DNC, Barry & Kerry Muling Kennedy's Corpse for Socialism... Shameless.

To bad the dems in congress didn't have the time needed to bribe all the voters in Mass like they brided the on the fence senators into voting for support on the health care bill (ObamaCare). Then they would of been sure the seat would of stayed a democrat seat. Life a bitch sometime, sometimes you don't get what you want!!!!If you fuck people over to much they get pissed off and you loose your support!!!!The people will speak in the 2010 and 2012 election!!!
How many calls have you made?... :lol:


From my almost Daily e-mail from BarryInc:

The election to fill the Senate seat my friend Ted Kennedy held for forty-seven years is just one day away.

And the stakes couldn't be higher. If Martha Coakley wins, she would be the 60th vote we need to pass health reform, and Ted's life's work will become law.

But what if we don't all dedicate ourselves to getting as many folks out to the polls as possible? Reform could be defeated. Her Republican opponent has committed to be the 41st vote against standing up to the big insurance companies -- and we can't let that happen.

So I need your help.

OFA has assigned you 5 voters in Massachusetts. Can you call them today?

Share their polling location with them, and, most importantly, let them know how important their vote is for Massachusetts and for the fate of President Obama's agenda.

Click here to get your list of 5 voters:
Organizing for America | Call 5 Voters

This is a tight race, and every single vote could make the difference.

Thank you for your help. Let's do this for Ted,

Senator John Kerry



:lol::lol::lol: I think the original tea partiers--are going to fire a shot tommorrow that will be heard all the way in Washington, D.C. Mass. is getting real tired of hearing about Ted Kennedy's seat--they know it's their seat--& they want representation.

Go Scott Brown
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To bad the dems in congress didn't have the time needed to bribe all the voters in Mass like they brided the on the fence senators into voting for support on the health care bill (ObamaCare). Then they would of been sure the seat would of stayed a democrat seat. Life a bitch sometime, sometimes you don't get what you want!!!!If you fuck people over to much they get pissed off and you loose your support!!!!The people will speak in the 2010 and 2012 election!!!

It was just a week and a half ago that Coakely was a certain win--with a 10 point lead.

So, I imagine if they would have known that this was going to happen in the last few weeks--you can bet there would have been a major effort from the DNC to do just that.

I don't think the DNC--even had time to bus in ACORN from other states to pay them to campaign for Coakely. It all happened to fast.

$Ram it down.jpg

Hey how true this sign was--It's already started--LOL
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I don't know why I find it distasteful that anyone is sending emails out encouraging people to 'call' registered voters. For some reason I'm thinking I'd be seriously pissed if some fucker rang me to tell me how to vote.... Just sayin'.

DITTO--if there are voters who need to be pressured or harrassed into voting for a certain candidate-they probably shouldn't vote. They only cancel out an educated--informed vote.
I bet when they loose a bag containing a lot of early votes will be found containing the needed votes to pull off a win. just like what happened with Franken the clown in Minn. compliments from Acorn. the democratic way if you can't win legally CHEAT!!!!

Call NOW!... Do it, or Ted Kennedy gets it!...

Well... OK, we'll Kick this Puppy!



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