DNC Is Broke And Wants Us To Steal From Taxpayers. Nothing New Here.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
It's bad enough that the DNC is dishonest, but now they want us to have to pay for their dishonesty:

Wasserman Schultz’s DNC Wants 20 Million Dollar Gift From Taxpayers

The DNC is desperate for money. Hillary is sucking up all the available cash and the democrats are in the red with more debt than money on hand. They have 6.1 million on hand but they have 6.9 million in debts. The RNC has 20.4 million cash on hand and only 1.9 million in debts. DNC headcase, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has hit on an idea, steal it from the taxpayers.

Just last year congress did away with money that was provided to each party to defray the costs for their national convention. That money was redirected to find cures for children with serious diseases. She wants to raid the presidential campaign fund. You know, the box on your income tax that asks if you want to contribute a buck? Neither Obama or Romney accepted that money because it would limit how much they could spend. My guess is that no presidential candidate will ever take that money again.

Here’s my problem. If they raid that fund, they will be using it for purposes other than what the donor intended it for. If Schultz wants, she can propose a bill that would add a dollar donation towards the national conventions. She must realize, it would not garner the same support as the presidential elections. It’s much easier just to steal the money.

The republicans should reject the bill the moment it’s offered. They already have a good start and donors have quit sending money to Dole McCain Romney Bush, so there should be some cash for their convention. The taxpayers already provide 50 million to each party for security. That was passed back in 2001, to help the parties to set up security to keep terrorists out. (That’s pretty silly. If you ban all terrorists from the Democratic National Convention, the janitor would be one lonely guy.​
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