Do Democrats REALLY Think Americans Will Turn Their Guns In Peacefully If They Pass a Law

...the Constitution clearly states that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed...
Just so.

Nationwide standards for background checks, licensing and training of owners, and registering and tracking of weapons, does not constitute infringement.

Merely accountability with respect to lethal weapons, for the Public Good.

Indeed, it IS my opinion.

Mine, and that of a great many millions of your fellow countrymen.

A vast collection that grows exponentially with each slaughter of school children or movie-goers.

A number that grows with each repeat-serving of the lame-ass Kool-Aid that the NRA has been pouring down America's throat for the past couple of decades.

Your days of financing political campaigns and buying-off our elected officials are nearing an end - and not a moment nor dead child too soon.

The trick is to convert that Opinion into Law that can withstand a Constitutional challenge.

And that's coming... sooner than you want to believe.

If your filthy ass point is that this country is losing our Liberties because of deranged assholes like you then I will tend to agree. Oppression often times wins out over Liberty. We have seen it many times.

But we won't go down without a fight.

By the way Moon Bat, the membership of the NRA is at an all time high. A significant number of new members just since Parkland.

Firearms ownership is also at an all time high. At the same time violent crimes have been decreasing.

The only place we have significant crime in this country is in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the scum that votes for Democrats.
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...If your filthy ass point is that this country is losing our Liberties because of deranged assholes like you then I will tend to agree...
Calm yourself, Princess, and mind your manners, in the presence of your betters.

...Oppression often times wins out over Liberty. We have seen it many times...
There is no loss of Liberty at stake here; merely a long-overdue introduction of accountability with respect to ownership of lethal weapons.

...But we won't go down without a fight....
Save that $hit for your cammo-wearing County Volunteer Militia spaghetti-fundraiser nights, eh?

...By the way Moon Bat, the membership of the NRA is at an all time high. A significant number of new members just since Parkland...
Keep consoling yourself with such inconsequential thoughts... it will not stop Reform from coming.

...Firearms ownership is also at an all time high. At the same time violent crimes have been decreasing...
That's nice. And with newly-introduced Gun Control measures (nationwide vetting, licensing, registration, etc.), crime will continue to decline.

...The only place we have significant crime in this country is in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the scum that votes for Democrats.

Mostly because the thugs in those $hitholes skip across the State Line to Red States that have much looser laws for such purposes.

Time to level the playing field and establish and enforce nationwide standards for that purpose.

The gun-owner in Hawaii or Texas or New Jersey or Alabama or Maine or Oklahoma or Illinois or Vermont all will be held to the same measure of accountability.

Same goes for gun manufacturers and dealers... accountability and responsibilities all across the board.

It's coming.
Any law, especially by a State, that restricts, or regulates gun ownership by the law abiding, and/or carry, is most certainly an infringement. Courts have been wrong by not enforcing the Constitution as written.
AR style rifles are rarely used in murder.
Except in mass shootings, where their large magazine capacity and semi auto style is purpose made.

Mass shootings that you speak of are rare, even rarer are the ones that utilizes an AR style rifle as the principle weapon. Even more rare are the mass killings in which an AR could not have had an equal, if not more deadly weapon in substitute. I can't think of a single mass killing that the proposed ban on AR style rifles would make impossible, or even much harder to complete.

Possibly the Las Vegas killings? I'm not even sure a ban on AR's would have had much, if any impact on that incident as, from where the killer was shooting, a high caliber hand gun would have been deadly, but, maybe more to the point, the Monster that did this had sizable wealth. He was a multi Millionaire. To think he couldn't have obtained an AR style by illegal means, or come up with another method which could have been even more deadly is simply naive.

I'm not much on creating law that has almost no impact on the stated problem.
...If your filthy ass point is that this country is losing our Liberties because of deranged assholes like you then I will tend to agree...
Calm yourself, Princess, and mind your manners, in the presence of your betters.

...Oppression often times wins out over Liberty. We have seen it many times...
There is no loss of Liberty at stake here; merely a long-overdue introduction of accountability with respect to ownership of lethal weapons.

...But we won't go down without a fight....
Save that $hit for your cammo-wearing County Volunteer Militia spaghetti-fundraiser nights, eh?

...By the way Moon Bat, the membership of the NRA is at an all time high. A significant number of new members just since Parkland...
Keep consoling yourself with such inconsequential thoughts... it will not stop Reform from coming.

...Firearms ownership is also at an all time high. At the same time violent crimes have been decreasing...
That's nice. And with newly-introduced Gun Control measures (nationwide vetting, licensing, registration, etc.), crime will continue to decline.

