Do Democrats REALLY Think Americans Will Turn Their Guns In Peacefully If They Pass a Law

You only see that on Fox, super dupe.

The US defeated France in the late 1700s, Uber-Dupe.

They may would have had dominion over us, if that fleet hadn't sunk in a hurricane.

As it stands: This is America.
I thought we defeated England in the late 1700s and France helped us

Apparently, you don't know much about American History.

One if by land two if by sea

Who was Nathan Hale?

I regret that I only have one life to give for my country

He said that right before the French (don’t believe the lying history books who think we fought England) executed him
Gun owners are pussies at heart.....that is why they have guns in the first place

They will turn in their guns

I'll certainly be sure to let my dead cousin that stormed Normandy beach with an M1 your leftist shill faggot opinion, okay?

Meanwhile: You're a sorry piece of traitor excrement.
A liberal, FDR was his leader
Gun owners are pussies at heart.....that is why they have guns in the first place

They will turn in their guns

I'll certainly be sure to let my dead cousin that stormed Normandy beach with an M1 your leftist shill faggot opinion, okay?

Meanwhile: You're a sorry piece of traitor excrement.
A liberal, FDR was his leader

Boy, you have zero clues as to the history of America.

A pre-welfare America. One where you earned your place.

The government was a far-away entity.

You made your own way. Guns were involved.
Gun owners are pussies at heart.....that is why they have guns in the first place

They will turn in their guns

I'll certainly be sure to let my dead cousin that stormed Normandy beach with an M1 your leftist shill faggot opinion, okay?

Meanwhile: You're a sorry piece of traitor excrement.
A liberal, FDR was his leader

Yep, and thankfully a brilliant man named Marshal, was able to counter most of fdr's policies that had they been fully implemented would have seen the USA suffer far more casualties than we did.
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Do Democrats REALLY Think Americans Will Turn Their Guns In Peacefully If They Pass a Law

What guns? Didn't President Obama take them all?
The whole Liberal / Progressive anti-gun argument is insane.

They say taking away guns will make society safer....yet all the while they open the borders so criminals can fill the nation, give criminals light or reduced sentences so more criminals can be on the streets and provide sanctuary cities where ultra violent MS13 gangs can flourish.

But when it comes to guns, you are more likely to die in a plane crash (which is HIGHLY unlikely in the first place) than be shot to death.

Seriously.....are these people as mentally ill as their actions say they are?

Pure other way to see it.
I doubt it, hater dupe bigot. Actually we are pragmatic Centrists. Of course you dupes have fallen off the Flat Earth right. You have your own imaginary planet of misinformation and hate.

Riiight, so you faggot leftists aren't trying to disarm Americans, amirite? To the point where you mass murder people and blame it on some old inept guy and AR-15s when AKs and M49s were used and think we don't see what's going on?

The term hater dupe was invented for you. Who needs evidence or intelligence?

But you wear it so well.
I don't hate anyone on here. I do hate your lies though, dupes. Democrats are pussies but they are honest. The new b*******GOP are the worst Liars ever in our history.

"Our" history? Biiiitch. What county do you live in?

At least your country has been actively vetting mosques and closed a shit ton of them.
Oh you again LOL. Western New York and we don't eat Central New York hot dogs, dumbass. LOL. You really love being wrong on everything...
Incorrect. They will make you obtain an owner's license and register your guns and approve transactions and require you to attend mandatory training and recertifications.

Ah yes, the fantasy that you Stalinist masturbate to; your jackbooted stormtroopers will march in and end civil rights, bringing about the hell on earth you so desire. But it's just a fantasy....
There is nothing 'Stalinist' about seeking intelligent control over lethal weapons. America has seen one too many piles of slaughtered schoolchildren.

Oh, and, by the way, conflating Gun Ownership with overall Civil Rights is an old cup of Kool-Aid that is no longer palatable to vast numbers of your countrymen.

Finally... it is only a fantasy so long as the Imperial Cheeto and his party hold power... and, the way he's going, that's going to change, in 2018, 2020 or 2022.

In any event, it won't last forever, and the next time the Dems are up-to-bat, with the White House, Congress and SCOTUS on their side, things are going to change.

So you keep right on making excuses and enabling monsters with uncontrolled quantities of assault weapons to slaughter innocent babies in their school rooms.

You only add fuel and fury to the fire; then again, your (side's) arrogance and faux confidence in the status quo will come back to haunt you soon enough.

...300 million fire arms in this nation...
That's nice.

There will shortly (as political history measures time) be a third that number, and every one of them registered, and their owners vetted and licensed and trained.

