Do gay people have an ax to grind with Christians?

Ding, let us look at King David. David was a man after God's own heart. David committed adultery and arraigned for the death in battle of Bathsheba's husband. God punished David by allowing the death of David and Bathsheba's son. He also forbid David's building of the Temple.

David prayed unceasingly and fasted. God forgave David but He still extracted punishment for David's sins.

The practicing homosexual is guilty of past homosexual acts. While he is unsaved, he may think about committing homosexual acts without charge. Once he confesses his past sins and receives forgiveness for those past sins and is saved, then he cannot even think about committing a homosexual act without penalty.

So homosexuals are no different in that manner than any other person- if they commit adultery- or even have sexual thought about another person they are sinners.

Now why do you think that means homosexuals can't be Christians but everyone else can be?

What that means is that you are unable to read and comprehend the English language. I plainly stated that anyone can repent and receive redemption.

So again- why did you claim homosexuals cannot be Christians?
I continue to sin. I am constantly at war with my flesh. Perhaps a little more Biblical study so you might grasp what is taking place?

Then by your own logic, you can't be a Christian, right?

No. Were you to actually take the time to read your Bible and get up to snuff on what it actually teaches you would not continually amuse me with your dumb questions.
Well, explain it to me then in simple terms that a 6 year old can understand, ok? Because I am struggling to understand how a person can be a sin. Let's take a murder, Ok. The worst sin of all. Is a murderer a sin?

I thought I made it clear. NO!! There are only men and women. Murder is a sin. Being a man or a woman is not a sin. Is that simple enough?

So being a homosexual is not a sin. And there is nothing in the Bible that says a homosexual cannot be a Christian- anymore than you lusting after a woman means you cannot be a Christian.

Committing homosexual acts is a sin just as adultery is a sin as is murder a sin. All can be repented of and forgiven.
You really are Biblically illiterate, aren't you? You really should know a little about your subject before engaging in a discussion.

No- I am quite Biblically literate which is why I am amused discussing things with faux Christians like you.

Apparently not, based upon your own posts.

Well that just shows your own ignorance.

I at least can provide Scripture to back up my position.

Really? You have yet to provide a single quote from Jesus condemning homosexuality- but Jesus condemned adultery and divorce.

You cite a passage where God punishes men by making them commit homosexual acts- and women 'unnatural acts' but you can't provide a single citation saying women should not have sex with each other- unlike the say- the 10 Commandments, unlike the sin of adultery or the sin of divorce and remarriage.

All you have been able to show so far is your hypocrisy. Unless you believe anyone who ever even thinks about sinning is not a Christian, then your claim that homosexuals cannot be Christians is pure hypocrisy.
Actually Jesus did talk about homosexuals in Matthew 19, but I doubt your recognized it. Most don't. Basically He said marriage wasn't for them.
If you are enjoying this so much, then I'm not sure the message form the Bible sunk in very deep.

There is much wisdom to be found in the Bible- and I have enjoyed reading it many times. I take the profound wisdoms that I do see, and try to incorporate them in my life- but I am no Christian.
So which part proclaimed acting superior to your fellow man?

Oh that wisdom l learned from self proclaimed Christians.
Wow... did you really just make a two wrongs makes a right argument? Sounds like you have an ax to grind with Christians.

Nope- I don't claim to be perfect- nor do I claim to be a Christian.
Fair enough, but I am wondering if you are not selective in whose behaviors you condemn.
Ding, let us look at King David. David was a man after God's own heart. David committed adultery and arraigned for the death in battle of Bathsheba's husband. God punished David by allowing the death of David and Bathsheba's son. He also forbid David's building of the Temple.

David prayed unceasingly and fasted. God forgave David but He still extracted punishment for David's sins.

The practicing homosexual is guilty of past homosexual acts. While he is unsaved, he may think about committing homosexual acts without charge. Once he confesses his past sins and receives forgiveness for those past sins and is saved, then he cannot even think about committing a homosexual act without penalty.

So homosexuals are no different in that manner than any other person- if they commit adultery- or even have sexual thought about another person they are sinners.

Now why do you think that means homosexuals can't be Christians but everyone else can be?

What that means is that you are unable to read and comprehend the English language. I plainly stated that anyone can repent and receive redemption.

Simple Idiot. Once a person repents and receives redemption for past transgressions, he/she are no longer homosexuals.

So again- why did you claim homosexuals cannot be Christians?
On a slightly more serious note.

Do you realize the double standard here?

