DNA testing reveals a THIRD of migrants faked family relationship with children to claim asylum

The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated
Oh, please. I know you wish that to be true, but it isn’t.
Well, that's what the border officials said. Sure, they've got lots of reason to lie about it.
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

So you support the trafficking of children. Good to know.
As a past mod, I should think you would want the OP's around here to be accurate. OP was not. I supplied facts.

You know much better than the accusation you just made. I believe I deserve an apology.

I disagree, I don't think you do.
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that 1 in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Those people are despicable.
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated
Oh so just a few kidnappings is just fine with you?....
Of course not. If the people are exploiting the child I'm glad they're getting busted.
Can we just admit it's not true that one in three children coming through the border are accompanied by unrelated adults claiming to be parents?
Ol....that was the reasoning used by the Obama administration to build the cages and the new detention centers you libs hate so much....because they could not prove the parents were authentic...turn off worthless CNN and get educated.....
I don't hate the detention centers, and the kids Obama's administration were dealing with came here unaccompanied. Maybe officials had trouble locating the kids' parents so they could set them loose, but it wasn't the family detention problem they're running into today. Those parents are being held in detention centers so they won't disappear into the country awaiting a hearing and never be heard from again. There is a program that was instituted during the Obama era that worked--having the immigrant check in with a probation officer type person until their hearings-- with well over 90% of them showing for their hearings. But I guess it's more fun to do it the way Trump is doing it.

I roll my eyes at some of the histrionics over what happens at the border as being criminal and abusive and etc. etc. It doesn't mean we don't have to be professional and careful with those in our care, but honestly? Like that man and his little boy that drowned and everyone was somehow blaming Trump?

No, I'm into facts, and I'm into fair, but I'm not into people entering our country illegally. I just don't hate them.
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

So you support the trafficking of children. Good to know.
As a past mod, I should think you would want the OP's around here to be accurate. OP was not. I supplied facts.

You know much better than the accusation you just made. I believe I deserve an apology.

I disagree, I don't think you do.
Well, kiss my ass then.
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

So you support the trafficking of children. Good to know.
As a past mod, I should think you would want the OP's around here to be accurate. OP was not. I supplied facts.

You know much better than the accusation you just made. I believe I deserve an apology.

You make hit up every day honey. You don't even deserve respect.
I don't hate the detention centers, and the kids Obama's administration were dealing with came here unaccompanied. Maybe officials had trouble locating the kids' parents so they could set them loose, but it wasn't the family detention problem they're running into today.
Sorry OL but you are just wrong...Obama while being interviewed in 2012 stated his reasons for the detention cages....he was clear....he said they could not verify whether the children were traveling with their parents....so they needed to hold them separately from the adults they were with until they could....the media you are viewing is not giving you the full story....that is plain as day....
The politicians you are defending don't.. They were offered a BIGGER DACA solution than they were asking for 2 or 3 times and wouldn't buy in because the offer was to fund more SECURITY at the border...

I'm in favor of DACA also... That's why I'm so PISSED at the Dems... They're USING the crisis to the disadvantage of finding ANY solutions...
I think you are mistaken on that... the deal was not broken because of the Democrats, but due to the President, and his changed demands on cutting LEGAL immigration... Read this below, on it!

President Donald Trump has rebuffed numerous opportunities to secure billions for a border wall, and with Democrats set to take control of the House that goal could be out of reach for good.

Trump’s best chance for border wall funding at the level he wants came in February 2018, when Republican Senator Mike Rounds teamed up with independent Senator Angus King on compromise immigration legislation.

It included $25 billion over a decade to build a wall along the southern border and a path to citizenship for so-called Dreamers who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. It also barred green card holders from sponsoring adult children for permanent residency and reoriented enforcement priorities to focus on criminals in the country illegally.

Trump torched the bill as a "giant amnesty" for narrowing the scope of deportations, and complained that it didn’t end diversity visas or stop "chain migration" -- his derisive term for laws that allow American citizens to sponsor siblings and parents for green cards.

Amid fierce White House opposition and a veto threat from Trump, just eight Republican senators voted for the bill. With support from Democrats it got 54 votes, but that was short of the 60 needed to advance in the Senate. A separate immigration proposal backed by Trump got just 39 votes.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

How can you be confused about this?? Republicans offered 85,000 DACA folks an immediate path to citzenship in exchange for border wall funding, an end to Visa lottery and some petty restrictions on chain migration.. 85,000 was MORE than currently existed thru the now defunct Obama Exec order that was shot down by courts...

He didn't "torch" the Republican proposal, the Dems rejected all of the Republican goals. So a FINAL bill contained NOTHING in exchange for DACA. THAT -- he torched.

