DNA testing reveals a THIRD of migrants faked family relationship with children to claim asylum

The politicians you are defending don't.. They were offered a BIGGER DACA solution than they were asking for 2 or 3 times and wouldn't buy in because the offer was to fund more SECURITY at the border...

I'm in favor of DACA also... That's why I'm so PISSED at the Dems... They're USING the crisis to the disadvantage of finding ANY solutions...
I think you are mistaken on that... the deal was not broken because of the Democrats, but due to the President, and his changed demands on cutting LEGAL immigration... Read this below, on it!

President Donald Trump has rebuffed numerous opportunities to secure billions for a border wall, and with Democrats set to take control of the House that goal could be out of reach for good.

Trump’s best chance for border wall funding at the level he wants came in February 2018, when Republican Senator Mike Rounds teamed up with independent Senator Angus King on compromise immigration legislation.

It included $25 billion over a decade to build a wall along the southern border and a path to citizenship for so-called Dreamers who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. It also barred green card holders from sponsoring adult children for permanent residency and reoriented enforcement priorities to focus on criminals in the country illegally.

Trump torched the bill as a "giant amnesty" for narrowing the scope of deportations, and complained that it didn’t end diversity visas or stop "chain migration" -- his derisive term for laws that allow American citizens to sponsor siblings and parents for green cards.

Amid fierce White House opposition and a veto threat from Trump, just eight Republican senators voted for the bill. With support from Democrats it got 54 votes, but that was short of the 60 needed to advance in the Senate. A separate immigration proposal backed by Trump got just 39 votes.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

How can you be confused about this?? Republicans offered 85,000 DACA folks an immediate path to citzenship in exchange for border wall funding, an end to Visa lottery and some petty restrictions on chain migration.. 85,000 was MORE than currently existed thru the now defunct Obama Exec order that was shot down by courts...

He didn't "torch" the Republican proposal, the Dems rejected all of the Republican goals. So a FINAL bill contained NOTHING in exchange for DACA. THAT -- he torched.

And so did the entire Congress. All the Dems and the reconcialation process left from the ORIGINAL proposal was some paltry sum for border security that did not INCLUDE real barriers... You can blame McConnell for this as well since he caved to a bill that when voted on would fail.. Rather than pushing for better negotiations.

They had this deal TWICE and the Dems GUTTED it without dealing on it.. And --- they turned around and demanded a "CLEAN" DACA bill with no concessions to border security at all...

DACA kids aren't gonna forget who failed to give them hope and change...

I believe I saw and heard with my own eye and ears, president Trump, With Schumer and Pelosi in the room with the others, SAY he would take any bill that the republicans and democrats come up with, and sign it.

He should have taken his $25 billion, and run with it!!! He could have tweaked it later with his executive orders, or national emergency proclamations or simply deny and defy the law, as is his standard M/O.
I totally support DACA.

The politicians you are defending don't.. They were offered a BIGGER DACA solution than they were asking for 2 or 3 times and wouldn't buy in because the offer was to fund more SECURITY at the border...

I'm in favor of DACA also... That's why I'm so PISSED at the Dems... They're USING the crisis to the disadvantage of finding ANY solutions...

Decriminalizing is not the same as open borders. It means illegals are deported not prosecuted.

You really believe what you just typed? Because it makes no sense.. When Castro and other Presidents says he wants to DECRIMINALIZE illegal entry, it means the UNSEEN HALF of the border crashers get in free with no THREAT of deportation, because they can't even be DETAINED, because they've committed no crime by crashing the border..

Presumably this also means that I can just shoot a bird at the Customs station at the Intl Airport when I arrive back home and go right to my car... If the number of APPREHENSIONS for this year is going past 1 million, than there's AT LEAST another million getting in scot free with no criminality when you "decriminalize illegal entry".. That and ABOLISHING ICE or DEFYING ICE which is FAR more popular than you admit, makes these proposals an "open border" policy....

Do I have to come up with 10 or 12 candidates of your tribe saying "no one is illegal"? Or maybe you can find ONE leading Democrat that even has the gonads to say the things that OBAMA said about controlling our border...

If you don't even CARE about child trafficking in the multiple THOUSANDS per year, I don't suspect you're genuinely concerned about the kids or the humanitarian implications of this crisis... Can't you just SAY that is wrong and we should work to STOP IT ?????

Child trafficking is wrong and we stop it.

Now how about you? If you really care cant you just say these policies are badly thought through and hugely abusive to children?

I care about it ALL... I care about the skeletons in desert that are common... I care that virtually nothing happens on the Mexican side of border without the Cartels being involved and making a profit.. I care that Honduras has a narco thug dictator as a leader who just stole an election.. We've arrested and indicted 2 members of that jerk's immediate family in the US for marketing and directing the narcotics into the states..

