Do Democrats want a Civil War?

Do you have evidence of him committing a crime? If you dont, and the FBI didnt find anything there, you guys are in serious trouble. The backlash from this is going to be swift and severe if this raid turned up nothing, which is what appears to have happened.
My fear is that they will plant evidence. It’s not like they haven’t fabricated evidence against Trump before.
Of course we want a civil war and we are starting it like all civil wars start… by the National Archives retrieving documents. I think that is how the civil war started.
These people have been whipped up into an absolute fuckin' frenzy by their media.

They could calm down and reason a bit if they weren't so weak.

If course, if they weren't so weak, they wouldn't be targeted like this in the FIRST place.
These people have been whipped up into an absolute fuckin' frenzy by their media.

They could calm down and reason a bit if they weren't so weak.

If course, if they weren't so weak, they wouldn't be targeted like this in the FIRST place.
These people have been whipped up into an absolute fuckin' frenzy by their media.

They could calm down and reason a bit if they weren't so weak.

If course, if they weren't so weak, they wouldn't be targeted like this in the FIRST place.
Seriously, do you own a fucking mirror? Your lack of self-awareness is shocking.
It seems that the Democrats are playing with a fire that will surely burn and perhaps sear the country. After the Mar-a-Lago raid, the results must be beyond question, not some petty infraction of protocol which likely has been made by every outgoing president.

In desperation and with hate, people make egregious mistakes, but the consequences of this action by Brandon's DOJ could well be a veritable watershed event in American history.
You fuckheads gonna start killing people over Trump?

It seems that the Democrats are playing with a fire that will surely burn and perhaps sear the country. After the Mar-a-Lago raid, the results must be beyond question, not some petty infraction of protocol which likely has been made by every outgoing president.

In desperation and with hate, people make egregious mistakes, but the consequences of this action by Brandon's DOJ could well be a veritable watershed event in American history.
Xi has ordered his democrat Flying Monkeys to continue to add kindling to the Civil War bonfire pile
Partition may well be in our future.

8/8 was a monumental day; the Rubicon crossed.
There's that fucking talking point again - 'cross the Rubicon'. It's the latest magaturd catch phrase that's being repeated constantly the past few days. Get some new ones, people.
So you plan on killing people. Got targets picked? Gonna start with neighbors?
If I lived in your shithole it might have crossed my mind. As it is, I live in the Czech Republic where there are thankfully very few of your ilk.

Yeah, we have assholes here too, but politically few.
Do Democrats want a civil war? Obviously the answer is no. However, they do seem to be very comfortable with things that cause millions of Americans great concern. Pourus border, crippling inflation, the stifling of our energy independence, vaccine mandates, government funded information censorship, weaponization of the FBI, DOJ and EPA etc..,,,,, It always seems to suck for "Joe the plumber".... It always seems to favor China and other countries, Illegal aliens, Government employees, Criminals, Failing schools and teachers Unions, "Under represented victims of society" etc... IMHO, many millions of Trump supporting "Joe the plumbers" out there are under the impression that our government is out to get them.. not help them.... 87,000 new IRS agents does not help.... Think of the owner of a shoe store that got looted into poverty from the BLM riots. He knows the police were told to stay back, he knows that some were bailed out with "Harris money" and no effort for criminal justice was made. He drives by his burnt out store and sees the neighborhood kids wearing his shoes. He now faces an IRS audit. He and his family are truly desperate.... Can you say to him that we are not already in a "civil war"?
What would a civil war look like in 2024? Certainly not Blue against Grey uniforms. IMHO it would look more like a ghetto brawl at the all you can eat crab leg buffet (fun google search).
If I lived in your shithole it might have crossed my mind. As it is, I live in the Czech Republic where there are thankfully very few of your ilk.

Yeah, we have assholes here too, but politically few.
So you’re not even American but you want Americans killing each other
So you’re not even American but you want Americans killing each other
I'm not American?! Really?

Shit, I better stop voting, paying taxes then and do something with my US passport.

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