Do democrat voters actually believe the democrats actually care about them?

From what I hear in the news.....and this is by design......nobody in Washington cares about the American people.

We voted for Trump because we could tell he was the only person that wasn't in on a conspiracy to rip off the American people.
Also, according the the NEWS, Trump is ready to sign some piece of shit funding legislation.

The smartest thing Trump could do is veto it.

Will he?

Who knows.

We know that Democrats want to ruin the economy. We also know that they have bribed or blackmailed members of the GOP to go along with them.
Democrats can't win elections anymore. So they have to win by lying, cheating, and by deception.
Thems the facts.

What you "know" is a series of lies fed to you by right wing media because they have little else. If they told you they plan to give tax breaks to the wealthy which will create massive unemployment and poverty, double the deficit and crash the stock market, would you vote for them?

They talk about fiscal responsibility but their policies are regressive and have resulted in a wealth transfer to the 1%. They talk about wanting peace and start wars.

And then they blame the poor, illegals and gays for the problems they caused.

But their best trick ever was convincing you that the MSM is not to be believed. That means you only listen to those who confirm your beliefs and get no facts.
Yeah......well obviously you don't know what you're talking about. Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. You're a one-issue low-information voter with obvious anger management issues. My guess is either you're an anarchist or a lesbian who thinks Obama and Hillary are cool only because they're pro-gay.
The only people who benefit from politicians caring about them are African Americans whose lives are immeasurably better since Lyndon Johnson declared that those ni66ers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years.
LBJ didn't say that... I'll bet you can't find a link to support your lie!

/---- It's a famous quote. Deal with your Democrat racist heritage: This quote appears on page 155 of Goodwin’s LBJ biography. The utterance was made to Richard Russell, a fellow Democratic Senator from Georgia.
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to white Christians or capitalism being bad when answering this question, USMB obamabots. Be adults about this. Does any democrat care about the poor, or are they more concerned about getting as many people as they can entirely dependent on government to gain power over them, and turning them into robotic votes?
I don't believe either party gives a shit about us. There are rare politicians that do but they are not the norm.
The only people who benefit from politicians caring about them are African Americans whose lives are immeasurably better since Lyndon Johnson declared that those ni66ers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years.
Cops are shooting them for sport.....according to Dummycraps.
Just got my White Privilege card in the mail yesterday.
Obviously they do...they were fully prepared to vote in the elitist/corporatist/globalist Hillary Clinton.
The only people who benefit from politicians caring about them are African Americans whose lives are immeasurably better since Lyndon Johnson declared that those ni66ers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years.
LBJ didn't say that... I'll bet you can't find a link to support your lie!

Maybe not verbatim, but something along those lines. That baztard had about as much use for blacks as he had for JFK or his beagles.

And he was right, Blacks have proven him correct for the last 50 years. Lives of blacks are so great that they are happy to vote Democrat for the next 150 years.
The frightening thing about you RW zombies is your uncanny ability to take a lie and run with it. You know it's a lie but you all join hands to make it your truth. Some of your ilk have reacted to RW generated lies with deadly force. Do you remember the pizza parlor pedophile lie that launched an armed confrontation? You idiots are dangerous and irresponsible. No one is safe; and, innocent people are most vulnerable to your kneejerk
reactions to non-existent fallacies.
The Democrats certainly care more about the average guy than the Republicans do. Raising the minimum wage, the PPACA, Social Security Medicare,
Medicaid, workplace safety, and consumer protections are Democrat initiatives to take note of.
But obviously you have no clue what all of that means to the average Joe. Raising MW only causes food service and low skill jobs to disappear. Obama took over a trillion dollars from Medicare, so now Medicare doesn’t cover diddly-squat. All of those other issues are supported by both parties.The media simply claims Democrats are for it and the GOP is against.

