Do Americans need weapons?

You gun fetishists are the loudest whiners imaginable. Worse that toddlers who didn't get as many sprinkles on their ice cream as they wanted.

YOU WON! You have as many guns as you want! You guys have turned America into the leading first world gun ownership capital!


You guys are the MOST PITIFUL martyrs I've seen. And my mom was a world-class martyr, so I've seen the master at work. You guys STILL WIN THE TITLE.

"Someone disagreed with me! Quick, run to a label before I hear something other than the voices in my head!"

Begone, troll. If you ever stop thinking past your memes, perhaps I'll be generous enough to re-consider whether you might be thought of as a person.

Begone, troll.

OH NO! SOMEONE DISAGREED WITH YOU! Call them a name! (See what I did there?)

If you ever stop thinking past your memes, perhaps I'll be generous enough to re-consider whether you might be thought of as a person.

Actually I'm hoping people like YOU never consider me a person. I don't respect your type so I need NOTHING from you. Just stay away. Polish your guns in your closet and enjoy yourself. Rub-a-dub-dub.
I believe that only those who agree to join the militia, conduct exercises and, if necessary, fight for the state should have the right to bear arms. Otherwise, this will lead to the federalization of the state and the deprivation of the right to own weapons in general.

I believe that your beliefs about a country that isn't yours are the height of irrelevance. Put bluntly, no one asked you, and now that you've felt compelled to "advise" us anyway, we value your opinion even less.
Then you missed the point of my post. I will try to make it clearer for you.

This is a probabilistic game. If you increase the number of legal guns owned by perfectly good people you increase the probability that there will be guns that are stolen or otherwise make it into the hands of the bad people.

That's just basic statistics. Thefts happen, even good people sell guns to people who may not be as good.

In reality no one is going to ask you to give up all your guns (except maybe Jesus, but you'd have to take that up with Him), but you may be asked to either have limited guns or have more oversight of you guns for the general public safety.

Cookies are good, but you can't make your entire diet cookies. Guns have a value but you can't flood your population with guns and expect the outcome to be great.
You can blather all you like. We have a right to be well armed. The point is to be as well armed as the military. We will NEVER surrender that right. Ever.


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Then you missed the point of my post. I will try to make it clearer for you.

This is a probabilistic game. If you increase the number of legal guns owned by perfectly good people you increase the probability that there will be guns that are stolen or otherwise make it into the hands of the bad people.

That's just basic statistics. Thefts happen, even good people sell guns to people who may not be as good.

In reality no one is going to ask you to give up all your guns (except maybe Jesus, but you'd have to take that up with Him), but you may be asked to either have limited guns or have more oversight of you guns for the general public safety.

Cookies are good, but you can't make your entire diet cookies. Guns have a value but you can't flood your population with guns and expect the outcome to be great.

That is just a stupid way to think about, if we just didn't allow people to have cars, we wouldn't have car theft, or car crashes......

Again, I know you are an idiot, you do not curtail the Rights of people based on the illegal actions of other moron.

You arrest the people who steal the guns and you don't just let them go......what we currently have are democrat party judges who are releasing violent repeat offenders over and over again....

Punish the people who steal guns and you reduce the number of people who steal guns, you moron...
That is just a stupid way to think about this.

If you don't understand probabilities I can guess why you'd say that., if we just didn't allow people to have cars, we wouldn't have car theft, or car crashes......

Pretty much, yeah. That's why we put so many hurdles between people and drivers licenses.

Again, I know you are an idiot,

I'm sure you know a lot of things. Or you tell yourself you do.

you do not curtail the Rights of people based on the illegal actions of other moron.

You actually DO that very thing. Take the first amendment as but one example. There are limits imposed on EVERYONE precisely because of the actions of a few bad actors.

You arrest the people who steal the guns and you don't just let them go

America has the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world. So your theory fails at the outset.
Punish the people who steal guns and you reduce the number of people who steal guns, you moron...

It is really getting wearying hearing a clown call me a moron.
You can blather all you like.

I understand. A lot of heavy math there and you don't understand it.

We have a right to be well armed. The point is to be as well armed as the military. We will NEVER surrender that right. Ever.

You martyrs are all alike. You just want everyone to feel bad for your "victimhood mentality".

Sorry, I don't spare much compassion for those who tell me explicitly they don't want compassion.

Grow up. Your guns are safe.

Now go polish your halo with Jesus. Talk to him about your guns.
If you don't understand probabilities I can guess why you'd say that.

Pretty much, yeah. That's why we put so many hurdles between people and drivers licenses.

