Do Americans Still Trust Our Elections?

You really don't get it, do you? When 70+ million other Americans distrust the results, that matters.
No it doesn't.
You'll be seeing why, very quickly when the perception of cheating is repeated in '24.
No we won't.
Think of it this way...'re asking someone else to think. Thats precious.
imagine that it's YOU who feels there is plenty of evidence of wrongdoing that's being ignored. How would YOU react to that? Would you just shrug and say, oh well, I guess I MUST OBEY a government that I think is illegitimate?
That's what you've done. I would accept the results of the election.
When this happens again, this whole experiment in freedom is DONE.
LOL...sure peewee.
The resistance won't be a 4-hour riot in DC. It will be lawlessness so widespread that DC's best efforts will be useless. There aren't enough cops, troops, or cells to FORCE COMPLIANCE of tens of millions of others who are as hard-headed as YOU.
What you gonna do boy...type in all caps?
Multiple states--red and blue alike--have done their elections by mail exclusively for multiple election cycles. Nobody ever questioned their legitimacy. They still do not.
It is the real extremism that results from the mail in voting affected by party politics that is somehow a mandate. That is why you never help anyone anymore unless you know them.

There was massive fraud and collusion at nearly every level of the process.

As bad as our elections usually are, this one was outrageously rigged and crooked.

Almost as bad as the Democrats in 2016 eh? :)
Speaking of whiny conspiracy theorist sore loser crybabies…
True. They never got over (and will never get over) a black man winning the presidency.
You are full of BS as usual, BO won twice, I neither liked or supported him, but he did win straight up. Will NOT say the same for Thief in Chief Biden.
You are full of BS as usual, BO won twice, I neither liked or supported him, but he did win straight up. Will NOT say the same for Thief in Chief Biden.
Do you have any proof that there was widespread voter fraud? No. No you do not. All you have is your flaccid impotent rage
Do you have any proof that there was widespread voter fraud? No. No you do not. All you have is your flaccid impotent rage
Plenty of evidence on tape in Georgia, affidavits from GOP poll workers being thrown out in GA, PA and a few other states. Courts refused to hear it so the evidence is there no matter your denials. Must be nice to control most of court system that shuts out evidence that does not meet the deep state narrative.

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