immigrants, and Trump’s failed, wrongheaded policy concerning immigrants and asylum seekers.

Damn you're funny. It's not Trumps fault congress took their time appropriating funds to take care of the unprecedented numbers crossing the border.

I'd go one better than photo face recon. I'd get fingerprints and retinal scans. It isn't that difficult and takes practically no time at all. When I visited Japan this year, they did both fingerprints and the retinal scans before issuing me my visa. Keep a database and cross check the data when these people show up again, especially the kids. Arrest anyone who shows up with a kid already in the database.

That's only part of the problem. Birther Tourism will be a much larger problem in the future. People from China and now the middle-east from what I understand send their pregnant women here. They have kids in the US thus making them citizens, and then they take them back home to be radicalized by the government or religion.

When they turn of age, they can come back to the US as a citizen with no questions asked, and God knows what plans they will have for our people here. We will be virtually helpless to stop them.
Trump is correct again, and again. They aren't sending their best.

Every immigrant who got in this way need to be checked now and possibly sent packing. Of course, one thing Trump hasn't still delivered on is ending this madness altogether.
They need to use photo face recon to id each one of these turned loose so when they get some new Id you can nail them and ship them.

Or when they get here, we can knock them out, insert a chip in them like a pet, and keep track of them that way. They'll never have a clue we did it.

No surprise that they're liars and cheats too. Reason enough to give the choice of leaving and never coming back or standng up in front of a firing squad. Ship the kids back to where they came from and banish their parents from ever coming here.
Daily mail, the most laughed at bunch in the uk.
Info wars better
its on the ICE website too and if you do a google search other local news stations picked it up. but go ahead , bash the post because you dont want to know the truth..
Democrats are going to flood America with foreigners and hope they get the house and executive branch and will given them all the right to vote and this country will be gone forever.. democrats will begin to arrest people for talking and thoughts.
We will be in fields mass producing as slaves.
All resisters will be exposed to our military ( congressman swalwell saying he can nuke us)
Trump and Barr need to arrest these mayors and congress people

No surprise that they're liars and cheats too. Reason enough to give the choice of leaving and never coming back or standng up in front of a firing squad. Ship the kids back to where they came from and banish their parents from ever coming here.
Daily mail, the most laughed at bunch in the uk.
Info wars better
its on the ICE website too and if you do a google search other local news stations picked it up. but go ahead , bash the post because you dont want to know the truth..

So why didn't you post the link to the ICE website originally? Why didn't you post that link in the post I'm responding to? If you have a more reliable source, don't you feel an obligation to provide it?

No surprise that they're liars and cheats too. Reason enough to give the choice of leaving and never coming back or standng up in front of a firing squad. Ship the kids back to where they came from and banish their parents from ever coming here.
Daily mail, the most laughed at bunch in the uk.
Info wars better
its on the ICE website too and if you do a google search other local news stations picked it up. but go ahead , bash the post because you dont want to know the truth..

So why didn't you post the link to the ICE website originally? Why didn't you post that link in the post I'm responding to? If you have a more reliable source, don't you feel an obligation to provide it?
I am not your mother, I shouldnt have to post any other links. If you thought it was false you should have proved otherwise. But again your a democrat and you need help wiping your butt. So ...

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