Whenever I hear that "we have to solve these problems AT THE SOURCE" from all the Dems -- I go ballistic.. Because that's naive and stupid to believe that sending MORE MONEY to narco dictators is any kind of solution.. Short of going to war (ISIS style) with the gangs, cartels and corrupt governments down there --- there is NOT MUCH we have the focus to accomplish "at the source"... You want the CIA to WHACK Hernandez and his Admin down in Honduras? That would be a start....

But I particularly care that 1/2 of the political leaders DON'T CARE about moderating or improving immigration laws... And there are PARTISAN reasons for encouraging the stampede to the our border. Like 10 or 16 excess House seats that Dems have gained at the expense of other states (some of them even purple or blue) by STUFFING as many illegals into their state census as possible...

And I care that Dems held DACA folks HOSTAGE after the courts shot down the Obama exec order because the Dems didn't want to give Trump a SINGLE thing in terms of border barriers or end to Visa lottery.... DACA got screwed BECAUSE the DEMS claimed there was no crisis (ignoring the actual human suffering going on) and because they just want this crisis to fester....

The "wall" doesn't change our immigration policies... The OBJECT is to clear EVERYONE through the ports of entry. That is SANE policy design.. And it's humane... Because it takes the cartels and the criminals out of process and out of business of RUNNING their side of the border...

So THIS PROBLEM with the rent-a-kids needs to get addressed.. The unescorted minor problem needs to gets fixed... And my current government is INCAPABLE of any of that..

Yeah -- I'm upset.. But I EXPECT this from 2 dying brand parties wrapped in a grudge death match...

Here is what I care about. I care about human trafficking both inside the country and at the border. I also care about a policy that is ripping families apart without regard to whether or not they are or are not suspected of trafficking. You can’t solve one atrocity by committing another. I care about the trauma these kids are put for months at time. I care about the parents who’s kids are taken and they may never be reunited. Parents who were deported to some godforsaken little Guatemalan village and nobody even knows how to find them, leaving kids trapped in the government system which as you know does not have a great track record. And this administration does not care. It has said as much. They want these actions to be a deterrent and they don’t care if kids lives are destroyed in the process. Aren’t we better than that! I think we are. I can’t begin to imagine the anguish of a mother or father to lose their child this way. Or the fact that so many very young children are being warehoused for longer than legally allowed in awful conditions. I can’t imagine why those in power made a decision to stop programs that educate these kids, give them recreational outlets or legal assistance when they face an immigration judge. That gives substance to the term warehousing...indefinite, no education, no recreation...kids, young minds, what can they do?

That is the other side of it. Our border patrol are trained to look for signs of trafficking, and the fact that 2/3 of the group they suspect of having fake families are real families, tells me they are doing a good job, over estimating but more likely to catch them.

DACA got screwed because the Administration and the Republicans took on an “anything but Obama” flag in it’s policy making. This is pretty obvious across a wide spectrum of policies, not just DACA. Both sides used it for political purposes but it was the Pubs that effectively tried to kill it. DACA has widespread public support. DACA got screwed because the Republicans insisted on attaching widespread immigration reform (without discussion) to it and because the president refused to accept an offer even when offered the Wall. Their great offer was not so great...it only delayed decisions. DACA could have been a stand alone bipartisan bill. Who stopped it? Who really screwed it?

We need comprehensive immigration reform. That only happen with both parties genuinely working together, not a “My way or the highway” approach. I am not optimistic unfortunately. We have few real statesmen left and compromise seems to be a dirty word. You place more of the blame on Dems, I place more of the blame on the Pubs. But I think we both agree the problems are big and I think we both care passionately.

I also think you can not ignore the factors at the source and the role they play. This isnt just effecting our border, it is a worldwide phenomenon with record numbers of displaced people fleeing extreme poverty, adverse climatic conditions, failed states, violence and persecution. As long as These factors are pushing people out they will continue to risk death on incredibly dangerous journeys to gain a better future for their families and we will continue to have monsters profiting off them and often, causing their deaths. People here on this board may dehumanize them. They may call them subhuman, but they are a hell of a lot braver than many of us who are Priveledged to be American by sheer luck of birth. Not by anything we did. Please don’t take that to mean I support unlimited unrestricted immigration. I don’t. I support a legal and orderly process. But a process that never forgets we are dealing with human beings.

I don’t know WHAT the answer is at the source. Economic aid in terms of programs to help develop economic and agricultural opportunities? Each area is different but without looking to them everything else is a bandaid because history has shown that when conditions are bad enough and hopeless enough people will subject themselves to unimaginable hardships to get out.

That brings me to the next thing. While you have the Dems pandering to their base with their talk about decriminalizing illegal border crossings, you have the Pubs pandering to THEIR base about ending asylum. Our asylum laws were created after we turned away refugees on the St. Louis, and sent them back to Europe to die. And we want to return to that mindset? Most asylum applications are rejected, it is a high bar, and that is fine.

