Do Dems really want to help blacks and the poor?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Yea, I know what the left is always saying. Thing is, you should watch people's actions because talk is cheap.

Leftist talk is about as cheap as it gets, though it does lead to major tax increases. Trillions of dollars have been spent on their "solutions" and yet the problems they address have a tendency to get bigger.

Most of the Dem-controlled cities are wastelands. Dem cities have the worst poverty, worst schools, and the highest crime.

If Dems really wanted to solve problems, then Detroit, Chicago and other places would great places to live. As it is, many fear going to these cities. Chicago has been completely controlled by Dems as long as I can remember. Anyone here want to move there? The strict gun control has allowed criminals to control the streets. Officials there clearly cannot handle the high crime.

Dems ALWAYS offer more government control and higher taxes for virtually any problem. "Personal responsibility" are dirty words. Some leftists even call them racist. No, they don't want people changing their behavior. They just want total government control and the people be damned. Leftists use minorities to advance their agenda. The need ignorant, outraged voters to carry them to victory. Should the left ever rule, and I do mean RULE, the country, those minorities and poor people they pretend to care about will not be better off. The rest of us would be dragged down to the lowest level and stay there as elitists get richer and richer. That is how it goes in socialist/communist countries 100% of the time.

Do liberals raise their children this way? Instead of insisting that they do for themselves, just do everything for them and keep convincing them that they can't do anything on their own and blame the neighbors? That is exactly how the left treats minorities. This is learned in schools and repeated constantly through leftist rhetoric.

"Would getting more blacks and Democrats in political office help? It turns out that of the Chicago City Council's 50 aldermen, only one is Republican. One is an independent. Forty-eight aldermen are Democrats, and 19 are black. In fact, most of the cities where large segments of their black citizenry live under horrible conditions have been controlled by Democrats for nearly a half-century, and there are many blacks on the instruments of control, such as chiefs of police, superintendents of schools and members of city councils. If Democratic and black control meant anything, these cities would be paradises.

How helpful to these desperate black communities are the efforts of so many black politicians to focus on allegations about President Donald Trump's ties to Russia? The leader of the movement to impeach Trump is Rep. Maxine Waters. Her congressional district suffers from high crime rates and failing schools. She, like most other black politicians, claims that she is helping her constituency by doing all she can to fight to get more taxpayer money to her district.

More money from taxpayers could not fix the problems of these communities. Over the past 50 years, more than $16 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. The majority of those programs have simply made poverty more comfortable by giving poor people more food, health care, housing, etc. What's needed most is to get poor people to change their behavior. Chief among the modifications is reducing female-headed households. Female-headed households produce most of our prison inmates, the highest crime rates and disproportionate numbers of high school dropouts and suicides. These devastating factors are far beyond the capacity of Washington to fix."

WILLIAMS: Enough's Enough
Yea, I know what the left is always saying. Thing is, you should watch people's actions because talk is cheap.

Leftist talk is about as cheap as it gets, though it does lead to major tax increases. Trillions of dollars have been spent on their "solutions" and yet the problems they address have a tendency to get bigger.

Most of the Dem-controlled cities are wastelands. Dem cities have the worst poverty, worst schools, and the highest crime.

If Dems really wanted to solve problems, then Detroit, Chicago and other places would great places to live. As it is, many fear going to these cities. Chicago has been completely controlled by Dems as long as I can remember. Anyone here want to move there? The strict gun control has allowed criminals to control the streets. Officials there clearly cannot handle the high crime.

Dems ALWAYS offer more government control and higher taxes for virtually any problem. "Personal responsibility" are dirty words. Some leftists even call them racist. No, they don't want people changing their behavior. They just want total government control and the people be damned. Leftists use minorities to advance their agenda. The need ignorant, outraged voters to carry them to victory. Should the left ever rule, and I do mean RULE, the country, those minorities and poor people they pretend to care about will not be better off. The rest of us would be dragged down to the lowest level and stay there as elitists get richer and richer. That is how it goes in socialist/communist countries 100% of the time.