I'm sure you know a lot of things. Or you tell yourself you do.

You actually DO that very thing. Take the first amendment as but one example. There are limits imposed on EVERYONE precisely because of the actions of a few bad actors.

America has the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world. So your theory fails at the outset.

It is really getting wearying hearing a clown call me a moron. can't break the law with the First can't use a gun to rape, rob or murder...that is the "curtailment," allowed under the Right to own don't ban or confiscate guns from normal people who do not commit a crime, simply because others do commit crimes......that is what fascists do.....

America has the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world.

What about that statement is so hard for morons like you to understand.....the democrat party now has an active policy of releasing the most violent criminals, the ones who are using illegal guns for rape, robbery and murder, over and over again.......often releasing these violent criminals within hours or days of being captured for violent gun crimes...

It doesn't matter how many violent criminals are temporarily detained in prison, if the democrats let them out over and over again no matter how many felonies they commit....

You doofus...
OH NO! SOMEONE DISAGREED WITH YOU! Call them a name! (See what I did there?)

Actually I'm hoping people like YOU never consider me a person. I don't respect your type so I need NOTHING from you. Just stay away. Polish your guns in your closet and enjoy yourself. Rub-a-dub-dub.

Yes, I see what you did there: tried lamely to be clever, and failed miserably. Run along and bother someone who has time for your ignorance.
Then you are on your way to the usual leftist dictatorship. The feds will not leave you free, they will centralize power until they make you slaves

Is that what happened in your lame-ass country, to make you try to deal yourself into ours in an attempt to feel important?
It's so sad when people like you can't handle someone with a different opinion.
Keep in mind that opinions on this issue are effectively opinions about whether Americans get to remain free or not.

It is natural for people to get upset when someone tries to take away their freedom.

They can already do it.
That is incorrect. Currently there is no system in place for suicidal people to voluntarily and temporarily hand in their guns until they are better.

Good thing we limit people's access to bombs.
Bombs are trivially easy to make.

So are incendiaries if a murderer wants to use fire.

Trucks are easy to steal if a murderer wants to plow one into a crowd at high speed.

Yeah, people with dead children tend to be a real drag. Your compassion is noted. Maybe someday you'll be lucky enough to be in their shoes and you can show them how it SHOULD be done.
I know one thing, if I ever suffer a tragedy I won't use that as a weapon to try to violate the civil liberties of innocent people.

It's imaginary. No one is going to take your precious guns. You won. Stop being a sore winner.
It's not imaginary. The left is still trying to violate my civil liberties.

It's like Japan at the end of WWII. We may have effectively won the war, but they were still refusing to surrender.

Ummm, you know how lobbying works, right?
I have a pretty good idea how it works.

Uh huh.
Is that why the NRA spends MILLIONS OF DOLLARS every year lobbying congress?
The money isn't nearly as important as our ability to vote people out of office in rural districts.
Keep in mind that opinions on this issue are effectively opinions about whether Americans get to remain free or not.

That's overly dramatic.

1. No one is taking your guns. In fact there is NO MAJOR POLITICAL PARTY WHO SAYS THEY WILL.

2. Your personal guns have never been used to maintain freedom. And it is EXTREMELY unlikely you would be able to do so if your freedom were at risk. Look at Ruby Ridge. Look at Waco. Look at Malheur.

That is incorrect. Currently there is no system in place for suicidal people to voluntarily and temporarily hand in their guns until they are better.

You have GOT to be joking. No one is REQUIRED to keep their guns.

Bombs are trivially easy to make.

Not as easy as getting a gun. Which is probably why mass shootings (like the one THIS AFTERNOON in S.C.) use guns.

Trucks are easy to steal if a murderer wants to plow one into a crowd at high speed.

While this happens, there are MANY MANY MANY more mass shootings with guns. That must mean that guns are easier to get ahold of and use for this purpose.

It's not imaginary. The left is still trying to violate my civil liberties.

It's imaginary. But it's always important to keep the unwashed masses scared of SOMETHING. It's how you control mobs of the less educated. Your favorite anti-elitist stalwarts in Congress are all elites. They've ALWAYS been elites. Most of them only own guns to pose in pictures for you guys to make you think they are like you. They aren't. You're being played.

I have a pretty good idea how it works.
Apparently not.

The money isn't nearly as important as our ability to vote people out of office in rural districts.

Nah. There's a reason why politicians care about their NRA rating. They actually don't much care about you simply aren't important. Your vote is effectively meaningless because you've been gerrymandered into solid districts that don't really act as political battlegrounds. And YOU don't give much in the way of funding.

