Do democrat voters actually believe the democrats actually care about them?

Libs still haven't read the ACA...
and no republican has read the travesty before the senate now
/---- what makes it a tragedy besides flushing Obozo's legacy swirling down the toilet?
you'll find out as soon as the senate relegates it to the garbage and draws up a new bill ,,,the bill is great for billionaires
/---- got anything besides class envy? Anything at all?
24K of AAPL for a few years,,,,,,,,for starters
/---- Good for you. Are you writing weekly covered calls to increase your return? Because an out of the money weekly strike price of $152 exp May 12 = 9 cents per share x 24k shares = $2,100 a week in found money. Or monthlies at $1.09 x 24,000 shares = $26,000 a month but greater chance of being assigned.
and no republican has read the travesty before the senate now
/---- what makes it a tragedy besides flushing Obozo's legacy swirling down the toilet?
you'll find out as soon as the senate relegates it to the garbage and draws up a new bill ,,,the bill is great for billionaires
/---- got anything besides class envy? Anything at all?
24K of AAPL for a few years,,,,,,,,for starters
/---- Good for you. Are you writing weekly covered calls to increase your return? Because an out of the money weekly strike price of $152 exp May 12 = 9 cents per share x 24k shares = $2,100 a week in found money. Or monthlies at $1.09 x 24,000 shares = $26,000 a month but greater chance of being assigned.
Honestly speaking I did look into that on Monday with 4K shares at 152.50 but haven't as of yet I did a few years ago and did well but thanks for the info With their increase in dividends now it's like 15K a quarter and hate to lose that
/---- what makes it a tragedy besides flushing Obozo's legacy swirling down the toilet?
you'll find out as soon as the senate relegates it to the garbage and draws up a new bill ,,,the bill is great for billionaires
/---- got anything besides class envy? Anything at all?
24K of AAPL for a few years,,,,,,,,for starters
/---- Good for you. Are you writing weekly covered calls to increase your return? Because an out of the money weekly strike price of $152 exp May 12 = 9 cents per share x 24k shares = $2,100 a week in found money. Or monthlies at $1.09 x 24,000 shares = $26,000 a month but greater chance of being assigned.
Honestly speaking I did look into that on Monday with 4K shares at 152.50 but haven't as of yet I did a few years ago and did well but thanks for the info With their increase in dividends now it's like 15K a quarter and hate to lose that
/---- Most online brokers have free tutorials on option writing (Fidelity and TD) watch them before you start. I won't write calls or puts that have a greater chance of 10% of being assigned. Fidelity has a Probability Calculator that will give you a strong indication on being assigned. To many tax liabilities. Good luck.
you'll find out as soon as the senate relegates it to the garbage and draws up a new bill ,,,the bill is great for billionaires
/---- got anything besides class envy? Anything at all?
24K of AAPL for a few years,,,,,,,,for starters
/---- Good for you. Are you writing weekly covered calls to increase your return? Because an out of the money weekly strike price of $152 exp May 12 = 9 cents per share x 24k shares = $2,100 a week in found money. Or monthlies at $1.09 x 24,000 shares = $26,000 a month but greater chance of being assigned.
Honestly speaking I did look into that on Monday with 4K shares at 152.50 but haven't as of yet I did a few years ago and did well but thanks for the info With their increase in dividends now it's like 15K a quarter and hate to lose that
/---- Most online brokers have free tutorials on option writing (Fidelity and TD) watch them before you start. I won't write calls or puts that have a greater chance of 10% of being assigned. Fidelity has a Probability Calculator that will give you a strong indication on being assigned. To many tax liabilities. Good luck.
I'm with Schwab and their reps are very helpful Again thank's for the info Are you sure you're a republican?? lol
/---- got anything besides class envy? Anything at all?
24K of AAPL for a few years,,,,,,,,for starters
/---- Good for you. Are you writing weekly covered calls to increase your return? Because an out of the money weekly strike price of $152 exp May 12 = 9 cents per share x 24k shares = $2,100 a week in found money. Or monthlies at $1.09 x 24,000 shares = $26,000 a month but greater chance of being assigned.
Honestly speaking I did look into that on Monday with 4K shares at 152.50 but haven't as of yet I did a few years ago and did well but thanks for the info With their increase in dividends now it's like 15K a quarter and hate to lose that
/---- Most online brokers have free tutorials on option writing (Fidelity and TD) watch them before you start. I won't write calls or puts that have a greater chance of 10% of being assigned. Fidelity has a Probability Calculator that will give you a strong indication on being assigned. To many tax liabilities. Good luck.
I'm with Schwab and their reps are very helpful Again thank's for the info Are you sure you're a republican?? lol
/---- You're welcome and I'm Tea Party.
24K of AAPL for a few years,,,,,,,,for starters
/---- Good for you. Are you writing weekly covered calls to increase your return? Because an out of the money weekly strike price of $152 exp May 12 = 9 cents per share x 24k shares = $2,100 a week in found money. Or monthlies at $1.09 x 24,000 shares = $26,000 a month but greater chance of being assigned.
Honestly speaking I did look into that on Monday with 4K shares at 152.50 but haven't as of yet I did a few years ago and did well but thanks for the info With their increase in dividends now it's like 15K a quarter and hate to lose that
/---- Most online brokers have free tutorials on option writing (Fidelity and TD) watch them before you start. I won't write calls or puts that have a greater chance of 10% of being assigned. Fidelity has a Probability Calculator that will give you a strong indication on being assigned. To many tax liabilities. Good luck.
I'm with Schwab and their reps are very helpful Again thank's for the info Are you sure you're a republican?? lol
/---- You're welcome and I'm Tea Party.
I was a republican all my life Voted for GWB in 2000 Became a Dem ,,,btw I'm in NY also on LI Good health
24K of AAPL for a few years,,,,,,,,for starters
/---- Good for you. Are you writing weekly covered calls to increase your return? Because an out of the money weekly strike price of $152 exp May 12 = 9 cents per share x 24k shares = $2,100 a week in found money. Or monthlies at $1.09 x 24,000 shares = $26,000 a month but greater chance of being assigned.
Honestly speaking I did look into that on Monday with 4K shares at 152.50 but haven't as of yet I did a few years ago and did well but thanks for the info With their increase in dividends now it's like 15K a quarter and hate to lose that
/---- Most online brokers have free tutorials on option writing (Fidelity and TD) watch them before you start. I won't write calls or puts that have a greater chance of 10% of being assigned. Fidelity has a Probability Calculator that will give you a strong indication on being assigned. To many tax liabilities. Good luck.
I'm with Schwab and their reps are very helpful Again thank's for the info Are you sure you're a republican?? lol
/---- You're welcome and I'm Tea Party.
Not a bad day for AAPL ,,,,now let trumps tax reforms go thru
Cause and effect challenged? I don't think so.
Without the Democrats life would be harsher for most and downright unbearable for many.
/---- For decades, the Democratic party has pushed policies that have turned America’s inner cites into islands of profound impoverishment — neighborhoods where shattered families are often housed, doctored, educated, and fed by bureaucrats.
There’s a misery in many of America’s inner cities that projects perpetual poverty.

