DNA testing reveals a THIRD of migrants faked family relationship with children to claim asylum

When you grow up in their condition, you MIGHT have something to say.
When was the last time you walked 2000 miles?
As they say " if you haven't been there you have zero to say"
Might be useful if you knew the def of liberal.
Latin, free
For the individual and small gov
So you're ok with kidnapping and child trafficking
The best use of your money is to go to their home countries and rid those countries of the narco terrorists, and to start fighting the climate change driving the drought. But you aren't smart enough to do that. You'll continue to support building a useless wall, and closing the border, but you won't do anything about the root causes of this migration.

Oh, so climate change is doing it now.

You say I'm not smart enough, and then tell me we should control the climate? Oh the irony.

Unless we start a war with these countries, we would need their request for aid in fighting these drug lords and terrorists. I've never seen any such request because their governments are in bed with the bad guys.

Eventually, maybe you'll pull your head out of the sand and recognize that climate change is affecting a great many things. There is a severe drought affecting Guatamala, Hondoras and parts of El Salvador...where most of the families fleeing are coming from. You think that might have something to do with conditions forcing them out?

Changing climate forces desperate Guatemalans to migrate
After months of subsisting almost exclusively on plain corn tortillas and salt, his eyes and cheeks appear sunken in, his skin stretched thin over bone. The majority of his neighbors look the same.

It’s the height of rainy season in Guatemala, but in the village of Conacaste, Chiquimula, the rains came months too late, then stopped altogether. Méndez López’s crops shriveled and died before producing a single ear of corn. Now, with a dwindling supply of food, and no source of income, he’s wondering how he’ll be able to feed his six young children.

“This is the worst drought we’ve ever had,” says Méndez López, toeing the parched earth with the tip of his boot. “We’ve lost absolutely everything. If things don’t improve, we’ll be forced to migrate somewhere else. We can’t go on like this.”

Guatemala is consistently listed among the world’s 10 most vulnerable nations to the effects of climate change. Increasingly erratic climate patterns have produced year after year of failed harvests and dwindling work opportunities across the country, forcing more and more people like Méndez López to consider migration in a last-ditch effort to escape skyrocketing levels of food insecurity and poverty.

So they're having a drought. How is that our fault and why should we be the ones to suffer for it? We have droughts in our country too. That's nature.


Who says it's "our fault"? It isn't. But it affects us. So go and bury your head in the sand again.

I'm not burying anything. If your contention is that their drought is not our fault, why are we responsible for allowing these people to enter our country and have taxpayers take care of them? Why did you bring it up in the first place?

We have nearly 8 billion people in this world; many of them experiencing droughts, floods, diseases, starvation, lack of education. So how many of these 8 billion should this country of 21 trillion in debt take care of?

Leftist led cities have people sleeping on their streets, sometimes forming tent cities. They won't even rent a port-a-potty for these people. Yet we should be worried about people from hundreds of miles away to take care of.

Considering how many of the problems these people are dealing with in their home countries can be laid at the feet of the US government, including the MS13 drug problem, YOU SHOULD BE CARING FOR THESE PEOPLE.

You should be caring for your own people too, but greedy fools like you don't want to pay taxes or decent wages. You got yours and fuck everyone else. Isn't that right Ray? It's the American way.
Oh, so climate change is doing it now.

You say I'm not smart enough, and then tell me we should control the climate? Oh the irony.

Unless we start a war with these countries, we would need their request for aid in fighting these drug lords and terrorists. I've never seen any such request because their governments are in bed with the bad guys.

Eventually, maybe you'll pull your head out of the sand and recognize that climate change is affecting a great many things. There is a severe drought affecting Guatamala, Hondoras and parts of El Salvador...where most of the families fleeing are coming from. You think that might have something to do with conditions forcing them out?

Changing climate forces desperate Guatemalans to migrate
After months of subsisting almost exclusively on plain corn tortillas and salt, his eyes and cheeks appear sunken in, his skin stretched thin over bone. The majority of his neighbors look the same.

It’s the height of rainy season in Guatemala, but in the village of Conacaste, Chiquimula, the rains came months too late, then stopped altogether. Méndez López’s crops shriveled and died before producing a single ear of corn. Now, with a dwindling supply of food, and no source of income, he’s wondering how he’ll be able to feed his six young children.

“This is the worst drought we’ve ever had,” says Méndez López, toeing the parched earth with the tip of his boot. “We’ve lost absolutely everything. If things don’t improve, we’ll be forced to migrate somewhere else. We can’t go on like this.”