I do think we agree on some of the main points, we just aportion the blame somewhat differently.

Here is a question:

If Trump can use military funding to pay for wall, why can’t it be used to pay for more judges and staff at the border, more dna testing,transportation to detainment facilities (according to the article below, we have space at better p,aces unutilized). and to fund programs being cut for the kids we are detaining. Why is that not a priority?

As Border Crisis Worsens, a Detention Center Designed for Children Has None
The politicians you are defending don't.. They were offered a BIGGER DACA solution than they were asking for 2 or 3 times and wouldn't buy in because the offer was to fund more SECURITY at the border...

I'm in favor of DACA also... That's why I'm so PISSED at the Dems... They're USING the crisis to the disadvantage of finding ANY solutions...
I think you are mistaken on that... the deal was not broken because of the Democrats, but due to the President, and his changed demands on cutting LEGAL immigration... Read this below, on it!

President Donald Trump has rebuffed numerous opportunities to secure billions for a border wall, and with Democrats set to take control of the House that goal could be out of reach for good.

Trump’s best chance for border wall funding at the level he wants came in February 2018, when Republican Senator Mike Rounds teamed up with independent Senator Angus King on compromise immigration legislation.

It included $25 billion over a decade to build a wall along the southern border and a path to citizenship for so-called Dreamers who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. It also barred green card holders from sponsoring adult children for permanent residency and reoriented enforcement priorities to focus on criminals in the country illegally.

Trump torched the bill as a "giant amnesty" for narrowing the scope of deportations, and complained that it didn’t end diversity visas or stop "chain migration" -- his derisive term for laws that allow American citizens to sponsor siblings and parents for green cards.

Amid fierce White House opposition and a veto threat from Trump, just eight Republican senators voted for the bill. With support from Democrats it got 54 votes, but that was short of the 60 needed to advance in the Senate. A separate immigration proposal backed by Trump got just 39 votes.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

How can you be confused about this?? Republicans offered 85,000 DACA folks an immediate path to citzenship in exchange for border wall funding, an end to Visa lottery and some petty restrictions on chain migration.. 85,000 was MORE than currently existed thru the now defunct Obama Exec order that was shot down by courts...

He didn't "torch" the Republican proposal, the Dems rejected all of the Republican goals. So a FINAL bill contained NOTHING in exchange for DACA. THAT -- he torched.

And so did the entire Congress. All the Dems and the reconcialation process left from the ORIGINAL proposal was some paltry sum for border security that did not INCLUDE real barriers... You can blame McConnell for this as well since he caved to a bill that when voted on would fail.. Rather than pushing for better negotiations.

They had this deal TWICE and the Dems GUTTED it without dealing on it.. And --- they turned around and demanded a "CLEAN" DACA bill with no concessions to border security at all...

DACA kids aren't gonna forget who failed to give them hope and change...

I believe I saw and heard with my own eye and ears, president Trump, With Schumer and Pelosi in the room with the others, SAY he would take any bill that the republicans and democrats come up with, and sign it.

He should have taken his $25 billion, and run with it!!! He could have tweaked it later with his executive orders, or national emergency proclamations or simply deny and defy the law, as is his standard M/O.

Exactly. And frankly, the other immigration changes should not have part of. Comprehensive immigration reform needs to be done with both parties working together to craft a bill, not one holding DACA hostage to THEIR unilateral idea of immigration reform which was NOT just minor things but rather major contentious things.
That gives substance to the term warehousing...indefinite, no education, no recreation...kids, young minds, what can they do?

Why are you placing blame in the wrong area? The care for these people are in the budget. Since this rash of families crossing the border, it ate threw whatever money was allocated. Because of that, money had to be spread across a much larger group than anticipated. It's called putting more water in the soup. In order to make the money last, you have to eliminate all unnecessary expenses.

I don’t know WHAT the answer is at the source.

The answer is closing off the border with a wall as one of the ways to do it. The answer is you need to apply for asylum in your home country. THE LAW is if you are going to seek asylum, you must do so in the first country you escape to which is Mexico for these people. You can't refuse asylum offers from one country to exchange it for asylum in a better country. That's why these so-called asylum seekers do not qualify. But they come anyway because they know Democrats will draw out the violins when they get her.

If Trump can use military funding to pay for wall, why can’t it be used to pay for more judges and staff at the border, more dna testing,transportation to detainment facilities (according to the article below, we have space at better p,aces unutilized). and to fund programs being cut for the kids we are detaining. Why is that not a priority?

New Trump Plan Deputizes Cops as ICE Agents, Even in Sanctuary Cities

Federal judge blocks Trump from deporting hundreds of thousands of immigrants under TPS

More immigration judges are sent to California and other states amid Trump deportation crackdown
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that 1 in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Last edited:
The Tards don't really give a shit about the children....