...The only place we have significant crime in this country is in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the scum that votes for Democrats.

Mostly because the thugs in those $hitholes skip across the State Line to Red States that have much looser laws for such purposes.

Time to level the playing field and establish and enforce nationwide standards for that purpose.

The gun-owner in Hawaii or Texas or New Jersey or Alabama or Maine or Oklahoma or Illinois or Vermont all will be held to the same measure of accountability.

Same goes for gun manufacturers and dealers... accountability and responsibilities all across the board.

It's coming.

Being a large pile of shit, while claiming you are superior to someone you think is just a pile of shit only makes your stench superior. But we can go with that if you wish.
There is nothing 'Stalinist' about seeking intelligent control over lethal weapons. America has seen one too many piles of slaughtered schoolchildren.

There is nothing "intelligent" about the attempt to infringe the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

Nor does your quest to crush civil rights have anything to do with protecting school children. Far left Coward County refused to arrest Nicky Cruz. Had they done so, he would have been prohibited from buying a gun. But racism rather than the safety of children drove the decisions of Robert Runcie, the buddy of Obama, who refused to allow the arrest of violent felons.

Further, we have Sheriff Israel of Coward County who ordered his men to stand down as the shooting went down.

Oh, and, by the way, conflating Gun Ownership with overall Civil Rights is an old cup of Kool-Aid that is no longer palatable to vast numbers of your countrymen.

Oh, and by the way, the fraud that you Stalinists seek only to disarm the people and then would be happy is n old cup of Kool-Aid that is no longer palatable to vast numbers of your countrymen.

The attacks on 1st Amendment rights by you Stalinists is a daily occurrence. Bake the Cake Christian, no whites in safe spaces, speech that is micro-aggression is entirely prohibited. Homosexuals are a protected class and it is illegal hate speech to criticize or question..

Finally... it is only a fantasy so long as the Imperial Cheeto and his party hold power... and, the way he's going, that's going to change, in 2018, 2020 or 2022.

So what you are saying is there is a treasonous group of unelected thugs running the government who have no care for the Constitution, a "deep state?"

In any event, it won't last forever, and the next time the Dems are up-to-bat, with the White House, Congress and SCOTUS on their side, things are going to change.

You Stalinists won't have the SCOTUS for 20 years.

So you keep right on making excuses and enabling monsters with uncontrolled quantities of assault weapons to slaughter innocent babies in their school rooms.

Lie much Comrade?

A child lucky enough not to be killed by you Communists through abortion is far more likely to be struck by lightening while being swept up in a tornado than they are to be shot by a semi-auto.

"Assault Weapon" is bullshit you Bolsheviks made up to mean "gun I want to confiscate."

You only add fuel and fury to the fire; then again, your (side's) arrogance and faux confidence in the status quo will come back to haunt you soon enough.

Look, you're engaged in treason. That is a high stakes game. You are in the midst of an attempted coup, which is failing.

That's nice.

There will shortly (as political history measures time) be a third that number, and every one of them registered, and their owners vetted and licensed and trained.


Well, you just come get them, Comrade.

Do you mean that if every one of 200,000 law enforcement officers fulfill their oaths and enforce their nation's duly-enacted laws and defend the American public?

No, I mean if every one of 200,000 law enforcement officers violate their oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States as you foolishly fantasize that they will do.

Never said it was... never want to be thus... I would fight alongside you, to ensure that it never becomes thus.

But establishing and enforcing nationwide standards for firearms vetting, licensing, registration, training, transaction approval, etc., is not a "Nazi" characteristic.

No matter how many times you try to serve-up that same, lame, stale old Kool-Aid.

You have a vision that you Brown Shirts will disarm the people and bring about the reign of terror you so desire.

Problem is comrade, the brown shirts you employ are pussies.


Your fifth-grade schoolboy fantasies of The People Rising Against Their Masters is a real hoot... entertaining... amusing... damned funny.

Right, America will obey you, our "masters."

Test that theory Comrade.

Congress will eventually pass Federal -level legislation to establish such nationwide standards and jurisdiction and it will be vetted and approved by the courts.

So, congress will openly and blatantly defy the Constitution of the United States?

Let's say that they did as you fantasize - at that point what part of the social contract keeps the people from ending an openly corrupt and oppressive government.

300 million guns Comrade.

When that happens, your duly-elected Government will move to implement and enforce the provisions of such legislation.

You will keep your guns.

But you'll have to pass a background check, obtain a license, register each weapon, undergo mandatory training, and periodically re-certify.