... Even if every last one of the 200,000 cops decided to become traitors and wage war on their families and friends...
Do you mean that if every one of 200,000 law enforcement officers fulfill their oaths and enforce their nation's duly-enacted laws and defend the American public?

...See, despite your desires, this ain't Nazi Germany pal...
Never said it was... never want to be thus... I would fight alongside you, to ensure that it never becomes thus.

But establishing and enforcing nationwide standards for firearms vetting, licensing, registration, training, transaction approval, etc., is not a "Nazi" characteristic.

No matter how many times you try to serve-up that same, lame, stale old Kool-Aid.

...We have an armed populace that is equal or exceeding in skill to the police and army....
Your fifth-grade schoolboy fantasies of The People Rising Against Their Masters is a real hoot... entertaining... amusing... damned funny.

...Yeah sploogy, you'll just command "SIT" and America will gladly relinquish all civil rights to your totalitarian rule....

Congress will eventually pass Federal -level legislation to establish such nationwide standards and jurisdiction and it will be vetted and approved by the courts.

When that happens, your duly-elected Government will move to implement and enforce the provisions of such legislation.

You will keep your guns.

But you'll have to pass a background check, obtain a license, register each weapon, undergo mandatory training, and periodically re-certify.

In addition, there are likely to be reasonable limits on the number of weapons (5 or 10, rather than 20 or 30 or 40) and their nature.

Hell, keep your semi-autos and assault weapons - just be aware that you'll need a Class X license rather than a Class Y license; much those for a car vs. a truck.

That way, you can hang onto your juvenile fantasies about Rising Against Tyranny, safe-and-sound, snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug, on your shooting range or farm.

But you will comply with the duly enacted and Constitutionally-vetted laws of the United States of America, once enacted... guaranteed.

...IF the government were ever so stupid to do as you fantasize, it would be an instant shooting war....
Individual States and Municipalities have already enacted such restrictions, and most have withstood the Constitutionality test in the courts.

This will merely be leveling the playing field on a nationwide basis so that all citizens who wish to own firearms undergo the same vetting and accountability standards.

As to your "instant shooting war" threats... save those for your County Volunteer Militia Camouflage Spaghetti Fundraiser or Paint-Ball Kiddie Weekend, eh?

...You see slogans like "Come and Take it" and "Stand and Fight," but you don't grasp what they really mean...
It only means that you have drunk long and deep from the NRA Kool-Aid pitcher and have worked yourself into a psychological disorder over that toxic brew.

...Basically comrade, it is a vow that if the Gestapo kicks in the door of an American to disarm them, all free people in the area will respond with deadly force to repel the Gestapo...
If you are threatening armed rebellion in reaction to the enforcement of future laws of the United States then you are setting yourself up for a humbling experience.

...Yep, you're insane. This ain't Australia...
Never said it was Australia, and I (and vast numbers who favor gun-control) don't want your guns like the Aussies did... just far better vetting and accountability.

...But I DO strongly urge you to campaign on the promise of confiscating AR-15's...
No need. That's not the intention. Merely to implement better vetting and accountability on a nationwide basis.

...It's a winner that will put you Maoists in power!...
Establishing nationwide standards for firearms vetting and accountability has nothing whatsoever to do with Maoist behaviors, despite your denigration to the contrary.

...Hey, you Bolshevik thugs have been really successful over the last 100 years, Why would that change?
What "Bolshevists" would those be?

Your fellow Americans, who oftentimes take political stands alongside you on many other issues, but who merely differ from you in their opinion about firearms screening and the responsibilities that should accompany gun ownership?

That doesn't make them "Bolshevists". That makes them fellow citizens who are tired of the slaughter and who want real and substantive change in this area.

Fellow citizens whose numbers grow exponentially with each passing slaughter of little schoolchildren.

Fellow citizens whose numbers grow each time those in thrall to the NRA and its Kool-Aid turn to vilifying and denigrating those who think differently than they do.

Come to think of it, vilifying and denigrating those who think differently than you do - where have we seen that before in history?

And where, in history, have we seen that vilifying and denigration turn into threats of violent reaction, as we see here?

And where, in history, have we seen such threats of violent reaction turn into action?

But not to worry... Trump and the Republicans are gonna stay in power forevermore, right?

Especially after he served-up his own brand of NRA Kool-Aid in a speech just yesterday.

Told you exactly what you wanted to hear, didn't he?

I'll bet some of your cammo-wearing County Volunteer Militia creamed their jeans over that one.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Because it's not going to last forever.

