Do democrat voters actually believe the democrats actually care about them?

But obviously you have no clue what all of that means to the average Joe. Raising MW only causes food service and low skill jobs to disappear. Obama took over a trillion dollars from Medicare, so now Medicare doesn’t cover diddly-squat. All of those other issues are supported by both parties.The media simply claims Democrats are for it and the GOP is against.

What Democrats are up to as we speak is infiltration of every aspect of our lives. Everything they do is pushing for a collapse of our economy and our society. Reduce it to rubble through revolution so they can take away everything that made this country great and replace it with a European model.
Like most of your ilk, you are trapped in an alt universe of your own making. Numerous studies have shown increases in the MW has been a boon to the economy and has boosted productivity as well. The employer also gains as more workers in various occupations are able to afford their products.

Medicare still pays 80% of healthcare costs the same as before implementation of the PPACA.

Look muddy fugger, your warped worldview pertaining to Democrats is just illusory BS.
Just because the Democrat Party has become the rallying place for those seeking redress against prejudice and discrimination doesn't mean it is any less loyal.

BTW, you seem to have a short memory. Every economic calamity since the Great Depression occurred in the wake of a departing GOP administration. The Democrats , subsequently, have to answer the public call to fix the mess. You mudder-fuggers don't even try to hide your blatant lies now that you've elected the father of liars to the presidency.
Every economic calamity came at the hands of a Democrat Congress. FYI, even though the GOP has the majority, DEMOCRATS ARE STILL RUNNING CONGRESS.....THIS LATEST BUDGET PROVES IT.......It's bad when the Democrats aren't in power. It gets exponentially worse once they get full control.

It all depends on how the corrupt media wants to cover it.
A $20 trillion dollar debt would be the end of the world, but because it was on Obama's watch.....phfffffffffffft.....Obama's economy is doing great......cough...cough

Oh........I don't give a flying-fuck about your God Damned studies!! If you raise the MW along with raise taxes you cause high unemployment. Congress got the increase in 2007 and the shit hit the fan in 2008. Why else would they extend Unemployment benefits to 99 God Damned weeks if they weren't expecting a massive jobs loss, huh........motherfucker? They knew what they were doing to the economy was gonna cause a recession and it also would cause people to give up on working in droves.

This is the end of the Baby-boomer generation, of which I belong to. Why do you think they would run up the debt right before all of those folks started collecting Social Security and Medicare?
Answer: To crash the Social Security fund and thus crash our economy.

Hey, dummy...the purse strings are held by the House Republicans. Any debt procured by Obama had to go through them and they limited his spending to the point that he spent less than any president since Eisenhower. Bush started two wars and simultaneously orchestrated massive tax breaks. How stupid was that? But the original point I was making is that GOP presidents seem to do things that increase the national debt regardless of what party controls congress.
Trump and his border folly is one example. Increased defense sending to maintain our global military presence is another. White presidents have had far more freedom to effect budgets than Obama ever had.
Strange....I don't remember the GOP having shit to do with Obama sending billions to Iran.

Stay focused byatch. You RW thieves think it's OK to just renege on promises and steal money that belongs to someone else. God hates a liar and a thief. The GOP is full of both...Yet, you are the first to judge the behavior of so-called liberals as immoral.
BTW, dunce, that transfer wasn't "spending."
It did not add to the national debt except for the interest.

Oh.......that was a transfer......NOT SPENDING. If the country is in debt where do you think those billions came from?????
*Look in the mirror* Hint Hint*

Congress didn't authorize it. Period. It funded terrorism for years. Iran was able to buy some really expensive weapons with those billions that you and I paid for, and are currently paying interest on.

God hates a liar and thief (Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren, Dingy Harry Reid, The DNC, Debra Blabbermouth Schultz, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and the rest of the corrupt media)

So......just sayin....
The only people who benefit from politicians caring about them are African Americans whose lives are immeasurably better since Lyndon Johnson declared that those ni66ers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years.
LBJ didn't say that... I'll bet you can't find a link to support your lie!

/---- It's a famous quote. Deal with your Democrat racist heritage: This quote appears on page 155 of Goodwin’s LBJ biography. The utterance was made to Richard Russell, a fellow Democratic Senator from Georgia.
It may be famous, but it has never been verified as truth....there is no proof he said it. It is famous because it seems so egregious and is pushed forward by people like you who want to believe he said it. What you want to believe is true is not the same as something being true.
The only people who benefit from politicians caring about them are African Americans whose lives are immeasurably better since Lyndon Johnson declared that those ni66ers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years.
LBJ didn't say that... I'll bet you can't find a link to support your lie!