In addition, there are likely to be reasonable limits on the number of weapons (5 or 10, rather than 20 or 30 or 40) and their nature.

Hell, keep your semi-autos and assault weapons - just be aware that you'll need a Class X license rather than a Class Y license; much those for a car vs. a truck.

That way, you can hang onto your juvenile fantasies about Rising Against Tyranny, safe-and-sound, snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug, on your shooting range or farm.

But you will comply with the duly enacted and Constitutionally-vetted laws of the United States of America, once enacted... guaranteed.

If such were to be attempted, such an illegal and unconstitutional government would not stand for long.

But what you paint is a mere fantasy.
They will pass a law and then offer a buy back to those who voluntarily turn in their weapons. Then they will offer several amnesties

If you choose to ignore the law, you can probably just keep your guns. Nobody will come looking

But if you are shooting in public, transporting in your car, try to shoot at a shooting range......your gun will be confiscated and you will be fined

If you use the gun to shoot an intruder, you will be charged

Sure they will shitflinger.

Hold your breath until they do.

The anti gun agenda of the Left is not public safety. Never has been. If it was they would go after the Blacks, Hispanics, gang members, druggies, Illegals and thugs in the big Democrat controlled cities where most of the gun crimes in this country takes place.

Their agenda is to turn this country into a socialist shithole. Having the right to keep and bear arms is a threat to that agenda.

The agenda of the Stalinist democrats is unfettered and uncontested power. The left seeks to rule with an iron fist.

People like Kondor think they will personally benefit from a brutal dictatorship.
There is nothing 'Stalinist' about seeking intelligent control over lethal weapons. America has seen one too many piles of slaughtered schoolchildren.

There is nothing "intelligent" about the attempt to infringe the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

Nor does your quest to crush civil rights have anything to do with protecting school children. Far left Coward County refused to arrest Nicky Cruz. Had they done so, he would have been prohibited from buying a gun. But racism rather than the safety of children drove the decisions of Robert Runcie, the buddy of Obama, who refused to allow the arrest of violent felons.

Further, we have Sheriff Israel of Coward County who ordered his men to stand down as the shooting went down.

Oh, and, by the way, conflating Gun Ownership with overall Civil Rights is an old cup of Kool-Aid that is no longer palatable to vast numbers of your countrymen.

Oh, and by the way, the fraud that you Stalinists seek only to disarm the people and then would be happy is n old cup of Kool-Aid that is no longer palatable to vast numbers of your countrymen.

The attacks on 1st Amendment rights by you Stalinists is a daily occurrence. Bake the Cake Christian, no whites in safe spaces, speech that is micro-aggression is entirely prohibited. Homosexuals are a protected class and it is illegal hate speech to criticize or question..

Finally... it is only a fantasy so long as the Imperial Cheeto and his party hold power... and, the way he's going, that's going to change, in 2018, 2020 or 2022.

So what you are saying is there is a treasonous group of unelected thugs running the government who have no care for the Constitution, a "deep state?"

In any event, it won't last forever, and the next time the Dems are up-to-bat, with the White House, Congress and SCOTUS on their side, things are going to change.

You Stalinists won't have the SCOTUS for 20 years.

So you keep right on making excuses and enabling monsters with uncontrolled quantities of assault weapons to slaughter innocent babies in their school rooms.

Lie much Comrade?

A child lucky enough not to be killed by you Communists through abortion is far more likely to be struck by lightening while being swept up in a tornado than they are to be shot by a semi-auto.

"Assault Weapon" is bullshit you Bolsheviks made up to mean "gun I want to confiscate."

You only add fuel and fury to the fire; then again, your (side's) arrogance and faux confidence in the status quo will come back to haunt you soon enough.

Look, you're engaged in treason. That is a high stakes game. You are in the midst of an attempted coup, which is failing.

That's nice.

There will shortly (as political history measures time) be a third that number, and every one of them registered, and their owners vetted and licensed and trained.


Well, you just come get them, Comrade.

Do you mean that if every one of 200,000 law enforcement officers fulfill their oaths and enforce their nation's duly-enacted laws and defend the American public?

No, I mean if every one of 200,000 law enforcement officers violate their oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States as you foolishly fantasize that they will do.

Never said it was... never want to be thus... I would fight alongside you, to ensure that it never becomes thus.

But establishing and enforcing nationwide standards for firearms vetting, licensing, registration, training, transaction approval, etc., is not a "Nazi" characteristic.

No matter how many times you try to serve-up that same, lame, stale old Kool-Aid.