And so did the entire Congress. All the Dems and the reconcialation process left from the ORIGINAL proposal was some paltry sum for border security that did not INCLUDE real barriers... You can blame McConnell for this as well since he caved to a bill that when voted on would fail.. Rather than pushing for better negotiations.

They had this deal TWICE and the Dems GUTTED it without dealing on it.. And --- they turned around and demanded a "CLEAN" DACA bill with no concessions to border security at all...

DACA kids aren't gonna forget who failed to give them hope and change...

I believe I saw and heard with my own eye and ears, president Trump, With Schumer and Pelosi in the room with the others, SAY he would take any bill that the republicans and democrats come up with, and sign it.

He should have taken his $25 billion, and run with it!!! He could have tweaked it later with his executive orders, or national emergency proclamations or simply deny and defy the law, as is his standard M/O.

Not sure because of the screwy operating procedures that Congress has that a bill with $25Bill for the wall and DACA was ever "a thing".. It might have been.. But the original proposal was those 2 items plus ending Visa lottery and tightening up "chain migration"...

I do know, that ONE of the bills that got voted on had DACA versus some stupid token amount for border security in it -- where NONE of the money could go for a wall...

It's way past frustrating and ridiculous.. Because since REAGAN - there have promises of border security and nothing really has changed.. A four foot "traffic barrier or chain link fence or other stupid wasteful expenditures just doesn't acheive the goal of getting folks into ports of entry...

I want this fixed. But my govt is SO broken now -- I doubt it will ever happen... Now it's just a struggle to pull the country apart.. And all that is the inevitable end result of having a 2 party system nest in the Washington and make our Congress over to the comfort and safety of those 2 parties....

Only way this improves is that folks STOP voting just for "winners" who have party backing.. Need a bunch of BIG name independents in Congress that don't act like lobotomized clones of each other...
Here is what I care about. I care about human trafficking both inside the country and at the border. I also care about a policy that is ripping families apart without regard to whether or not they are or are not suspected of trafficking. You can’t solve one atrocity by committing another.

That's not an "atrocity" because the alternative is --- open borders.. You RELEASE them -- even they if they entered ILLEGALLY and the show is on steroids as far as the SWARMS of folks at the border.. Technically, those families CAN NOT WORK and can not collect benefits... So all you've done is put the suffering "out of sight, out of mind"... That's NOT a workable plan...

Only about 20% or LESS of the families released on "asylum claims" EVER receive asylum.. And that's after 9 months or a year ---- IF IF IF -- they EVER show up for court.. That's insane.

It just LOOKS better to you, because you have NO IDEA what trials and tribulations they face during that time...
Here is what I care about. I care about human trafficking both inside the country and at the border. I also care about a policy that is ripping families apart without regard to whether or not they are or are not suspected of trafficking. You can’t solve one atrocity by committing another.

That's not an "atrocity" because the alternative is --- open borders.. You RELEASE them -- even they if they entered ILLEGALLY and the show is on steroids as far as the SWARMS of folks at the border.. Technically, those families CAN NOT WORK and can not collect benefits... So all you've done is put the suffering "out of sight, out of mind"... That's NOT a workable plan...

Only about 20% or LESS of the families released on "asylum claims" EVER receive asylum.. And that's after 9 months or a year ---- IF IF IF -- they EVER show up for court.. That's insane.

It just LOOKS better to you, because you have NO IDEA what trials and tribulations they face during that time...

NO. It IS an atrocity. Keeping people, especially children, in those conditions is an atrocity. We treat serial killers and rapists better. If we are such a great country we should be able to come up with something better and we should never turn away and pretend it is NOT an atrocity.
NO. It IS an atrocity. Keeping people, especially children, in those conditions is an atrocity. We treat serial killers and rapists better. If we are such a great country we should be able to come up with something better and we should never turn away and pretend it is NOT an atrocity.

Those kids are safer than they ever were in their home countries... And they are fed and given better medical attention.. At 56,000 "family units" a month, you and the open borders folks have helped create an AVALANCHE of entries legal and illegal.. And there's no sane way to cope with the VOLUME...

Kids are separated because having them in the same holding facilities as the entire population would be far more dangerous..

You read my concerns about just RELEASING them or the family units and you ignored it.. You have NO GOOD alternative solution.. You're just looking to pin this on Trump when you KNOW -- this process has been going on for a decade or more... Not interested in your outrage unless you HAVE some solutions and a way to get your team off their asses and ACKNOWLEDGE the problem and play ball.....

