Do Democrats favor exterminating countries,beheadings..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
There is a thread stating "Republicans Have Strongly Negative Views Of Muslims, Arabs "

So does this mean Democrats are in favor of what these Muslims/Arabs have said and done?

Democrats must favor beheadings, destruction of Israel...

Tunisian muslims behead a Christian convert from Islam - Tunisian muslims behead a Christian convert from Islam

"Israel to be DESTROYED is OK according to Democrats!!
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was cheered by half a million demonstrators in Tehran shouting: Death to Israel! Death to America! when he declared Israel is a "cancerous tumor" that will soon be finished off in the new Middle East. He called “the Zionist regime’s existence an insult to all humanity.”

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said: “The fake Zionist (regime) will disappear from the landscape of geography,”

Iranian leaders in Israel
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It's evidently OK to criticize GOP for abhorring a group that practices be-headings of Christians and extermination millions of people.
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There are over a billion Muslims in the world. You find fault with three.

How big is that herpes blanket of yours?
There are over a billion Muslims in the world. You find fault with three.

How big is that herpes blanket of yours?

A 2007 Pew poll [pdf] found that 27 percent of American Muslim men younger than 30 believe suicide terrorism in defense of Islam is at least sometimes justified.
Nearly 60,000 respondents were interviewed to find a representative sample
of Muslims. Interviews were conducted in Arabic, Urdu and Farsi, as well as English.

In addition, the survey finds that younger Muslim Americans – those under age 30 – are both much more religiously observant and more accepting of Islamic extremism than are older Muslim Americans

The Nation's Broad Definition of "Islamophobia" -

YOU idiot! As of 2010, people under age 30 make up about 60% of the total population 2.2 billion of Muslim-majority countries!
So if 27% of Muslims in this study under age 30 have no problem in Terrorism and 60% of 2.2 billion is
1.3 billion and 27% of that is 356 million !
356 million muslims under age 30 that have NO problem in blowing themselves up so why would they have a problem in be-heading?

"84,000 Canadian Muslims think it's justifiable to behead our democratically elected prime minister and blow up the very symbol and centre of our democracy!"
"84,000 Canadian Muslims think it's justifiable to behead our democratically elected prime minister and blow up the very symbol and centre of our democracy!" - Jihad Watch

FACTS! Where are YOURS???
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If liberals can connect the dots to white Christian males driving the muslims to cut off heads, then they will do it.
It's evidently OK to criticize GOP for abhorring a group that practices be-headings of Christians and extermination millions of people.

You mean, like what the "christian" white invaders did to my Cherokee ancestors? Or to their "slaves"?
Have you READ the bible? It's pretty damn violent...
It's evidently OK to criticize GOP for abhorring a group that practices be-headings of Christians and extermination millions of people.

You mean, like what the "christian" white invaders did to my Cherokee ancestors? Or to their "slaves"?
Have you READ the bible? It's pretty damn violent...

You have a clue, just need to follow it to it's logical end.

Christians do not practice the violence inherent in the Old Testament. Muslims follow the koran to the letter.
It's evidently OK to criticize GOP for abhorring a group that practices be-headings of Christians and extermination millions of people.

You mean, like what the "christian" white invaders did to my Cherokee ancestors? Or to their "slaves"?
Have you READ the bible? It's pretty damn violent...

A) Every example you give WAS done 100s,1,000s of years ago!

But Beheadings on direction of ISLAM being done today.. Don't you read about Egypt and muslim treatment of Christians..crucifixions.. this week!
Arabic Sky News

“Sky News correspondent confirmed that members of the Muslim Brotherhood crucified dissidents to Muhammad Mursi naked on trees in front of the presidential palace. In addition, other demonstrators from the Muslim Brotherhood closed the gates not allowing entry to Media City

B)Your Cherokee ancestors...??
Meaning today you are part Cherokee as I'm part Blackfoot... but guess what
if it hadn't been for the evil white men..
You would NOT be able to sit in your air-conditioned home, using electricity and the
internet to make your phony cliched comment!

By the late eighteenth century many southern Indians, including some Cherokees, had acquired a particular kind of private property: black slaves.