You have a vision that you Brown Shirts will disarm the people and bring about the reign of terror you so desire.

Problem is comrade, the brown shirts you employ are pussies.


Your fifth-grade schoolboy fantasies of The People Rising Against Their Masters is a real hoot... entertaining... amusing... damned funny.

Right, America will obey you, our "masters."

Test that theory Comrade.

Congress will eventually pass Federal -level legislation to establish such nationwide standards and jurisdiction and it will be vetted and approved by the courts.

So, congress will openly and blatantly defy the Constitution of the United States?

Let's say that they did as you fantasize - at that point what part of the social contract keeps the people from ending an openly corrupt and oppressive government.

300 million guns Comrade.

When that happens, your duly-elected Government will move to implement and enforce the provisions of such legislation.

You will keep your guns.

But you'll have to pass a background check, obtain a license, register each weapon, undergo mandatory training, and periodically re-certify.

In addition, there are likely to be reasonable limits on the number of weapons (5 or 10, rather than 20 or 30 or 40) and their nature.

Hell, keep your semi-autos and assault weapons - just be aware that you'll need a Class X license rather than a Class Y license; much those for a car vs. a truck.

That way, you can hang onto your juvenile fantasies about Rising Against Tyranny, safe-and-sound, snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug, on your shooting range or farm.

But you will comply with the duly enacted and Constitutionally-vetted laws of the United States of America, once enacted... guaranteed.

If such were to be attempted, such an illegal and unconstitutional government would not stand for long.

But what you paint is a mere fantasy.

Was debating Militia's the other day with a commie that said that, even organizing to overthrow a legally elected government was Treason. The only group I see that has organized to overthrow a legally elected government is the "Resist" movement. Have the trials started yet?
Incorrect. They will make you obtain an owner's license and register your guns and approve transactions and require you to attend mandatory training and recertifications.

Ah yes, the fantasy that you Stalinist masturbate to; your jackbooted stormtroopers will march in and end civil rights, bringing about the hell on earth you so desire. But it's just a fantasy....
There is nothing 'Stalinist' about seeking intelligent control over lethal weapons. America has seen one too many piles of slaughtered schoolchildren.

Finally... it is only a fantasy so long as the Imperial Cheeto and his party hold power... and, the way he's going, that's going to change, in 2018, 2020 or 2022.

In any event, it won't last forever, and the next time the Dems are up-to-bat, with the White House, Congress and SCOTUS on their side, things are going to change.

So you keep right on making excuses and enabling monsters with uncontrolled quantities of assault weapons to slaughter innocent babies in their school rooms.

You only add fuel and fury to the fire; then again, your (side's) arrogance and faux confidence in the status quo will come back to haunt you soon enough.

...300 million fire arms in this nation...
That's nice.

There will shortly (as political history measures time) be a third that number, and every one of them registered, and their owners vetted and licensed and trained.

... Even if every last one of the 200,000 cops decided to become traitors and wage war on their families and friends...
Do you mean that if every one of 200,000 law enforcement officers fulfill their oaths and enforce their nation's duly-enacted laws and defend the American public?

...See, despite your desires, this ain't Nazi Germany pal...
Never said it was... never want to be thus... I would fight alongside you, to ensure that it never becomes thus.

But establishing and enforcing nationwide standards for firearms vetting, licensing, registration, training, transaction approval, etc., is not a "Nazi" characteristic.

No matter how many times you try to serve-up that same, lame, stale old Kool-Aid.

...We have an armed populace that is equal or exceeding in skill to the police and army....
Your fifth-grade schoolboy fantasies of The People Rising Against Their Masters is a real hoot... entertaining... amusing... damned funny.

...Yeah sploogy, you'll just command "SIT" and America will gladly relinquish all civil rights to your totalitarian rule....

Congress will eventually pass Federal -level legislation to establish such nationwide standards and jurisdiction and it will be vetted and approved by the courts.

When that happens, your duly-elected Government will move to implement and enforce the provisions of such legislation.

You will keep your guns.

But you'll have to pass a background check, obtain a license, register each weapon, undergo mandatory training, and periodically re-certify.

In addition, there are likely to be reasonable limits on the number of weapons (5 or 10, rather than 20 or 30 or 40) and their nature.

Hell, keep your semi-autos and assault weapons - just be aware that you'll need a Class X license rather than a Class Y license; much those for a car vs. a truck.

That way, you can hang onto your juvenile fantasies about Rising Against Tyranny, safe-and-sound, snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug, on your shooting range or farm.

But you will comply with the duly enacted and Constitutionally-vetted laws of the United States of America, once enacted... guaranteed.