Do liberals raise their children this way? Instead of insisting that they do for themselves, just do everything for them and keep convincing them that they can't do anything on their own and blame the neighbors? That is exactly how the left treats minorities. This is learned in schools and repeated constantly through leftist rhetoric.

"Would getting more blacks and Democrats in political office help? It turns out that of the Chicago City Council's 50 aldermen, only one is Republican. One is an independent. Forty-eight aldermen are Democrats, and 19 are black. In fact, most of the cities where large segments of their black citizenry live under horrible conditions have been controlled by Democrats for nearly a half-century, and there are many blacks on the instruments of control, such as chiefs of police, superintendents of schools and members of city councils. If Democratic and black control meant anything, these cities would be paradises.

How helpful to these desperate black communities are the efforts of so many black politicians to focus on allegations about President Donald Trump's ties to Russia? The leader of the movement to impeach Trump is Rep. Maxine Waters. Her congressional district suffers from high crime rates and failing schools. She, like most other black politicians, claims that she is helping her constituency by doing all she can to fight to get more taxpayer money to her district.

More money from taxpayers could not fix the problems of these communities. Over the past 50 years, more than $16 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. The majority of those programs have simply made poverty more comfortable by giving poor people more food, health care, housing, etc. What's needed most is to get poor people to change their behavior. Chief among the modifications is reducing female-headed households. Female-headed households produce most of our prison inmates, the highest crime rates and disproportionate numbers of high school dropouts and suicides. These devastating factors are far beyond the capacity of Washington to fix."

WILLIAMS: Enough's Enough

Simple answer to the op title:

most people what to help others/poor/blacks
but it is complicated
there are so many aspects
help in education/family/social/housing/mental/etc
then you have the corruption/fraud/waste/etc

.....they do seem to focus on non-critical/unimportant/STUPID/nonsensical crap like police brutality
'Do Dems really want to help blacks and the poor?'


Democrats manipulate blacks and Latinos and try to make more Poor who are dependent on them and will vote for them.
Yea, I know what the left is always saying. Thing is, you should watch people's actions because talk is cheap.

Leftist talk is about as cheap as it gets, though it does lead to major tax increases. Trillions of dollars have been spent on their "solutions" and yet the problems they address have a tendency to get bigger.

Most of the Dem-controlled cities are wastelands. Dem cities have the worst poverty, worst schools, and the highest crime.

If Dems really wanted to solve problems, then Detroit, Chicago and other places would great places to live. As it is, many fear going to these cities. Chicago has been completely controlled by Dems as long as I can remember. Anyone here want to move there? The strict gun control has allowed criminals to control the streets. Officials there clearly cannot handle the high crime.

Dems ALWAYS offer more government control and higher taxes for virtually any problem. "Personal responsibility" are dirty words. Some leftists even call them racist. No, they don't want people changing their behavior. They just want total government control and the people be damned. Leftists use minorities to advance their agenda. The need ignorant, outraged voters to carry them to victory. Should the left ever rule, and I do mean RULE, the country, those minorities and poor people they pretend to care about will not be better off. The rest of us would be dragged down to the lowest level and stay there as elitists get richer and richer. That is how it goes in socialist/communist countries 100% of the time.

Do liberals raise their children this way? Instead of insisting that they do for themselves, just do everything for them and keep convincing them that they can't do anything on their own and blame the neighbors? That is exactly how the left treats minorities. This is learned in schools and repeated constantly through leftist rhetoric.

"Would getting more blacks and Democrats in political office help? It turns out that of the Chicago City Council's 50 aldermen, only one is Republican. One is an independent. Forty-eight aldermen are Democrats, and 19 are black. In fact, most of the cities where large segments of their black citizenry live under horrible conditions have been controlled by Democrats for nearly a half-century, and there are many blacks on the instruments of control, such as chiefs of police, superintendents of schools and members of city councils. If Democratic and black control meant anything, these cities would be paradises.