Christians persecuted homosexuals for centuries. Even today, many Christians churches condemn homosexuality.

The animosity started with the Christians towards the gays. Now that gays are not in the closet and not so easily persecuted, some Christians feel persecuted because some gay Americans act towards Christians as Christians have acted towards gays for decades.

It is rather ironic.

Christians are simply following the Bible's teachings. The Bible says homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord.

Nope. The Bible says that sex between men is an abomination. Doesn't say a thing about homosexuality. Doesnt' say a thing about women having sex with women.

I suggest you spend some time reading the Book of Romans. Women do not get off free as you suppose.

Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Rom 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Rom 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Rom 1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Rom 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

So God punished people by having their women give up their 'natural use'

Where does God say that women have sex with each other is an abomination.

And is it as bad as those who disobey their parents or boast?

Question: Is Donald Trump an abomination to God?

Well, it states the obvious right there in Romans 1:32 that those who do the things listed in the preceding Scriptures are worthy of death so I read those things stated within those verses as being something God doesn't really like.
Is Paul God?
On a slightly more serious note.

Do you realize the double standard here?

Christians persecuted homosexuals for centuries. Even today, many Christians churches condemn homosexuality.

The animosity started with the Christians towards the gays. Now that gays are not in the closet and not so easily persecuted, some Christians feel persecuted because some gay Americans act towards Christians as Christians have acted towards gays for decades.

It is rather ironic.

Christians are simply following the Bible's teachings. The Bible says homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord.

Nope. The Bible says that sex between men is an abomination. Doesn't say a thing about homosexuality. Doesnt' say a thing about women having sex with women.

I suggest you spend some time reading the Book of Romans. Women do not get off free as you suppose.

Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Rom 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Rom 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Rom 1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Rom 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

So God punished people by having their women give up their 'natural use'

Where does God say that women have sex with each other is an abomination.

And is it as bad as those who disobey their parents or boast?

Question: Is Donald Trump an abomination to God?

Well, it states the obvious right there in Romans 1:32 that those who do the things listed in the preceding Scriptures are worthy of death so I read those things stated within those verses as being something God doesn't really like.

Ah- so this is just your interpretation.

And the New Testament doesn't actually say anywhere that two women having sex together is an abomination.

Back to my question: Is Donald Trump an abomination to God?

Trump of course has been married three times. As Jesus pointed out,

Mark 10
10 In the house His disciples also asked Him again about the same matter.
11 So He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her.
12 "And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery."

Luke 16
18 "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery.

So Trump commits adultery everytime he has sex with his current wife- according to the Bible Trump is as guilty of sin as any sexually active homosexual.

The United States identifies itself as being a Christian nation.

No we don't.

Not one word about Jesus in the Constitution.
America was founded on Christian values.
Such as?
I'll make a thread devoted to that subject. This isn't the topic of the OP.
And yet you have stated, in this thread, that America was founded on Christian values. In this thread. I ask again......such as?
Ding, let us look at King David. David was a man after God's own heart. David committed adultery and arraigned for the death in battle of Bathsheba's husband. God punished David by allowing the death of David and Bathsheba's son. He also forbid David's building of the Temple.

David prayed unceasingly and fasted. God forgave David but He still extracted punishment for David's sins.

The practicing homosexual is guilty of past homosexual acts. While he is unsaved, he may think about committing homosexual acts without charge. Once he confesses his past sins and receives forgiveness for those past sins and is saved, then he cannot even think about committing a homosexual act without penalty.

So homosexuals are no different in that manner than any other person- if they commit adultery- or even have sexual thought about another person they are sinners.

Now why do you think that means homosexuals can't be Christians but everyone else can be?

What that means is that you are unable to read and comprehend the English language. I plainly stated that anyone can repent and receive redemption.

Simple Idiot. Once a person repents and receives redemption for past transgressions, he/she are no longer homosexuals.

So again- why did you claim homosexuals cannot be Christians?

How does someone stop being a homosexual because he repents? Does an adulterer stop being a heterosexual if he repents for adultery?
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are more likely to be atheist than anyone else in the general population, a new survey has found. Nearly half of all LGBT adults surveyed said they were atheist, compared to 20% of the general population.

LGBT people more likely to be atheist than straights
Half of LGBT identify as Christians

REPORT: Half of LGB Americans Identify As Christian

The United States identifies itself as being a Christian nation. That however, does not mean that everyone in the United States are Christian. Any person can call himself anything he wishes but that does not mean he is what he claims to be.
We do not identify ourselves as a Christian nation. What official document do you claim to get that from?