They just use them as a political weapon.
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

Why do you continue to defend illegal immigration? The Democrats are even teaching the migrants how to lie.

Report: Democratic Rep. Sending Staff To Mexico To Coach Returned Migrants To Pretend Not To Speak Spanish
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

So you support the trafficking of children. Good to know.
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

Why do you continue to defend illegal immigration? The Democrats are even teaching the migrants how to lie.

Report: Democratic Rep. Sending Staff To Mexico To Coach Returned Migrants To Pretend Not To Speak Spanish
I'm not defending illegal immigration. I am simply trying to keep the discussion based in reality..
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

So you support the trafficking of children. Good to know.
As a past mod, I should think you would want the OP's around here to be accurate. OP was not. I supplied facts.

You know much better than the accusation you just made. I believe I deserve an apology.
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated
Oh so just a few kidnappings is just fine with you?....
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated
Oh so just a few kidnappings is just fine with you?....
Of course not. If the people are exploiting the child I'm glad they're getting busted.
Can we just admit it's not true that one in three children coming through the border are accompanied by unrelated adults claiming to be parents?
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that 1 in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?

Really Frank, as the former and disposed Secretary of the Society of Trolls, aren't you afraid your suspension from the society for one year will result in a formal expulsion? I've had the pleasure of reading the indictment which led to your being replaced as Sect., and the other notice posted in the NY Times where you had been informed of your suspension.

As a long standing member of the USMB, I don't want you to go away for ever. How else would I get my morning Ha Ha, without reading one of your literary gems? Please, apologize to the new secretary and the members of the Board of Ministry of Trolls.
Last edited:
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

So you support the trafficking of children. Good to know.
As a past mod, I should think you would want the OP's around here to be accurate. OP was not. I supplied facts.

You know much better than the accusation you just made. I believe I deserve an apology.

You deserve nothing but contempt. You actively support, and refuse to end a policy that encourages the wholesale trafficking of children. Children who are often left in the desert to die by the scumbags you support. Your continued support for a policy that encourages illegals to flood into this country is going to ensure even more deaths. Deaths that should rightfully be laid at the feet of those people, like you, who wish to promulgate a wholesale violation of the laws of this land for your political agenda.
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

So you support the trafficking of children. Good to know.
As a past mod, I should think you would want the OP's around here to be accurate. OP was not. I supplied facts.

You know much better than the accusation you just made. I believe I deserve an apology.

Damn near everybody here deserves the same thing from the same source. Don't hold your breath for it.
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

Why do you continue to defend illegal immigration? The Democrats are even teaching the migrants how to lie.

Report: Democratic Rep. Sending Staff To Mexico To Coach Returned Migrants To Pretend Not To Speak Spanish
I'm not defending illegal immigration. I am simply trying to keep the discussion based in reality..

The reality is the entire system is corrupt. If even one child is being used it deserves to be called out. Mexico is a shithole, run by shitheads who will break any law or moral code to put money in their pockets.

94 murders a day in Mexico this year. Over 3000 in one month. Defending any of the lawlessness and human trafficking across our border needs to end or the mess will continue to get worse.

Now do you support illegal immigration or not? If not then voice your opposition against it.

The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated
Oh so just a few kidnappings is just fine with you?....
Of course not. If the people are exploiting the child I'm glad they're getting busted.
Can we just admit it's not true that one in three children coming through the border are accompanied by unrelated adults claiming to be parents?
Ol....that was the reasoning used by the Obama administration to build the cages and the new detention centers you libs hate so much....because they could not prove the parents were authentic...turn off worthless CNN and get educated.....
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated

So you support the trafficking of children. Good to know.
As a past mod, I should think you would want the OP's around here to be accurate. OP was not. I supplied facts.

You know much better than the accusation you just made. I believe I deserve an apology.

You deserve nothing but contempt. You actively support, and refuse to end a policy that encourages the wholesale trafficking of children. Children who are often left in the desert to die by the scumbags you support. Your continued support for a policy that encourages illegals to flood into this country is going to ensure even more deaths. Deaths that should rightfully be laid at the feet of those people, like you, who wish to promulgate a wholesale violation of the laws of this land for your political agenda.
WTF are you talking about? What policy do I supposedly support that does all that?
Name it.
The democrat Party has moved all in supporting the invasion of Illegals swarming our unguarded Southern border.

I have but one question. Recent DNA testing shows that in 3 of the children do NOT match their "parents"

Accordingly, are democrats aiding and abetting kidnapping or is cuckolding the national pastime of Latin America?
Learn how to read.
1/3 of the applicants SUSPECTED of not being the child's parents and tested were found not to be related. This was a very small number of the overall immigrants and many of those unrelated people were taking the child to its parents, already in the US.
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated
Oh, please. I know you wish that to be true, but it isn’t.

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