Do homosexuals deserve Hell?

Do you think Christians adhere to Levitical Law?

Hint, do they eat Bacon?

Carla, bummer that you're too stupid to back quote - but you're not a leftist because your particularly bright...

That's your quote, you big dummy.

Statist is a Jew - or so he claims.

That thread had nothing to do with Stat, and Stat was nowhere around when you said that, you lying sack of shit.

Stupid ya are, it's why you're a leftist.

Do homosexuals deserve Hell US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
It is my understanding that when you die, St Peter will ask you about your sexual practices.

If you have done anything outside the missionary position.......Hell for you
My ticket is already punched...
Blow Job......Hell
Premarital sex.......Hell
Extramarital sex......Hell
Anal?..........Hell, Hell, Hell
Hypothetical situation: Two people of the same gender engage in sexual activity. Both are willing to do so and aware of all potential consequences (disease, injury, embarrassment, etc.). No one is affected in any way by this act except the two homosexuals. Have these people committed a crime? If so, please explain how.

If God exists and has established a law and both of these individuals knowingly and willingly break that law, should they not be subject to the consequences of that law if they do not repent and take advantage of the atonement of Jesus Christ?
It prohibits two very specific sexual acts that we describe as homosexual.

It does not prohibt thinking homosexual thoughts or having homosexual feelings.

Plus, to very different verbs are used as well. if you want more information, I will provide it, but otherwise, I won't overload the thread.

But just to put this in perspective: there are 613 mitzvoteem (commandments) in the Tanakh, and only two verses deal with anything "gay" at all.

Add to that the fact that Yeshuah (Jesus) was not quoted as having said a single word about anything "gay" is also very telling.

When a priest forsakes women and vows a lifetime of obedience to the Pope, another man, then this is the abomination in the eyes of God that is the subject of the law.

It has absolutely nothing whatever to do with sex and to believe that it does reflects an indwelling perversion in the mind of the person thinking such thoughts and to perpetuate such ignorance amounts to perjury in the name of the Lord.
Thread moved to Religion - Hell is a religious concept.
Hell is being so absorbed in a board you have to make nitpicking complaints about where a post goes.

I wouldn't be a mod and listen to that crap for $2,500 a week.
Hypothetical situation: Two people of the same gender engage in sexual activity. Both are willing to do so and aware of all potential consequences (disease, injury, embarrassment, etc.). No one is affected in any way by this act except the two homosexuals. Have these people committed a crime? If so, please explain how.
Yes, I take the traditional view on sexual sin, including heterosexual sin. I will add this, that I think Romans 1 & 2 says homosexual sin is often a result of God's judgement as well as a cause of it.
There was actually a federal study that found that about 80% of lesbians were obese, versus about 20% of gay men.
WIN - Statistics

Almost 3 in 4 men (74 percent) are considered to be overweight or obese.

If 74 percent of all men are fat, and only 20 percent of gay man are fat, then being gay is good for your heart!

Just watch out for the AIDS

God hates you
He's just another member of the 'American Taliban' aka Westboro and the like. ;)
Do you think Christians adhere to Levitical Law?

Hint, do they eat Bacon?

Carla, bummer that you're too stupid to back quote - but you're not a leftist because your particularly bright...

That's your quote, you big dummy.

Statist is a Jew - or so he claims.

That thread had nothing to do with Stat, and Stat was nowhere around when you said that, you lying sack of shit.

Is unhinged coming unhinged again? Too funny...
You mean like forcing SSM marriage on states? Or forcing cake baking, flower arrangements, etc etc
Cake baking?

What a tragedy......Does anyone need any more evidence of what happens when gays get hitched?

When the government forces someone to do something that goes against their beliefs then yes it is a tragedy. It's also targeting on the part of the homosexuals and is nothing short of tyranny

with liberals, tolerance is a one way street. WE must be tolerant, but they can be intolerant of anyone who does not agree with them. its called hypocrisy and liberals define it every day. just as their supreme leader the great obozo does when refusing to call muslim extremism what it is.

1. The Torah IS the bible
2. It also says you should be put to death for mixing fibers.

And I'm pretty sure no one pays attention to that anymore either.
You mean like forcing SSM marriage on states? Or forcing cake baking, flower arrangements, etc etc
Cake baking?

What a tragedy......Does anyone need any more evidence of what happens when gays get hitched?

