DNC hates freedom of press! Refuses to let Fox News host a debate!

The stupidity of you candidates and your party also means that you're going to be outside screaming at the sky in 2020, when Prsident Trump gets elected for yet one more term.

How'd that weepy butthurt work out for you in 2018?

Please keep it up, publicly. We Democrats appreciate the votes that people like you bring us.

Idiot. You Democrats only won enough votes to throw a monkey wrench into the internal workings of the House.

So you don't get anything accomplished in the House for the next two years. Not looking too good for you.
DNC bars Fox News from hosting presidential primary debates; network urges party to reconsider

So, you're denying freedom of the press then? Trump should ban the entire left stream media. Talk about hypocrisy. USA, USA. Trump 2020.
More ignorance and stupidity from the moronic right.

The Constitutional doctrine of a free press concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed – not between or among private persons or organizations – such as political parties.

The DNC is not ‘government’ – it’s a private entity not subject to First Amendment jurisprudence, at liberty to associate with whomever it wishes.

Not allowing Fox ‘news’ to host Democratic debates is not to ‘oppose’ a free press – the notion is a ridiculous rightwing lie.
By the OP's kook standards, anyone refusing to give FOX their business is restricting the freedom of the press.

That's just one reason why most people think Trumptards are, well, Trumptards.
But if Trump doesn’t want to talk to Acosta you say he is against free speech! Dumbass!
You like your candidate some much you can’t say the name??

I've not encountered a single Hillary Clinton voter who isn't proud of their vote.

Why are you scared??

I note you're afraid to say her name, so by your standards, that means she terrifies you. If you need a break to change your undies now, we'll understand.

Do you have evidence trump broke any laws??

Well, yes. Duh. The full list is far too long for this thread. Let's just go with one obvious one. Trump accepts money from lobbyists and foreign dignitaries at his hotels. That's flatly prohibited by the Emoluments Clause. He is breaking the law and violating the Constitution flagrantly. Is that okay with you?
You like your candidate some much you can’t say the name??

I've not encountered a single Hillary Clinton voter who isn't proud of their vote.

Why are you scared??

I note you're afraid to say her name, so by your standards, that means she terrifies you. If you need a break to change your undies now, we'll understand.

Do you have evidence trump broke any laws??

Well, yes. Duh. The full is far too long of a list for this thread. Let's just go with one obvious one. Trump accepts money from lobbyists and foreign dignitaries at his hotels. That's flatly prohibited by the Emoluments Clause. He is breaking the law and violating the Constitution flagrantly. Is that okay with you?
So you voted for Hillary Clinton,, and we can’t earn a living ? He can’t own a business.. interesting .. how fascist are you?
You like your candidate some much you can’t say the name??

I've not encountered a single Hillary Clinton voter who isn't proud of their vote.

Why are you scared??

I note you're afraid to say her name, so by your standards, that means she terrifies you. If you need a break to change your undies now, we'll understand.

Do you have evidence trump broke any laws??

Well, yes. Duh. The full list is far too long for this thread. Let's just go with one obvious one. Trump accepts money from lobbyists and foreign dignitaries at his hotels. That's flatly prohibited by the Emoluments Clause. He is breaking the law and violating the Constitution flagrantly. Is that okay with you?
What did he charge them?? Do you have a copy of the receipt??
Can you imagine if hannity got 5 Democrats in a room to debate lol democrats would be begging for it to be over haha

sean handity is too deep in stupid to ask any meaningful question.

He would be choking on his factless puke long before it was over.
Lol when have democrats ever let a conservative host a debate?? Why are they so terrified?? I mean if hannity is stupid wouldn’t you want him making you look good??

Why would anyone want to entertain stupid?
Most watched news channel is stupid? Stop attacking free press democrat or we will take yours away
At least you’re consistent at being ignorant, stupid, and wrong.

Only government has the power to attack a free press. by using the state’s authority to enact laws and measures intended to restrict or preempt what the press seeks to report.

The DNC has neither the power nor authority to enact laws and measures hostile to a free press, and as such cannot interfere with the ability of a news agency to report the news.

In fact, Democrats have always been passionate defenders of a free and unfettered press, often defending the people’s right to know from attack by conservatives – Vietnam, the Pentagon Papers, and Watergate being among the more infamous examples.
Well the DNC needs CNN to collude with in order to fix the primaries. Makes sense. Will the next Donna Brazile please stand up?
Are Republican primaries hosted by CNN?


The Republican National Committee announced the 2015–2016 debate schedule on January 16, 2015. It revealed that 12 debates would be held, in contrast to the 20 debates that were held from 2011 to 2012. The announcement included which news organizations would host each debate, with Fox News and CNN having three each; and one each for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, Fox Business Network, and a conservative media outlet to be announced. It had some changes during the primary.
Well the DNC needs CNN to collude with in order to fix the primaries.

Given the recent news that FOX fixed the debates for Trump, this looks like especially desperate projection.

Trumpflakes, you need to always remember that just because your side is depraved, that doesn't anyone else is depraved. We are not like you, so don't assume we are.
Not letting the only conservative news source host a debate is kidna saying you hate free press

The whole mainstream media is conservative, so conservative voices are over-represented no matter what.

Nobody except retards and party shills (no need to add "Trump cultists" to that list, as that would be redundant) even tries to deny the conservative bias of the mainstream media.

CNN worked especially hard to put Trump in office, and they're continuing their hard work in that area.

FOX is a state propaganda arm, more devoted to Trump than PRAVDA was to the Soviet Communist Party. It's not a journalism outlet, so it doesn't get to host debates.

What kind of clown show are you running?
The media are as left wing as you can get! Just look where the donations go...they sure as hell aren't to Conservatives.

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