Obama screwed up by broadcasting all the IDEALS of DACA to all of Latin America and some of his spokespeople did NOT make it clear this was a limited concept.. Lots of sound bites went down to Honduras and Guatemala as "immigrant kids deserve a path to citizenship"

In the following 2 years, he was faced with over 150,000 totally undocumented unescorted minors as young as 6 to 8 yrs old.. He created the cages to hold them. Fought the courts that set a deadline on holding them in detention, and then bussed them all the country.. LOST a couple THOUSAND of them outright.. Doubt that we KNOW the outcomes for a large fraction of them.

Finally had to make it clear this had to stop.... YET -- 10s of thousands stayed WAREHOUSED in Uncles Sam's orphanage in abandon gyms and other facilities.. And YES -- they were locked up while TRYING to place them or send them back home...

HOW OUTRAGED WERE YOU --- when all this was going on????? Need an answer....
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Why aren't the savages just send the fuck back immediately? Why are illegal invaders entitled to any due process? Also, dems need to install Planned Parenthood facilities in the area the illegal invaders are coming from. Something is wrong when all "refugees" can do is have unprotected sex before deciding to take Soros cash to drop off the crap in the USA.
Only way this improves is that folks STOP voting just for "winners" who have party backing.. Need a bunch of BIG name independents in Congress that don't act like lobotomized clones of each other...
THAT is a very hard challenge, because gerrymandering, done by both sides of the aisle, is specifically done to keep those elected from a party, IN OFFICE with every re-election of them... it's done primarily to secure their seats held.. is what I have read.... :(
I don't hate the detention centers, and the kids Obama's administration were dealing with came here unaccompanied. Maybe officials had trouble locating the kids' parents so they could set them loose, but it wasn't the family detention problem they're running into today.
Sorry OL but you are just wrong...Obama while being interviewed in 2012 stated his reasons for the detention cages....he was clear....he said they could not verify whether the children were traveling with their parents....so they needed to hold them separately from the adults they were with until they could....the media you are viewing is not giving you the full story....that is plain as day....
I don't know about that, Rambunctious. There are plenty more articles citing the unaccompanied minors problem back then. Maybe we're both right. I'm not going to fight you about it. But I'm not "wrong," either.

Since October, more than 52,000 children — most from Central America and many of them unaccompanied by adults — have been taken into custody. That's nearly double last year's total and 10 times the number from 2009.

President Obama has called on Congress to supply nearly $4 billion simply to deal with the problem. In the meantime, U.S. officials are doing what they can to discourage Central Americans from sending their children in the false belief they will readily be admitted to live with relatives.

What's Causing The Latest Immigration Crisis? A Brief Explainer

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Why aren't the savages just send the fuck back immediately? Why are illegal invaders entitled to any due process? Also, dems need to install Planned Parenthood facilities in the area the illegal invaders are coming from. Something is wrong when all "refugees" can do is have unprotected sex before deciding to take Soros cash to drop off the crap in the USA.
Because the law states that we have to give the asylum seekers, due process.

they have to have a hearing, in an immigration court with a Judge, to determine if they qualify for Refugee status, before we can deport them, if they fail in court.

It's the law.

This is why one of the solutions to this cluster F, is to stack the immigration courts with Judges, from here to Kingdom Come, so that we can process the asylum seekers QUICKLY, instead of having 6 months to a year wait... and us having them pile up and up and up....waiting their turn.
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Here is what I care about. I care about human trafficking both inside the country and at the border. I also care about a policy that is ripping families apart without regard to whether or not they are or are not suspected of trafficking. You can’t solve one atrocity by committing another.

That's not an "atrocity" because the alternative is --- open borders.. You RELEASE them -- even they if they entered ILLEGALLY and the show is on steroids as far as the SWARMS of folks at the border.. Technically, those families CAN NOT WORK and can not collect benefits... So all you've done is put the suffering "out of sight, out of mind"... That's NOT a workable plan...

Only about 20% or LESS of the families released on "asylum claims" EVER receive asylum.. And that's after 9 months or a year ---- IF IF IF -- they EVER show up for court.. That's insane.

It just LOOKS better to you, because you have NO IDEA what trials and tribulations they face during that time...

NO. It IS an atrocity. Keeping people, especially children, in those conditions is an atrocity. We treat serial killers and rapists better. If we are such a great country we should be able to come up with something better and we should never turn away and pretend it is NOT an atrocity.

"we should never turn away and pretend it is NOT an atrocity"

Sadly this passes for "compassion" in todays world. This speaks to the "Progressive" inability to think clearly, logically, and in a financially sound manner.

To what lengths of compulsion would you go to force this "vision" upon us, the unwashed masses"?
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

So you support the trafficking of children. Good to know.
As a past mod, I should think you would want the OP's around here to be accurate. OP was not. I supplied facts.

You know much better than the accusation you just made. I believe I deserve an apology.