/---- It's a famous quote. Deal with your Democrat racist heritage: This quote appears on page 155 of Goodwin’s LBJ biography. The utterance was made to Richard Russell, a fellow Democratic Senator from Georgia.
It may be famous, but it has never been verified as truth....there is no proof he said it. It is famous because it seems so egregious and is pushed forward by people like you who want to believe he said it. What you want to believe is true is not the same as something being true.
/--- So I guess anything that reflects the true nature of DemocRATS racist heritage must be made under oath in a Federal court of law broadcast on live TV. WOWZA - you set the bar pretty high. Of course any rumor, lie, distortion is accepted as gospel if it's about a Republican.
Well here's another one to chew on: Clinton is quoted as telling Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), "A few years ago, this guy (Obama) would be getting us coffee."
Sharpton told Hannity, "I think Bill Clinton said is something you ought to be dealing with. I have said, and you know I said it, that that was far more far disturbing and I think it was far more offensive [than what Reid said.]"
Hannity asked, "Was it racist?"
Sharpton responded, "If he meant that he would have been serving because he was black..."
But obviously you have no clue what all of that means to the average Joe. Raising MW only causes food service and low skill jobs to disappear. Obama took over a trillion dollars from Medicare, so now Medicare doesn’t cover diddly-squat. All of those other issues are supported by both parties.The media simply claims Democrats are for it and the GOP is against.

What Democrats are up to as we speak is infiltration of every aspect of our lives. Everything they do is pushing for a collapse of our economy and our society. Reduce it to rubble through revolution so they can take away everything that made this country great and replace it with a European model.
Like most of your ilk, you are trapped in an alt universe of your own making. Numerous studies have shown increases in the MW has been a boon to the economy and has boosted productivity as well. The employer also gains as more workers in various occupations are able to afford their products.

Medicare still pays 80% of healthcare costs the same as before implementation of the PPACA.

Look muddy fugger, your warped worldview pertaining to Democrats is just illusory BS.
Just because the Democrat Party has become the rallying place for those seeking redress against prejudice and discrimination doesn't mean it is any less loyal.

BTW, you seem to have a short memory. Every economic calamity since the Great Depression occurred in the wake of a departing GOP administration. The Democrats , subsequently, have to answer the public call to fix the mess. You mudder-fuggers don't even try to hide your blatant lies now that you've elected the father of liars to the presidency.
Every economic calamity came at the hands of a Democrat Congress. FYI, even though the GOP has the majority, DEMOCRATS ARE STILL RUNNING CONGRESS.....THIS LATEST BUDGET PROVES IT.......It's bad when the Democrats aren't in power. It gets exponentially worse once they get full control.

It all depends on how the corrupt media wants to cover it.
A $20 trillion dollar debt would be the end of the world, but because it was on Obama's watch.....phfffffffffffft.....Obama's economy is doing great......cough...cough

Oh........I don't give a flying-fuck about your God Damned studies!! If you raise the MW along with raise taxes you cause high unemployment. Congress got the increase in 2007 and the shit hit the fan in 2008. Why else would they extend Unemployment benefits to 99 God Damned weeks if they weren't expecting a massive jobs loss, huh........motherfucker? They knew what they were doing to the economy was gonna cause a recession and it also would cause people to give up on working in droves.

This is the end of the Baby-boomer generation, of which I belong to. Why do you think they would run up the debt right before all of those folks started collecting Social Security and Medicare?
Answer: To crash the Social Security fund and thus crash our economy.

Hey, dummy...the purse strings are held by the House Republicans. Any debt procured by Obama had to go through them and they limited his spending to the point that he spent less than any president since Eisenhower. Bush started two wars and simultaneously orchestrated massive tax breaks. How stupid was that? But the original point I was making is that GOP presidents seem to do things that increase the national debt regardless of what party controls congress.
Trump and his border folly is one example. Increased defense sending to maintain our global military presence is another. White presidents have had far more freedom to effect budgets than Obama ever had.
Strange....I don't remember the GOP having shit to do with Obama sending billions to Iran.

Stay focused byatch. You RW thieves think it's OK to just renege on promises and steal money that belongs to someone else. God hates a liar and a thief. The GOP is full of both...Yet, you are the first to judge the behavior of so-called liberals as immoral.
BTW, dunce, that transfer wasn't "spending."
It did not add to the national debt except for the interest.
and the morons don't understand that Iran is not going to become another NK nuke threat at least for the next 10 years owing to obamas deal with them
Like most of your ilk, you are trapped in an alt universe of your own making. Numerous studies have shown increases in the MW has been a boon to the economy and has boosted productivity as well. The employer also gains as more workers in various occupations are able to afford their products.

Medicare still pays 80% of healthcare costs the same as before implementation of the PPACA.

Look muddy fugger, your warped worldview pertaining to Democrats is just illusory BS.
Just because the Democrat Party has become the rallying place for those seeking redress against prejudice and discrimination doesn't mean it is any less loyal.

BTW, you seem to have a short memory. Every economic calamity since the Great Depression occurred in the wake of a departing GOP administration. The Democrats , subsequently, have to answer the public call to fix the mess. You mudder-fuggers don't even try to hide your blatant lies now that you've elected the father of liars to the presidency.
Every economic calamity came at the hands of a Democrat Congress. FYI, even though the GOP has the majority, DEMOCRATS ARE STILL RUNNING CONGRESS.....THIS LATEST BUDGET PROVES IT.......It's bad when the Democrats aren't in power. It gets exponentially worse once they get full control.