Guatemala is consistently listed among the world’s 10 most vulnerable nations to the effects of climate change. Increasingly erratic climate patterns have produced year after year of failed harvests and dwindling work opportunities across the country, forcing more and more people like Méndez López to consider migration in a last-ditch effort to escape skyrocketing levels of food insecurity and poverty.

So they're having a drought. How is that our fault and why should we be the ones to suffer for it? We have droughts in our country too. That's nature.


Who says it's "our fault"? It isn't. But it affects us. So go and bury your head in the sand again.

I'm not burying anything. If your contention is that their drought is not our fault, why are we responsible for allowing these people to enter our country and have taxpayers take care of them? Why did you bring it up in the first place?

We have nearly 8 billion people in this world; many of them experiencing droughts, floods, diseases, starvation, lack of education. So how many of these 8 billion should this country of 21 trillion in debt take care of?

Leftist led cities have people sleeping on their streets, sometimes forming tent cities. They won't even rent a port-a-potty for these people. Yet we should be worried about people from hundreds of miles away to take care of.

Considering how many of the problems these people are dealing with in their home countries can be laid at the feet of the US government, including the MS13 drug problem, YOU SHOULD BE CARING FOR THESE PEOPLE.

You should be caring for your own people too, but greedy fools like you don't want to pay taxes or decent wages. You got yours and fuck everyone else. Isn't that right Ray? It's the American way.

We are not responsible for any of their problems. You leftists love to blame the woman being raped instead of the rapist. It's not a wonder why you people think an inanimate object like a gun is responsible for murders.

We pay plenty of taxes and you can make as much money as you want in this country. That's why everybody is trying to get here. Take care of our own? For crying out loud, our poor people have cell phones. One person in eight are on food stamps in this fantastic economy, and we don't have nearly enough people to fill the available jobs in this country.

We GENEROUS Americans allow nearly a million people a year to become citizens. That's on top of all the VISA's and work permits we hand out. Besides the over 50 billion a year we send out in foreign aid, we have hundreds of charities that also contribute to the cause.
This is not "just fraud".. This is kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse.. So I don't care whether the percentage is 30% or 10%... It's abominable...

Oh my gawd.

They may have tested 30% of those coming in, or they may have tested 10 groups. They may have gotten a clue when the supposed "dad" was 25, with a 15 year-old son, or some such. And no, this is not "kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse." That's just your hysteria playing tricks with you. Not even the whistle-blower (that wasn't, as whistle-blowers report on government wrongdoing) alleged that criminality was involved. And you certainly don't know.

What's abominable is your attempts to depict a mass criminality situation at the border based on next to nothing, following diligently Trump's earlier attempts at the same sleazy tactics - remember the girls hand-cuffed and with duct tape over their mouths in SUVs at the border? Sure you do. You're touting the same horn.

SMH. It's been the exact same since at least two centuries: The newcomers were always, always decried as crime- and disease-ridden subhumans, capable of unconscionable atrocity, to fan the flames of xenophobia, no matter whence they came. Nothing changes, and nothing is ever being learned from the past experience in the United States of Hysteria.

Let me ask: If the police pulled you over, and you had a child you lied about and said was yours, and the authorities found out, what do you think would happen to you for crossing state lines with a minor?

You people on the left constantly use children to promote your Nazi-Socialst causes. You use children to promote your gun confiscation agenda, you use children to promote the takeover of nutrition in schools, you use children to promote your mindless global warming nonsense, you use children for everything.

But here we have a case, with scientific evidence, that these children are being brought here like freight by people who lie and say the children are theirs, and suddenly, the scientific evidence is irrelevant. Suddenly, the percentage of children are not high enough for your concern. As typical of a leftist, you make excuses for the liars and criminals.

Using children to promote your own causes (Nazi? Seriously?)...isn’t that what you are doing? Using the relatively small number of trafficked children caught by border control to distract from or justify the conditions those detained are being kept under? Aren’t you making excuses for liars and criminals?

Riddle me this Coyote, how many children would be trafficked here if they couldn't get into the country? How many children would be taking the dangerous journey to a border they couldn't penetrate? That's our goal.

When you put out an ad in the paper, somebody is going to answer it. So blame your own party for attracting these people here, and not ours once they arrive.

We never signed on to be the worlds dumping ground or baby sitting service. We have our own to attend to.
Oh, so climate change is doing it now.

You say I'm not smart enough, and then tell me we should control the climate? Oh the irony.

Unless we start a war with these countries, we would need their request for aid in fighting these drug lords and terrorists. I've never seen any such request because their governments are in bed with the bad guys.

Eventually, maybe you'll pull your head out of the sand and recognize that climate change is affecting a great many things. There is a severe drought affecting Guatamala, Hondoras and parts of El Salvador...where most of the families fleeing are coming from. You think that might have something to do with conditions forcing them out?