Well, actually the Constitution prohibits the Federal Government from making laws infringing upon religion. Your money bears the words, "In God We Trust". The first educational institutions including Harvard and Yale were established to teach the clergy. Most of the hospitals were at one time funded and established by Christian organizations. Our Pledge says, "One nation under God." Our Preamble states that, "all men are created equal and are bestowed upon by their Creator." We have sent forth more missionaries than any other single nation in history. But you have it your way.
The United States identifies itself as being a Christian nation.

No we don't.

Not one word about Jesus in the Constitution.
America was founded on Christian values.
Such as?
I'll make a thread devoted to that subject. This isn't the topic of the OP.
And yet you have stated, in this thread, that America was founded on Christian values. In this thread. I ask again......such as?
Sure as a passing comment. It seems that you'd like to have an in depth discussion. It would be more appropriate to have that discussion in a thread that was dedicated to it, don't you think?
Ding, let us look at King David. David was a man after God's own heart. David committed adultery and arraigned for the death in battle of Bathsheba's husband. God punished David by allowing the death of David and Bathsheba's son. He also forbid David's building of the Temple.

David prayed unceasingly and fasted. God forgave David but He still extracted punishment for David's sins.

The practicing homosexual is guilty of past homosexual acts. While he is unsaved, he may think about committing homosexual acts without charge. Once he confesses his past sins and receives forgiveness for those past sins and is saved, then he cannot even think about committing a homosexual act without penalty.

So homosexuals are no different in that manner than any other person- if they commit adultery- or even have sexual thought about another person they are sinners.

Now why do you think that means homosexuals can't be Christians but everyone else can be?

What that means is that you are unable to read and comprehend the English language. I plainly stated that anyone can repent and receive redemption.

Simple Idiot. Once a person repents and receives redemption for past transgressions, he/she are no longer homosexuals.

So again- why did you claim homosexuals cannot be Christians?

How does someone stop being a homosexual because he repents? Does an adulterer stop being a heterosexual if he repents for adultery?
He has already recanted that. Move on already.
Like eating shellfish and cutting your beard.

You really are Biblically illiterate, aren't you? You really should know a little about your subject before engaging in a discussion.

No- I am quite Biblically literate which is why I am amused discussing things with faux Christians like you.
Thank you for re-affirming my previous comment. Are you gay?

And once again- why is that important to you?

Respond to my words- not your preconceptions of who I am attracted to.
Are you ashamed to admit it?

Sigh- look you are being a bit of an ass now and tending towards the typical inane arguments of bigots.

Who I am attracted to is irrelevant to this discussion- only bigots think that they need to know the sexuality of a person to interpret the actual words being used.

I have posted my sexuality dozens of times here at USMB- I am very open about it and you are welcome to satisfy your puerile curiousity by searching through my posts.

If you need to know who I am attracted to in order to read my words- that is your moral problem.
Ding, let us look at King David. David was a man after God's own heart. David committed adultery and arraigned for the death in battle of Bathsheba's husband. God punished David by allowing the death of David and Bathsheba's son. He also forbid David's building of the Temple.

David prayed unceasingly and fasted. God forgave David but He still extracted punishment for David's sins.

The practicing homosexual is guilty of past homosexual acts. While he is unsaved, he may think about committing homosexual acts without charge. Once he confesses his past sins and receives forgiveness for those past sins and is saved, then he cannot even think about committing a homosexual act without penalty.

So homosexuals are no different in that manner than any other person- if they commit adultery- or even have sexual thought about another person they are sinners.

Now why do you think that means homosexuals can't be Christians but everyone else can be?

What that means is that you are unable to read and comprehend the English language. I plainly stated that anyone can repent and receive redemption.[/QU

Simple Idiot. Once a person repents and receives redemption for past transgressions, he/she are no longer homosexuals.

So again- why did you claim homosexuals cannot be Christians?

How does someone stop being a homosexual because he repents? Does an adulterer stop being a heterosexual if he repents for adultery?

Your lack of comprehension is alarming. The adulterer is no longer an adulterer once he has been forgiven for past acts of adultery and no longer engages in the act of adultery anymore. The same would apply to you homosexuals. I realize this is third grade level stuff but I can't make it any easier.
I couldn't help but notice that there is quite a bit of animosity directed at Christians and I was wondering if maybe it was because Christians as a whole oppose gay marriage.

So... Do gay people have an ax to grind with Christians?

nothing that pretend christians not being bigots wouldn't solve
No we don't.