It all depends on how the corrupt media wants to cover it.
A $20 trillion dollar debt would be the end of the world, but because it was on Obama's watch.....phfffffffffffft.....Obama's economy is doing great......cough...cough

Oh........I don't give a flying-fuck about your God Damned studies!! If you raise the MW along with raise taxes you cause high unemployment. Congress got the increase in 2007 and the shit hit the fan in 2008. Why else would they extend Unemployment benefits to 99 God Damned weeks if they weren't expecting a massive jobs loss, huh........motherfucker? They knew what they were doing to the economy was gonna cause a recession and it also would cause people to give up on working in droves.

This is the end of the Baby-boomer generation, of which I belong to. Why do you think they would run up the debt right before all of those folks started collecting Social Security and Medicare?
Answer: To crash the Social Security fund and thus crash our economy.

Hey, dummy...the purse strings are held by the House Republicans. Any debt procured by Obama had to go through them and they limited his spending to the point that he spent less than any president since Eisenhower. Bush started two wars and simultaneously orchestrated massive tax breaks. How stupid was that? But the original point I was making is that GOP presidents seem to do things that increase the national debt regardless of what party controls congress.
Trump and his border folly is one example. Increased defense sending to maintain our global military presence is another. White presidents have had far more freedom to effect budgets than Obama ever had.
Strange....I don't remember the GOP having shit to do with Obama sending billions to Iran.

Stay focused byatch. You RW thieves think it's OK to just renege on promises and steal money that belongs to someone else. God hates a liar and a thief. The GOP is full of both...Yet, you are the first to judge the behavior of so-called liberals as immoral.
BTW, dunce, that transfer wasn't "spending."
It did not add to the national debt except for the interest.
and the morons don't understand that Iran is not going to become another NK nuke threat at least for the next 10 years owing to obamas deal with them
/---- Yeah we heared Dems lie aboout this before:
Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.

But in 2002, the North Koreans ’fessed up: They’d begun violating the accord on Day One. Four years later, Pyongyang detonated its first nuke.

Now, the Obama administration (long content to kick the North Korea can down the road) says it will never “accept” a nuclear North Korea. Funny: The president said the same thing about Iran, then cut a deal that guarantees the ayatollahs go atomic.
Every economic calamity came at the hands of a Democrat Congress. FYI, even though the GOP has the majority, DEMOCRATS ARE STILL RUNNING CONGRESS.....THIS LATEST BUDGET PROVES IT.......It's bad when the Democrats aren't in power. It gets exponentially worse once they get full control.

It all depends on how the corrupt media wants to cover it.
A $20 trillion dollar debt would be the end of the world, but because it was on Obama's watch.....phfffffffffffft.....Obama's economy is doing great......cough...cough

Oh........I don't give a flying-fuck about your God Damned studies!! If you raise the MW along with raise taxes you cause high unemployment. Congress got the increase in 2007 and the shit hit the fan in 2008. Why else would they extend Unemployment benefits to 99 God Damned weeks if they weren't expecting a massive jobs loss, huh........motherfucker? They knew what they were doing to the economy was gonna cause a recession and it also would cause people to give up on working in droves.

This is the end of the Baby-boomer generation, of which I belong to. Why do you think they would run up the debt right before all of those folks started collecting Social Security and Medicare?
Answer: To crash the Social Security fund and thus crash our economy.

Hey, dummy...the purse strings are held by the House Republicans. Any debt procured by Obama had to go through them and they limited his spending to the point that he spent less than any president since Eisenhower. Bush started two wars and simultaneously orchestrated massive tax breaks. How stupid was that? But the original point I was making is that GOP presidents seem to do things that increase the national debt regardless of what party controls congress.
Trump and his border folly is one example. Increased defense sending to maintain our global military presence is another. White presidents have had far more freedom to effect budgets than Obama ever had.
Strange....I don't remember the GOP having shit to do with Obama sending billions to Iran.

Stay focused byatch. You RW thieves think it's OK to just renege on promises and steal money that belongs to someone else. God hates a liar and a thief. The GOP is full of both...Yet, you are the first to judge the behavior of so-called liberals as immoral.
BTW, dunce, that transfer wasn't "spending."
It did not add to the national debt except for the interest.
and the morons don't understand that Iran is not going to become another NK nuke threat at least for the next 10 years owing to obamas deal with them
/---- Yeah we heared Dems lie aboout this before:
Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.

But in 2002, the North Koreans ’fessed up: They’d begun violating the accord on Day One. Four years later, Pyongyang detonated its first nuke.