...IF the government were ever so stupid to do as you fantasize, it would be an instant shooting war....
Individual States and Municipalities have already enacted such restrictions, and most have withstood the Constitutionality test in the courts.

This will merely be leveling the playing field on a nationwide basis so that all citizens who wish to own firearms undergo the same vetting and accountability standards.

As to your "instant shooting war" threats... save those for your County Volunteer Militia Camouflage Spaghetti Fundraiser or Paint-Ball Kiddie Weekend, eh?

...You see slogans like "Come and Take it" and "Stand and Fight," but you don't grasp what they really mean...
It only means that you have drunk long and deep from the NRA Kool-Aid pitcher and have worked yourself into a psychological disorder over that toxic brew.

...Basically comrade, it is a vow that if the Gestapo kicks in the door of an American to disarm them, all free people in the area will respond with deadly force to repel the Gestapo...
If you are threatening armed rebellion in reaction to the enforcement of future laws of the United States then you are setting yourself up for a humbling experience.

...Yep, you're insane. This ain't Australia...
Never said it was Australia, and I (and vast numbers who favor gun-control) don't want your guns like the Aussies did... just far better vetting and accountability.

...But I DO strongly urge you to campaign on the promise of confiscating AR-15's...
No need. That's not the intention. Merely to implement better vetting and accountability on a nationwide basis.

...It's a winner that will put you Maoists in power!...
Establishing nationwide standards for firearms vetting and accountability has nothing whatsoever to do with Maoist behaviors, despite your denigration to the contrary.

...Hey, you Bolshevik thugs have been really successful over the last 100 years, Why would that change?
What "Bolshevists" would those be?

Your fellow Americans, who oftentimes take political stands alongside you on many other issues, but who merely differ from you in their opinion about firearms screening and the responsibilities that should accompany gun ownership?

That doesn't make them "Bolshevists". That makes them fellow citizens who are tired of the slaughter and who want real and substantive change in this area.

Fellow citizens whose numbers grow exponentially with each passing slaughter of little schoolchildren.

Fellow citizens whose numbers grow each time those in thrall to the NRA and its Kool-Aid turn to vilifying and denigrating those who think differently than they do.

Come to think of it, vilifying and denigrating those who think differently than you do - where have we seen that before in history?

And where, in history, have we seen that vilifying and denigration turn into threats of violent reaction, as we see here?

And where, in history, have we seen such threats of violent reaction turn into action?

But not to worry... Trump and the Republicans are gonna stay in power forevermore, right?

Especially after he served-up his own brand of NRA Kool-Aid in a speech just yesterday.

Told you exactly what you wanted to hear, didn't he?

I'll bet some of your cammo-wearing County Volunteer Militia creamed their jeans over that one.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Because it's not going to last forever.

The movement to undertake real and substantive Gun Control in the United States through duly enacted legislation isn't dying.. it's just getting started.

The People, their Republic, and its Constitution and Laws will ultimately triumph in this matter, and you, as a Citizen, will obey those Laws... guaranteed.

There is nothing 'Stalinist' about seeking intelligent control over lethal weapons. America has seen one too many piles of slaughtered schoolchildren.

Anyone who thinks that there is anything intelligent about the advocating of deliberate and blatant armed robbery of un offending American citizens without charge or conviction of any crime in gross violation of the US Constitution and many State Constitutions is in fact a total idiot or is himself seeking to create many many more piles of bodies with an act of war.

In any event, it won't last forever, and the next time the Dems are up-to-bat, with the White House, Congress and SCOTUS on their side, things are going to change.

Untrue. Getting what you want would require amendment (probably more than one) of the Constitution. You're just having a nasty dream.

Do you mean that if every one of 200,000 law enforcement officers fulfill their oaths and enforce their nation's duly-enacted laws and defend the American public?

Their oath is to protect and defend the CONSTITUTION. Unconstitutional laws have not been "duly enacted".

But establishing and enforcing nationwide standards for firearms vetting, licensing, registration, training, transaction approval, etc., is not a "Nazi" characteristic


And where, in history, have we seen that vilifying and denigration turn into threats of violent reaction, as we see here?
And where, in history, have we seen such threats of violent reaction turn into action?

Many times starting with something called the American Revolution which was also sparked by attempted gun confiscation. Seems that wannabe tyrants never learn.



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I know! Let's start a list of all the posters who start threads that threaten to start a shooting war if there is a law passed to outlaw AR's. We can send it to the FBI as soon as Dems control the Congress and we get some actual legislation passed.

