Do homosexuals deserve Hell?

The Mosaic Law says in multiple places it remains in effect for eternity.

15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.
16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
- Genesis 9 (KJV)

"However, there are many talmudic and midrashic passages which clearly imply that the laws of the Torah will continue to be observed in the future world of Moshiach.[4] The Jerusalem Talmud explicitly states that “The laws (halachot) of the Torah will never be nullified.”[5] Indeed, the eternality and immutability of the Torah’s laws is one of the most basic principles of the Jewish faith."
The Nullification of the Commandments

Jews would say that non-Jews aren't bound to all 613-622 commandments but a streamlined set of 7, the Noahide Laws which were given after the Flood for all humankind regardless of faith.

Of course that's Jews saying that so take it with a grain of salt. The 7 Noahide Laws are:

# Idolatry is forbidden. Man is commanded to believe in the One G-d alone and worship only Him.

# Incestuous and adulterous relations are forbidden. Human beings are not sexual objects, nor is pleasure the ultimate goal of life.

# Murder is forbidden. The life of a human being, formed in G-d's image, is sacred.

# Cursing the name of G-d is forbidden. Besides honoring and respecting G-d, we learn from this precept that our speech must be sanctified, as that is the distinctive sign which separated man from the animals.

# Theft is forbidden. The world is not ours to do with as we please.

# Eating the flesh of a living animal is forbidden. This teaches us to be sensitive to cruelty to animals. (This was commanded to Noah for the first time along with the permission of eating meat. The rest were already given to Adam in the Garden of Eden.)

# Mankind is commanded to establish courts of justice and a just social order to enforce the first six laws and enact any other useful laws or customs.
The Seven Noahide Laws
It is my understanding that when you die, St Peter will ask you about your sexual practices.

If you have done anything outside the missionary position.......Hell for you
My ticket is already punched...
Blow Job......Hell
Premarital sex.......Hell
Extramarital sex......Hell
Anal?..........Hell, Hell, Hell
6 wives...Heaven
Attempted murder...Heaven

Hatred of other faiths.........Heaven
Overton window theory works, it became normal to be gay. But I would recommend government to examine gays' mental health before their marriage. If it's ok, then allow them to marry, love and concord, and burn in Hell.

With some of the marriages I have seen you should examine EVERYONES mental health

Some people should not get married
Hypothetical situation: Two people of the same gender engage in sexual activity. Both are willing to do so and aware of all potential consequences (disease, injury, embarrassment, etc.). No one is affected in any way by this act except the two homosexuals. Have these people committed a crime? If so, please explain how.

No. The only being who can truly be said to deserve hell would be the being who created it.
Hypothetical situation: Two people of the same gender engage in sexual activity. Both are willing to do so and aware of all potential consequences (disease, injury, embarrassment, etc.). No one is affected in any way by this act except the two homosexuals. Have these people committed a crime? If so, please explain how.
Men...maybe. Women...depends on how hot they are.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of lesbians are nowhere near as hot as they are in the movies.

agree, most of them look like rosie o'donnell or hillary clinton
Oh, and Jesus proves you wrong:

Matthew 5:17

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

"The Law" = the law from the Tanakh = the 613 commandments.

That being the case, there are number of things that Christians should not be doing, like getting tattos.

What about worshiping something made by human hands? Does the law permit the worship of another human being? Is that whole 'three gods for the price of one' sale kosher?

If what Jesus said about the permanence of the law is true, then that would account for why every fish in the sea is dead.

BTW, where can a person purchase a Jewish bondmaid these days?
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Oh, and Jesus proves you wrong:

Matthew 5:17

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

"The Law" = the law from the Tanakh = the 613 commandments.

That being the case, there are number of things that Christians should not be doing, like getting tattos.

What about worshiping something made by human hands? Does the law permit the worship of another human being? Is that whole 'three gods for the price of one' sale kosher?

If what Jesus said about the permanence of the law is true, then that would account for why every fish in the sea is dead.

BTW, where can a person purchase a Jewish bondmaid these days?
At any ISIS/ISIL slave market.

Depending upon age, anywhere from $50-$150.
Oh, and Jesus proves you wrong:

Matthew 5:17

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

"The Law" = the law from the Tanakh = the 613 commandments.

That being the case, there are number of things that Christians should not be doing, like getting tattos.

What about worshiping something made by human hands? Does the law permit the worship of another human being? Is that whole 'three gods for the price of one' sale kosher?