Now, the Obama administration (long content to kick the North Korea can down the road) says it will never “accept” a nuclear North Korea. Funny: The president said the same thing about Iran, then cut a deal that guarantees the ayatollahs go atomic.
View attachment 124436
When will the moron in our WH going to rip up that Iran deal?? Wasn't it supposed to happen on day one??
Hey, dummy...the purse strings are held by the House Republicans. Any debt procured by Obama had to go through them and they limited his spending to the point that he spent less than any president since Eisenhower. Bush started two wars and simultaneously orchestrated massive tax breaks. How stupid was that? But the original point I was making is that GOP presidents seem to do things that increase the national debt regardless of what party controls congress.
Trump and his border folly is one example. Increased defense sending to maintain our global military presence is another. White presidents have had far more freedom to effect budgets than Obama ever had.
Strange....I don't remember the GOP having shit to do with Obama sending billions to Iran.

Stay focused byatch. You RW thieves think it's OK to just renege on promises and steal money that belongs to someone else. God hates a liar and a thief. The GOP is full of both...Yet, you are the first to judge the behavior of so-called liberals as immoral.
BTW, dunce, that transfer wasn't "spending."
It did not add to the national debt except for the interest.
and the morons don't understand that Iran is not going to become another NK nuke threat at least for the next 10 years owing to obamas deal with them
/---- Yeah we heared Dems lie aboout this before:
Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.

But in 2002, the North Koreans ’fessed up: They’d begun violating the accord on Day One. Four years later, Pyongyang detonated its first nuke.

Now, the Obama administration (long content to kick the North Korea can down the road) says it will never “accept” a nuclear North Korea. Funny: The president said the same thing about Iran, then cut a deal that guarantees the ayatollahs go atomic.
View attachment 124436
When will the moron in our WH going to rip up that Iran deal?? Wasn't it supposed to happen on day one??
/---- Patience Grasshopper. Trump is working tirelessly to fix Obozo's screw ups.
Hey, dummy...the purse strings are held by the House Republicans. Any debt procured by Obama had to go through them and they limited his spending to the point that he spent less than any president since Eisenhower. Bush started two wars and simultaneously orchestrated massive tax breaks. How stupid was that? But the original point I was making is that GOP presidents seem to do things that increase the national debt regardless of what party controls congress.
Trump and his border folly is one example. Increased defense sending to maintain our global military presence is another. White presidents have had far more freedom to effect budgets than Obama ever had.
Strange....I don't remember the GOP having shit to do with Obama sending billions to Iran.

Stay focused byatch. You RW thieves think it's OK to just renege on promises and steal money that belongs to someone else. God hates a liar and a thief. The GOP is full of both...Yet, you are the first to judge the behavior of so-called liberals as immoral.
BTW, dunce, that transfer wasn't "spending."
It did not add to the national debt except for the interest.
and the morons don't understand that Iran is not going to become another NK nuke threat at least for the next 10 years owing to obamas deal with them
/---- Yeah we heared Dems lie aboout this before:
Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.

But in 2002, the North Koreans ’fessed up: They’d begun violating the accord on Day One. Four years later, Pyongyang detonated its first nuke.

Now, the Obama administration (long content to kick the North Korea can down the road) says it will never “accept” a nuclear North Korea. Funny: The president said the same thing about Iran, then cut a deal that guarantees the ayatollahs go atomic.
View attachment 124436
When will the moron in our WH going to rip up that Iran deal?? Wasn't it supposed to happen on day one??
No.....mainly because Obama frontloaded all of the benefits to Iran. (This was by design) Completely backing out now does nothing to help our position. Iran made the deal because Obama gave them everything. Billions in cash, ending sanctions so they could buy weapons with that cash, and no guarantees other than Irans word. They swear they aren't still developing nukes,.....even though they requested tons of Uranium earier this year. Eventually they will be a more dangerous N. Korea (N. Korea has nukes now...No thanks to Bill and Hillary)
Strange....I don't remember the GOP having shit to do with Obama sending billions to Iran.

Stay focused byatch. You RW thieves think it's OK to just renege on promises and steal money that belongs to someone else. God hates a liar and a thief. The GOP is full of both...Yet, you are the first to judge the behavior of so-called liberals as immoral.
BTW, dunce, that transfer wasn't "spending."
It did not add to the national debt except for the interest.
and the morons don't understand that Iran is not going to become another NK nuke threat at least for the next 10 years owing to obamas deal with them
/---- Yeah we heared Dems lie aboout this before:
Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.

But in 2002, the North Koreans ’fessed up: They’d begun violating the accord on Day One. Four years later, Pyongyang detonated its first nuke.

Now, the Obama administration (long content to kick the North Korea can down the road) says it will never “accept” a nuclear North Korea. Funny: The president said the same thing about Iran, then cut a deal that guarantees the ayatollahs go atomic.
View attachment 124436
When will the moron in our WH going to rip up that Iran deal?? Wasn't it supposed to happen on day one??
/---- Patience Grasshopper. Trump is working tirelessly to fix Obozo's screw ups.
And Trump is already kicking Obamas ass when it comes to vacation time and spending peoples money on security
Strange....I don't remember the GOP having shit to do with Obama sending billions to Iran.