How helpful to these desperate black communities are the efforts of so many black politicians to focus on allegations about President Donald Trump's ties to Russia? The leader of the movement to impeach Trump is Rep. Maxine Waters. Her congressional district suffers from high crime rates and failing schools. She, like most other black politicians, claims that she is helping her constituency by doing all she can to fight to get more taxpayer money to her district.

More money from taxpayers could not fix the problems of these communities. Over the past 50 years, more than $16 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. The majority of those programs have simply made poverty more comfortable by giving poor people more food, health care, housing, etc. What's needed most is to get poor people to change their behavior. Chief among the modifications is reducing female-headed households. Female-headed households produce most of our prison inmates, the highest crime rates and disproportionate numbers of high school dropouts and suicides. These devastating factors are far beyond the capacity of Washington to fix."

WILLIAMS: Enough's Enough
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.
Perhaps the Democrats mean well, but the unintended consequences of everything they do invariably cause more damage than good.
Yea, I know what the left is always saying. Thing is, you should watch people's actions because talk is cheap.

Leftist talk is about as cheap as it gets, though it does lead to major tax increases. Trillions of dollars have been spent on their "solutions" and yet the problems they address have a tendency to get bigger.

Most of the Dem-controlled cities are wastelands. Dem cities have the worst poverty, worst schools, and the highest crime.

If Dems really wanted to solve problems, then Detroit, Chicago and other places would great places to live. As it is, many fear going to these cities. Chicago has been completely controlled by Dems as long as I can remember. Anyone here want to move there? The strict gun control has allowed criminals to control the streets. Officials there clearly cannot handle the high crime.

Dems ALWAYS offer more government control and higher taxes for virtually any problem. "Personal responsibility" are dirty words. Some leftists even call them racist. No, they don't want people changing their behavior. They just want total government control and the people be damned. Leftists use minorities to advance their agenda. The need ignorant, outraged voters to carry them to victory. Should the left ever rule, and I do mean RULE, the country, those minorities and poor people they pretend to care about will not be better off. The rest of us would be dragged down to the lowest level and stay there as elitists get richer and richer. That is how it goes in socialist/communist countries 100% of the time.

Do liberals raise their children this way? Instead of insisting that they do for themselves, just do everything for them and keep convincing them that they can't do anything on their own and blame the neighbors? That is exactly how the left treats minorities. This is learned in schools and repeated constantly through leftist rhetoric.

"Would getting more blacks and Democrats in political office help? It turns out that of the Chicago City Council's 50 aldermen, only one is Republican. One is an independent. Forty-eight aldermen are Democrats, and 19 are black. In fact, most of the cities where large segments of their black citizenry live under horrible conditions have been controlled by Democrats for nearly a half-century, and there are many blacks on the instruments of control, such as chiefs of police, superintendents of schools and members of city councils. If Democratic and black control meant anything, these cities would be paradises.

How helpful to these desperate black communities are the efforts of so many black politicians to focus on allegations about President Donald Trump's ties to Russia? The leader of the movement to impeach Trump is Rep. Maxine Waters. Her congressional district suffers from high crime rates and failing schools. She, like most other black politicians, claims that she is helping her constituency by doing all she can to fight to get more taxpayer money to her district.

More money from taxpayers could not fix the problems of these communities. Over the past 50 years, more than $16 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. The majority of those programs have simply made poverty more comfortable by giving poor people more food, health care, housing, etc. What's needed most is to get poor people to change their behavior. Chief among the modifications is reducing female-headed households. Female-headed households produce most of our prison inmates, the highest crime rates and disproportionate numbers of high school dropouts and suicides. These devastating factors are far beyond the capacity of Washington to fix."

WILLIAMS: Enough's Enough

No they do not.

Since the 1960's the Democratic party has practiced Identity Politics--a means of winning elections by exploiting American minority groups. No American seems to want to consume the truth, let alone minority Americans, who seek aid from the party who has for decades taken advantage of their struggle for equal rights and worsened their economic social status.