What Democrats are up to as we speak is infiltration of every aspect of our lives. Everything they do is pushing for a collapse of our economy and our society. Reduce it to rubble through revolution so they can take away everything that made this country great and replace it with a European model.
Like most of your ilk, you are trapped in an alt universe of your own making. Numerous studies have shown increases in the MW has been a boon to the economy and has boosted productivity as well. The employer also gains as more workers in various occupations are able to afford their products.

Medicare still pays 80% of healthcare costs the same as before implementation of the PPACA.

Look muddy fugger, your warped worldview pertaining to Democrats is just illusory BS.
Just because the Democrat Party has become the rallying place for those seeking redress against prejudice and discrimination doesn't mean it is any less loyal.

BTW, you seem to have a short memory. Every economic calamity since the Great Depression occurred in the wake of a departing GOP administration. The Democrats , subsequently, have to answer the public call to fix the mess. You mudder-fuggers don't even try to hide your blatant lies now that you've elected the father of liars to the presidency.
The only people who benefit from politicians caring about them are African Americans whose lives are immeasurably better since Lyndon Johnson declared that those ni66ers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years.
LBJ didn't say that... I'll bet you can't find a link to support your lie!

/---- It's a famous quote. Deal with your Democrat racist heritage: This quote appears on page 155 of Goodwin’s LBJ biography. The utterance was made to Richard Russell, a fellow Democratic Senator from Georgia.
Pure conjectural hearsay! Faux news. Frivolous factoid.
The only people who benefit from politicians caring about them are African Americans whose lives are immeasurably better since Lyndon Johnson declared that those ni66ers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years.
LBJ didn't say that... I'll bet you can't find a link to support your lie!

/---- It's a famous quote. Deal with your Democrat racist heritage: This quote appears on page 155 of Goodwin’s LBJ biography. The utterance was made to Richard Russell, a fellow Democratic Senator from Georgia.
Pure conjectural hearsay! Faux news. Frivolous factoid.
/--- Even when supplied with the proof you demanded - you still live in denial. It's a sad little world you live in.
The Democrats certainly care more about the average guy than the Republicans do. Raising the minimum wage, the PPACA, Social Security Medicare,
Medicaid, workplace safety, and consumer protections are Democrat initiatives to take note of.
But obviously you have no clue what all of that means to the average Joe. Raising MW only causes food service and low skill jobs to disappear. Obama took over a trillion dollars from Medicare, so now Medicare doesn’t cover diddly-squat. All of those other issues are supported by both parties.The media simply claims Democrats are for it and the GOP is against.

What Democrats are up to as we speak is infiltration of every aspect of our lives. Everything they do is pushing for a collapse of our economy and our society. Reduce it to rubble through revolution so they can take away everything that made this country great and replace it with a European model.
Like most of your ilk, you are trapped in an alt universe of your own making. Numerous studies have shown increases in the MW has been a boon to the economy and has boosted productivity as well. The employer also gains as more workers in various occupations are able to afford their products.

Medicare still pays 80% of healthcare costs the same as before implementation of the PPACA.

Look muddy fugger, your warped worldview pertaining to Democrats is just illusory BS.
Just because the Democrat Party has become the rallying place for those seeking redress against prejudice and discrimination doesn't mean it is any less loyal.

BTW, you seem to have a short memory. Every economic calamity since the Great Depression occurred in the wake of a departing GOP administration. The Democrats , subsequently, have to answer the public call to fix the mess. You mudder-fuggers don't even try to hide your blatant lies now that you've elected the father of liars to the presidency.
Every economic calamity came at the hands of a Democrat Congress. FYI, even though the GOP has the majority, DEMOCRATS ARE STILL RUNNING CONGRESS.....THIS LATEST BUDGET PROVES IT.......It's bad when the Democrats aren't in power. It gets exponentially worse once they get full control.