Stay focused byatch. You RW thieves think it's OK to just renege on promises and steal money that belongs to someone else. God hates a liar and a thief. The GOP is full of both...Yet, you are the first to judge the behavior of so-called liberals as immoral.
BTW, dunce, that transfer wasn't "spending."
It did not add to the national debt except for the interest.
and the morons don't understand that Iran is not going to become another NK nuke threat at least for the next 10 years owing to obamas deal with them
/---- Yeah we heared Dems lie aboout this before:
Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.

But in 2002, the North Koreans ’fessed up: They’d begun violating the accord on Day One. Four years later, Pyongyang detonated its first nuke.

Now, the Obama administration (long content to kick the North Korea can down the road) says it will never “accept” a nuclear North Korea. Funny: The president said the same thing about Iran, then cut a deal that guarantees the ayatollahs go atomic.
View attachment 124436
When will the moron in our WH going to rip up that Iran deal?? Wasn't it supposed to happen on day one??
No.....mainly because Obama frontloaded all of the benefits to Iran. (This was by design) Completely backing out now does nothing to help our position. Iran made the deal because Obama gave them everything. Billions in cash, ending sanctions so they could buy weapons with that cash, and no guarantees other than Irans word. They swear they aren't still developing nukes,.....even though they requested tons of Uranium earier this year. Eventually they will be a more dangerous N. Korea (N. Korea has nukes now...No thanks to Bill and Hillary)
Please stop your bullshit There are intense inspections going on in Iran by independents and most material has been reduced And btw whose money was that that Iran got ?? Yours mine or theirs?
Stay focused byatch. You RW thieves think it's OK to just renege on promises and steal money that belongs to someone else. God hates a liar and a thief. The GOP is full of both...Yet, you are the first to judge the behavior of so-called liberals as immoral.
BTW, dunce, that transfer wasn't "spending."
It did not add to the national debt except for the interest.
and the morons don't understand that Iran is not going to become another NK nuke threat at least for the next 10 years owing to obamas deal with them
/---- Yeah we heared Dems lie aboout this before:
Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.

But in 2002, the North Koreans ’fessed up: They’d begun violating the accord on Day One. Four years later, Pyongyang detonated its first nuke.

Now, the Obama administration (long content to kick the North Korea can down the road) says it will never “accept” a nuclear North Korea. Funny: The president said the same thing about Iran, then cut a deal that guarantees the ayatollahs go atomic.
View attachment 124436
When will the moron in our WH going to rip up that Iran deal?? Wasn't it supposed to happen on day one??
No.....mainly because Obama frontloaded all of the benefits to Iran. (This was by design) Completely backing out now does nothing to help our position. Iran made the deal because Obama gave them everything. Billions in cash, ending sanctions so they could buy weapons with that cash, and no guarantees other than Irans word. They swear they aren't still developing nukes,.....even though they requested tons of Uranium earier this year. Eventually they will be a more dangerous N. Korea (N. Korea has nukes now...No thanks to Bill and Hillary)
Please stop your bullshit There are intense inspections going on in Iran by independents and most material has been reduced And btw whose money was that that Iran got ?? Yours mine or theirs?
/---- Does it matter whose money they got? Why are you so quick to defend a Sponser of Terrorism? They got the money and will use it to sponsor terror. And as far as the inspections go, I believe the National Review over your word any day: No Trust, No Verification, No Sanctions: Obama’s Humiliating Capitulation to the Mullahs
Oh.......that was a transfer......NOT SPENDING. If the country is in debt where do you think those billions came from?????
*Look in the mirror* Hint Hint*

The 1.7 billion in question came from Iran as payment for services or military hardware that was never delivered. In any event, the transferred funds are not taxpayer's money and do not effect the national debt. But here is the kicker. UN member nations still control more than 100 billion of Iranian assets. Should they renege on the Obama deal they will never see any of it. And, the concessions Iran agreed to in the deal were
satisfactory to the UN members whose countries are in close proximity to Iran.

Congress didn't authorize it. Period. It funded terrorism for years. Iran was able to buy some really expensive weapons with those billions that you and I paid for, and are currently paying interest on.
Permission from Congress was obviously not necessary in returning assets to a foreign entity. The funds were not US property. Obama operated within the purview of the UN whereas he legally, and deftly, sidestepped a hostile obstructionist RW Congress. Brilliant!

God hates a liar and thief (Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren, Dingy Harry Reid, The DNC, Debra Blabbermouth Schultz, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and the rest of the corrupt media)

So......just sayin....

You forgot the Liar In Chief: Donald J. Trump.
He and his populist constituents make lying a pernicious art form.
Strange....I don't remember the GOP having shit to do with Obama sending billions to Iran.

Stay focused byatch. You RW thieves think it's OK to just renege on promises and steal money that belongs to someone else. God hates a liar and a thief. The GOP is full of both...Yet, you are the first to judge the behavior of so-called liberals as immoral.
BTW, dunce, that transfer wasn't "spending."
It did not add to the national debt except for the interest.
and the morons don't understand that Iran is not going to become another NK nuke threat at least for the next 10 years owing to obamas deal with them
/---- Yeah we heared Dems lie aboout this before:
Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.

