DNC Ukraine Operative Visited WH 27 Times

Who cares, not I, and I will vote for Biden or Amy , whoever is in the lead, no matter if Biden killed a person on 5th AVE NY.
Coyote and you were saying only the Trumpers were like this.

like I said, both sides have their idiots dug in. screaming at the other side for the same things your side does isn't helping overall.

But iceberg - none of that excuses what Trump APPEARS to have done. Even the Republicans aren't...they're main defense seems to be ya...it's not good but it's not impeachable.

Impeachment should not be easy. Nixon should have been. That was an abuse of power. Clinton - should not have been. Trump - I do not yet know, but I support the inquiry. What he did was enough to provoke an inquiry and we would not have gotten the testimony otherwise. It would have been blocked. If the Dems had pushed impeachment based on Mueller - I would have opposed it. Not that I think he didn't obstruct, or behave badly, but it is not impeachable. You may not like Pelosi but she is savvy, experienced, and has the political know how to control a fractious caucus.
but I support the inquiry

Which of the six witch hunts do you support? Or are you waiting for lucky number 7?
Who cares, not I, and I will vote for Biden or Amy , whoever is in the lead, no matter if Biden killed a person on 5th AVE NY.
Coyote and you were saying only the Trumpers were like this.

like I said, both sides have their idiots dug in. screaming at the other side for the same things your side does isn't helping overall.

But iceberg - none of that excuses what Trump APPEARS to have done. Even the Republicans aren't...they're main defense seems to be ya...it's not good but it's not impeachable.

Impeachment should not be easy. Nixon should have been. That was an abuse of power. Clinton - should not have been. Trump - I do not yet know, but I support the inquiry. What he did was enough to provoke an inquiry and we would not have gotten the testimony otherwise. It would have been blocked. If the Dems had pushed impeachment based on Mueller - I would have opposed it. Not that I think he didn't obstruct, or behave badly, but it is not impeachable. You may not like Pelosi but she is savvy, experienced, and has the political know how to control a fractious caucus.

What does he appear to have done Coyote?
And does she support also looking into where billions went and the bidens role in it?

we have a comment on a phone about investigating this causing an uproar yet the Ukraine didn't know they were getting aid at the time. so how does that add up?

if THAT warrants an inquirey then why doesn't what we've found about the bidens and billions us US tax dollars?

seems blind to your own side to me.
Who cares, not I, and I will vote for Biden or Amy , whoever is in the lead, no matter if Biden killed a person on 5th AVE NY.
Coyote and you were saying only the Trumpers were like this.

like I said, both sides have their idiots dug in. screaming at the other side for the same things your side does isn't helping overall.

But iceberg - none of that excuses what Trump APPEARS to have done. Even the Republicans aren't...they're main defense seems to be ya...it's not good but it's not impeachable.

Impeachment should not be easy. Nixon should have been. That was an abuse of power. Clinton - should not have been. Trump - I do not yet know, but I support the inquiry. What he did was enough to provoke an inquiry and we would not have gotten the testimony otherwise. It would have been blocked. If the Dems had pushed impeachment based on Mueller - I would have opposed it. Not that I think he didn't obstruct, or behave badly, but it is not impeachable. You may not like Pelosi but she is savvy, experienced, and has the political know how to control a fractious caucus.
then why not support the inquiry on why the bidens got so much money? never seen you worried about that at all.

quid pro quo in that he withheld unless they investigated biden?

what trump said was "can you look into it". anything else is reading into it what you want in the same manner "do what we want or you don't get $1.6 bil from us - i leave in 6 hours" was in reference to his son.

not what biden said, but what people heard. by now it's obvious people hear what they want and make it mean what they need it to mean.


President Trump Impeachment -- Ukraine Didn't Realize U.S. Withheld Aid Until One Month After Call: Report | National Review

by logical sense, the ukraine not even knowing it's being held up or held "hostage" kinda nullified that entire point. you can try to FORCE it but that doesn't make it true.

now - if getting another gov to help you go after your political opponents is a crime - great.
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
DNC Worked With UKRAINE To Help Hillary, Undermine Trump !!
Forgotten Collusion Story: DNC, Clinton Campaign Sought Ukraine’s Help to Sink Trump
Did Ukraine try to interfere in the 2016 election on Clinton's behalf?

It wasn't so much the Clinton campaign, per se, but a Democratic operative working with the Democratic National Committee did reach out to the Ukrainian government in an attempt to get damaging information about the Trump campaign.
why are we pushing all this actual evidence aside and not even considering it? this is just the DNC going to the ukraine for help in the very same manner they accused trump of doing for russia. only, we have this proof. we don't have ANY proof for trump. so in one case we have zero proof, but 2 years of investigations. on the other hand, we have a lot of proof and a refusal to admit it exists. justice or hold onto power at all costs?

why do we ignore the proof and hold onto the hope?