When the government forces someone to do something that goes against their beliefs then yes it is a tragedy. It's also targeting on the part of the homosexuals and is nothing short of tyranny

with liberals, tolerance is a one way street. WE must be tolerant, but they can be intolerant of anyone who does not agree with them. its called hypocrisy and liberals define it every day. just as their supreme leader the great obozo does when refusing to call muslim extremism what it is.

1. The Torah IS the bible
2. It also says you should be put to death for mixing fibers.

And I'm pretty sure no one pays attention to that anymore either.

You're quoting Mosaic Law that was done away with by the New Covenant replacing the Old. It also never applied to Gentiles, just the Jews

Ok, so you say that Mosaic Law (Halakha) does not apply to anyone but Jews, but then "Christians" turn around and quote exactly two verses out of the Tanakh to say that gays are an abomination. So, either you believe in the power of the law or you don't, or you are just a fucking troll. So, which is it?

Oh, and Jesus proves you wrong:

Matthew 5:17

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

"The Law" = the law from the Tanakh = the 613 commandments.

That being the case, there are number of things that Christians should not be doing, like getting tattos.
It is my understanding that when you die, St Peter will ask you about your sexual practices.

If you have done anything outside the missionary position.......Hell for you
My ticket is already punched...
Blow Job......Hell
Premarital sex.......Hell
Extramarital sex......Hell
Anal?..........Hell, Hell, Hell

Spilling your seed on the ground - death through thunderbolt, hell, hell, hell
adultery - be burnt to death for it, hell, hell, hell
having sex with a woman while she is on her period = death, hell, hell, hell
perjury = death, hell, hell, hell
theft = death, hell, hell, hell
Overton window theory works, it became normal to be gay. But I would recommend government to examine gays' mental health before their marriage. If it's ok, then allow them to marry, love and concord, and burn in Hell.
Hypothetical situation: Two people of the same gender engage in sexual activity. Both are willing to do so and aware of all potential consequences (disease, injury, embarrassment, etc.). No one is affected in any way by this act except the two homosexuals. Have these people committed a crime? If so, please explain how.

Assuming they're both members of the religion which forbids it, yes, they both commited a forbidden sexual act.

In the big scheme of things though, it's a comparatively minor offense. Most punishments for theocratic crime was death (the good ol days) so that it's punishable by death shouldn't make it appear more egregious than say breaking Sabbath-day restrictions.

That said, while it's a sin-crime, unless two witnesses saw the deed they couldn't be charged. I think then that while many things were sinful, and punishable by death, that the authors of these laws stipulated the need for 2 witnesses, and since most people don't have sex in front of witnesses, it was more of a 'ya shouldn't do this, but if ya do keep it discreet.'
Cake baking?

What a tragedy......Does anyone need any more evidence of what happens when gays get hitched?

When the government forces someone to do something that goes against their beliefs then yes it is a tragedy. It's also targeting on the part of the homosexuals and is nothing short of tyranny

with liberals, tolerance is a one way street. WE must be tolerant, but they can be intolerant of anyone who does not agree with them. its called hypocrisy and liberals define it every day. just as their supreme leader the great obozo does when refusing to call muslim extremism what it is.

1. The Torah IS the bible
2. It also says you should be put to death for mixing fibers.

And I'm pretty sure no one pays attention to that anymore either.
Cake baking?

What a tragedy......Does anyone need any more evidence of what happens when gays get hitched?

When the government forces someone to do something that goes against their beliefs then yes it is a tragedy. It's also targeting on the part of the homosexuals and is nothing short of tyranny

with liberals, tolerance is a one way street. WE must be tolerant, but they can be intolerant of anyone who does not agree with them. its called hypocrisy and liberals define it every day. just as their supreme leader the great obozo does when refusing to call muslim extremism what it is.

1. The Torah IS the bible
2. It also says you should be put to death for mixing fibers.

And I'm pretty sure no one pays attention to that anymore either.

You're quoting Mosaic Law that was done away with by the New Covenant replacing the Old. It also never applied to Gentiles, just the Jews

Ok, so you say that Mosaic Law (Halakha) does not apply to anyone but Jews, but then "Christians" turn around and quote exactly two verses out of the Tanakh to say that gays are an abomination. So, either you believe in the power of the law or you don't, or you are just a fucking troll. So, which is it?

Oh, and Jesus proves you wrong:

Matthew 5:17

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

"The Law" = the law from the Tanakh = the 613 commandments.

That being the case, there are number of things that Christians should not be doing, like getting tattos.

You have absolutey no idea what you are blabbering about and are not to be taken serious. It's obvious you are clueless regarding the Bible and the Torah.

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