The Democratic party forms grass routes minority cultural and political movements or infiltrates them and then politicizes their fight for equality and pushes them to cry out for extra and special civil rights. At the same time the Democratic Party demonizes majority groups, politicians, culture and heritage organizations by deceiving minority groups into believing the majority races, cultures and religions are out to attack them, oppress them and stamp out their existence.

What does the Democratic party gain from all of this? Political currency and lots of it. On one hand they gain large percentages of the minority vote, while on the other, Democrat martyrization of minority social struggles energizes large swaths of social majority voters--even turning many of them against their own culture and skin color in false outrage over the lie of prevalent racism and discrimination.

Minority groups have never succeeded in learning how to fight for their own rights, because the Democratic party has--while all along using them for political currency--pretended to fight their battles for them. In effect, for sixty years, American minority groups have been seeking aid from their worst enemy in improving their socio-economic and civil rights standing in America.

The American Left would rather continue to give minority groups a free meal rather than teach them how to fish simply because if minority groups as a whole learn how to advance their own causes and provide for themselves, the Democrats lose their cash cows of political currency.

Lastly, the philosophy and political psychology of Identity Politics does not recognize the individual person as a unique personality in the way our Constitution does. Rather, it classifies individuals into groups based on unalterable traits such as skin color and biological sex. In group classification, Identity Politics practitioners can address or legislate for the entire group despite the needs of individual persons or communities. A very devious and destructive means of political theory.
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Yea, I know what the left is always saying. Thing is, you should watch people's actions because talk is cheap.

Leftist talk is about as cheap as it gets, though it does lead to major tax increases. Trillions of dollars have been spent on their "solutions" and yet the problems they address have a tendency to get bigger.

Most of the Dem-controlled cities are wastelands. Dem cities have the worst poverty, worst schools, and the highest crime.

If Dems really wanted to solve problems, then Detroit, Chicago and other places would great places to live. As it is, many fear going to these cities. Chicago has been completely controlled by Dems as long as I can remember. Anyone here want to move there? The strict gun control has allowed criminals to control the streets. Officials there clearly cannot handle the high crime.

Dems ALWAYS offer more government control and higher taxes for virtually any problem. "Personal responsibility" are dirty words. Some leftists even call them racist. No, they don't want people changing their behavior. They just want total government control and the people be damned. Leftists use minorities to advance their agenda. The need ignorant, outraged voters to carry them to victory. Should the left ever rule, and I do mean RULE, the country, those minorities and poor people they pretend to care about will not be better off. The rest of us would be dragged down to the lowest level and stay there as elitists get richer and richer. That is how it goes in socialist/communist countries 100% of the time.

Do liberals raise their children this way? Instead of insisting that they do for themselves, just do everything for them and keep convincing them that they can't do anything on their own and blame the neighbors? That is exactly how the left treats minorities. This is learned in schools and repeated constantly through leftist rhetoric.

"Would getting more blacks and Democrats in political office help? It turns out that of the Chicago City Council's 50 aldermen, only one is Republican. One is an independent. Forty-eight aldermen are Democrats, and 19 are black. In fact, most of the cities where large segments of their black citizenry live under horrible conditions have been controlled by Democrats for nearly a half-century, and there are many blacks on the instruments of control, such as chiefs of police, superintendents of schools and members of city councils. If Democratic and black control meant anything, these cities would be paradises.

How helpful to these desperate black communities are the efforts of so many black politicians to focus on allegations about President Donald Trump's ties to Russia? The leader of the movement to impeach Trump is Rep. Maxine Waters. Her congressional district suffers from high crime rates and failing schools. She, like most other black politicians, claims that she is helping her constituency by doing all she can to fight to get more taxpayer money to her district.

More money from taxpayers could not fix the problems of these communities. Over the past 50 years, more than $16 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. The majority of those programs have simply made poverty more comfortable by giving poor people more food, health care, housing, etc. What's needed most is to get poor people to change their behavior. Chief among the modifications is reducing female-headed households. Female-headed households produce most of our prison inmates, the highest crime rates and disproportionate numbers of high school dropouts and suicides. These devastating factors are far beyond the capacity of Washington to fix."