NOW - about what trump asked the ukraine to "look into" - part 2
Fact-checking Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Ukraine
Biden Funneled $1.8 Billion To Ukraine While Son Bagged 'Sweetheart' Government Deal: Report
Schweizer: Joe Biden 'Was Steering Billions of Dollars of Western Money to Ukraine' for Access, Influence | Breitbart

now - we KNOW billions went to the ukraine and came back to MANY top gov officials of various names and backgrounds. we're not making assumptions. we have the papertrail. period.

why is this ignored? THIS is what trump said "look into" and it's physically impossible for trump to be getting "quid pro quo" when the ukraine DID NOT EVEN KNOW the aid was held up or coming.

why do we overlook all this proof and hold onto the hope?


look, i get it. not a huge fan of trump the arrogant persona, no. but my feelings on someone does NOT make them guilty of things so i can get some emotional insurance / vindication. i strongly believe if you removed the names and just went by the facts you would see one side does in fact have facts, the other anger and "feelz".

and you can't overturn an election on feelz. the day we do that, what's the point of the constitution, the EC, or even much of our system. we've allowed people to control the gov simply because they have for so long.

give me facts of what trump did and tie it to laws broken.

no one has done that yet, just attacked the message, scream NAZI and YOU'RE NOT A PATRIOT and the like. all emotional responses you run to when you don't have facts on your side.

so - why is trump going to be impeached again? for suggesting we look into why the bidens got billions of laundered money.

that's it.

and that sucks.
Last edited:
Who cares, not I, and I will vote for Biden or Amy , whoever is in the lead, no matter if Biden killed a person on 5th AVE NY.
There are millions of voters who are as polarized as much as you are in both parties

You know it because its all lies like they lied about Hillary.
Even Comey said Hillary broke the law. Then he declared she ‘didn’t mean it’ so took the role of Prosecution and declared no charges to be filed.

FBI Director Comey did not state that she broke any law.

Another false narrative by an ever-trumper.
Who cares, not I, and I will vote for Biden or Amy , whoever is in the lead, no matter if Biden killed a person on 5th AVE NY.
There are millions of voters who are as polarized as much as you are in both parties

You know it because its all lies like they lied about Hillary.
Even Comey said Hillary broke the law. Then he declared she ‘didn’t mean it’ so took the role of Prosecution and declared no charges to be filed.

FBI Director Comey did not state that she broke any law.

Another false narrative by an ever-trumper.
“Comey noted that in order to prosecute a person for mishandling classified information, prosecutors would be required to prove willfulness (a very high bar) or "gross negligence". While "I see evidence of great carelessness," Comey said, "noreasonable prosecutor would bring this case" on those grounds.”
FBI Director James Comey testifies on decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton

How many drunk drivers intend to kill a family in an intersection?
Who cares, not I, and I will vote for Biden or Amy , whoever is in the lead, no matter if Biden killed a person on 5th AVE NY.
There are millions of voters who are as polarized as much as you are in both parties

You know it because its all lies like they lied about Hillary.
Even Comey said Hillary broke the law. Then he declared she ‘didn’t mean it’ so took the role of Prosecution and declared no charges to be filed.

FBI Director Comey did not state that she broke any law.

Another false narrative by an ever-trumper.
“Comey noted that in order to prosecute a person for mishandling classified information, prosecutors would be required to prove willfulness (a very high bar) or "gross negligence". While "I see evidence of great carelessness," Comey said, "noreasonable prosecutor would bring this case" on those grounds.”
FBI Director James Comey testifies on decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton

How many drunk drivers intend to kill a family in an intersection?

Apples and oranges dude.

What law did Comey say Clinton broke?

Also, would "evidence of great carelessness" include a president talking on a WhatsApp phone?
There are millions of voters who are as polarized as much as you are in both parties

You know it because its all lies like they lied about Hillary.
Even Comey said Hillary broke the law. Then he declared she ‘didn’t mean it’ so took the role of Prosecution and declared no charges to be filed.

FBI Director Comey did not state that she broke any law.

Another false narrative by an ever-trumper.
“Comey noted that in order to prosecute a person for mishandling classified information, prosecutors would be required to prove willfulness (a very high bar) or "gross negligence". While "I see evidence of great carelessness," Comey said, "noreasonable prosecutor would bring this case" on those grounds.”
FBI Director James Comey testifies on decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton

How many drunk drivers intend to kill a family in an intersection?

Apples and oranges dude.

What law did Comey say Clinton broke?

Also, would "evidence of great carelessness" include a president talking on a WhatsApp phone?
Law is law. Ignorance is never an excuse.
Unless you’re Deep State.
Who cares, not I, and I will vote for Biden or Amy , whoever is in the lead, no matter if Biden killed a person on 5th AVE NY.
There are millions of voters who are as polarized as much as you are in both parties

You know it because its all lies like they lied about Hillary.
Even Comey said Hillary broke the law. Then he declared she ‘didn’t mean it’ so took the role of Prosecution and declared no charges to be filed.