Below are seven truths about how the Democratic party’s policies are destroying gAmerica’s inner cities, all while taking the voters who live there for granted.
7 Ways Democrat Policies Are Killing America's Inner Cities
View attachment 124719
Democrats aren't destroying inner cities. The onset of Urban decay in the wake of a dwindling tax base is the prime factor. When giant industries leave town, good paying jobs go with them. Those left behind for whatever reason have few choices: move, stay and commute. Staying means facing less police protection from maurading gangs and the Nixon induced drug trade. Still, many good people do stay, armed with little more than a steadfast faith in God to sustain them. But we rarely hear about those inner city dwellers until a Dylan Roof comes along.

Unions are often scapegoated for industrial failures in the inner cities. Democrats, you say, are the political force behind unions because they support collective bargaining, a causal factor in redistributing wealth that helped to create the middle-class.
Mismanagement and poor quality controls
Is never a consideration in assessing the demise of an inner city industry. The blame nearly always is placed on the demands of collective bargaining and, subsequently, the Democrats.
/---- And those companies flee to business friendly states down south or over seas.
Wherever they go the workers are going to get the shaft. That reality throws light on Trump's campaign promise to bring Those offshore jobs back home. He proposed the implementation of tariffs on products made abroad and sold here. But his plan to lower corporate tax rates would, in his judgment,
be a critical enticement. Yet labor costs, seemingly, would offset that incentive
Further, if by chance offshore businesses came back home in significant numbers, would that repatriation revitalize the inner cities?
automation ,robots that do the work of 10 men that don't take holidays no health care no overtime pay are taking over
The End of Work - Wikipedia

Robots don't buy goods and services. So who is going to buy products made in an automated world where human labor is obsolete? BTW that very question was addressed by Jeremy Rifkin in his1995 best seller: The End Of Work.

