Do Conservatives Really Think They Are Conservative Today?


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
This is a great debate.

Conservatives fall into 3 categories;
Fiscal. (I want less spending)
Thinking. (I'm unwilling or unable to change my way of thinking)
Freedom. (I'm freedom no matter what)

The irony is that every single Conservative topic today falls in line with one of these three topics, but attacks the other two.

My thoughts;

The "Conservative Party" today openly accepts "Profits Over Humanity"...

Humanity can exist without profits but we can not exist if we place profits over humanity....

This isn't a "if china can do it we can do it" post so don't go there. We are the leading nation of the world or at least should be........
Not sure about the premise of the op but I'm sure you are an ass today

Yea, the "premise" I am talking about takes reading. Over a paragraph. Hard core reading for some. :/

Small pretty titles like "Patriot Act " and "Right To Farm" are easy for some. That makes it easy to vote. Right Grandpa?

(Note all Conservatives throw the word Premise around these days without knowing what It means. It's generally used when they don't have a solid debate. The basic principle is the debate was won before they walked in which is why Fox News uses it a lot....."I won't debate you, I'm cornered so I have no ammo")
Derp derp derp
So as you can tell people, the only ones left in the Conservative party aren't Conservative at all.

They have NO knowledge of politics 99.9% of the time. They think the current Convervative party is what it use to be and that is no where near the case in America today!

I believe in Conservative USA............but what the current process since Citizens United turned it into is a joke.

The Right Wing isn't (or wasn't) stupid.

Watching the Right Wing Redneck Americans vote against their own health on specific laws because of "Freedom" is EVERYTHING this post is about. The Right wing cuts education to keep people stupid enough to profit while killing them.

Redneck means Indian American.

All you loser liberals seem to get that mixed up with European Americans.

Racist fucktard
This is a great debate.

Conservatives fall into 3 categories;
Fiscal. (I want less spending)
Thinking. (I'm unwilling or unable to change my way of thinking)
Freedom. (I'm freedom no matter what)

The irony is that every single Conservative topic today falls in line with one of these three topics, but attacks the other two.

My thoughts;

The "Conservative Party" today openly accepts "Profits Over Humanity"...

Humanity can exist without profits but we can not exist if we place profits over humanity....

This isn't a "if china can do it we can do it" post so don't go there. We are the leading nation of the world or at least should be........
Well sure, absolutely,

Well, yes, because profits are labor, and nobody has given more opportunity to people who need to profit from their labor than conservatives. Profits are an individuals labor.

Humanity, Liberals stand for what kind of Humanity? Sounds like they, AntiParty argues for no private property, which is what labor is, but AntiParty argues that the value of labor, must serve Antipaty's idea of humanity,

In other words, our labor, our work, our property is not ours, but belongs to, Antiparty. To serve Antiparty's ideology.

Antipussy seems to think conservatives have been in control recently. Their principles are alive but have not been observed in my adult lifetime.
Not sure about the premise of the op but I'm sure you are an ass today

Yea, the "premise" I am talking about takes reading. Over a paragraph. Hard core reading for some. :/

Small pretty titles like "Patriot Act " and "Right To Farm" are easy for some. That makes it easy to vote. Right Grandpa?

(Note all Conservatives throw the word Premise around these days without knowing what It means. It's generally used when they don't have a solid debate. The basic principle is the debate was won before they walked in which is why Fox News uses it a lot....."I won't debate you, I'm cornered so I have no ammo")

Wish I could just post "derp derp derp" in political forums and be happy with that.
This is a great debate.

Conservatives fall into 3 categories;
Fiscal. (I want less spending)
Thinking. (I'm unwilling or unable to change my way of thinking)
Freedom. (I'm freedom no matter what)

The irony is that every single Conservative topic today falls in line with one of these three topics, but attacks the other two.

My thoughts;

The "Conservative Party" today openly accepts "Profits Over Humanity"...

Humanity can exist without profits but we can not exist if we place profits over humanity....

This isn't a "if china can do it we can do it" post so don't go there. We are the leading nation of the world or at least should be........
Well sure, absolutely,

Well, yes, because profits are labor, and nobody has given more opportunity to people who need to profit from their labor than conservatives. Profits are an individuals labor.

Humanity, Liberals stand for what kind of Humanity? Sounds like they, AntiParty argues for no private property, which is what labor is, but AntiParty argues that the value of labor, must serve Antipaty's idea of humanity,

In other words, our labor, our work, our property is not ours, but belongs to, Antiparty. To serve Antiparty's ideology.


"Humanity, Liberals stand for what kind of Humanity?"

I'm not here to teach you about other parties, you should have the capability to do that yourself lol. Noticing you haven't is sad.

Also note, the Government owned your property long before you purchased it and still does. You are on American soil. I have a book from 1900 that puts in in specifics, but again, I'm not going to spend extra time educating people that don't want education.

Our property IS ours as long as we follow the Constitutional Laws. Care to talk about which topic you are discussing?

Are you talking about Nihilism or basic Americanism?
Antipussy seems to think conservatives have been in control recently. Their principles are alive but have not been observed in my adult lifetime.

The "control" is done by the corporations that buy all parties...........

Only the Left is aware of this control. I'm curious why you openly embrace it and sell it on forums.

NOTE; Most of the Left does not follow Obama since he proved to be a Corporate drone. This should have been easy for you all to see.
Antipussy seems to think conservatives have been in control recently. Their principles are alive but have not been observed in my adult lifetime.