FBI Director Comey did not state that she broke any law.

Another false narrative by an ever-trumper.
“Comey noted that in order to prosecute a person for mishandling classified information, prosecutors would be required to prove willfulness (a very high bar) or "gross negligence". While "I see evidence of great carelessness," Comey said, "noreasonable prosecutor would bring this case" on those grounds.”
FBI Director James Comey testifies on decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton

How many drunk drivers intend to kill a family in an intersection?
no one driving home drunk intends to kill anyone. just not get caught.

no one seems to like it when their fast n loose rules to implicating the other come home to them in the end.
There are millions of voters who are as polarized as much as you are in both parties

You know it because its all lies like they lied about Hillary.
Even Comey said Hillary broke the law. Then he declared she ‘didn’t mean it’ so took the role of Prosecution and declared no charges to be filed.

FBI Director Comey did not state that she broke any law.

Another false narrative by an ever-trumper.
“Comey noted that in order to prosecute a person for mishandling classified information, prosecutors would be required to prove willfulness (a very high bar) or "gross negligence". While "I see evidence of great carelessness," Comey said, "noreasonable prosecutor would bring this case" on those grounds.”
FBI Director James Comey testifies on decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton

How many drunk drivers intend to kill a family in an intersection?
no one driving home drunk intends to kill anyone. just not get caught.

no one seems to like it when their fast n loose rules to implicating the other come home to them in the end.
And according to Comey the drunk who blew thru a red light killing a family of four shouldn’t be prosecuted.

No intent.
You know it because its all lies like they lied about Hillary.
Even Comey said Hillary broke the law. Then he declared she ‘didn’t mean it’ so took the role of Prosecution and declared no charges to be filed.

FBI Director Comey did not state that she broke any law.

Another false narrative by an ever-trumper.
“Comey noted that in order to prosecute a person for mishandling classified information, prosecutors would be required to prove willfulness (a very high bar) or "gross negligence". While "I see evidence of great carelessness," Comey said, "noreasonable prosecutor would bring this case" on those grounds.”
FBI Director James Comey testifies on decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton

How many drunk drivers intend to kill a family in an intersection?
no one driving home drunk intends to kill anyone. just not get caught.

no one seems to like it when their fast n loose rules to implicating the other come home to them in the end.
And according to Comey the drunk who blew thru a red light killing a family of four shouldn’t be prosecuted.

No intent.
but ... that's different!!!

i get so damn tired of hearing that.
You know it because its all lies like they lied about Hillary.
Even Comey said Hillary broke the law. Then he declared she ‘didn’t mean it’ so took the role of Prosecution and declared no charges to be filed.

FBI Director Comey did not state that she broke any law.

Another false narrative by an ever-trumper.
“Comey noted that in order to prosecute a person for mishandling classified information, prosecutors would be required to prove willfulness (a very high bar) or "gross negligence". While "I see evidence of great carelessness," Comey said, "noreasonable prosecutor would bring this case" on those grounds.”
FBI Director James Comey testifies on decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton

How many drunk drivers intend to kill a family in an intersection?
no one driving home drunk intends to kill anyone. just not get caught.

no one seems to like it when their fast n loose rules to implicating the other come home to them in the end.
And according to Comey the drunk who blew thru a red light killing a family of four shouldn’t be prosecuted.

No intent.

Well. that explains Laura Bush.
There are millions of voters who are as polarized as much as you are in both parties

You know it because its all lies like they lied about Hillary.
Even Comey said Hillary broke the law. Then he declared she ‘didn’t mean it’ so took the role of Prosecution and declared no charges to be filed.

FBI Director Comey did not state that she broke any law.

Another false narrative by an ever-trumper.
“Comey noted that in order to prosecute a person for mishandling classified information, prosecutors would be required to prove willfulness (a very high bar) or "gross negligence". While "I see evidence of great carelessness," Comey said, "noreasonable prosecutor would bring this case" on those grounds.”
FBI Director James Comey testifies on decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton

How many drunk drivers intend to kill a family in an intersection?

Apples and oranges dude.

What law did Comey say Clinton broke?

Also, would "evidence of great carelessness" include a president talking on a WhatsApp phone?
if everything was based on "carelessness" then what difference does intent make? carelessness isn't against the law.

so again, you're defending someone deleting 33k pieces of potential evidence but not giving that same leeway to others.

that's how trump got elected.

I'm guess that you still watch the muppets.

I'm guess that you still watch the muppets.
its time to put on make up, it's time to light the lights...

hell, ain't nothing wrong with the muppets or fraggle rock.

face it, mokie was hot.

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