Changing climate forces desperate Guatemalans to migrate
After months of subsisting almost exclusively on plain corn tortillas and salt, his eyes and cheeks appear sunken in, his skin stretched thin over bone. The majority of his neighbors look the same.

It’s the height of rainy season in Guatemala, but in the village of Conacaste, Chiquimula, the rains came months too late, then stopped altogether. Méndez López’s crops shriveled and died before producing a single ear of corn. Now, with a dwindling supply of food, and no source of income, he’s wondering how he’ll be able to feed his six young children.

“This is the worst drought we’ve ever had,” says Méndez López, toeing the parched earth with the tip of his boot. “We’ve lost absolutely everything. If things don’t improve, we’ll be forced to migrate somewhere else. We can’t go on like this.”

Guatemala is consistently listed among the world’s 10 most vulnerable nations to the effects of climate change. Increasingly erratic climate patterns have produced year after year of failed harvests and dwindling work opportunities across the country, forcing more and more people like Méndez López to consider migration in a last-ditch effort to escape skyrocketing levels of food insecurity and poverty.

So they're having a drought. How is that our fault and why should we be the ones to suffer for it? We have droughts in our country too. That's nature.


Who says it's "our fault"? It isn't. But it affects us. So go and bury your head in the sand again.

I'm not burying anything. If your contention is that their drought is not our fault, why are we responsible for allowing these people to enter our country and have taxpayers take care of them? Why did you bring it up in the first place?

We have nearly 8 billion people in this world; many of them experiencing droughts, floods, diseases, starvation, lack of education. So how many of these 8 billion should this country of 21 trillion in debt take care of?

Leftist led cities have people sleeping on their streets, sometimes forming tent cities. They won't even rent a port-a-potty for these people. Yet we should be worried about people from hundreds of miles away to take care of.

Considering how many of the problems these people are dealing with in their home countries can be laid at the feet of the US government, including the MS13 drug problem, YOU SHOULD BE CARING FOR THESE PEOPLE.

You should be caring for your own people too, but greedy fools like you don't want to pay taxes or decent wages. You got yours and fuck everyone else. Isn't that right Ray? It's the American way.
Maybe if your democrat Party stopped rewarding them for kidnapping and child trafficking

When you grow up in their condition, you MIGHT have something to say.
When was the last time you walked 2000 miles?
As they say " if you haven't been there you have zero to say"
Might be useful if you knew the def of liberal.
Latin, free
For the individual and small gov
So you're ok with kidnapping and child trafficking
Kind of the same way you are ok with child abuse in detention facilities.
Obama was releasing children to ex traffickers while the Left cheered his evil actions. Thank goodness Trump is putting a stop to this.

WELL, THEY’RE LEFTIES, SO EMOTIONALLY OVERWROUGHT HATE DISGUISED AS COMPASSION IS THEIR GO-TO: Double down: Border critics fundraise off ‘concentration camp’ comparison, mock US flag.
Who cheered? Link?
This is not "just fraud".. This is kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse.. So I don't care whether the percentage is 30% or 10%... It's abominable...

Oh my gawd.

They may have tested 30% of those coming in, or they may have tested 10 groups. They may have gotten a clue when the supposed "dad" was 25, with a 15 year-old son, or some such. And no, this is not "kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse." That's just your hysteria playing tricks with you. Not even the whistle-blower (that wasn't, as whistle-blowers report on government wrongdoing) alleged that criminality was involved. And you certainly don't know.

What's abominable is your attempts to depict a mass criminality situation at the border based on next to nothing, following diligently Trump's earlier attempts at the same sleazy tactics - remember the girls hand-cuffed and with duct tape over their mouths in SUVs at the border? Sure you do. You're touting the same horn.

SMH. It's been the exact same since at least two centuries: The newcomers were always, always decried as crime- and disease-ridden subhumans, capable of unconscionable atrocity, to fan the flames of xenophobia, no matter whence they came. Nothing changes, and nothing is ever being learned from the past experience in the United States of Hysteria.

Let me ask: If the police pulled you over, and you had a child you lied about and said was yours, and the authorities found out, what do you think would happen to you for crossing state lines with a minor?

You people on the left constantly use children to promote your Nazi-Socialst causes. You use children to promote your gun confiscation agenda, you use children to promote the takeover of nutrition in schools, you use children to promote your mindless global warming nonsense, you use children for everything.

But here we have a case, with scientific evidence, that these children are being brought here like freight by people who lie and say the children are theirs, and suddenly, the scientific evidence is irrelevant. Suddenly, the percentage of children are not high enough for your concern. As typical of a leftist, you make excuses for the liars and criminals.

