Do Dems know who built the country, fought its wars, and grew its food?

I’m talking about those evil rednecks in those flyover states. You know, the people most Dems vilify while championing illegal aliens and the street savages in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York.

They're about to find out where the limits of the food growers, war fighters, and work a day people are.

Because we are about at the limit. But hey, they have the drag queens, illegals, and soy boys on their side so
I’m talking about those evil rednecks in those flyover states. You know, the people most Dems vilify while championing illegal aliens and the street savages in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York.
They're pretty sure it was unicorns and blacks

I’m talking about those evil rednecks in those flyover states. You know, the people most Dems vilify while championing illegal aliens and the street savages in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York.

There's farming n Georgia, SC, Florida, NY and NJ.. its stupid to think they are all Republicans.
I’m talking about those evil rednecks in those flyover states. You know, the people most Dems vilify while championing illegal aliens and the street savages in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York.
California leads the country as the largest producer of agricultural products (crops and livestock), accounting for almost 11 percent of the national total, based on the 2012 Census of Agriculture.
There's only so much maize and soybean you can eat...
Could it be the terrain in Ft. Drum?

Derrrrrr ya think

Much of the state is mountainous
My mother and step father had horses upstate before he died ...she still has the farm house ....I spent my childhood and teen summers upstate with my uncle and auntie couple miles from Appalachian trail ....

Most people think of NY and think

NY state is sparsely populated ...19 million people in the state 8.5 million live in the 5 boroughs probably a couple million more in its commuter range counties ....other than that thiers more rednecks upstate than thier is in Alabama
Well. It was Liberals. Conservatives always allow us to be attacked. Then after we are attacked because of their policies, then the Liberals who were proven right, go and fight.

Let’s explain that during any war you want. We can start with the Revolutionary War. The first war for the American army as such.

Conservatives wanted to leave things alone. Don’t mess with the Status Quo. Many Conservatives went and joined the British and fought as Loyalist forces. Liberals believed in things like freedom and rights of others. Conservatives argued and fought for obedience to the established order.

The war of 1812. Liberals believed that defending the rights of the individuals we recognized as American was worth it. Conservatives didn’t understand why we had to fight a war over what happened to ships over there.

First World War. Isolationist Conservatives re-elected Wilson because he kept us out of foreign wars. Liberals believed that we had to get involved. One side or the other was going to win and we didn’t want a world where the Germans with their martial attitude won. Conservatives like those in Texas were furious that the Germans really meant to go to war with us. And they were trying to get Texas invaded by Mexico.

World War II. Conservatives were again Isolationist. What happens overseas is none of our business. Until our fleet was attacked at Pearl Harbor. Then Conservatives showing brilliance of the ages. They decided the Germans must have helped the Japanese, since everyone knew the Japanese were too stupid to do that sort of thing on their own. Ah yes. Racism and Isolationism. Where have we seen that lately.

Shall I continue? Conservative policies have yet to change. Isolationism, what happens there is none of our concern. Sure it didn’t work, ever. But hey, 47th time is the charm man.

It was Liberalism that helped out England through the Lend Lease. Conservatives opposed this, and in a brilliant show of humility, demands to this day that the British show appreciation for this helping them out thing.

But hey, keep pretending that Conservative idealism is the way to go. Keep pretending that the Liberals are the weak wimpy ones.

It seems that the Liberals are the ones actually joining the Military to defend the nation. At least according to polling.

But in all honesty, it may be that the Majority in the Military just didn’t like Trump.
Derrrrrr ya think

Much of the state is mountainous
My mother and step father had horses upstate before he died ...she still has the farm house ....I spent my childhood and teen summers upstate with my uncle and auntie couple miles from Appalachian trail ....

Most people think of NY and think

NY state is sparsely populated ...19 million people in the state 8.5 million live in the 5 boroughs probably a couple million more in its commuter range counties ....other than that thiers more rednecks upstate than thier is in Alabama

But they keep electing Democrats. Odd isn’t it? So many Conservatives, and very few Republicans.
I’m talking about those evil rednecks in those flyover states. You know, the people most Dems vilify while championing illegal aliens and the street savages in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and New York.

Do republicans remember those blacks, homosexuals and Democrats who fought and died for the country, paid their taxes and participated in society?

You arrogant pig to think republicans did anything special for the country.
Who Do you think you are you prick.
Well. It was Liberals. Conservatives always allow us to be attacked. Then after we are attacked because of their policies, then the Liberals who were proven right, go and fight.

Let’s explain that during any war you want. We can start with the Revolutionary War. The first war for the American army as such.

Conservatives wanted to leave things alone. Don’t mess with the Status Quo. Many Conservatives went and joined the British and fought as Loyalist forces. Liberals believed in things like freedom and rights of others. Conservatives argued and fought for obedience to the established order.

The war of 1812. Liberals believed that defending the rights of the individuals we recognized as American was worth it. Conservatives didn’t understand why we had to fight a war over what happened to ships over there.