The movement to undertake real and substantive Gun Control in the United States through duly enacted legislation isn't dying.. it's just getting started.

The People, their Republic, and its Constitution and Laws will ultimately triumph in this matter, and you, as a Citizen, will obey those Laws... guaranteed.

The whole Liberal / Progressive anti-gun argument is insane.

They say taking away guns will make society safer....yet all the while they open the borders so criminals can fill the nation, give criminals light or reduced sentences so more criminals can be on the streets and provide sanctuary cities where ultra violent MS13 gangs can flourish.

But when it comes to guns, you are more likely to die in a plane crash (which is HIGHLY unlikely in the first place) than be shot to death.

Seriously.....are these people as mentally ill as their actions say they are?

Pure other way to see it.
30,000 Americans died from guns last year
Nobody died in plane crashes

Nobody died in a U.S. commercial jet crash last year — a trend that predates Trump
The whole Liberal / Progressive anti-gun argument is insane.

They say taking away guns will make society safer....yet all the while they open the borders so criminals can fill the nation, give criminals light or reduced sentences so more criminals can be on the streets and provide sanctuary cities where ultra violent MS13 gangs can flourish.

But when it comes to guns, you are more likely to die in a plane crash (which is HIGHLY unlikely in the first place) than be shot to death.

Seriously.....are these people as mentally ill as their actions say they are?

Pure other way to see it.
Over 80% agree on background checks and we want to end illegal immigration with a SS ID card that can't be faked and fair semi amnesty for the Worthy. Keep listening to Fox and Rush. You will never get this straight.
The term hater dupe was invented for you. Who needs evidence or intelligence?

But you wear it so well.
I don't hate anyone on here. I do hate your lies though, dupes. Democrats are pussies but they are honest. The new b*******GOP are the worst Liars ever in our history.

"Our" history? Biiiitch. What county do you live in?

At least your country has been actively vetting mosques and closed a shit ton of them.
Oh you again LOL. Western New York and we don't eat Central New York hot dogs, dumbass. LOL. You really love being wrong on everything...

Western NY eats Snappys fuckface. I know this.

You're lying. Hoffman Snappys, bitch.
Look at a map you silly a*******LOL. Buffalo and Rochester also have different White Hots. I am 47 miles from both. About 150 from Syracuse. Nobody here has heard of Hoffman's Snappy's LOL
The whole Liberal / Progressive anti-gun argument is insane.

They say taking away guns will make society safer....yet all the while they open the borders so criminals can fill the nation, give criminals light or reduced sentences so more criminals can be on the streets and provide sanctuary cities where ultra violent MS13 gangs can flourish.

But when it comes to guns, you are more likely to die in a plane crash (which is HIGHLY unlikely in the first place) than be shot to death.

Seriously.....are these people as mentally ill as their actions say they are?

Pure other way to see it.
Over 80% agree on background checks and we want to end illegal immigration with a SS ID card that can't be faked and fair semi amnesty for the Worthy. Keep listening to Fox and Rush. You will never get this straight.
Background checks
Ban large capacity magazines
Keep crazies from getting guns

Overwhelmingly supported by real Americans
The whole Liberal / Progressive anti-gun argument is insane.

They say taking away guns will make society safer....yet all the while they open the borders so criminals can fill the nation, give criminals light or reduced sentences so more criminals can be on the streets and provide sanctuary cities where ultra violent MS13 gangs can flourish.

But when it comes to guns, you are more likely to die in a plane crash (which is HIGHLY unlikely in the first place) than be shot to death.

Seriously.....are these people as mentally ill as their actions say they are?

Pure other way to see it.
Over 80% agree on background checks and we want to end illegal immigration with a SS ID card that can't be faked and fair semi amnesty for the Worthy. Keep listening to Fox and Rush. You will never get this straight.
Background checks
Ban large capacity magazines
Keep crazies from getting guns

Overwhelmingly supported by real Americans

Bullshit. Go fuck yourself. #3 used to be a gimme when state mental hospitals were open. That needs to make a comeback, and "Ta-Da" problem solved.
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I’m not saying what’s an answer, only what isn’t. If we actually imparted a small portion of our authority, then government could never have rights and powers that we don’t.

Let's explore that idea.

Each person in a 20 member community imparts a small portion of their wealth to the government. Each has 5 cents and imparts 1 cent to the government.

The government now has 20 cents to the 4 cents the members have.

Because the whole POINT of forming a government is to provide the strength of community, it is axiomatic that the government will have more power than any single individual.