WILLIAMS: Enough's Enough
Do Republicans?
Yea, I know what the left is always saying. Thing is, you should watch people's actions because talk is cheap.

Leftist talk is about as cheap as it gets, though it does lead to major tax increases. Trillions of dollars have been spent on their "solutions" and yet the problems they address have a tendency to get bigger.

Most of the Dem-controlled cities are wastelands. Dem cities have the worst poverty, worst schools, and the highest crime.

If Dems really wanted to solve problems, then Detroit, Chicago and other places would great places to live. As it is, many fear going to these cities. Chicago has been completely controlled by Dems as long as I can remember. Anyone here want to move there? The strict gun control has allowed criminals to control the streets. Officials there clearly cannot handle the high crime.

Dems ALWAYS offer more government control and higher taxes for virtually any problem. "Personal responsibility" are dirty words. Some leftists even call them racist. No, they don't want people changing their behavior. They just want total government control and the people be damned. Leftists use minorities to advance their agenda. The need ignorant, outraged voters to carry them to victory. Should the left ever rule, and I do mean RULE, the country, those minorities and poor people they pretend to care about will not be better off. The rest of us would be dragged down to the lowest level and stay there as elitists get richer and richer. That is how it goes in socialist/communist countries 100% of the time.

Do liberals raise their children this way? Instead of insisting that they do for themselves, just do everything for them and keep convincing them that they can't do anything on their own and blame the neighbors? That is exactly how the left treats minorities. This is learned in schools and repeated constantly through leftist rhetoric.

"Would getting more blacks and Democrats in political office help? It turns out that of the Chicago City Council's 50 aldermen, only one is Republican. One is an independent. Forty-eight aldermen are Democrats, and 19 are black. In fact, most of the cities where large segments of their black citizenry live under horrible conditions have been controlled by Democrats for nearly a half-century, and there are many blacks on the instruments of control, such as chiefs of police, superintendents of schools and members of city councils. If Democratic and black control meant anything, these cities would be paradises.

How helpful to these desperate black communities are the efforts of so many black politicians to focus on allegations about President Donald Trump's ties to Russia? The leader of the movement to impeach Trump is Rep. Maxine Waters. Her congressional district suffers from high crime rates and failing schools. She, like most other black politicians, claims that she is helping her constituency by doing all she can to fight to get more taxpayer money to her district.

More money from taxpayers could not fix the problems of these communities. Over the past 50 years, more than $16 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. The majority of those programs have simply made poverty more comfortable by giving poor people more food, health care, housing, etc. What's needed most is to get poor people to change their behavior. Chief among the modifications is reducing female-headed households. Female-headed households produce most of our prison inmates, the highest crime rates and disproportionate numbers of high school dropouts and suicides. These devastating factors are far beyond the capacity of Washington to fix."

WILLIAMS: Enough's Enough
The plan of the democrat Party since 1965 has been to keep blacks fatherless, poor, uneducated and government dependent
Yea, I know what the left is always saying. Thing is, you should watch people's actions because talk is cheap.

Leftist talk is about as cheap as it gets, though it does lead to major tax increases. Trillions of dollars have been spent on their "solutions" and yet the problems they address have a tendency to get bigger.

Most of the Dem-controlled cities are wastelands. Dem cities have the worst poverty, worst schools, and the highest crime.

If Dems really wanted to solve problems, then Detroit, Chicago and other places would great places to live. As it is, many fear going to these cities. Chicago has been completely controlled by Dems as long as I can remember. Anyone here want to move there? The strict gun control has allowed criminals to control the streets. Officials there clearly cannot handle the high crime.