Using children to promote your own causes (Nazi? Seriously?)...isn’t that what you are doing? Using the relatively small number of trafficked children caught by border control to distract from or justify the conditions those detained are being kept under? Aren’t you making excuses for liars and criminals?

Riddle me this Coyote, how many children would be trafficked here if they couldn't get into the country? How many children would be taking the dangerous journey to a border they couldn't penetrate? That's our goal.

Quite a large number.

What are the statistics on human trafficking of children?

The largest group of at-risk children are runaway, thrown away, or homeless American children who use survival sex to acquire food, shelter, clothing, and other things needed to survive on America's streets. According to the National Runaway Switchboard 1.3 million runaway and homeless youth live on America's streets every day. [5,000 die each year] It would not be surprising to learn that the number of children trafficked in the United States is actually much higher than 300,000.

In addition studies have shown that hardening the border does little to stop people from trying. They are often leaving something much worse then they are facing.

When you put out an ad in the paper, somebody is going to answer it. So blame your own party for attracting these people here, and not ours once they arrive.

We never signed on to be the worlds dumping ground or baby sitting service. We have our own to attend to.

That falls flat when you look at immigration statistics over the years, no “advertising” and higher numbers of illegals. Try again, but in the meantime your party has been in charge, you own the humanitarian crisis you created through bad policies just as Obama owns what occurred there on his watch.

The question is, is it bad enough to advocate for a change policies or are pleased with it and will you continue defending it?
In addition studies have shown that hardening the border does little to stop people from trying. They are often leaving something much worse then they are facing.

What studies are those? How do you know if it hasn't been tried yet? Tougher borders have worked everywhere they've been tried, but they won't work here?

That falls flat when you look at immigration statistics over the years, no “advertising” and higher numbers of illegals. Try again, but in the meantime your party has been in charge, you own the humanitarian crisis you created through bad policies just as Obama owns what occurred there on his watch.

The question is, is it bad enough to advocate for a change policies or are pleased with it and will you continue defending it?

You might have a point if "our party" was completely in charge of the border, but as we both know, there is simply no truth to that. Between the Democrats in Congress and the never ending commie courts constantly trying to stop Trump, you can't blame him or the Republicans alone.

Now if you put us in charge and take all the leftist obstacles out of the way, you'd see how much we'd improve the situation. We would have walls on nearly every open space, and much more improved walls like in California where it's an eight foot piece of tin that anybody under the age of 60 can jump over. We would eliminate anchor babies and institute Kate's Law.
To be honest, I'm surprised it's only a third. They sell or rent these kids out for adults to get into the country, and who knows what happens to these kids once they get in. I imagine they send the kids back to get more adults and make the same claim.
Oh boy another brave pantywaist, never been in hand to hand or bombing in his life.

WTF are you talking about anyway?

I'd ask him wtf pantywaist is?
In addition studies have shown that hardening the border does little to stop people from trying. They are often leaving something much worse then they are facing.

What studies are those? How do you know if it hasn't been tried yet? Tougher borders have worked everywhere they've been tried, but they won't work here?

Really? They've discouraged people from trying? Or are you talking about Berlin Wall tactics...

If it works, why have the past two years of increased enforcement not put a dent in the population trying to enter?

That falls flat when you look at immigration statistics over the years, no “advertising” and higher numbers of illegals. Try again, but in the meantime your party has been in charge, you own the humanitarian crisis you created through bad policies just as Obama owns what occurred there on his watch.

The question is, is it bad enough to advocate for a change policies or are pleased with it and will you continue defending it?

You might have a point if "our party" was completely in charge of the border, but as we both know, there is simply no truth to that. Between the Democrats in Congress and the never ending commie courts constantly trying to stop Trump, you can't blame him or the Republicans alone.

Now if you put us in charge and take all the leftist obstacles out of the way, you'd see how much we'd improve the situation. We would have walls on nearly every open space, and much more improved walls like in California where it's an eight foot piece of tin that anybody under the age of 60 can jump over. We would eliminate anchor babies and institute Kate's Law.

Your party was in complete control of both houses and the executive for two years.

I'm sure you would do all that but the pesky Constitution interferes with your plans.
This is not "just fraud".. This is kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse.. So I don't care whether the percentage is 30% or 10%... It's abominable...

Oh my gawd.

They may have tested 30% of those coming in, or they may have tested 10 groups. They may have gotten a clue when the supposed "dad" was 25, with a 15 year-old son, or some such. And no, this is not "kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse." That's just your hysteria playing tricks with you. Not even the whistle-blower (that wasn't, as whistle-blowers report on government wrongdoing) alleged that criminality was involved. And you certainly don't know.

