Do Americans know that China is a communist country?

You ever read "Animal Farm?" It seems China has reached the same stage of political development as Animal farm had by the end of the book.

They can call themselves what they like. A name is just a label. the contents of the label can be anything you want it to be. The call themselves communists. So that is what they are. But what they seem to have achieved is sort of what Mussolini was going for with his ideal of a corporate state.

All this is and has long been known to everyone, as it is pretty obvious. Why has the obvious escaped you till very recently

So you like their form of government?

Next time you pull this 5h17 I will neg you. That was uncalled for.

What kind of fantasy universe, short on oxygen, do yo live in that you would ever make that anti intellectual leap? I think I have been very civil with you on this issue, but you are really pushing the ethical envelope here.

I have discovered a new label for you : Ignoranus And I think that is the way I will address you from now on.

Hell. It is time for neg rep anyway.

Some USMB members have suggested that China has become a capitalistic society.

I pointed out that even China describes itself as a "communist country" and our government sees China as a "communist country" and in spite of that, there are some that say China is not only a "capitalistic society", but the leader of the country is actually the CEO.

Is this a "mainstream" belief? Does it come from mostly one party?

You're fucking stupid

I don't fuck your relatives. Not "Dummy", not "Stupid" and certainly not "Drooler". Besides, she has a mustache.


Well, interesting argument rdean. Does that mean you are finally going to accept that the National Socialists are socialists? I mean they say it in their name.
You ever read "Animal Farm?" It seems China has reached the same stage of political development as Animal farm had by the end of the book.

They can call themselves what they like. A name is just a label. the contents of the label can be anything you want it to be. The call themselves communists. So that is what they are. But what they seem to have achieved is sort of what Mussolini was going for with his ideal of a corporate state.

All this is and has long been known to everyone, as it is pretty obvious. Why has the obvious escaped you till very recently

So you like their form of government?

Next time you pull this 5h17 I will neg you. That was uncalled for.

What kind of fantasy universe, short on oxygen, do yo live in that you would ever make that anti intellectual leap? I think I have been very civil with you on this issue, but you are really pushing the ethical envelope here.

I have discovered a new label for you : Ignoranus And I think that is the way I will address you from now on.

Hell. It is time for neg rep anyway.


You're the one who said, "But what they seem to have achieved is sort of what Mussolini was going for with his ideal of a corporate state".

Add the fact that most, if not all right wingers have only terrible things to say about our government.

Add in this insult, "Why has the obvious escaped you till very recently" and I believe my question was fair.

So you don't like their government. You don't like our government. What kind of government do you like?

Unless you live in total chaos, with no food, air, water, road or any kind of safety, and no military, VA, Social Security, no NASA, no technology no nothing, what kind of government do you like? The "Wild West"? Afghanistan? Iraq? I would think Republicans like Iraq since they put it together.
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So you like their form of government?

Next time you pull this 5h17 I will neg you. That was uncalled for.

What kind of fantasy universe, short on oxygen, do yo live in that you would ever make that anti intellectual leap? I think I have been very civil with you on this issue, but you are really pushing the ethical envelope here.

I have discovered a new label for you : Ignoranus And I think that is the way I will address you from now on.

Hell. It is time for neg rep anyway.


You're the one who said, "But what they seem to have achieved is sort of what Mussolini was going for with his ideal of a corporate state".

Add the fact that most, if not all right wingers have only terrible things to say about our government.

Add in this insult, "Why has the obvious escaped you till very recently" and I believe my question was fair.

So you don't like their government. You don't like our government. What kind of government do you like?

Unless you live in total chaos, with no food, air, water, road or any kind of safety, and no military, VA, Social Security, no NASA, no technology no nothing, what kind of government do you like?

I have been on this board a good long time, and we have posted back and forth a lot, and you know where I stand on this stuff. You know that none of us "Right Wingers" have much of anything to say about Musso or Adolf, or their variations of socialism.

That is why I am calling on you to apolgise for your gross insult. You know what I have written about this kind of thing, and that remark was way uncalled for.

there is a limit to stupid. I know you have the IQ of a stunned gerbil, but even you know better than this. It was just a pointless and stupid snarkiness all the worse for being morally wrong.

All your posting seems to imply there are only two ways, Stupid straw or your insanity de jour.