There is considerable question as to which side wants to start a war. In America I suspect that violation of Constitutional rights is a fine way to start one.
I know! Let's start a list of all the posters who start threads that threaten to start a shooting war if there is a law passed to outlaw AR's. We can send it to the FBI as soon as Dems control the Congress and we get some actual legislation passed.

There is considerable question as to which side wants to start a war. In America I suspect that violation of Constitutional rights is a fine way to start one.

The truth is that we are already embroiled in civil war.

The nation is torn between the democrats who seek to end the Constitution and create a Soviet Style authoritarian state, and the normals who seek to retain the right of self-government. Both sides cannot win. Either the democrats are vanquished or the nation of the Constitution will perish.

Currently this is a cold war, with the democrats occasionally sending out their brown shirts to engage in violence.

But the democrats are engaging in brinksmanship and appear to actually want to trigger a shooting war. The lower end sheep, such as the Soros paid thugs who post here, have a fantasy that the US Military will aid them in their revolution to end the USA, a very doubtful proposition.

I would not be surprised to find that the top democrats have a deal with China to have the Chinese military intervene on their behalf though. But if that is the case, when they move the US Military will be on the side of we normals.
I know! Let's start a list of all the posters who start threads that threaten to start a shooting war if there is a law passed to outlaw AR's. We can send it to the FBI as soon as Dems control the Congress and we get some actual legislation passed.

There is considerable question as to which side wants to start a war. In America I suspect that violation of Constitutional rights is a fine way to start one.

It's kind of foolhardy to expect a Progressive to ever take responsibility for their actions.
It's always someone else's fault ... Narcissistic righteous indignation doesn't play well with accountability.

"Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California wants to ban assault weapons, instate a federal gun buy-back program for those who own them and criminally prosecute those who refuse to hand them over.

The representative wrote an op-ed in USA Today Thursday rolling out what he feels is the gun control policy America should adopt:"

"“Reinstating the federal
assault weapons ban that was in effect from 1994 to 2004 would prohibit manufacture and sales, but it would not affect weapons already possessed. This would leave millions of assault weapons in our communities for decades to come,” Swalwell wrote.

“Instead, we should ban possession of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons, we should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law, and we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons.”"

Raise your hand out there if you think this would end peacefully, with law-abiding citizens simply handing over their (until that moment) legally-owned guns to a bunch of Liberals trampling on the Constitution in their continued effort to dis-arm the American people (Because you KNOW the Liberals would not stop there...)?

Yeah, that's what I thought. Not going to happen / end well....

Eric Swalwell Unloads Gun Platform Liberals Really Want

Any lawful person would.

You mean anyone who's willing to shit on the Constitution.
Which among gun owners is a slim margin.

I mean anyone lawful. Gun owners follow machine gun regulations.

Were I you I wouldn't volunteer to be a gun "confiscator".
Gun owners are pussies

They don’t want to spend the rest of their lives in prison
Incorrect. They will make you obtain an owner's license and register your guns and approve transactions and require you to attend mandatory training and recertifications.

Ah yes, the fantasy that you Stalinist masturbate to; your jackbooted stormtroopers will march in and end civil rights, bringing about the hell on earth you so desire. But it's just a fantasy....
There is nothing 'Stalinist' about seeking intelligent control over lethal weapons. America has seen one too many piles of slaughtered schoolchildren.

Finally... it is only a fantasy so long as the Imperial Cheeto and his party hold power... and, the way he's going, that's going to change, in 2018, 2020 or 2022.

In any event, it won't last forever, and the next time the Dems are up-to-bat, with the White House, Congress and SCOTUS on their side, things are going to change.

So you keep right on making excuses and enabling monsters with uncontrolled quantities of assault weapons to slaughter innocent babies in their school rooms.

You only add fuel and fury to the fire; then again, your (side's) arrogance and faux confidence in the status quo will come back to haunt you soon enough.

...300 million fire arms in this nation...
That's nice.

There will shortly (as political history measures time) be a third that number, and every one of them registered, and their owners vetted and licensed and trained.

... Even if every last one of the 200,000 cops decided to become traitors and wage war on their families and friends...
Do you mean that if every one of 200,000 law enforcement officers fulfill their oaths and enforce their nation's duly-enacted laws and defend the American public?

...See, despite your desires, this ain't Nazi Germany pal...
Never said it was... never want to be thus... I would fight alongside you, to ensure that it never becomes thus.

But establishing and enforcing nationwide standards for firearms vetting, licensing, registration, training, transaction approval, etc., is not a "Nazi" characteristic.