Slaveholding among Indians, however, predated the arrival of Europeans, as Native Americans of the precontact Southeast had captured and enslaved one another for centuries. Southeastern Indians were also deeply involved in the lucrative colonial Indian slave trade, which gradually transitioned into primarily an African slave trade after the Yamasee War of 1715-18

So while you throw up stupid cliches about events and actions 100s and 1,000s of years ago YOU obviously forgot why people have problem with Muslims because of what the Muslims believe TODAY!!! Beheadings. Womens rights zero! And you defend that theology?
There are over a billion Muslims in the world. You find fault with three.

How big is that herpes blanket of yours?

A 2007 Pew poll [pdf] found that 27 percent of American Muslim men younger than 30 believe suicide terrorism in defense of Islam is at least sometimes justified.
Nearly 60,000 respondents were interviewed to find a representative sample
of Muslims. Interviews were conducted in Arabic, Urdu and Farsi, as well as English.

Why am I not surprised this cite lacks a link?:lol::lol:

Which wingnut site did you find this gem on?
There are over a billion Muslims in the world. You find fault with three.

How big is that herpes blanket of yours?

A 2007 Pew poll [pdf] found that 27 percent of American Muslim men younger than 30 believe suicide terrorism in defense of Islam is at least sometimes justified.
Nearly 60,000 respondents were interviewed to find a representative sample
of Muslims. Interviews were conducted in Arabic, Urdu and Farsi, as well as English.

Why am I not surprised this cite lacks a link?:lol::lol:

Which wingnut site did you find this gem on?

I was just assuming you would WANT to get your own source but I gave you too much credit ... go back and read the post again.. you'll see this link which evidently
A 2007 Pew poll [pdf] found that 27 percent of American Muslim men younger than 30 believe suicide terrorism in defense of Islam is at least sometimes justified.
Nearly 60,000 respondents were interviewed to find a representative sample
of Muslims. Interviews were conducted in Arabic, Urdu and Farsi, as well as English.

Why am I not surprised this cite lacks a link?:lol::lol:

Which wingnut site did you find this gem on?

I was just assuming you would WANT to get your own source but I gave you too much credit ... go back and read the post again.. you'll see this link which evidently

You lie like other people breathe. You just added that link at 1:43 PM.

Not even a decent liar.
Let's peruse the poll you clearly never read, shall we?

Can Suicide Bombing of Civilian Targets to Defend Islam be Justified?

How often justified…

Sometimes / rarely / never
All U.S. Muslims 8 / 5 / 78

18-29 26/15/11

now I see why you left out the link...
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A) Every example you give WAS done 100s,1,000s of years ago!

So? My point is that christians are just as prone to violence for "god" as muslims are.

Your Cherokee ancestors...??
Meaning today you are part Cherokee as I'm part Blackfoot... but guess what
if it hadn't been for the evil white men..
You would NOT be able to sit in your air-conditioned home, using electricity and the
internet to make your phony cliched comment!

Wow, are you really saying that if white christian invaders had never stepped foot on this soil, these things would not exist? Do you know how inventive the Chinese, ancients in the middle east and native Americans (both north and south) were? Pretty arrogant of you...
if it hadn't been for the evil white men..
You would NOT be able to sit in your air-conditioned home, using electricity and the
internet to make your phony cliched comment!

And the fail just gets bigger and bigger.....
A) Every example you give WAS done 100s,1,000s of years ago!

So? My point is that christians are just as prone to violence for "god" as muslims are.

Your Cherokee ancestors...??
Meaning today you are part Cherokee as I'm part Blackfoot... but guess what
if it hadn't been for the evil white men..
You would NOT be able to sit in your air-conditioned home, using electricity and the
internet to make your phony cliched comment!

Wow, are you really saying that if white christian invaders had never stepped foot on this soil, these things would not exist? Do you know how inventive the Chinese, ancients in the middle east and native Americans (both north and south) were? Pretty arrogant of you...

Why is it arrogant? Didn't Obama tell us that?
Besides it is a FACT not suppositions.
Inventive? You mean smoke signal Internet???
If they were so "inventive" why was the life span only 40 years old?
So inventive the indians drove the buffaloes over cliffs killing millions to use 100s!
I'm part Indian and believe you me I would NOT want to be living in Indian life style o 150 years ago!
You keep perpetuating that stupid myth about White man bad Indian pure which every kid learns today and is so WRONG!