Dems ALWAYS offer more government control and higher taxes for virtually any problem. "Personal responsibility" are dirty words. Some leftists even call them racist. No, they don't want people changing their behavior. They just want total government control and the people be damned. Leftists use minorities to advance their agenda. The need ignorant, outraged voters to carry them to victory. Should the left ever rule, and I do mean RULE, the country, those minorities and poor people they pretend to care about will not be better off. The rest of us would be dragged down to the lowest level and stay there as elitists get richer and richer. That is how it goes in socialist/communist countries 100% of the time.

Do liberals raise their children this way? Instead of insisting that they do for themselves, just do everything for them and keep convincing them that they can't do anything on their own and blame the neighbors? That is exactly how the left treats minorities. This is learned in schools and repeated constantly through leftist rhetoric.

"Would getting more blacks and Democrats in political office help? It turns out that of the Chicago City Council's 50 aldermen, only one is Republican. One is an independent. Forty-eight aldermen are Democrats, and 19 are black. In fact, most of the cities where large segments of their black citizenry live under horrible conditions have been controlled by Democrats for nearly a half-century, and there are many blacks on the instruments of control, such as chiefs of police, superintendents of schools and members of city councils. If Democratic and black control meant anything, these cities would be paradises.

How helpful to these desperate black communities are the efforts of so many black politicians to focus on allegations about President Donald Trump's ties to Russia? The leader of the movement to impeach Trump is Rep. Maxine Waters. Her congressional district suffers from high crime rates and failing schools. She, like most other black politicians, claims that she is helping her constituency by doing all she can to fight to get more taxpayer money to her district.

More money from taxpayers could not fix the problems of these communities. Over the past 50 years, more than $16 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. The majority of those programs have simply made poverty more comfortable by giving poor people more food, health care, housing, etc. What's needed most is to get poor people to change their behavior. Chief among the modifications is reducing female-headed households. Female-headed households produce most of our prison inmates, the highest crime rates and disproportionate numbers of high school dropouts and suicides. These devastating factors are far beyond the capacity of Washington to fix."

WILLIAMS: Enough's Enough
Do Republicans?
Who wanted school vouchers and who did not?
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.
Funny how people with little understanding always tout the $15.00 an hour minimum wage. They seem to not have even an understanding of simple general economic principles. Sure for a short time things will be great for those with minimum wage jobs. But you can bet your last dollar that either people will be let go and others will be placed on part time. How does that help them? Then those that are not making minimum wage are suddenly making minimum wage or close to it. They will want more. Prices go up to pay higher wages. Eventually that increase to minimum wage is now equal to the current minimum wage. Then what increase it again? When does it stop? When a loaf of bread costs a hundred dollars, when it is cheaper to wipe with money then pay for toilet paper?
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.
Funny how people with little understanding always tout the $15.00 an hour minimum wage. They seem to not have even an understanding of simple general economic principles. Sure for a short time things will be great for those with minimum wage jobs. But you can bet your last dollar that either people will be let go and others will be placed on part time. How does that help them? Then those that are not making minimum wage are suddenly making minimum wage or close to it. They will want more. Prices go up to pay higher wages. Eventually that increase to minimum wage is now equal to the current minimum wage. Then what increase it again? When does it stop? When a loaf of bread costs a hundred dollars, when it is cheaper to wipe with money then pay for toilet paper?
anybody can make up stories.

why not read the actual argument and then try to understand it from an economics perspective?
Yea, I know what the left is always saying. Thing is, you should watch people's actions because talk is cheap.

Leftist talk is about as cheap as it gets, though it does lead to major tax increases. Trillions of dollars have been spent on their "solutions" and yet the problems they address have a tendency to get bigger.

Most of the Dem-controlled cities are wastelands. Dem cities have the worst poverty, worst schools, and the highest crime.

If Dems really wanted to solve problems, then Detroit, Chicago and other places would great places to live. As it is, many fear going to these cities. Chicago has been completely controlled by Dems as long as I can remember. Anyone here want to move there? The strict gun control has allowed criminals to control the streets. Officials there clearly cannot handle the high crime.