No matter how many times you try to serve-up that same, lame, stale old Kool-Aid.

...We have an armed populace that is equal or exceeding in skill to the police and army....
Your fifth-grade schoolboy fantasies of The People Rising Against Their Masters is a real hoot... entertaining... amusing... damned funny.

...Yeah sploogy, you'll just command "SIT" and America will gladly relinquish all civil rights to your totalitarian rule....

Congress will eventually pass Federal -level legislation to establish such nationwide standards and jurisdiction and it will be vetted and approved by the courts.

When that happens, your duly-elected Government will move to implement and enforce the provisions of such legislation.

You will keep your guns.

But you'll have to pass a background check, obtain a license, register each weapon, undergo mandatory training, and periodically re-certify.

In addition, there are likely to be reasonable limits on the number of weapons (5 or 10, rather than 20 or 30 or 40) and their nature.

Hell, keep your semi-autos and assault weapons - just be aware that you'll need a Class X license rather than a Class Y license; much those for a car vs. a truck.

That way, you can hang onto your juvenile fantasies about Rising Against Tyranny, safe-and-sound, snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug, on your shooting range or farm.

But you will comply with the duly enacted and Constitutionally-vetted laws of the United States of America, once enacted... guaranteed.

...IF the government were ever so stupid to do as you fantasize, it would be an instant shooting war....
Individual States and Municipalities have already enacted such restrictions, and most have withstood the Constitutionality test in the courts.

This will merely be leveling the playing field on a nationwide basis so that all citizens who wish to own firearms undergo the same vetting and accountability standards.

As to your "instant shooting war" threats... save those for your County Volunteer Militia Camouflage Spaghetti Fundraiser or Paint-Ball Kiddie Weekend, eh?

...You see slogans like "Come and Take it" and "Stand and Fight," but you don't grasp what they really mean...
It only means that you have drunk long and deep from the NRA Kool-Aid pitcher and have worked yourself into a psychological disorder over that toxic brew.

...Basically comrade, it is a vow that if the Gestapo kicks in the door of an American to disarm them, all free people in the area will respond with deadly force to repel the Gestapo...
If you are threatening armed rebellion in reaction to the enforcement of future laws of the United States then you are setting yourself up for a humbling experience.

...Yep, you're insane. This ain't Australia...
Never said it was Australia, and I (and vast numbers who favor gun-control) don't want your guns like the Aussies did... just far better vetting and accountability.

...But I DO strongly urge you to campaign on the promise of confiscating AR-15's...
No need. That's not the intention. Merely to implement better vetting and accountability on a nationwide basis.

...It's a winner that will put you Maoists in power!...
Establishing nationwide standards for firearms vetting and accountability has nothing whatsoever to do with Maoist behaviors, despite your denigration to the contrary.

...Hey, you Bolshevik thugs have been really successful over the last 100 years, Why would that change?
What "Bolshevists" would those be?

Your fellow Americans, who oftentimes take political stands alongside you on many other issues, but who merely differ from you in their opinion about firearms screening and the responsibilities that should accompany gun ownership?

That doesn't make them "Bolshevists". That makes them fellow citizens who are tired of the slaughter and who want real and substantive change in this area.

Fellow citizens whose numbers grow exponentially with each passing slaughter of little schoolchildren.

Fellow citizens whose numbers grow each time those in thrall to the NRA and its Kool-Aid turn to vilifying and denigrating those who think differently than they do.

Come to think of it, vilifying and denigrating those who think differently than you do - where have we seen that before in history?

And where, in history, have we seen that vilifying and denigration turn into threats of violent reaction, as we see here?

And where, in history, have we seen such threats of violent reaction turn into action?

But not to worry... Trump and the Republicans are gonna stay in power forevermore, right?

Especially after he served-up his own brand of NRA Kool-Aid in a speech just yesterday.

Told you exactly what you wanted to hear, didn't he?

I'll bet some of your cammo-wearing County Volunteer Militia creamed their jeans over that one.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Because it's not going to last forever.

The movement to undertake real and substantive Gun Control in the United States through duly enacted legislation isn't dying.. it's just getting started.

The People, their Republic, and its Constitution and Laws will ultimately triumph in this matter, and you, as a Citizen, will obey those Laws... guaranteed.

There is nothing 'Stalinist' about seeking intelligent control over lethal weapons. America has seen one too many piles of slaughtered schoolchildren.

Anyone who thinks that there is anything intelligent about the advocating of deliberate and blatant armed robbery of un offending American citizens without charge or conviction of any crime in gross violation of the US Constitution and many State Constitutions is in fact a total idiot or is himself seeking to create many many more piles of bodies with an act of war.