Obviously there were a FEW situations where Indians were mistreated.. A FEW but
for the trillions of hours/dollars donated by White people to help raise the standard of living of the savages you totally negate that and that is stupid!
Ask an Indian today if he'd like to be back in the 1800s???
A) Every example you give WAS done 100s,1,000s of years ago!

So? My point is that christians are just as prone to violence for "god" as muslims are.

Your Cherokee ancestors...??
Meaning today you are part Cherokee as I'm part Blackfoot... but guess what
if it hadn't been for the evil white men..
You would NOT be able to sit in your air-conditioned home, using electricity and the
internet to make your phony cliched comment!

Wow, are you really saying that if white christian invaders had never stepped foot on this soil, these things would not exist? Do you know how inventive the Chinese, ancients in the middle east and native Americans (both north and south) were? Pretty arrogant of you...

Why is it arrogant? Didn't Obama tell us that?
Besides it is a FACT not suppositions.
Inventive? You mean smoke signal Internet???
If they were so "inventive" why was the life span only 40 years old?
So inventive the indians drove the buffaloes over cliffs killing millions to use 100s!
I'm part Indian and believe you me I would NOT want to be living in Indian life style o 150 years ago!
You keep perpetuating that stupid myth about White man bad Indian pure which every kid learns today and is so WRONG!

Obviously there were a FEW situations where Indians were mistreated.. A FEW but
for the trillions of hours/dollars donated by White people to help raise the standard of living of the savages you totally negate that and that is stupid!
Ask an Indian today if he'd like to be back in the 1800s???

Indians had 10,000 years and didn't do anything to advance themselves to hold onto the land. Can someone tell me one culture within world history that hasn't been over ran by a more advanced culture? The native American today mostly hold onto their hatred of civilization, but I seriously doubt most people would want to go back 800 years to trade back all the comforts. No, they can scream about how much they hate the white man, while enjoying the fruits he brought. The left hates civilization as they can't face the same fact.

The white man brought great things to this world, but yet he's the one hated...It's kind of like in Spider man when he's saving people to only have the people turn against him. There's no winning. Today we sit as a nation of 300 million people, but yet the native American still doesn't want to enter the 21st century.
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So? My point is that christians are just as prone to violence for "god" as muslims are.

Wow, are you really saying that if white christian invaders had never stepped foot on this soil, these things would not exist? Do you know how inventive the Chinese, ancients in the middle east and native Americans (both north and south) were? Pretty arrogant of you...

Why is it arrogant? Didn't Obama tell us that?
Besides it is a FACT not suppositions.
Inventive? You mean smoke signal Internet???
If they were so "inventive" why was the life span only 40 years old?
So inventive the indians drove the buffaloes over cliffs killing millions to use 100s!
I'm part Indian and believe you me I would NOT want to be living in Indian life style o 150 years ago!
You keep perpetuating that stupid myth about White man bad Indian pure which every kid learns today and is so WRONG!

Obviously there were a FEW situations where Indians were mistreated.. A FEW but
for the trillions of hours/dollars donated by White people to help raise the standard of living of the savages you totally negate that and that is stupid!
Ask an Indian today if he'd like to be back in the 1800s???

Indians had 10,000 years and didn't do anything to advance themselves to hold onto the land. Can someone tell me one culture within world history that hasn't been over ran by a more advanced culture? The native American today mostly hold onto their hatred of civilization, but I seriously doubt most people would want to go back 800 years to trade back all the comforts. No, they can scream about how much they hate the white man, while enjoying the fruits he brought. The left hates civilization as they can't face the same fact.

The white man brought great things to this world, but yet he's the one hated...It's kind of like in Spider man when he's saving people to only have the people turn against him. There's no winning. Today we sit as a nation of 300 million people, but yet the native American still doesn't want to enter the 21st century.

Ah but there are some Indians that have really enjoyed the fruits of their labors.. and NO one begrudges these Indians..

Inside the richest native American tribe in the U.S. where casino profits pay $1m a year to EVERY member
Payouts coming out of the money the Shakopee Mdewakanton Tribe makes through its highly profitable casinos
About 460 people live within the tribe
Between Mystic Lake and the Little Six Casino - tribal revenues are thought to be nearly $1.4billion

Read more: Shakopee Mdewakanton Tribe: Casino revenue pays each member $1million a year | Mail Online

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