"In 1995, Rifkin contended that worldwide unemployment would increase as information technology eliminated tens of millions of jobs in the manufacturing, agricultural and service sectors. He predicted devastating impact of automation on blue-collar, retail and wholesale employees. While a small elite of corporate managers and knowledge workers would reap the benefits of the high-tech world economy, the American middle class would continue to shrink and the workplace become ever more stressful."
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Libs still haven't read the ACA...
and no republican has read the travesty before the senate now
/---- what makes it a tragedy besides flushing Obozo's legacy swirling down the toilet?
Obama's legacy is etched in stone. He is one of the greatest presidents ever.
/----- Huh??? "Obama's legacy is etched in stone. He is one of the greatest presidents ever."
Obama whopper.jpg
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Libs still haven't read the ACA...
and no republican has read the travesty before the senate now
/---- what makes it a tragedy besides flushing Obozo's legacy swirling down the toilet?
Obama's legacy is etched in stone. He is one of the greatest presidents ever.
/----- Huh???
View attachment 124959
For starters just visit with any of those 24 million souls worrying about losing their healtcare. Looks like the ancient Egypt prophets already etched Obamas legacy
In stone...heh heh heh. They knew he was coming to give hope to the hopeless.:2up:
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If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to white Christians or capitalism being bad when answering this question, USMB obamabots. Be adults about this. Does any democrat care about the poor, or are they more concerned about getting as many people as they can entirely dependent on government to gain power over them, and turning them into robotic votes?
Obamabots? Limit of your intelligence? Go down well at your KKK meetings?
Might help if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective.
No college trumpie? (Word for fart in the uk, didn't know that? Figures)
Maybe Hillary lost in a major landslide soley because of Maxine Waters as the spokes-tasmainian devil?
The best part of all of this is the left still don't know why they keep losing elections (over 1000 seats since the skinny half black socialist became prssident.)

They blame this or that (russians talk radio fox news etc etc. )

They still believe all of that, cause the democrats will not cause they cannot separate themselves from their victimology strategy. If you notice, they know no other way.

Classes, races, genders, religions, sexual preference, all divided. Then they need to get creative after they have run out of the usual ones. People who use wrong pronouns, etc.

The left fall for it every time. Like that intolerable piece of shit Billy000.
What kind of landslide loss is a 3mm plurality?
So now 90% of our counties are red who do we blame it on?
Ah, the Dems.
They do know, elected an uppity nixxer. Don the con Released all our slave genes.
Now America first, our WWII Nazi group slogan
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to white Christians or capitalism being bad when answering this question, USMB obamabots. Be adults about this. Does any democrat care about the poor, or are they more concerned about getting as many people as they can entirely dependent on government to gain power over them, and turning them into robotic votes?

is used openly and dons uneducated don't even know where it came from.
Maybe Hillary lost in a major landslide soley because of Maxine Waters as the spokes-tasmainian devil?
The best part of all of this is the left still don't know why they keep losing elections (over 1000 seats since the skinny half black socialist became prssident.)

They blame this or that (russians talk radio fox news etc etc. ) /----"Now America first, our WWII Nazi group slogan" Better than the Communist Dem slogan, America Last.

They still believe all of that, cause the democrats will not cause they cannot separate themselves from their victimology strategy. If you notice, they know no other way.

Classes, races, genders, religions, sexual preference, all divided. Then they need to get creative after they have run out of the usual ones. People who use wrong pronouns, etc.

The left fall for it every time. Like that intolerable piece of shit Billy000.
What kind of landslide loss is a 3mm plurality?
So now 90% of our counties are red who do we blame it on?
Ah, the Dems.
They do know, elected an uppity nixxer. Don the con Released all our slave genes.
Now America first, our WWII Nazi group slogan
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to white Christians or capitalism being bad when answering this question, USMB obamabots. Be adults about this. Does any democrat care about the poor, or are they more concerned about getting as many people as they can entirely dependent on government to gain power over them, and turning them into robotic votes?

is used openly and dons uneducated don't even know where it came from.

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