It all depends on how the corrupt media wants to cover it.
A $20 trillion dollar debt would be the end of the world, but because it was on Obama's watch.....phfffffffffffft.....Obama's economy is doing great......cough...cough

Oh........I don't give a flying-fuck about your God Damned studies!! If you raise the MW along with raise taxes you cause high unemployment. Congress got the increase in 2007 and the shit hit the fan in 2008. Why else would they extend Unemployment benefits to 99 God Damned weeks if they weren't expecting a massive jobs loss, huh........motherfucker? They knew what they were doing to the economy was gonna cause a recession and it also would cause people to give up on working in droves.

This is the end of the Baby-boomer generation, of which I belong to. Why do you think they would run up the debt right before all of those folks started collecting Social Security and Medicare?
Answer: To crash the Social Security fund and thus crash our economy.
Last edited:
From what I hear in the news.....and this is by design......nobody in Washington cares about the American people.

We voted for Trump because we could tell he was the only person that wasn't in on a conspiracy to rip off the American people.
Also, according the the NEWS, Trump is ready to sign some piece of shit funding legislation.

The smartest thing Trump could do is veto it.

Will he?

Who knows.

We know that Democrats want to ruin the economy. We also know that they have bribed or blackmailed members of the GOP to go along with them.
Democrats can't win elections anymore. So they have to win by lying, cheating, and by deception.
Thems the facts.

What you "know" is a series of lies fed to you by right wing media because they have little else. If they told you they plan to give tax breaks to the wealthy which will create massive unemployment and poverty, double the deficit and crash the stock market, would you vote for them?

They talk about fiscal responsibility but their policies are regressive and have resulted in a wealth transfer to the 1%. They talk about wanting peace and start wars.

And then they blame the poor, illegals and gays for the problems they caused.

But their best trick ever was convincing you that the MSM is not to be believed. That means you only listen to those who confirm your beliefs and get no facts.

You fully understand that you have just described both "Parties"?
When you elected Trump the con man it was the same as giving the fox the key to the chicken coop
The only people who benefit from politicians caring about them are African Americans whose lives are immeasurably better since Lyndon Johnson declared that those ni66ers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years.
LBJ didn't say that... I'll bet you can't find a link to support your lie!

/---- It's a famous quote. Deal with your Democrat racist heritage: This quote appears on page 155 of Goodwin’s LBJ biography. The utterance was made to Richard Russell, a fellow Democratic Senator from Georgia.
Pure conjectural hearsay! Faux news. Frivolous factoid.
/--- Even when supplied with the proof you demanded - you still live in denial. It's a sad little world you live in.
What proof? Here, I will showcase your ignorance and limited research ability:

Had you actually read the autobiography you would have known that quote was no where to be found in Goodwin's LBJ autobiography. Not on page 155 or anywhere else. Read the truth and slink off into a corner somewhere to lick your wounds. heh heh heh!

Did LBJ Say, ‘I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for 200 years’?
"LBJ, a beer-swilling, blunt-speaking Texan, didn’t shy from using what today we refer to as The N Word. One sentence often attributed to LBJ, which has gained great fame on the internet, is this: "I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for 200 years."

The line is often trotted out to allege that the civil rights legislation LBJ pushed and ultimately signed was motivated not by altruism but a cynical ploy to lock up votes.

Did LBJ really say that, someone asked at our meeting?

I said I believed the source of the quote was historian Doris Kearn Goodwin’s biography of LBJ, Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream, and that she was a pretty credible source (despite the plagiarism charges).

The source was not Goodwin, however. I had confused that LBJ quote with this one:

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.'"
The Democrats certainly care more about the average guy than the Republicans do. Raising the minimum wage, the PPACA, Social Security Medicare,
Medicaid, workplace safety, and consumer protections are Democrat initiatives to take note of.
But obviously you have no clue what all of that means to the average Joe. Raising MW only causes food service and low skill jobs to disappear. Obama took over a trillion dollars from Medicare, so now Medicare doesn’t cover diddly-squat. All of those other issues are supported by both parties.The media simply claims Democrats are for it and the GOP is against.