Dems ALWAYS offer more government control and higher taxes for virtually any problem. "Personal responsibility" are dirty words. Some leftists even call them racist. No, they don't want people changing their behavior. They just want total government control and the people be damned. Leftists use minorities to advance their agenda. The need ignorant, outraged voters to carry them to victory. Should the left ever rule, and I do mean RULE, the country, those minorities and poor people they pretend to care about will not be better off. The rest of us would be dragged down to the lowest level and stay there as elitists get richer and richer. That is how it goes in socialist/communist countries 100% of the time.

Do liberals raise their children this way? Instead of insisting that they do for themselves, just do everything for them and keep convincing them that they can't do anything on their own and blame the neighbors? That is exactly how the left treats minorities. This is learned in schools and repeated constantly through leftist rhetoric.

"Would getting more blacks and Democrats in political office help? It turns out that of the Chicago City Council's 50 aldermen, only one is Republican. One is an independent. Forty-eight aldermen are Democrats, and 19 are black. In fact, most of the cities where large segments of their black citizenry live under horrible conditions have been controlled by Democrats for nearly a half-century, and there are many blacks on the instruments of control, such as chiefs of police, superintendents of schools and members of city councils. If Democratic and black control meant anything, these cities would be paradises.

How helpful to these desperate black communities are the efforts of so many black politicians to focus on allegations about President Donald Trump's ties to Russia? The leader of the movement to impeach Trump is Rep. Maxine Waters. Her congressional district suffers from high crime rates and failing schools. She, like most other black politicians, claims that she is helping her constituency by doing all she can to fight to get more taxpayer money to her district.

More money from taxpayers could not fix the problems of these communities. Over the past 50 years, more than $16 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. The majority of those programs have simply made poverty more comfortable by giving poor people more food, health care, housing, etc. What's needed most is to get poor people to change their behavior. Chief among the modifications is reducing female-headed households. Female-headed households produce most of our prison inmates, the highest crime rates and disproportionate numbers of high school dropouts and suicides. These devastating factors are far beyond the capacity of Washington to fix."

WILLIAMS: Enough's Enough

The far left wants to politically enslave the blacks and for the most part they have.

So that would be a NO they do not want to help. They need them to be obedient and politically enslaved, they only care when they vote for them.
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.
Funny how people with little understanding always tout the $15.00 an hour minimum wage. They seem to not have even an understanding of simple general economic principles. Sure for a short time things will be great for those with minimum wage jobs. But you can bet your last dollar that either people will be let go and others will be placed on part time. How does that help them? Then those that are not making minimum wage are suddenly making minimum wage or close to it. They will want more. Prices go up to pay higher wages. Eventually that increase to minimum wage is now equal to the current minimum wage. Then what increase it again? When does it stop? When a loaf of bread costs a hundred dollars, when it is cheaper to wipe with money then pay for toilet paper?
anybody can make up stories.

why not read the actual argument and then try to understand it from an economics perspective?
I read your post about $15.00 an hour minimum wage and replied to that. Do you really need me to reply to every post that replied to the op?
Perhaps the Democrats mean well, but the unintended consequences of everything they do invariably cause more damage than good.

Oh, I'm sure your average Democratic voter means well. The politician? Eh...
Look at Dem run states, they tax and fee the crap out of the poor. There's your answer.

Why don't you read about Il and MI and get back to me. Thank you, they are mainly Dem states, except for the Flint water nightmare, that was GOP all the way.

Then go and read about stinking Texas, and or any GOP state.
Yea, I know what the left is always saying. Thing is, you should watch people's actions because talk is cheap.

Leftist talk is about as cheap as it gets, though it does lead to major tax increases. Trillions of dollars have been spent on their "solutions" and yet the problems they address have a tendency to get bigger.

Most of the Dem-controlled cities are wastelands. Dem cities have the worst poverty, worst schools, and the highest crime.

If Dems really wanted to solve problems, then Detroit, Chicago and other places would great places to live. As it is, many fear going to these cities. Chicago has been completely controlled by Dems as long as I can remember. Anyone here want to move there? The strict gun control has allowed criminals to control the streets. Officials there clearly cannot handle the high crime.

