Do homosexuals deserve Hell?

Yeah, if I had to be gay, I'd need to be paid. I'd marry a rich guy and then divorce him and take half of everything he owns, along with the house, and our little fufu dog.

You could do that to a woman if you could find one that makes more than you and is willing to marry you. That's what pisses me off about women. They can be a waitress and marry a doctor but when's the last time you saw a female doctor married to a waiter?

Women care about money men care about looks.

I'd rather marry a hot waitress than an ugly doctor. In fact I could have married a doctor but she was built like Fred Flintstone
Plus with the lowered income expectations there is a better chance at easy meat....
That dog might be meat in Asia: China dog meat festival targeted by activists - Telegraph
Well, only 20 percent of gay men are fat, so if you are starting out with a buff one, you could have a pretty long run before they start sagging.

Then you can take all his money, and trade him in for two 20 year olds.
They have created a "crime" (sin) in the eyes of God. Unless they repent then hell it will be.
I have a problem with a supposedly merciful God that creates imperfect beings and then punishes them eternally for being imperfect. Sounds like a rigged game to me.
I have kids. I knew before I made them they would not be perfect.

Made them anyway.

When they screw up, and they do that A LOT, it does not change my love for them in the slightest.

Most of my commandments are intended to protect their dumb asses. Thou shalt look both ways before thouest cross the street, or thou shalt surely die. If thou doesn't die, and I catcheth you, there will be grinding and gnashing of teeth. And thou better fricking honor Me, and I don't give a flat damn what other parents do. Don't listen to them.

And so forth.
Are your punishments eternal?
Actually, the Torah does not say that homosexuals deserve "hell" at all....

HERE is a proud DUMPSTA member - well below the 50 IQ point requirement!

Bravo Statist.

Leviticus 20:13
Viewing the King James Version. Click to switch to 1611 King James Version of Leviticus 20:13.

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.}

Stupid, and dishonest - that's Statist!

Here's another Cafeteria Christian who likes to eat at the pick and choose buffet.

Do you think Christians adhere to Levitical Law?

Hint, do they eat Bacon?


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They have created a "crime" (sin) in the eyes of God. Unless they repent then hell it will be.
I have a problem with a supposedly merciful God that creates imperfect beings and then punishes them eternally for being imperfect. Sounds like a rigged game to me.
I have kids. I knew before I made them they would not be perfect.

Made them anyway.

When they screw up, and they do that A LOT, it does not change my love for them in the slightest.

Most of my commandments are intended to protect their dumb asses. Thou shalt look both ways before thouest cross the street, or thou shalt surely die. If thou doesn't die, and I catcheth you, there will be grinding and gnashing of teeth. And thou better fricking honor Me, and I don't give a flat damn what other parents do. Don't listen to them.

And so forth.
Are your punishments eternal?
They think so.
My own dad said he believes Hell is total isolation from God. As a father, I get that. The coldest, harshest punishment you can give your kid is to let him feel your disapproval of him. I have used it very effectively.

I can't sustain it very long, though. It kills me to see them in that much pain.

And that's where GodDad reaches across that gulf and brings him back. All is forgiven! I knew you weren't perfect going in, and my love is making up the difference.
Actually, the Torah does not say that homosexuals deserve "hell" at all....

HERE is a proud DUMPSTA member - well below the 50 IQ point requirement!

Bravo Statist.

Leviticus 20:13
Viewing the King James Version. Click to switch to 1611 King James Version of Leviticus 20:13.

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.}

Stupid, and dishonest - that's Statist!

Here's another Cafeteria Christian who likes to eat at the pick and choose buffet.

Do you think Christians adhere to Levitical Law?

Hint, do they eat Bacon?

Has Uncensored2008 ever posted anything that would indicate he's actually a real Christian?
You wouldn't be you if you didn't have free will. You'd be a machine incapable of breaking Asimov's three laws of robotics.

That's why God and Dads have to make up the difference. They have to reach across that gulf created by the imperfections in their little creations. That's their part of the deal.

Thus endeth the sermon at the Church of G5000 for today.
Has Uncensored2008 ever posted anything that would indicate he's actually a real Christian?

I would hope not, considering I am entirely open and fairly adamant about being Agnostic....

The problem you assclowns have is that you're stupid. The hate sites have hate points on "how to defeat a Christian." You come all sorts of unglued when confronted by an Agnostic who doesn't follow your Marxist script.
Do you think Christians adhere to Levitical Law?

Hint, do they eat Bacon?

Carla, bummer that you're too stupid to back quote - but you're not a leftist because your particularly bright...

That's your quote, you big dummy.

Statist is a Jew - or so he claims.

That thread had nothing to do with Stat, and Stat was nowhere around when you said that, you lying sack of shit.
So that's that smell.....

Do you think Christians adhere to Levitical Law?

Hint, do they eat Bacon?

Carla, bummer that you're too stupid to back quote - but you're not a leftist because your particularly bright...

That's your quote, you big dummy.

Statist is a Jew - or so he claims.

That thread had nothing to do with Stat, and Stat was nowhere around when you said that, you lying sack of shit.
I'll answer that question.

We all deserve Hell! Everyone of us! There is nothing we have ever done that has earned us a spot anywhere else.

Only by Grace can we avoid Hell, Grace through Faith, in the Lord Jesus, and the belief that He is the Son of God, that He died and was resurrected, and by understanding that He is the sacrifice that allows us to avoid Hell.

On a side note, this topic belongs in Religion, not politics.
So that's that smell.....

Do you think Christians adhere to Levitical Law?

Hint, do they eat Bacon?

Carla, bummer that you're too stupid to back quote - but you're not a leftist because your particularly bright...

That's your quote, you big dummy.

Statist is a Jew - or so he claims.

That thread had nothing to do with Stat, and Stat was nowhere around when you said that, you lying sack of shit.

It ain't bacon! LOL!
That thread had nothing to do with Stat, and Stat was nowhere around when you said that, you lying sack of shit.

You are mentally retarded, which is why you are a leftist.

Statist lied that the Torah does not prohibit homosexuality. I pointed out that he is an idiot posting falsehood.

You were just too dull witted to follow the conversation.

What can I say, you're stupid.
Republicans not only deserve Hell, they are living in a Hell of their own creation. Being terrified of everything. What they do to the country hurts them the most.
That thread had nothing to do with Stat, and Stat was nowhere around when you said that, you lying sack of shit.

You are mentally retarded, which is why you are a leftist.

Statist lied that the Torah does not prohibit homosexuality. I pointed out that he is an idiot posting falsehood.

You were just too dull witted to follow the conversation.

What can I say, you're stupid.
Actually, the Torah does not say that homosexuals deserve "hell" at all....

HERE is a proud DUMPSTA member - well below the 50 IQ point requirement!

Bravo Statist.

Leviticus 20:13
Viewing the King James Version. Click to switch to 1611 King James Version of Leviticus 20:13.

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.}

Stupid, and dishonest - that's Statist!
The New Testament freed us from the Old.

Just sayin', I sure ain't lyin' with no man.
Please show me where Jesus said for us not to follow the Old Testament.

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