But in 2002, the North Koreans ’fessed up: They’d begun violating the accord on Day One. Four years later, Pyongyang detonated its first nuke.

Now, the Obama administration (long content to kick the North Korea can down the road) says it will never “accept” a nuclear North Korea. Funny: The president said the same thing about Iran, then cut a deal that guarantees the ayatollahs go atomic.
View attachment 124436
When will the moron in our WH going to rip up that Iran deal?? Wasn't it supposed to happen on day one??
No.....mainly because Obama frontloaded all of the benefits to Iran. (This was by design) Completely backing out now does nothing to help our position. Iran made the deal because Obama gave them everything. Billions in cash, ending sanctions so they could buy weapons with that cash, and no guarantees other than Irans word. They swear they aren't still developing nukes,.....even though they requested tons of Uranium earier this year. Eventually they will be a more dangerous N. Korea (N. Korea has nukes now...No thanks to Bill and Hillary)
UN member nations, some having more stake in preventing Iranian nuclear weapons, depend on reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency, a watchdog arm of the UN. Operating under the auspices of the IEASA, UN inspectors confirm that Iran is compliant with the Obama deal.
U.N. watchdog: Iran nuclear deal appears to be working so far, but inspectors are ‘stretched’

The report does verify that Iran is using some uranium for domestic use but none for constructing weapons.
Stay focused byatch. You RW thieves think it's OK to just renege on promises and steal money that belongs to someone else. God hates a liar and a thief. The GOP is full of both...Yet, you are the first to judge the behavior of so-called liberals as immoral.
BTW, dunce, that transfer wasn't "spending."
It did not add to the national debt except for the interest.
and the morons don't understand that Iran is not going to become another NK nuke threat at least for the next 10 years owing to obamas deal with them
/---- Yeah we heared Dems lie aboout this before:
Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.

But in 2002, the North Koreans ’fessed up: They’d begun violating the accord on Day One. Four years later, Pyongyang detonated its first nuke.

Now, the Obama administration (long content to kick the North Korea can down the road) says it will never “accept” a nuclear North Korea. Funny: The president said the same thing about Iran, then cut a deal that guarantees the ayatollahs go atomic.
View attachment 124436
When will the moron in our WH going to rip up that Iran deal?? Wasn't it supposed to happen on day one??
No.....mainly because Obama frontloaded all of the benefits to Iran. (This was by design) Completely backing out now does nothing to help our position. Iran made the deal because Obama gave them everything. Billions in cash, ending sanctions so they could buy weapons with that cash, and no guarantees other than Irans word. They swear they aren't still developing nukes,.....even though they requested tons of Uranium earier this year. Eventually they will be a more dangerous N. Korea (N. Korea has nukes now...No thanks to Bill and Hillary)
UN member nations, some having more stake in preventing Iranian nuclear weapons, depend on reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency, a watchdog arm of the UN. Operating under the auspices of the IEASA, UN inspectors confirm that Iran is compliant with the Obama deal.
U.N. watchdog: Iran nuclear deal appears to be working so far, but inspectors are ‘stretched’

The report does verify that Iran is using some uranium for domestic use but none for constructing weapons.
/---- On September 30, 1938, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, French Premier Edouard Daladier, and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact, which seals the fate of Czechoslovakia, virtually handing it over to Germany in the name of peace. Upon return to Britain, Chamberlain would declare that the meeting had achieved “peace in our time.” How did that work out Spanky?
lib idiot.jpg
Oh.......that was a transfer......NOT SPENDING. If the country is in debt where do you think those billions came from?????
*Look in the mirror* Hint Hint*

The 1.7 billion in question came from Iran as payment for services or military hardware that was never delivered. In any event, the transferred funds are not taxpayer's money and do not effect the national debt. But here is the kicker. UN member nations still control more than 100 billion of Iranian assets. Should they renege on the Obama deal they will never see any of it. And, the concessions Iran agreed to in the deal were
satisfactory to the UN members whose countries are in close proximity to Iran.

Congress didn't authorize it. Period. It funded terrorism for years. Iran was able to buy some really expensive weapons with those billions that you and I paid for, and are currently paying interest on.
Permission from Congress was obviously not necessary in returning assets to a foreign entity. The funds were not US property. Obama operated within the purview of the UN whereas he legally, and deftly, sidestepped a hostile obstructionist RW Congress. Brilliant!

God hates a liar and thief (Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren, Dingy Harry Reid, The DNC, Debra Blabbermouth Schultz, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and the rest of the corrupt media)

So......just sayin....

You forgot the Liar In Chief: Donald J. Trump.
He and his populist constituents make lying a pernicious art form. trust the UN???
You sure are naive.

I worked with the UN back in 93 in Somalia under UNISOM. I wouldn't trust those idiots to do the right thing if YOUR life depended on it, much less mine. My guess is the $160 billion that Iran got from us was the UN funds. BTW, where do you think the UN got that money from? They sure as hell didn't get it from any Arab countries. It came from the US Treasury. The UN is located in NYC. We pay most of the rent to allow those bastards to vote against us on every issue.