What Democrats are up to as we speak is infiltration of every aspect of our lives. Everything they do is pushing for a collapse of our economy and our society. Reduce it to rubble through revolution so they can take away everything that made this country great and replace it with a European model.
Like most of your ilk, you are trapped in an alt universe of your own making. Numerous studies have shown increases in the MW has been a boon to the economy and has boosted productivity as well. The employer also gains as more workers in various occupations are able to afford their products.

Medicare still pays 80% of healthcare costs the same as before implementation of the PPACA.

Look muddy fugger, your warped worldview pertaining to Democrats is just illusory BS.
Just because the Democrat Party has become the rallying place for those seeking redress against prejudice and discrimination doesn't mean it is any less loyal.

BTW, you seem to have a short memory. Every economic calamity since the Great Depression occurred in the wake of a departing GOP administration. The Democrats , subsequently, have to answer the public call to fix the mess. You mudder-fuggers don't even try to hide your blatant lies now that you've elected the father of liars to the presidency.
Every economic calamity came at the hands of a Democrat Congress. FYI, even though the GOP has the majority, DEMOCRATS ARE STILL RUNNING CONGRESS.....THIS LATEST BUDGET PROVES IT.......It's bad when the Democrats aren't in power. It gets exponentially worse once they get full control.

It all depends on how the corrupt media wants to cover it.
A $20 trillion dollar debt would be the end of the world, but because it was on Obama's watch.....phfffffffffffft.....Obama's economy is doing great......cough...cough

Oh........I don't give a flying-fuck about your God Damned studies!! If you raise the MW along with raise taxes you cause high unemployment. Congress got the increase in 2007 and the shit hit the fan in 2008. Why else would they extend Unemployment benefits to 99 God Damned weeks if they weren't expecting a massive jobs loss, huh........motherfucker? They knew what they were doing to the economy was gonna cause a recession and it also would cause people to give up on working in droves.

This is the end of the Baby-boomer generation, of which I belong to. Why do you think they would run up the debt right before all of those folks started collecting Social Security and Medicare?
Answer: To crash the Social Security fund and thus crash our economy.

Hey, dummy...the purse strings are held by the House Republicans. Any debt procured by Obama had to go through them and they limited his spending to the point that he spent less than any president since Eisenhower. Bush started two wars and simultaneously orchestrated massive tax breaks. How stupid was that? But the original point I was making is that GOP presidents seem to do things that increase the national debt regardless of what party controls congress.
Trump and his border folly is one example. Increased defense sending to maintain our global military presence is another. White presidents have had far more freedom to effect budgets than Obama ever had.
Last edited:
The Democrats certainly care more about the average guy than the Republicans do. Raising the minimum wage, the PPACA, Social Security Medicare,
Medicaid, workplace safety, and consumer protections are Democrat initiatives to take note of.
But obviously you have no clue what all of that means to the average Joe. Raising MW only causes food service and low skill jobs to disappear. Obama took over a trillion dollars from Medicare, so now Medicare doesn’t cover diddly-squat. All of those other issues are supported by both parties.The media simply claims Democrats are for it and the GOP is against.

What Democrats are up to as we speak is infiltration of every aspect of our lives. Everything they do is pushing for a collapse of our economy and our society. Reduce it to rubble through revolution so they can take away everything that made this country great and replace it with a European model.
Like most of your ilk, you are trapped in an alt universe of your own making. Numerous studies have shown increases in the MW has been a boon to the economy and has boosted productivity as well. The employer also gains as more workers in various occupations are able to afford their products.

Medicare still pays 80% of healthcare costs the same as before implementation of the PPACA.

Look muddy fugger, your warped worldview pertaining to Democrats is just illusory BS.
Just because the Democrat Party has become the rallying place for those seeking redress against prejudice and discrimination doesn't mean it is any less loyal.