Not one word about Jesus in the Constitution.
America was founded on Christian values.
Such as?
I'll make a thread devoted to that subject. This isn't the topic of the OP.
And yet you have stated, in this thread, that America was founded on Christian values. In this thread. I ask again......such as?
Sure as a passing comment. It seems that you'd like to have an in depth discussion. It would be more appropriate to have that discussion in a thread that was dedicated to it, don't you think?
Link to that thread you have started on that topic.
So homosexuals are no different in that manner than any other person- if they commit adultery- or even have sexual thought about another person they are sinners.

Now why do you think that means homosexuals can't be Christians but everyone else can be?

What that means is that you are unable to read and comprehend the English language. I plainly stated that anyone can repent and receive redemption.[/QU

Simple Idiot. Once a person repents and receives redemption for past transgressions, he/she are no longer homosexuals.

So again- why did you claim homosexuals cannot be Christians?

How does someone stop being a homosexual because he repents? Does an adulterer stop being a heterosexual if he repents for adultery?

Your lack of comprehension is alarming. The adulterer is no longer an adulterer once he has been forgiven for past acts of adultery and no longer engages in the act of adultery anymore. The same would apply to you homosexuals. I realize this is third grade level stuff but I can't make it any easier.

Your lack of comprehension is alarming. The adulterer is no longer an adulterer once he has been forgiven for past acts of adultery and no longer engages in the act of adultery anymore. The same would apply to you homosexuals. I realize this is third grade level stuff but I can't make it any easier.

"Homosexual" and "Heterosexual" are terms of sexual orientation- nothing more and nothing less.

A homosexual does not stop being attracted to the same gender even if he has repented, any more than a heterosexual stops being attracted to the opposite gender when he repents his fornication.

I don't know how I can make that any easier for you.

An adulterer is someone who has committed adultery- someone who has commited an act- heterosexual and homosexual is an orientation- and is not dependent on any action.
You really are Biblically illiterate, aren't you? You really should know a little about your subject before engaging in a discussion.

No- I am quite Biblically literate which is why I am amused discussing things with faux Christians like you.
Thank you for re-affirming my previous comment. Are you gay?

And once again- why is that important to you?

Respond to my words- not your preconceptions of who I am attracted to.
Are you ashamed to admit it?

Sigh- look you are being a bit of an ass now and tending towards the typical inane arguments of bigots.

Who I am attracted to is irrelevant to this discussion- only bigots think that they need to know the sexuality of a person to interpret the actual words being used.

I have posted my sexuality dozens of times here at USMB- I am very open about it and you are welcome to satisfy your puerile curiousity by searching through my posts.

If you need to know who I am attracted to in order to read my words- that is your moral problem.
If you were very open about it, then you wouldn't be making a big deal out of it. But I'll move on as I know what your answer is even if you won't come out and say it. It is clear that you are biased against Christians and it is clear why. That's all I needed to know.
America was founded on Christian values.
Such as?
I'll make a thread devoted to that subject. This isn't the topic of the OP.
And yet you have stated, in this thread, that America was founded on Christian values. In this thread. I ask again......such as?
Sure as a passing comment. It seems that you'd like to have an in depth discussion. It would be more appropriate to have that discussion in a thread that was dedicated to it, don't you think?
Link to that thread you have started on that topic.
I'll send you a note when I do. If you can't wait, you can always start a thread explaining how our nation was not founded on Christian values. How's that?
No- I am quite Biblically literate which is why I am amused discussing things with faux Christians like you.
Thank you for re-affirming my previous comment. Are you gay?

And once again- why is that important to you?

Respond to my words- not your preconceptions of who I am attracted to.
Are you ashamed to admit it?

Sigh- look you are being a bit of an ass now and tending towards the typical inane arguments of bigots.

Who I am attracted to is irrelevant to this discussion- only bigots think that they need to know the sexuality of a person to interpret the actual words being used.

I have posted my sexuality dozens of times here at USMB- I am very open about it and you are welcome to satisfy your puerile curiousity by searching through my posts.

If you need to know who I am attracted to in order to read my words- that is your moral problem.
If you were very open about it, then you wouldn't be making a big deal out of it. But I'll move on as I know what your answer is even if you won't come out and say it. It is clear that you are biased against Christians and it is clear why. That's all I needed to know.

LOL...yeah and it is clear you are biased against rational Americans and why.

That you need to know someone's sexual preference in order to communicate with them is all about your issues- not anyone else's.

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