Once must be a Dimocrap, because you never learn from history and you're too easily misled. Iranians broke into our embassy, took our people hostage, and have been killing our people since 1978. What makes you feel they deserve to be paid for killing thousands of our soldiers?
Last edited:
Oh.......that was a transfer......NOT SPENDING. If the country is in debt where do you think those billions came from?????
*Look in the mirror* Hint Hint*

The 1.7 billion in question came from Iran as payment for services or military hardware that was never delivered. In any event, the transferred funds are not taxpayer's money and do not effect the national debt. But here is the kicker. UN member nations still control more than 100 billion of Iranian assets. Should they renege on the Obama deal they will never see any of it. And, the concessions Iran agreed to in the deal were
satisfactory to the UN members whose countries are in close proximity to Iran.

Congress didn't authorize it. Period. It funded terrorism for years. Iran was able to buy some really expensive weapons with those billions that you and I paid for, and are currently paying interest on.
Permission from Congress was obviously not necessary in returning assets to a foreign entity. The funds were not US property. Obama operated within the purview of the UN whereas he legally, and deftly, sidestepped a hostile obstructionist RW Congress. Brilliant!

God hates a liar and thief (Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren, Dingy Harry Reid, The DNC, Debra Blabbermouth Schultz, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and the rest of the corrupt media)

So......just sayin....

You forgot the Liar In Chief: Donald J. Trump.
He and his populist constituents make lying a pernicious art form. trust the UN???
You sure are naive.

I worked with the UN back in 93 in Somalia under UNISOM. I wouldn't trust those idiots to do the right thing if YOUR life depended on it, much less mine. My guess is the $160 billion that Iran got from us was the UN funds. BTW, where do you think the UN got that money from? They sure as hell didn't get it from any Arab countries. It came from the US Treasury. The UN is located in NYC. We pay most of the rent to allow those bastards to vote against us on every issue.

Once must be a Dimocrap, because you never learn from history and you're too easily misled. Iranians broke into our embassy, took our people hostage, and have been killing our people since 1978. What makes you feel they deserve to be paid for killing thousands of our soldiers?
Where's Dumps $$$???
Former President Barack Obama hosted a community event at the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago on Wednesday -- and made some big announcements about the future plans for his center's campus.

The 44th president announced he and his wife, Michelle Obama, will be donating $2 million to summer jobs programs in Chicago.

"One of the things that we will be starting this year is Michelle and I, personally, are going to donate $2 million to our summer jobs programs here in the community, so that right away young people can get to work, and we can start providing opportunities to all of them," Obama said.
and the morons don't understand that Iran is not going to become another NK nuke threat at least for the next 10 years owing to obamas deal with them
/---- Yeah we heared Dems lie aboout this before:
Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.

But in 2002, the North Koreans ’fessed up: They’d begun violating the accord on Day One. Four years later, Pyongyang detonated its first nuke.

Now, the Obama administration (long content to kick the North Korea can down the road) says it will never “accept” a nuclear North Korea. Funny: The president said the same thing about Iran, then cut a deal that guarantees the ayatollahs go atomic.
View attachment 124436
When will the moron in our WH going to rip up that Iran deal?? Wasn't it supposed to happen on day one??
No.....mainly because Obama frontloaded all of the benefits to Iran. (This was by design) Completely backing out now does nothing to help our position. Iran made the deal because Obama gave them everything. Billions in cash, ending sanctions so they could buy weapons with that cash, and no guarantees other than Irans word. They swear they aren't still developing nukes,.....even though they requested tons of Uranium earier this year. Eventually they will be a more dangerous N. Korea (N. Korea has nukes now...No thanks to Bill and Hillary)
UN member nations, some having more stake in preventing Iranian nuclear weapons, depend on reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency, a watchdog arm of the UN. Operating under the auspices of the IEASA, UN inspectors confirm that Iran is compliant with the Obama deal.
U.N. watchdog: Iran nuclear deal appears to be working so far, but inspectors are ‘stretched’

The report does verify that Iran is using some uranium for domestic use but none for constructing weapons.
/---- On September 30, 1938, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, French Premier Edouard Daladier, and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact, which seals the fate of Czechoslovakia, virtually handing it over to Germany in the name of peace. Upon return to Britain, Chamberlain would declare that the meeting had achieved “peace in our time.” How did that work out Spanky?
View attachment 124529
Your analogy doesn't quite compute. Obama's deal was not an appeasement. Instead it was a classic use of diplomacy.
Chamberlain was an appeaser who, fearing the might of Hitler, capitulated on key issues.
Indeed Chamberlain's concessions only emboldened the NAZIs who conceeded virtually nothing in return. Obama's deal OTOH
required concessions by Iran with oversight by the UN.
/---- Yeah we heared Dems lie aboout this before:
Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.

But in 2002, the North Koreans ’fessed up: They’d begun violating the accord on Day One. Four years later, Pyongyang detonated its first nuke.