Wait a minute now... this analogy about the accumulation of quantifiable materials doesn’t apply to granting rights to government. An entity either has a particular right, or it doesn’t. It can’t have more of that right, or less. Government can have more dollars by taxing more people, but it can’t have more of the “right to tax” on that basis.

When people “grant” government the right to defend citizens against theft, they do so once. It then has the right to do this. It doesn’t have that right 325 million times - what would that even mean?

The point was that if government’s powers - the things it has a right to do - come from the people, then the most government could ever have is all of the rights the individual has. Alternatively, it could have less rights than the individual, but it could never have more. People can’t give more rights than what they have to give. The most they can give is “all of them”. Do you understand how this is so?
Gun owners are pussies at heart.....that is why they have guns in the first place

They will turn in their guns

I'll certainly be sure to let my dead cousin that stormed Normandy beach with an M1 your leftist shill faggot opinion, okay?

Meanwhile: You're a sorry piece of traitor excrement.
I really don't care about m1 and normal semi-automatics, just those super soldier wannabe mass murderer psycho assault style ones that Mass murderers love.
Gun owners are pussies at heart.....that is why they have guns in the first place

They will turn in their guns

I'll certainly be sure to let my dead cousin that stormed Normandy beach with an M1 your leftist shill faggot opinion, okay?

Meanwhile: You're a sorry piece of traitor excrement.
I really don't care about m1 and normal semi-automatics, just those super soldier wannabe mass murderer psycho assault style ones that Mass murderers love.

Oh STFU. An AR 15 shoots wittle bitty bullets compared to an M1

About 5 m1 bullets= a 30-rd mag of .223.
Oh you again LOL. Western New York and we don't eat Central New York hot dogs, dumbass. LOL. You really love being wrong on everything...

Western NY eats Snappys fuckface. I know this.

You're lying. Hoffman Snappys, bitch.
Look at a map you silly a*******LOL. Buffalo and Rochester also have different White Hots. I am 47 miles from both. About 150 from Syracuse. Nobody here has heard of Hoffman's Snappy's LOL

Bullshit, that's known except for maybe 1/3 east and the upper Adirondacks.

What's the local beer again?
Rochester has Genesee. Buffalo lots of craft.

Aight motherfucker. I'll agree with ya fer now, but I'm watching you. :1peleas:
Well I disagree with everything you say because you are so wrong. But thank you. LOL
Western NY eats Snappys fuckface. I know this.

You're lying. Hoffman Snappys, bitch.
Look at a map you silly a*******LOL. Buffalo and Rochester also have different White Hots. I am 47 miles from both. About 150 from Syracuse. Nobody here has heard of Hoffman's Snappy's LOL

Bullshit, that's known except for maybe 1/3 east and the upper Adirondacks.

What's the local beer again?

Teds Hot Dogs and Genny Cream

And don’t forget to take the guns

Good luck with that around there. Genny Cream is fer fags.
Let me guess

Utica Club?

Don’t forget.....take the guns
Buffalo is trying to get Iroquois going again. Renaissance City! Thanks 2 democratic investment.
Democrats don't really think Americans will turn their guns In peacefully If they pass a law, their actions are just for laughs.

In comparing how Democrats and Republicans think I find it somewhat like following the Bible.

When it comes to laws Republicans act like they're suppose to follow all 613 Old Testament commandments.

Democrats on the other hand don't care what's written in the OT, it's just the 2 important ones mentioned in New Testament that matter. They however keep adding new ones just for laughs, knowing only the GOP will take them seriously.
The whole Liberal / Progressive anti-gun argument is insane.

They say taking away guns will make society safer....yet all the while they open the borders so criminals can fill the nation, give criminals light or reduced sentences so more criminals can be on the streets and provide sanctuary cities where ultra violent MS13 gangs can flourish.

But when it comes to guns, you are more likely to die in a plane crash (which is HIGHLY unlikely in the first place) than be shot to death.

Seriously.....are these people as mentally ill as their actions say they are?

Pure other way to see it.
Over 80% agree on background checks and we want to end illegal immigration with a SS ID card that can't be faked and fair semi amnesty for the Worthy. Keep listening to Fox and Rush. You will never get this straight.
Background checks
Ban large capacity magazines
Keep crazies from getting guns

Overwhelmingly supported by real Americans

Not so much. At least on the Gun Control front. Support is already falling, and the importance continues to drop.

Guns Fall From Record High as Top Problem

Illegal Immigration ranks higher, does that mean we should immediately launch a massive rush of new laws prohibiting it?

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