Do Democrats think killing people, burning down buildings and knocking down statues will win them the next election?

Do Democrats think killing people, burning down buildings and knocking down statues will win them the next election?
That would require more thought then a few seconds farther then the immediate. That is impossible for them. The best they can do is think about putting on shoes before they leave the house.
Right now Atlanta has been turned into a big chop. Armed blacks are vowing to drive the police out.
Political thought tends to exist in a bubble. People aren't inclined to discuss politics with those who have different political opinions -- except at my house on Thanksgiving or Seder.

When you discuss politics with like-minded persons, you tend to believe that your bubble represents the majority of political sentiment in the country. This is true of the extreme left and extreme right.

It totally ignores the 70% of independent or agnostic political thought in the country.
They believe most people hate their own country like they do.

They are also way to afraid to stand up to the radicals running the party.
That must be why Joe Headroom talks about his unifying the country into one huge destroying mob.
Please, Democrats, explain how this behavior will lead to victory in November.
Those who want change are setting the climate. It is making a difference but some wish it would go away. Good luck.

Everyone wants some change ... very few want radical change.

Proposing a swing to cities in anarchy, mass implementation of socialism, and racial antagonism isn't going to sell well to many independents.
Everyone wants some change ... very few want radical change.

Proposing a swing to cities in anarchy, mass implementation of socialism, and racial antagonism isn't going to sell well to many independents.
Since I'm part of the group you mention as "Everyone", I'm just curious about what the "change" is, you say we all want. Change from what to what.

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