What's abominable is your attempts to depict a mass criminality situation at the border based on next to nothing, following diligently Trump's earlier attempts at the same sleazy tactics - remember the girls hand-cuffed and with duct tape over their mouths in SUVs at the border? Sure you do. You're touting the same horn.

SMH. It's been the exact same since at least two centuries: The newcomers were always, always decried as crime- and disease-ridden subhumans, capable of unconscionable atrocity, to fan the flames of xenophobia, no matter whence they came. Nothing changes, and nothing is ever being learned from the past experience in the United States of Hysteria.

Let me ask: If the police pulled you over, and you had a child you lied about and said was yours, and the authorities found out, what do you think would happen to you for crossing state lines with a minor?

You people on the left constantly use children to promote your Nazi-Socialst causes. You use children to promote your gun confiscation agenda, you use children to promote the takeover of nutrition in schools, you use children to promote your mindless global warming nonsense, you use children for everything.

But here we have a case, with scientific evidence, that these children are being brought here like freight by people who lie and say the children are theirs, and suddenly, the scientific evidence is irrelevant. Suddenly, the percentage of children are not high enough for your concern. As typical of a leftist, you make excuses for the liars and criminals.

Using children to promote your own causes (Nazi? Seriously?)...isn’t that what you are doing? Using the relatively small number of trafficked children caught by border control to distract from or justify the conditions those detained are being kept under? Aren’t you making excuses for liars and criminals?

Riddle me this Coyote, how many children would be trafficked here if they couldn't get into the country? How many children would be taking the dangerous journey to a border they couldn't penetrate? That's our goal.

When you put out an ad in the paper, somebody is going to answer it. So blame your own party for attracting these people here, and not ours once they arrive.

We never signed on to be the worlds dumping ground or baby sitting service. We have our own to attend to.

Of the 30% that have tested, some of these people are biologically related to the child - aunts, uncles, cousins or grandparents, bringing children to parents or other relatives in the USA. Since they are only testing a small number of people, and only when they have good reason to believe these children are not travelling with their parents, that only 30% of these "red flags" prove to be correct shows that these agents are wrong, 70% of the time in their assessments.
Really? They've discouraged people from trying? Or are you talking about Berlin Wall tactics...

If it works, why have the past two years of increased enforcement not put a dent in the population trying to enter?

For one, Democrats encourage them to come here. Two, we have not erected any new barriers during that time, however improvements are being made on existing walls.

Your party was in complete control of both houses and the executive for two years.

I'm sure you would do all that but the pesky Constitution interferes with your plans.

It has nothing to do with the Constitution, only the leftist judges say it does to promote their leftist agenda which is get as many of these people into this country as possible. Give us a Republican House again with no court interference, and you'll see some major changes.
This is not "just fraud".. This is kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse.. So I don't care whether the percentage is 30% or 10%... It's abominable...

Oh my gawd.

They may have tested 30% of those coming in, or they may have tested 10 groups. They may have gotten a clue when the supposed "dad" was 25, with a 15 year-old son, or some such. And no, this is not "kidnapping, human trafficking, and child abuse." That's just your hysteria playing tricks with you. Not even the whistle-blower (that wasn't, as whistle-blowers report on government wrongdoing) alleged that criminality was involved. And you certainly don't know.

What's abominable is your attempts to depict a mass criminality situation at the border based on next to nothing, following diligently Trump's earlier attempts at the same sleazy tactics - remember the girls hand-cuffed and with duct tape over their mouths in SUVs at the border? Sure you do. You're touting the same horn.

SMH. It's been the exact same since at least two centuries: The newcomers were always, always decried as crime- and disease-ridden subhumans, capable of unconscionable atrocity, to fan the flames of xenophobia, no matter whence they came. Nothing changes, and nothing is ever being learned from the past experience in the United States of Hysteria.

Let me ask: If the police pulled you over, and you had a child you lied about and said was yours, and the authorities found out, what do you think would happen to you for crossing state lines with a minor?

You people on the left constantly use children to promote your Nazi-Socialst causes. You use children to promote your gun confiscation agenda, you use children to promote the takeover of nutrition in schools, you use children to promote your mindless global warming nonsense, you use children for everything.

But here we have a case, with scientific evidence, that these children are being brought here like freight by people who lie and say the children are theirs, and suddenly, the scientific evidence is irrelevant. Suddenly, the percentage of children are not high enough for your concern. As typical of a leftist, you make excuses for the liars and criminals.

Using children to promote your own causes (Nazi? Seriously?)...isn’t that what you are doing? Using the relatively small number of trafficked children caught by border control to distract from or justify the conditions those detained are being kept under? Aren’t you making excuses for liars and criminals?