BTW, you seem to have a short memory. Every economic calamity since the Great Depression occurred in the wake of a departing GOP administration. The Democrats , subsequently, have to answer the public call to fix the mess. You mudder-fuggers don't even try to hide your blatant lies now that you've elected the father of liars to the presidency.
Every economic calamity came at the hands of a Democrat Congress. FYI, even though the GOP has the majority, DEMOCRATS ARE STILL RUNNING CONGRESS.....THIS LATEST BUDGET PROVES IT.......It's bad when the Democrats aren't in power. It gets exponentially worse once they get full control.

It all depends on how the corrupt media wants to cover it.
A $20 trillion dollar debt would be the end of the world, but because it was on Obama's watch.....phfffffffffffft.....Obama's economy is doing great......cough...cough

Oh........I don't give a flying-fuck about your God Damned studies!! If you raise the MW along with raise taxes you cause high unemployment. Congress got the increase in 2007 and the shit hit the fan in 2008. Why else would they extend Unemployment benefits to 99 God Damned weeks if they weren't expecting a massive jobs loss, huh........motherfucker? They knew what they were doing to the economy was gonna cause a recession and it also would cause people to give up on working in droves.

This is the end of the Baby-boomer generation, of which I belong to. Why do you think they would run up the debt right before all of those folks started collecting Social Security and Medicare?
Answer: To crash the Social Security fund and thus crash our economy.

Hey, dummy...the purse strings are held by the House Republicans. Any debt procured by Obama had to go through them and they limited his spending to the point that he spent less than any president since Eisenhower. Bush started two wars and simultaneously orchestrated massive tax breaks. How stupid was that? But the original point I was making is that GOP presidents seem to do things that increase the national debt regardless of what party controls congress.
Trump and his border folly is one example. Increased defense sending to maintain our global military presence is another. White presidents have had far more freedom to effect budgets than Obama ever had.
Strange....I don't remember the GOP having shit to do with Obama sending billions to Iran.

Maybe Hillary lost in a major landslide soley because of Maxine Waters as the spokes-tasmainian devil?
The best part of all of this is the left still don't know why they keep losing elections (over 1000 seats since the skinny half black socialist became prssident.)

They blame this or that (russians talk radio fox news etc etc. )

They still believe all of that, cause the democrats will not cause they cannot separate themselves from their victimology strategy. If you notice, they know no other way.

Classes, races, genders, religions, sexual preference, all divided. Then they need to get creative after they have run out of the usual ones. People who use wrong pronouns, etc.

The left fall for it every time. Like that intolerable piece of shit Billy000.
Wait I fall for which part? Lol.
The Democrats certainly care more about the average guy than the Republicans do. Raising the minimum wage, the PPACA, Social Security Medicare,
Medicaid, workplace safety, and consumer protections are Democrat initiatives to take note of.
But obviously you have no clue what all of that means to the average Joe. Raising MW only causes food service and low skill jobs to disappear. Obama took over a trillion dollars from Medicare, so now Medicare doesn’t cover diddly-squat. All of those other issues are supported by both parties.The media simply claims Democrats are for it and the GOP is against.

What Democrats are up to as we speak is infiltration of every aspect of our lives. Everything they do is pushing for a collapse of our economy and our society. Reduce it to rubble through revolution so they can take away everything that made this country great and replace it with a European model.
Like most of your ilk, you are trapped in an alt universe of your own making. Numerous studies have shown increases in the MW has been a boon to the economy and has boosted productivity as well. The employer also gains as more workers in various occupations are able to afford their products.

Medicare still pays 80% of healthcare costs the same as before implementation of the PPACA.

Look muddy fugger, your warped worldview pertaining to Democrats is just illusory BS.
Just because the Democrat Party has become the rallying place for those seeking redress against prejudice and discrimination doesn't mean it is any less loyal.