Dems ALWAYS offer more government control and higher taxes for virtually any problem. "Personal responsibility" are dirty words. Some leftists even call them racist. No, they don't want people changing their behavior. They just want total government control and the people be damned. Leftists use minorities to advance their agenda. The need ignorant, outraged voters to carry them to victory. Should the left ever rule, and I do mean RULE, the country, those minorities and poor people they pretend to care about will not be better off. The rest of us would be dragged down to the lowest level and stay there as elitists get richer and richer. That is how it goes in socialist/communist countries 100% of the time.

Do liberals raise their children this way? Instead of insisting that they do for themselves, just do everything for them and keep convincing them that they can't do anything on their own and blame the neighbors? That is exactly how the left treats minorities. This is learned in schools and repeated constantly through leftist rhetoric.

"Would getting more blacks and Democrats in political office help? It turns out that of the Chicago City Council's 50 aldermen, only one is Republican. One is an independent. Forty-eight aldermen are Democrats, and 19 are black. In fact, most of the cities where large segments of their black citizenry live under horrible conditions have been controlled by Democrats for nearly a half-century, and there are many blacks on the instruments of control, such as chiefs of police, superintendents of schools and members of city councils. If Democratic and black control meant anything, these cities would be paradises.

How helpful to these desperate black communities are the efforts of so many black politicians to focus on allegations about President Donald Trump's ties to Russia? The leader of the movement to impeach Trump is Rep. Maxine Waters. Her congressional district suffers from high crime rates and failing schools. She, like most other black politicians, claims that she is helping her constituency by doing all she can to fight to get more taxpayer money to her district.

More money from taxpayers could not fix the problems of these communities. Over the past 50 years, more than $16 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. The majority of those programs have simply made poverty more comfortable by giving poor people more food, health care, housing, etc. What's needed most is to get poor people to change their behavior. Chief among the modifications is reducing female-headed households. Female-headed households produce most of our prison inmates, the highest crime rates and disproportionate numbers of high school dropouts and suicides. These devastating factors are far beyond the capacity of Washington to fix."

WILLIAMS: Enough's Enough
Do Republicans?
Who wanted school vouchers and who did not?

Yeah who wants to have school choice.
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.
Funny how people with little understanding always tout the $15.00 an hour minimum wage. They seem to not have even an understanding of simple general economic principles. Sure for a short time things will be great for those with minimum wage jobs. But you can bet your last dollar that either people will be let go and others will be placed on part time. How does that help them? Then those that are not making minimum wage are suddenly making minimum wage or close to it. They will want more. Prices go up to pay higher wages. Eventually that increase to minimum wage is now equal to the current minimum wage. Then what increase it again? When does it stop? When a loaf of bread costs a hundred dollars, when it is cheaper to wipe with money then pay for toilet paper?

How about 500 bucks an hour for a normal attorney. Or how about dentists, or chiropractors. Better yet how about Omarosa who was paid 179,000.
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.
Funny how people with little understanding always tout the $15.00 an hour minimum wage. They seem to not have even an understanding of simple general economic principles. Sure for a short time things will be great for those with minimum wage jobs. But you can bet your last dollar that either people will be let go and others will be placed on part time. How does that help them? Then those that are not making minimum wage are suddenly making minimum wage or close to it. They will want more. Prices go up to pay higher wages. Eventually that increase to minimum wage is now equal to the current minimum wage. Then what increase it again? When does it stop? When a loaf of bread costs a hundred dollars, when it is cheaper to wipe with money then pay for toilet paper?

How about 500 bucks an hour for a normal attorney. Or how about dentists, or chiropractors. Better yet how about Omarosa who was paid 179,000.
Hey if you think run away inflation is the way to go then keep playing stupid. The market will increase wages if we stop allowing people to work for less then decent wages, and as jobs go unfilled companies will have to increase wages to draw more workers.

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