In any event, it won't last forever, and the next time the Dems are up-to-bat, with the White House, Congress and SCOTUS on their side, things are going to change.

Untrue. Getting what you want would require amendment (probably more than one) of the Constitution. You're just having a nasty dream.

Do you mean that if every one of 200,000 law enforcement officers fulfill their oaths and enforce their nation's duly-enacted laws and defend the American public?

Their oath is to protect and defend the CONSTITUTION. Unconstitutional laws have not been "duly enacted".

But establishing and enforcing nationwide standards for firearms vetting, licensing, registration, training, transaction approval, etc., is not a "Nazi" characteristic


And where, in history, have we seen that vilifying and denigration turn into threats of violent reaction, as we see here?
And where, in history, have we seen such threats of violent reaction turn into action?

Many times starting with something called the American Revolution which was also sparked by attempted gun confiscation. Seems that wannabe tyrants never learn.

Ooooohhh, look, Mumsie, it's a 21st century Minuteman Wannabe... isn't it a cute little critter?
Another law abiding non violent gun owner. Hoho, the US is crawling with them.

Yes, by far, the vast majority of gun owners are non violent, and law abiding. Focus on CRIMINALS, not the law abiding.

These Moon Bats don't want to do that because those criminals are the Democrat voting base. Instead they want to take the Constitutional rights away from the non violent Republican voting White guy.
So you intend to shoot police officers ?

Only if they draw their weapons to enforce something that is unconstitutional.
That something would have to be so ruled by a court, otherwise it is considered to be constitutional.

At that point, courts won't matter.

You really are stupid enough to believe that someone who shoots an office of the law is going to submit to a trial conducted by the same group that is trampling the constitution to be begin with.

You asswipes really don't get it.
...If your filthy ass point is that this country is losing our Liberties because of deranged assholes like you then I will tend to agree...
Calm yourself, Princess, and mind your manners, in the presence of your betters.

...Oppression often times wins out over Liberty. We have seen it many times...
There is no loss of Liberty at stake here; merely a long-overdue introduction of accountability with respect to ownership of lethal weapons.

...But we won't go down without a fight....
Save that $hit for your cammo-wearing County Volunteer Militia spaghetti-fundraiser nights, eh?

...By the way Moon Bat, the membership of the NRA is at an all time high. A significant number of new members just since Parkland...
Keep consoling yourself with such inconsequential thoughts... it will not stop Reform from coming.

...Firearms ownership is also at an all time high. At the same time violent crimes have been decreasing...
That's nice. And with newly-introduced Gun Control measures (nationwide vetting, licensing, registration, etc.), crime will continue to decline.

...The only place we have significant crime in this country is in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the scum that votes for Democrats.

Mostly because the thugs in those $hitholes skip across the State Line to Red States that have much looser laws for such purposes.

Time to level the playing field and establish and enforce nationwide standards for that purpose.

The gun-owner in Hawaii or Texas or New Jersey or Alabama or Maine or Oklahoma or Illinois or Vermont all will be held to the same measure of accountability.

Same goes for gun manufacturers and dealers... accountability and responsibilities all across the board.

It's coming.

And it's going to get a bullet right between it's eyes.
"Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California wants to ban assault weapons, instate a federal gun buy-back program for those who own them and criminally prosecute those who refuse to hand them over.

The representative wrote an op-ed in USA Today Thursday rolling out what he feels is the gun control policy America should adopt:"

"“Reinstating the federal
assault weapons ban that was in effect from 1994 to 2004 would prohibit manufacture and sales, but it would not affect weapons already possessed. This would leave millions of assault weapons in our communities for decades to come,” Swalwell wrote.

“Instead, we should ban possession of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons, we should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law, and we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons.”"

Raise your hand out there if you think this would end peacefully, with law-abiding citizens simply handing over their (until that moment) legally-owned guns to a bunch of Liberals trampling on the Constitution in their continued effort to dis-arm the American people (Because you KNOW the Liberals would not stop there...)?

Yeah, that's what I thought. Not going to happen / end well....

Eric Swalwell Unloads Gun Platform Liberals Really Want

Any lawful person would.

You mean anyone who's willing to shit on the Constitution.
Which among gun owners is a slim margin.

I mean anyone lawful. Gun owners follow machine gun regulations.

Were I you I wouldn't volunteer to be a gun "confiscator".
Gun owners are pussies

They don’t want to spend the rest of their lives in prison

You've said nothing worthwhile.

At least you are consistent.

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