If what Jesus said about the permanence of the law is true, then that would account for why every fish in the sea is dead.

BTW, where can a person purchase a Jewish bondmaid these days?
At any ISIS/ISIL slave market.

Depending upon age, anywhere from $50-$150.

Can buy people right here in the US. Wha dya think all that human trafficking stuff is all about?
Can buy people right here in the US. Wha dya think all that human trafficking stuff is all about?

Sounds like slavery to me.

And since everyone knows that slavery is bad, with a few subtle tweaks of hocus pocus and an twist of alakazam, now we call them employees.
I really shouldn't comment, because just yesterday I ate at Red Lobster and was wearing a coat made of mixed fibers to boot!

Plus, everybody who knows me realizes I plant mixed crops in my fields!
Can buy people right here in the US. Wha dya think all that human trafficking stuff is all about?

Sounds like slavery to me.

And since everyone knows that slavery is bad, with a few subtle tweaks of hocus pocus and an twist of alakazam, now we call them employees.
Kind of like how a camera changes a prostitute into an "actress".

Ta da!

Will someone please give this man a cigar!

Just make sure it is in a sealed wrapper.
Actually, the Torah does not say that homosexuals deserve "hell" at all....

Actually the Torah prohibits homosexuality, a to'evha, punishable by death.

a to'evha means "abomination".

But you are wrong.

The Tanakh does not prohbit homosexuality.

It prohibits two very specific sexual acts that we describe as homosexual.

It does not prohibt thinking homosexual thoughts or having homosexual feelings.

Plus, to very different verbs are used as well. if you want more information, I will provide it, but otherwise, I won't overload the thread.

But just to put this in perspective: there are 613 mitzvoteem (commandments) in the Tanakh, and only two verses deal with anything "gay" at all.

Add to that the fact that Yeshuah (Jesus) was not quoted as having said a single word about anything "gay" is also very telling.

I always find it slightly humorous when people say to believe in Jesus in order to be saved and then do anything but believe what He preached.

Seems to me that if a person actually respected Jesus, they would treat Him as knowing what was really important to talk about instead of being so clueless that He just never got around to mentioning it.
When the government forces someone to do something that goes against their beliefs then yes it is a tragedy. It's also targeting on the part of the homosexuals and is nothing short of tyranny

with liberals, tolerance is a one way street. WE must be tolerant, but they can be intolerant of anyone who does not agree with them. its called hypocrisy and liberals define it every day. just as their supreme leader the great obozo does when refusing to call muslim extremism what it is.

1. The Torah IS the bible
2. It also says you should be put to death for mixing fibers.

And I'm pretty sure no one pays attention to that anymore either.
When the government forces someone to do something that goes against their beliefs then yes it is a tragedy. It's also targeting on the part of the homosexuals and is nothing short of tyranny

with liberals, tolerance is a one way street. WE must be tolerant, but they can be intolerant of anyone who does not agree with them. its called hypocrisy and liberals define it every day. just as their supreme leader the great obozo does when refusing to call muslim extremism what it is.

1. The Torah IS the bible
2. It also says you should be put to death for mixing fibers.

And I'm pretty sure no one pays attention to that anymore either.

You're quoting Mosaic Law that was done away with by the New Covenant replacing the Old. It also never applied to Gentiles, just the Jews

Ok, so you say that Mosaic Law (Halakha) does not apply to anyone but Jews, but then "Christians" turn around and quote exactly two verses out of the Tanakh to say that gays are an abomination. So, either you believe in the power of the law or you don't, or you are just a fucking troll. So, which is it?

Oh, and Jesus proves you wrong:

Matthew 5:17

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

"The Law" = the law from the Tanakh = the 613 commandments.

That being the case, there are number of things that Christians should not be doing, like getting tattos.

You have absolutey no idea what you are blabbering about and are not to be taken serious. It's obvious you are clueless regarding the Bible and the Torah.

In other word, you got nothing and now you are embarrassed. Got it.
Do you deny the existence of Matthew 5:17?
Do you know the 613 commandments?

You make lots of loud noises, but on the inside, I bet you are like a terrified little child.

Your method of communication is in no way debate. It is also childish.
I really shouldn't comment, because just yesterday I ate at Red Lobster and was wearing a coat made of mixed fibers to boot!

Plus, everybody who knows me realizes I plant mixed crops in my fields!
I wear cow leather lined with sheep wool..I also plant a mixed veggies garden, since I am not cash cropping right now.....

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