First World War. Isolationist Conservatives re-elected Wilson because he kept us out of foreign wars. Liberals believed that we had to get involved. One side or the other was going to win and we didn’t want a world where the Germans with their martial attitude won. Conservatives like those in Texas were furious that the Germans really meant to go to war with us. And they were trying to get Texas invaded by Mexico.

World War II. Conservatives were again Isolationist. What happens overseas is none of our business. Until our fleet was attacked at Pearl Harbor. Then Conservatives showing brilliance of the ages. They decided the Germans must have helped the Japanese, since everyone knew the Japanese were too stupid to do that sort of thing on their own. Ah yes. Racism and Isolationism. Where have we seen that lately.

Shall I continue? Conservative policies have yet to change. Isolationism, what happens there is none of our concern. Sure it didn’t work, ever. But hey, 47th time is the charm man.

It was Liberalism that helped out England through the Lend Lease. Conservatives opposed this, and in a brilliant show of humility, demands to this day that the British show appreciation for this helping them out thing.

But hey, keep pretending that Conservative idealism is the way to go. Keep pretending that the Liberals are the weak wimpy ones.

It seems that the Liberals are the ones actually joining the Military to defend the nation. At least according to polling.

But in all honesty, it may be that the Majority in the Military just didn’t like Trump.
I think your pussy hat is so tight its cutting off circulation to your brain.
I think your pussy hat is so tight its cutting off circulation to your brain.

So you have no argument against it. Why not insult.

Conservatives are about maintaining the status quo. The conservative approach is about not taking risks. Look at recent history. Conservatives wanted to abandon NATO. Because NATO didn’t want to back Trump.

Remember that? What would be the result? What would stop Russia from marching East? But hey. The war wouldn’t affect us. Right?

So what proof do you have that my assertions are wrong? Because you say so?
So you have no argument against it. Why not insult.

Conservatives are about maintaining the status quo. The conservative approach is about not taking risks. Look at recent history. Conservatives wanted to abandon NATO. Because NATO didn’t want to back Trump.

Remember that? What would be the result? What would stop Russia from marching East? But hey. The war wouldn’t affect us. Right?

So what proof do you have that my assertions are wrong? Because you say so?
your assertions are just that.....assertions. Not a single link or fact to back up a single thing you said about Liberals fighting wars while Cons sat back and allowed it all to happen.

So yes, an insult, because that's all your post was worthy of.

But hey, live in your fantasy world. If you think Conservatives are such push overs good for you. We have the guns and ammo while liberals are still trying to figure out which bathroom to use.
your assertions are just that.....assertions. Not a single link or fact to back up a single thing you said about Liberals fighting wars while Cons sat back and allowed it all to happen.

So yes, an insult, because that's all your post was worthy of.

But hey, live in your fantasy world. If you think Conservatives are such push overs good for you. We have the guns and ammo while liberals are still trying to figure out which bathroom to use.

I posted a link about one. But you ignored it.

You need proof about isolationists resisting entry into World War One and Two?

Wow. Isolationists. Conservatives. Opposed Lend Lease. As I said. I didn’t realize that I had to cover information that anyone should have remembered from Grade School. Do I need links to cover the colors? I mean how else can I prove Red is in fact Red?

I imagine that you see Conservatives as Uber Patriots. But Uber Patriots are loyal to the existing Government. Which during the Revolutionary War was Britain.

Yale historian Leonard Woods Larabee has identified eight characteristics of the Loyalists that made them essentially conservative and loyal to the King and to Britain:[7]

Again. I assumed you recalled your history from Grade School. I guess you didn’t study history. And certainly you read no books since.
Derrrrrr ya think

Much of the state is mountainous
My mother and step father had horses upstate before he died ...she still has the farm house ....I spent my childhood and teen summers upstate with my uncle and auntie couple miles from Appalachian trail ....

Most people think of NY and think

NY state is sparsely populated ...19 million people in the state 8.5 million live in the 5 boroughs probably a couple million more in its commuter range counties ....other than that thiers more rednecks upstate than thier is in Alabama
'The 10th mountain division is HQ in northern NY for a reason'.
Could it be the terrain in Ft. Drum?

Then you come back with 'derr'?
Then you STILL insinuate the 10th mountain division is in Ft. Drum is because of republican 'ingenuity'?

"Do Dems know who built the country, fought its wars, and grew its food?"​

Well, I ain't a Dem.
Nor am I a Conservative or GOP'r.
I'm an Optimistic Skeptic.

But you know what, I hit a few other buttons on the OP's, BrokeLoser, selection criteria.

  • "who built the country".....I ran construction operations and their crews.
  • "fought its wars"...............Army. E-5.
  • "grew its food".......I'm a farmer. Soybeans & corn.

And even with those stellar credentials, per the OP, 'BrokeLoser'......I still think today's Trump Cult/GOP has turned into the nutso/crazo wing of the HoneyBooBoo demographic.

ps.....Oh yeah, I lived in Chicago for years (loved it. A great city. ). And a whole bunch of other cities on our respective climbs up our respective corporate ladders. About 11 moves, nationwide. My bride to this day claims that as far as furniture and household goods.....well, doing three moves is like one fire.

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