Riddle me this Coyote, how many children would be trafficked here if they couldn't get into the country? How many children would be taking the dangerous journey to a border they couldn't penetrate? That's our goal.

When you put out an ad in the paper, somebody is going to answer it. So blame your own party for attracting these people here, and not ours once they arrive.

We never signed on to be the worlds dumping ground or baby sitting service. We have our own to attend to.

Of the 30% that have tested, some of these people are biologically related to the child - aunts, uncles, cousins or grandparents, bringing children to parents or other relatives in the USA. Since they are only testing a small number of people, and only when they have good reason to believe these children are not travelling with their parents, that only 30% of these "red flags" prove to be correct shows that these agents are wrong, 70% of the time in their assessments.

I don't know what your point is here. If they were wrong 90% of the time, we still get the 10%. Plus who knows how many cases we will find if we test everybody--not just who are suspected by the border agents. Remember, this is just a trail program.

What you;re saying here is that these people who are lying to our agents should not be stopped because they are family members of the illegal parents? Just how far should we extend that family? Second or third Uncle? How about a fourth removed cousin? A half-brother?

To be honest, I read a few articles on this besides the OP. Nowhere did I find that there was any proof of these people being distant relatives of the children.
You seem to think only the leftists are rabid partisans. Funny that. What is your tribe trying to boost? And yes you have a tribe, you seldom criticize the right/Trump.

I have a tribe that doesnt REALLY WANT power and doesn't do stupid things to attain and keep power... And it's not either of the 2 parties... Don't get personal.. It's not personal when I say the Dem party is in meltdown mode.. And their turn to fantasies of BIGGER more MUSCULAR govt while they abdicate any of THEIR RESPONSIBILITY and problem solving on the immigration issue --- just makes makes them FAR MORE of a target for ridicule and scorn than Trump right now... Won't take this bait any further....

There were nearly 467,000 apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2018, the most for any calendar year since at least 2012, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of the most recent available data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The increase was driven in part by a dramatic spike in border apprehensions of family members at the end of last year.

Depends on what the meaning of "year" is... CBP collects data for the FISCAL YEAR starting in October.. That's the way ALL their charts and graphs are presented... From start of Oct to end Nov of the following year...

That's why the 2018 stats from THEIR websites that I gave you showed a number OVER 500,000... And any org that wants to SLANT the conversation and lie with statistics in their favor has the option to manipulate those official charts and make the numbers smaller...

But WORSE THAN THAT little accounting gimmick is the fact that your phony "fact-checker" has a graph showing BARELY 400,000 for 2018.. Putting the whole GRAPH is deep doo-doo.... Use those phony ass partisan "fact-checkers'" at your own peril....

So no, my source wasn’t off by 100,000 and it was accurate in that it was not as high as 2012 or prior years which is the main point I was making.

Yeah it was.. By almost 50,000 using the manipulated Pew data or 100,000 based on the ACTUAL fiscal year accounting that I gave you directly from ICE....

And you're fact-checker purposely IGNORED the ASTRONOMICAL increase starting in January of THIS calendar year while all the Dem leadership was screaming manufactured crisis... Which they are now recanting... (very sloppy recanting goin on).... So for FISCAL 2019 --- the numbers are on track to MEET OR EXCEED the all time highs in recent history... THAT'S the salient part of why there is an actual crisis... And of course, a phony fact checker would want to ignore all that.. Or you just used an OLD source....

Look at the graph from the government again.. It's goin up this year like 4th of July fireworks in Tennessee....
There is very little support for for open borders.

BULLSHIT.,.. Dem candidates for Pres have proposed decriminalizing illegal entry.. They all showed their hands for free healthcare to illegals under the SAME plan they have in store for all of us.. They have made ENTIRE STATES -- sanctuary states and are releasing criminals without detainers to ICE, many of whom shouldn't be on the streets or have been deported multiple times for criminal activity... The list is LONG and the momentum is there. And you're in denial... It's no use discussing this because you're not honest about where your leadership is heading.. And you're really deflecting from this terrible situation of renting kids who have been sold or snatched in order to take advantage of our poorly written asylum law and the ASSURANCES from your party -- TELEVISED to all of Latin America -- that they would work to "catch and release" families with children and NOT expose the children to detention at all...

The Dems are telegraphing instructions on how to break our borders... And encouraging this influx... As Obama admin did by talking his "Dreamer" amnesty program that drove over 150,000 UNESCORTED MINORS to the border in 2 years.. Before he had to make the announcements to NOT come because he would send the kids back to their home countries....

Eliminating Immigration/Customs Enforcement is now MAINSTREAM policy proposed by the Dem party....