As we have all made very clear to you, us righties like limited democratic government that protects the nation and the people from violence, and maintains the roads. It does not preach to us, it does not use us, it does not rule us, it does not take money from us to waste on frivolity, when we can waste our money better.

Now crawl back under your rock and stay there.
Some USMB members have suggested that China has become a capitalistic society.

I pointed out that even China describes itself as a "communist country" and our government sees China as a "communist country" and in spite of that, there are some that say China is not only a "capitalistic society", but the leader of the country is actually the CEO.

Is this a "mainstream" belief? Does it come from mostly one party?

I would define it more as an oligarchy. The economy is mixed at this point.

Basically people can make money now, but have very little political clout.

What is the difference between "little political clout" and "none"?

Some of them can join the communist party, which gives them a bit of say. Really the difference is marginal, i agree.
How come its the communist made weapons that seem to be the weapons that kill our soldiers.
China is a communist corporation. UScitizen said that and he/she was spot on!

The commies are gonna win yet after 100 years of the west trying to destroy them.

Worse yet we are fulfilling Stalin's prophecy that " capitalists would sell you the rope to hang them with". Via our debt of course.

Doesn't that make you feel proud?

You think America is trying to destroy China? How much American rope do you think is sold in China?
China is a communist corporation. UScitizen said that and he/she was spot on!

The commies are gonna win yet after 100 years of the west trying to destroy them.

Worse yet we are fulfilling Stalin's prophecy that " capitalists would sell you the rope to hang them with". Via our debt of course.

Doesn't that make you feel proud?

You think America is trying to destroy China? How much American rope do you think is sold in China?

You got it backwards. The USA is selling China the debt to hang us with. $2.3 trillion worth.
Well, interesting argument rdean. Does that mean you are finally going to accept that the National Socialists are socialists? I mean they say it in their name.
You've heard of propaganda, right? Saying things that aren't true? Even giving something a misleading name?
Well, interesting argument rdean. Does that mean you are finally going to accept that the National Socialists are socialists? I mean they say it in their name.
You've heard of propaganda, right? Saying things that aren't true? Even giving something a misleading name?

Yes, but in the case of the National Socialists it's not very misleading. It's true that Hitler's National Socialism was not socialism in its purest sense, but it was a form of fascism which is certainly closely related to socialism.
Hitler's and Mussolini's Fascism were right wing extremist.
Blending Corporations with government, anti-intellectualism, anti-homosexual, extreme racism.

Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scholars generally consider fascism to be on the far right.[10][11][12][13][14][15]
They oppose liberalism (as a bourgeois movement) and Marxism (as a proletarian movement) for being exclusive economic class-based movements.[24
Hitler's and Mussolini's Fascism were right wing extremist.
Blending Corporations with government, anti-intellectualism, anti-homosexual, extreme racism.

Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scholars generally consider fascism to be on the far right.[10][11][12][13][14][15]
They oppose liberalism (as a bourgeois movement) and Marxism (as a proletarian movement) for being exclusive economic class-based movements.[24

None of which is the sole province of the right-wing.
China is not communist...It is state capitalism...hahaha...I joke...did you notice how the word communist has evolved into state capitalist...Very well done progressives. Now when you turn your destructive eye on the helpless workers of China and try to unionize them, you can still refer to capitalism as a bad thing. Will the progressives still feel bad when the government does an anti-union crackdown and a couple million chinese workers suddenly disappear?
Hitler's and Mussolini's Fascism were right wing extremist.
Blending Corporations with government, anti-intellectualism, anti-homosexual, extreme racism.

Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scholars generally consider fascism to be on the far right.[10][11][12][13][14][15]
They oppose liberalism (as a bourgeois movement) and Marxism (as a proletarian movement) for being exclusive economic class-based movements.[24

Hitler's National Socialist party joined with the Communists to take power. The Communist of Germany.
China is a communist corporation. UScitizen said that and he/she was spot on!

The commies are gonna win yet after 100 years of the west trying to destroy them.

Worse yet we are fulfilling Stalin's prophecy that " capitalists would sell you the rope to hang them with". Via our debt of course.

Doesn't that make you feel proud?

You think America is trying to destroy China? How much American rope do you think is sold in China?

How many rope factories did we sell to China.

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