You deserve nothing but contempt. You actively support, and refuse to end a policy that encourages the wholesale trafficking of children. Children who are often left in the desert to die by the scumbags you support. Your continued support for a policy that encourages illegals to flood into this country is going to ensure even more deaths. Deaths that should rightfully be laid at the feet of those people, like you, who wish to promulgate a wholesale violation of the laws of this land for your political agenda.
WTF are you talking about? What policy do I supposedly support that does all that?
Name it.
Don't be starting something if you're not willing to finish it, you two bit wimp. What policy do I supposedly support that does all that? Name it.
Why aren't the savages just send the fuck back immediately? Why are illegal invaders entitled to any due process? Also, dems need to install Planned Parenthood facilities in the area the illegal invaders are coming from. Something is wrong when all "refugees" can do is have unprotected sex before deciding to take Soros cash to drop off the crap in the USA.
Because the law states that we have to give the asylum seekers, due process.

they have to have a hearing, in an immigration court with a Judge, to determine if they qualify for Refugee status, before we can deport them, if they fail in court.

It's the law.

This is why one of the solutions to this cluster F, is to stack the immigration courts with Judges, from here to Kingdom Come, so that we can process the asylum seekers QUICKLY, instead of having 6 months to a year wait... and us having them pile up and up and up....waiting their turn.

Or do as Trump suggested and have them apply for asylum in their country or from Mexico. They can wait somewhere else until their court date, then arrive in the US for that hearing, and if it's ruled they are not applicable, escorted back over the border.
Why aren't the savages just send the fuck back immediately? Why are illegal invaders entitled to any due process? Also, dems need to install Planned Parenthood facilities in the area the illegal invaders are coming from. Something is wrong when all "refugees" can do is have unprotected sex before deciding to take Soros cash to drop off the crap in the USA.
Because the law states that we have to give the asylum seekers, due process.

they have to have a hearing, in an immigration court with a Judge, to determine if they qualify for Refugee status, before we can deport them, if they fail in court.

It's the law.

This is why one of the solutions to this cluster F, is to stack the immigration courts with Judges, from here to Kingdom Come, so that we can process the asylum seekers QUICKLY, instead of having 6 months to a year wait... and us having them pile up and up and up....waiting their turn.

Or do as Trump suggested and have them apply for asylum in their country or from Mexico. They can wait somewhere else until their court date, then arrive in the US for that hearing, and if it's ruled they are not applicable, escorted back over the border.
if that were feasible it would have been done already, if that has been done already, then this is likely why they are crossing outside of the legal entry which has been essentially shut down with waiting lists of up to a year. And the law allows them to cross any which way but loose, and still get their due process in court, with no black marks held against them for crossing illegally.

comprehensive immigration reform has to be done, and both your side and my side need to be statesmen, and compromise, to get it done.... my way or the highway, won't cut it.

And I maintain my position, staffing the immigration courts to the hilt, will help ease this present problem, get them thru the courts expeditiously, and save us an enormous amount of tax dollars that we are paying.
Why aren't the savages just send the fuck back immediately? Why are illegal invaders entitled to any due process? Also, dems need to install Planned Parenthood facilities in the area the illegal invaders are coming from. Something is wrong when all "refugees" can do is have unprotected sex before deciding to take Soros cash to drop off the crap in the USA.
Because the law states that we have to give the asylum seekers, due process.

they have to have a hearing, in an immigration court with a Judge, to determine if they qualify for Refugee status, before we can deport them, if they fail in court.

It's the law.

This is why one of the solutions to this cluster F, is to stack the immigration courts with Judges, from here to Kingdom Come, so that we can process the asylum seekers QUICKLY, instead of having 6 months to a year wait... and us having them pile up and up and up....waiting their turn.

Or do as Trump suggested and have them apply for asylum in their country or from Mexico. They can wait somewhere else until their court date, then arrive in the US for that hearing, and if it's ruled they are not applicable, escorted back over the border.
if that were feasible it would have been done already, if that has been done already, then this is likely why they are crossing outside of the legal entry which has been essentially shut down with waiting lists of up to a year. And the law allows them to cross any which way but loose, and still get their due process in court, with no black marks held against them for crossing illegally.

comprehensive immigration reform has to be done, and both your side and my side need to be statesmen, and compromise, to get it done.... my way or the highway, won't cut it.

And I maintain my position, staffing the immigration courts to the hilt, will help ease this present problem, get them thru the courts expeditiously, and save us an enormous amount of tax dollars that we are paying.
It would sure help a lot if just one part of one law were changed....
that if a person is apprehended crossing the border illegally, there is no chance for an asylum claim or any other request. They are going home. Period. Forever.

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