I could go on.. But the "bennys" being promised are MANY... And that is what contributes to suffering and deaths on these marches up from Latin America...

I've explained my position on immigration to you before.. Sounds NOTHING like Trump... Libertarians are for "open but processed" borders and we would be more liberal on immigration than MOST... What's stopping us from "open but processed" borders is the fact that our government does not fucking WORK anymore. And they create more problems in fixing immigration issues than they solve.. If our govt did their basic duties at the border I could out-liberal most people on entry...

THAT -- and the fact that Libertarians realize that liberal immigration policy can NOT be tied to pandering to immigrants with over-generous benefits and immediate rights/entitlements reserved for citizens..
You seem to think only the leftists are rabid partisans. Funny that. What is your tribe trying to boost? And yes you have a tribe, you seldom criticize the right/Trump.

I have a tribe that doesnt REALLY WANT power and doesn't do stupid things to attain and keep power... And it's not either of the 2 parties... Don't get personal.. It's not personal when I say the Dem party is in meltdown mode.. And their turn to fantasies of BIGGER more MUSCULAR govt while they abdicate any of THEIR RESPONSIBILITY and problem solving on the immigration issue --- just makes makes them FAR MORE of a target for ridicule and scorn than Trump right now... Won't take this bait any further....

When you state, to me "Those debates went out on Telemundo to ALL of Latin America.. Expect that your tribe is gonna boost that stream as much as they can...." and when you imply I'm a "lazy rabid partisan" - you've made it personal.

From what I can see, in postings here, you align closely with the Republican Tribe and you consistently give Trump a free pass in this mess. If I'm wrong - show me where you put any responsibility on him.

The current crisis is very much a result of (among other factors) his policies. It is his policies that are seeking INDEFINITE DETENTION for families at the border. Seriously? Indefinite? God we don't even do that for murderers and rapists. It is his policies that are keeping kids confined in horrible conditions for far longer than the legal 72 hours and it is his Administration that has been seeking to CHANGE the 72 hour rule for keeping kids detained. INDEFINITE?

Somewhere - in between 100% family separation and subgroup of child traffickers there has to be a sane policy, but it ain't coming from the Trump administration because they don't think they are doing anything wrong, and at every challenge they justify it or deny it. And don't forget it is serving their political purposes in revving up the base. So why is it you think it's only the Democrats politicizing all this?

There were nearly 467,000 apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2018, the most for any calendar year since at least 2012, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of the most recent available data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The increase was driven in part by a dramatic spike in border apprehensions of family members at the end of last year.

Depends on what the meaning of "year" is... CBP collects data for the FISCAL YEAR starting in October.. That's the way ALL their charts and graphs are presented... From start of Oct to end Nov of the following year...

That's why the 2018 stats from THEIR websites that I gave you showed a number OVER 500,000... And any org that wants to SLANT the conversation and lie with statistics in their favor has the option to manipulate those official charts and make the numbers smaller...

Point taken.

But WORSE THAN THAT little accounting gimmick is the fact that your phony "fact-checker" has a graph showing BARELY 400,000 for 2018.. Putting the whole GRAPH is deep doo-doo.... Use those phony ass partisan "fact-checkers'" at your own peril....

Point taken on that particular graph. On the other hand, I don't agree with your overall distain of fact checkers. Many are good and sourced. You always made a point to me of not automatically discounting sources.

Even so - none of those numbers are yet approaching previous crisis highs that did NOT lead to the horrendous policies playing out now. So what gives?

How can you continue to justify those policies and conditions?
You seem to think only the leftists are rabid partisans. Funny that. What is your tribe trying to boost? And yes you have a tribe, you seldom criticize the right/Trump.

I have a tribe that doesnt REALLY WANT power and doesn't do stupid things to attain and keep power... And it's not either of the 2 parties... Don't get personal.. It's not personal when I say the Dem party is in meltdown mode.. And their turn to fantasies of BIGGER more MUSCULAR govt while they abdicate any of THEIR RESPONSIBILITY and problem solving on the immigration issue --- just makes makes them FAR MORE of a target for ridicule and scorn than Trump right now... Won't take this bait any further....

When you state, to me "Those debates went out on Telemundo to ALL of Latin America.. Expect that your tribe is gonna boost that stream as much as they can...." and when you imply I'm a "lazy rabid partisan" - you've made it personal.

From what I can see, in postings here, you align closely with the Republican Tribe and you consistently give Trump a free pass in this mess. If I'm wrong - show me where you put any responsibility on him.

