Do Dems Risk Alienating Women by Rejecting a Female Supreme Court Nominee?

President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?

Depends what her agenda be...
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?


No , she will be against women rights.
It's not going to be easy to expose the Democrats as hypocrites. They already did that themselves many times over. Viva Trumpy, MAGA
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?


No , she will be against women rights.
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?

Depends what her agenda be...

You already know her agenda, its tramp nominated her , she has his mentality.
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?

Depends what her agenda be...

You already know her agenda, its tramp nominated her , she has his mentality.
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?

Depends what her agenda be...

You already know her agenda, its tramp nominated her , she has his mentality.
That is what they thought about other so called conservatives judges on the SC......
It's not going to be easy to expose the Democrats as hypocrites. They already did that themselves many times over. Viva Trumpy, MAGA
Both parties do it regularly the Repubs certainly played vindictive hypocrites during the pandemic and the large amounts of socialism they spread through Trump signed checks.The last GOP president that did it was called a Neocon a Rino. The lambasting of the GOP when Oblama was driving up the debt and now the GOP has done it not only since Trump was elected but faster than the Dems and Oblama did...
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?


One who is hell bent on overturning Roe v Wade?...No.
No risk to Democrats at all.
Nope. Not even a little bit. Conservative women are not taken seriously by anyone, especially not conservatives.
Why should "alienating women" such a concern to Republican? Shut the borders and deport the illegal aliens. Do not allow their votes to be counted in the U.S. under any circumstances.

"Men who want to have sex" in Congress and on the Supreme Court are not helping us with their progressive policies of appeasing female aliens.
Nope. Not even a little bit. Conservative women are not taken seriously by anyone, especially not conservatives.

Hillary lost the white female vote even though media idiots predicted because she was a white woman other white women would automatically vote for her.
If Dems are highly uncivil to Ms. Barrett I believe that has the potential to turn off a lot of swing or independent female voters.
Picking a woman shouldn't be a factor in the Democrats decision but then again, who the hell knows how these loons think. They nominated a Black woman for VP thinking that would bring them female and Black votes so anything is possible. They might even hold it against Barrett that she will be the only qualified woman on the court. But any way you look at it, it definitely shows that Democrats don't think women or Blacks are too bright, by the way they think they're so easy to control. Trump and Trump's pick will be better for our country.
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?


I think a lot of suburban white female voters know that Misogynist "Grab 'em by the pussy" Donnie is just pandering to them.
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett
The Dems need to know two very important facts about her.
1. Did she ever wear black face to a Halloween party? And
2. Did she every try to rape this woman?

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