The NRA, on the other hand, acts as a great "clearinghouse" for information for the illiteratti so you get skewed info and the politicians only care about the NRA lobbying money.

You're being sold a load of sh*t keeping you amped up over fake outrage. You're being played more than you know.
I understand. A lot of heavy math there and you don't understand it.

You martyrs are all alike. You just want everyone to feel bad for your "victimhood mentality".

Sorry, I don't spare much compassion for those who tell me explicitly they don't want compassion.

Grow up. Your guns are safe.

Now go polish your halo with Jesus. Talk to him about your guns.
What complete nonsense. I’m not a victim. Yes my guns are safe because nobody will ever take them from me, that has nada to do with you.
What complete nonsense. I’m not a victim. Yes my guns are safe because nobody will ever take them from me, that has nada to do with you.

Apparently it has EVERYTHING to do with me (and people like me). We terrify you that we want to take all your guns away. It's hilarious.

There are a few among us on the Left who DO want to take your guns, but that's hardly a majority and there's no mainstream political party currently planning to take your guns. You are being PLAYED.

They WANT you to be scared so you'll join things like the NRA and send $$$ to support their "lobbying efforts". And, by the way, enriching that scum Wayne La Pierre.

I would recommend that you actually take seriously the concerns expressed by those on the Left while they are still being kind. Because a few more mass slaughters and sooner or later the majority of the active voters WILL pursue options that are not friendly.

But that's a while off. America is currently OK watching toddlers get gunned down in school. It's our "thing" apparently.

Then followed by our faux moralistic "thoughts and prayers" which is a load of crap. We show that those prayers aren't aimed in the direction we want others to think. Prayers are exactly meaningless if you act in support of a culture of death.
That's overly dramatic.
Not really. Freedom is important to people.

1. No one is taking your guns.
That's not for a lack of trying on the part of the left.

That is incorrect. The Democratic Party is always trying to outlaw various guns.

2. Your personal guns have never been used to maintain freedom. And it is EXTREMELY unlikely you would be able to do so if your freedom were at risk. Look at Ruby Ridge. Look at Waco. Look at Malheur.
You don't understand what freedom is. You have everything completely twisted around and backwards in that sentence.

It is not our guns that maintain our freedom. It is our freedom that maintains our guns.

You have GOT to be joking.
I'm not. The system that I proposed has not been created.

No one is REQUIRED to keep their guns.
Irrelevant. People are going to choose to keep their guns, as it is their right to do.

Not as easy as getting a gun. Which is probably why mass shootings (like the one THIS AFTERNOON in S.C.) use guns.
While this happens, there are MANY MANY MANY more mass shootings with guns. That must mean that guns are easier to get ahold of and use for this purpose.
Probably true.

But so what? It's easy enough to do that if someone can't manage to get guns, they will easily shift gears and pursue some other method.

It's imaginary.
No it isn't. The left's attempts to violate my rights may be doomed to failure, but the attempts are in earnest.

Your favorite anti-elitist stalwarts in Congress are all elites. They've ALWAYS been elites. Most of them only own guns to pose in pictures for you guys to make you think they are like you. They aren't. You're being played.
I don't object to elitists. All I care about is whether they protect my rights or not. If they do that, I don't care whether they are like me or not.

Apparently not.
I've been fighting in the trenches for decades now. I know exactly how the war is being waged.

Nah. There's a reason why politicians care about their NRA rating. They actually don't much care about you simply aren't important. Your vote is effectively meaningless because you've been gerrymandered into solid districts that don't really act as political battlegrounds. And YOU don't give much in the way of funding.
That is incorrect. Rural districts are necessary for either party to control the House.

That makes our votes indispensable.

The NRA, on the other hand, acts as a great "clearinghouse" for information for the illiteratti so you get skewed info
That is incorrect. The NRA provides accurate information, and people also get information from other sources.

Civil liberties activists are hardly illiterate.

and the politicians only care about the NRA lobbying money.
That is incorrect. They care about getting voted out of office.

You should see some of them sob when we vote them out.

You're being sold a load of sh*t keeping you amped up over fake outrage. You're being played more than you know.
The NRA doesn't make leftist politicians say that they are out to violate our rights.

Those leftists politicians say that stuff voluntarily.
I would recommend that you actually take seriously the concerns expressed by those on the Left while they are still being kind. Because a few more mass slaughters and sooner or later the majority of the active voters WILL pursue options that are not friendly.
We can defeat the left as many times as we need to.

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