The current crisis is very much a result of (among other factors) his policies. It is his policies that are seeking INDEFINITE DETENTION for families at the border. Seriously? Indefinite? God we don't even do that for murderers and rapists. It is his policies that are keeping kids confined in horrible conditions for far longer than the legal 72 hours and it is his Administration that has been seeking to CHANGE the 72 hour rule for keeping kids detained. INDEFINITE?

Somewhere - in between 100% family separation and subgroup of child traffickers there has to be a sane policy, but it ain't coming from the Trump administration because they don't think they are doing anything wrong, and at every challenge they justify it or deny it. And don't forget it is serving their political purposes in revving up the base. So why is it you think it's only the Democrats politicizing all this?

There were nearly 467,000 apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2018, the most for any calendar year since at least 2012, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of the most recent available data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The increase was driven in part by a dramatic spike in border apprehensions of family members at the end of last year.

Depends on what the meaning of "year" is... CBP collects data for the FISCAL YEAR starting in October.. That's the way ALL their charts and graphs are presented... From start of Oct to end Nov of the following year...

That's why the 2018 stats from THEIR websites that I gave you showed a number OVER 500,000... And any org that wants to SLANT the conversation and lie with statistics in their favor has the option to manipulate those official charts and make the numbers smaller...

Point taken.

But WORSE THAN THAT little accounting gimmick is the fact that your phony "fact-checker" has a graph showing BARELY 400,000 for 2018.. Putting the whole GRAPH is deep doo-doo.... Use those phony ass partisan "fact-checkers'" at your own peril....

Point taken on that particular graph. On the other hand, I don't agree with your overall distain of fact checkers. Many are good and sourced. You always made a point to me of not automatically discounting sources.

Even so - none of those numbers are yet approaching previous crisis highs that did NOT lead to the horrendous policies playing out now. So what gives?

How can you continue to justify those policies and conditions?

Republican "Tribe"?...sounds a bit disparaging towards Indians there champ.
BULLSHIT.,.. Dem candidates for Pres have proposed decriminalizing illegal entry.. They all showed their hands for free healthcare to illegals under the SAME plan they have in store for all of us.. They have made ENTIRE STATES -- sanctuary states and are releasing criminals without detainers to ICE, many of whom shouldn't be on the streets or have been deported multiple times for criminal activity... The list is LONG and the momentum is there. And you're in denial... It's no use discussing this because you're not honest about where your leadership is heading.. And you're really deflecting from this terrible situation of renting kids who have been sold or snatched in order to take advantage of our poorly written asylum law and the ASSURANCES from your party -- TELEVISED to all of Latin America -- that they would work to "catch and release" families with children and NOT expose the children to detention at all...

The Dems are telegraphing instructions on how to break our borders... And encouraging this influx... As Obama admin did by talking his "Dreamer" amnesty program that drove over 150,000 UNESCORTED MINORS to the border in 2 years.. Before he had to make the announcements to NOT come because he would send the kids back to their home countries....

I totally support DACA.

Eliminating Immigration/Customs Enforcement is now MAINSTREAM policy proposed by the Dem party....

I could go on.. But the "bennys" being promised are MANY... And that is what contributes to suffering and deaths on these marches up from Latin America...

I've explained my position on immigration to you before.. Sounds NOTHING like Trump... Libertarians are for "open but processed" borders and we would be more liberal on immigration than MOST... What's stopping us from "open but processed" borders is the fact that our government does not fucking WORK anymore. And they create more problems in fixing immigration issues than they solve.. If our govt did their basic duties at the border I could out-liberal most people on entry...

THAT -- and the fact that Libertarians realize that liberal immigration policy can NOT be tied to pandering to immigrants with over-generous benefits and immediate rights/entitlements reserved for citizens..

It's not bullshit.

Decriminalizing is not the same as open borders. It means illegals are deported not prosecuted.

If the "benny's" being promised are what are drawing immigrants - prove it. All you have are words and claims.

Why then did we have much higher rates of illegal immigrants a couple of decades ago? No supposed bennies then.

The fact is there are few over generous benefits for illegals - they are pretty minimal, there is just a lot of political primary posturing not translated into much of any policy but you are acting like it's policy. Meanwhile we HAVE policy NOW creating horrible situations for these kids.

"And you're really deflecting from this terrible situation of renting kids who have been sold or snatched in order to take advantage of our poorly written asylum law" umm...and you are totally ignoring the terrible situation we are putting these kids in that we detain - a much larger proportion of kids then that found to be unrelated to the person they are with. You are in complete denial of what is happening at the border in these facilities - you ignore the new policy which is going to remove educational programs, recreation, and legal help for these warehoused kids.

What contributes mostly to the suffering and migrations are not political promises - it's the fact that many of them are leaving desperate situations - yet you complete ignore those factors - completely.
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