BTW, you seem to have a short memory. Every economic calamity since the Great Depression occurred in the wake of a departing GOP administration. The Democrats , subsequently, have to answer the public call to fix the mess. You mudder-fuggers don't even try to hide your blatant lies now that you've elected the father of liars to the presidency.
Every economic calamity came at the hands of a Democrat Congress. FYI, even though the GOP has the majority, DEMOCRATS ARE STILL RUNNING CONGRESS.....THIS LATEST BUDGET PROVES IT.......It's bad when the Democrats aren't in power. It gets exponentially worse once they get full control.

It all depends on how the corrupt media wants to cover it.
A $20 trillion dollar debt would be the end of the world, but because it was on Obama's watch.....phfffffffffffft.....Obama's economy is doing great......cough...cough

Oh........I don't give a flying-fuck about your God Damned studies!! If you raise the MW along with raise taxes you cause high unemployment. Congress got the increase in 2007 and the shit hit the fan in 2008. Why else would they extend Unemployment benefits to 99 God Damned weeks if they weren't expecting a massive jobs loss, huh........motherfucker? They knew what they were doing to the economy was gonna cause a recession and it also would cause people to give up on working in droves.

This is the end of the Baby-boomer generation, of which I belong to. Why do you think they would run up the debt right before all of those folks started collecting Social Security and Medicare?
Answer: To crash the Social Security fund and thus crash our economy.

Hey, dummy...the purse strings are held by the House Republicans. Any debt procured by Obama had to go through them and they limited his spending to the point that he spent less than any president since Eisenhower. Bush started two wars and simultaneously orchestrated massive tax breaks. How stupid was that? But the original point I was making is that GOP presidents seem to do things that increase the national debt regardless of what party controls congress.
Trump and his border folly is one example. Increased defense sending to maintain our global military presence is another. White presidents have had far more freedom to effect budgets than Obama ever had.
Strange....I don't remember the GOP having shit to do with Obama sending billions to Iran.

Stay focused byatch. You RW thieves think it's OK to just renege on promises and steal money that belongs to someone else. God hates a liar and a thief. The GOP is full of both...Yet, you are the first to judge the behavior of so-called liberals as immoral.
BTW, dunce, that transfer wasn't "spending."
It did not add to the national debt except for the interest.
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to white Christians or capitalism being bad when answering this question, USMB obamabots. Be adults about this. Does any democrat care about the poor, or are they more concerned about getting as many people as they can entirely dependent on government to gain power over them, and turning them into robotic votes?
The bs propaganda RWNJs believe. Look at the policies that Dems want to put in, dumbasses, and stop believing the character assassination that the gigantic BS propaganda machine seems to use as its only argument and distraction...
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to white Christians or capitalism being bad when answering this question, USMB obamabots. Be adults about this. Does any democrat care about the poor, or are they more concerned about getting as many people as they can entirely dependent on government to gain power over them, and turning them into robotic votes?
lol this is too good.

Okay, this is simple really. SOME democrats do care about the well being of American citizens.

Here are some examples of democratic policies benefitting the poor and middle class.

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Expanding over time eligibility to thousands of workers
3) Environmental regulations
4) Middle class tax cuts
5) SNAP funding for struggling single mothers
6) Extending unemployment benefits to those lose their jobs to economic recessions.
7) Strengthening unions
8) Securing privacy rights online
9) Protecting voter rights
10) Consumer protection laws
11) Expanding the EITC
12) Investing in our nation's infrastructure

End thread!
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to white Christians or capitalism being bad when answering this question, USMB obamabots. Be adults about this. Does any democrat care about the poor, or are they more concerned about getting as many people as they can entirely dependent on government to gain power over them, and turning them into robotic votes?

Yes, he's SO clever lol
A lot more then the republican party gives a shit about the avg joe....
-At least you can expect a safetynet for unemployment, disability and our old don't die on the streets.
-Healthcare for all.
-They believe in science and education

WTF does the republican give a shit anymore? They're a bunch anarchist.

Republicans just spent the last 50 years selling us out to China.

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