The "control" is done by the corporations that buy all parties...........

Only the Left is aware of this control. I'm curious why you openly embrace it and sell it on forums.
I lack the amount of tinfoil thats required to join you. Sorry
Antipussy seems to think conservatives have been in control recently. Their principles are alive but have not been observed in my adult lifetime.

TRUE Conservatives have not been in control. But again, it's based on what type of Conservative you are.
Antipussy seems to think conservatives have been in control recently. Their principles are alive but have not been observed in my adult lifetime.

The "control" is done by the corporations that buy all parties...........

Only the Left is aware of this control. I'm curious why you openly embrace it and sell it on forums.
I lack the amount of tinfoil thats required to join you. Sorry

You lack the amount of information a 5 year old requires to join me.
Antipussy seems to think conservatives have been in control recently. Their principles are alive but have not been observed in my adult lifetime.

TRUE Conservatives have not been in control. But again, it's based on what type of Conservative you are.
Antipussy seems to think conservatives have been in control recently. Their principles are alive but have not been observed in my adult lifetime.

The "control" is done by the corporations that buy all parties...........

Only the Left is aware of this control. I'm curious why you openly embrace it and sell it on forums.
I lack the amount of tinfoil thats required to join you. Sorry

You lack the amount of information a 5 year old requires to join me.
Considering I've been drinking since most 5 year olds went to bed I'll give you a pass.

Hows the dankness in moms basement tonight?
Antipussy seems to think conservatives have been in control recently. Their principles are alive but have not been observed in my adult lifetime.

The "control" is done by the corporations that buy all parties...........

Only the Left is aware of this control. I'm curious why you openly embrace it and sell it on forums.
I lack the amount of tinfoil thats required to join you. Sorry

^People should note that "Grandpa" is just another Nihilist American that hates any type of control. America was founded on the Constitution which IS CONTROL.

It's why he uses insults instead of information, he has no information........

The Conservative Party use to be people that wanted less government, but with the knowledge that our government is based on government. Not this new ideaology of Nihilism that the Tea and Libertarian parties want. "Don't tread on me" is an awesome statement but seat belt laws?

Again, Grover Norquist turned the Conservative party into a bunch of Corporate Goons. It's up to the people to turn it back into a reputable party.

Can it be done by next election? Yes. But I stated 2 elections ago that the Right would win the next one due to the need of balance. Yet the losing party of Nihilism just keeps getting more and more extreme.
Antipussy seems to think conservatives have been in control recently. Their principles are alive but have not been observed in my adult lifetime.

TRUE Conservatives have not been in control. But again, it's based on what type of Conservative you are.
Antipussy seems to think conservatives have been in control recently. Their principles are alive but have not been observed in my adult lifetime.

The "control" is done by the corporations that buy all parties...........

Only the Left is aware of this control. I'm curious why you openly embrace it and sell it on forums.
I lack the amount of tinfoil thats required to join you. Sorry

You lack the amount of information a 5 year old requires to join me.
Considering I've been drinking since most 5 year olds went to bed I'll give you a pass.

Hows the dankness in moms basement tonight?

No, you aren't debating me at all.

You are an unwilling candidate proving my entire post/point.

Also, "moms basement"? I feel like I need to get into psychology with if I wasn't before.

Did you actually think stating, "I'll give you a pass" opted you out of a Political Debate?
To answer your title:

Do you really think you are neutral? Right, given the fact you only call out conservatives, never liberals.

You are biased.
To answer your title:

Do you really think you are neutral? Right, given the fact you only call out conservatives, never liberals.

You are biased.

Funny thing about Conservatives..............they never visit Liberal posts........

But you are also in a jam on the terms Conservative and Liberal.

More of/Less of.

I think that we can end abortion if we fund anti-pregnancies through churches or Gov. What does that make me?

Do you still want to follow the church that ignores the science behind hormones or do you want the church to use that anti-abortion campaign money on rubbers?

Abstinence is an awesome theory. But it seems when you corner your emotions, they take over. Just ask a Preist Rapist near you. Or the former you as a teen....
To answer your title:

Do you really think you are neutral? Right, given the fact you only call out conservatives, never liberals.

You are biased.

I am absolutely biased when it comes to information...........I side with facts, not BS. I've called out the Left before many times, you just don't study the Left which solidifies my points before.

I mean, the Right Wing openly stated, "I will not be dictated by fact checkers" last election. You don't see a problem with that?


total rejection of established laws and institutions.
anarchy, terrorism, or other revolutionary activity.
total and absolute destructiveness, especially toward the world atlarge and including oneself:
the power-mad nihilism that marked Hitler's last years.
  1. an extreme form of skepticism: the denial of all real existence orthe possibility of an objective basis for truth.
  2. nothingness or nonexistence.
(sometimes initial capital letter) the principles of a Russianrevolutionary group, active in the latter half of the 19th century,holding that existing social and political institutions must be destroyedin order to clear the way for a new state of society and employingextreme measures, including terrorism and assassination.
annihilation of the self, or the individual consciousness, especially asan aspect of mystical experience.

you might want to look up your dramatic words every now and then
The "Conservative Party" today openly accepts "Profits Over Humanity"...

Bull pucky. The only people fighting to restore the human right of free association are those who are conservative or libertarian. It's liberals who put profits over humanity and human rights by forcing businesses to serve people they don't want to serve in order to maintain an orderly and profitable commercial sector.

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