Now, the Obama administration (long content to kick the North Korea can down the road) says it will never “accept” a nuclear North Korea. Funny: The president said the same thing about Iran, then cut a deal that guarantees the ayatollahs go atomic.
View attachment 124436
When will the moron in our WH going to rip up that Iran deal?? Wasn't it supposed to happen on day one??
No.....mainly because Obama frontloaded all of the benefits to Iran. (This was by design) Completely backing out now does nothing to help our position. Iran made the deal because Obama gave them everything. Billions in cash, ending sanctions so they could buy weapons with that cash, and no guarantees other than Irans word. They swear they aren't still developing nukes,.....even though they requested tons of Uranium earier this year. Eventually they will be a more dangerous N. Korea (N. Korea has nukes now...No thanks to Bill and Hillary)
UN member nations, some having more stake in preventing Iranian nuclear weapons, depend on reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency, a watchdog arm of the UN. Operating under the auspices of the IEASA, UN inspectors confirm that Iran is compliant with the Obama deal.
U.N. watchdog: Iran nuclear deal appears to be working so far, but inspectors are ‘stretched’

The report does verify that Iran is using some uranium for domestic use but none for constructing weapons.
/---- On September 30, 1938, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, French Premier Edouard Daladier, and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact, which seals the fate of Czechoslovakia, virtually handing it over to Germany in the name of peace. Upon return to Britain, Chamberlain would declare that the meeting had achieved “peace in our time.” How did that work out Spanky?
View attachment 124529
Your analogy doesn't quite compute. Obama's deal was not an appeasement. Instead it was a classic use of diplomacy.
Chamberlain was an appeaser who, fearing the might of Hitler, capitulated on key issues.
Indeed Chamberlain's concessions only emboldened the NAZIs who conceeded virtually nothing in return. Obama's deal OTOH
required concessions by Iran with oversight by the UN.
Yeah.....appeasement or capitulation. Whatever the you want to call it.
Obama wants to set up a rouge nation with nukes so they can close down the Persian Gulf and gut oil production in the Middle-East. Oh....and he wants to kill Jews and Christians.

This is just an example of what happens when you have a crazy Communist SOB in the White House. You never put a lying asshole in there that likes to rub elbows with terrorists and criminals. Obama gave the Democrats alot of what they want, but he also risks destroying the Democratic Party for the foreseeable future. They're out of touch and have lost the Middle-Class almost completely.
Do democrat voters actually believe the democrats actually care about them?

I can't say what all or most Democratic voters believe in that regard. I can say that among the Democrats I know, they care about policy not about whether other Democrats and/or the people making the policies care about them. In other words, the Democrats I know are well aware that there's more to be concerned about than just themselves.
When will the moron in our WH going to rip up that Iran deal?? Wasn't it supposed to happen on day one??
No.....mainly because Obama frontloaded all of the benefits to Iran. (This was by design) Completely backing out now does nothing to help our position. Iran made the deal because Obama gave them everything. Billions in cash, ending sanctions so they could buy weapons with that cash, and no guarantees other than Irans word. They swear they aren't still developing nukes,.....even though they requested tons of Uranium earier this year. Eventually they will be a more dangerous N. Korea (N. Korea has nukes now...No thanks to Bill and Hillary)
UN member nations, some having more stake in preventing Iranian nuclear weapons, depend on reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency, a watchdog arm of the UN. Operating under the auspices of the IEASA, UN inspectors confirm that Iran is compliant with the Obama deal.
U.N. watchdog: Iran nuclear deal appears to be working so far, but inspectors are ‘stretched’

The report does verify that Iran is using some uranium for domestic use but none for constructing weapons.
/---- On September 30, 1938, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, French Premier Edouard Daladier, and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact, which seals the fate of Czechoslovakia, virtually handing it over to Germany in the name of peace. Upon return to Britain, Chamberlain would declare that the meeting had achieved “peace in our time.” How did that work out Spanky?
View attachment 124529
Your analogy doesn't quite compute. Obama's deal was not an appeasement. Instead it was a classic use of diplomacy.
Chamberlain was an appeaser who, fearing the might of Hitler, capitulated on key issues.
Indeed Chamberlain's concessions only emboldened the NAZIs who conceeded virtually nothing in return. Obama's deal OTOH
required concessions by Iran with oversight by the UN.
Yeah.....appeasement or capitulation. Whatever the you want to call it.
Obama wants to set up a rouge nation with nukes so they can close down the Persian Gulf and gut oil production in the Middle-East. Oh....and he wants to kill Jews and Christians.

This is just an example of what happens when you have a crazy Communist SOB in the White House. You never put a lying asshole in there that likes to rub elbows with terrorists and criminals. Obama gave the Democrats alot of what they want, but he also risks destroying the Democratic Party for the foreseeable future. They're out of touch and have lost the Middle-Class almost completely.
Anyone ever tell you muddy you belong in a padded room ?? you are batshit crazy

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