Zone1 Do JWs fit the Description of a Dangerous Cult?

I have. What's wrong with the watchtower magazine? It keeps JW,s unified in thought( 1 Cor 1:10) Every sunday worldwide a JW gets the same spiritual feeding using the watchtower along with the bible.. Scriptures in every paragraph to back what is taught. Every mid week meeting-worldwide the JW,s have the same bible reading to be discussed with any who want to participate. It accomplishes-1Cor 1:10--a true mark of Jesus' 1 religion= no division.
There was no Watchtower magazine for almost 2000 years. You're in a cult.
These men speaking are members of the Governing Body of the Watchtower organization, Jehovah's Witnesses. They claim to be the only men on earth speaking for God. Take a listen.

I think that's brother Morris. He got demoted to human being for guzzling cheap likker
Not only that, but there is also a book series entitled "Studies in the Scriptures" the Watchtower claims to be more reliable than the Bible itself, even though they use a corrupted translation (NWT).
The translation committee was made up of members of the governing body and only one had any knowledge of Hebrew and Greek and that was elementary. They built their fake Bible according to Watchtower doctrine instead of Scripture.
The translation committee was made up of members of the governing body and only one had any knowledge of Hebrew and Greek and that was elementary. They built their fake Bible according to Watchtower doctrine instead of Scripture.
There was no Watchtower magazine for almost 2000 years. You're in a cult.
Thats because-This rose up-2Thess 2:3= Catholicism= the son of Destruction( peredition= the great apostasy. All of her branches included. Catholicism translated errors in to fit false council teachings. The biggest error of all= a capitol G God in the last line at John 1:1-has mislead billions over the centuries, mislead them to break Gods #1 commandment daily. One small letter alteration has cost billions their eternal lives.
God speaks to us through his written word. Anybody who claims to literally "speak for God" is a liar and should be ignored.

You do realize, don't you, that the Bible was written by men who literally spoke for God, right? And that throughout the history that it covers, it gives accounts of other men literally speaking for God?

I'm not a JW, and I think they are kind of whacky, but so is the idea that God was, a couple thousand years ago, bound and gagged, and prevented from ever speaking to us again through His designated prophets.
Thats because-This rose up-2Thess 2:3= Catholicism= the son of Destruction( peredition= the great apostasy. All of her branches included. Catholicism translated errors in to fit false council teachings. The biggest error of all= a capitol G God in the last line at John 1:1-has mislead billions over the centuries, mislead them to break Gods #1 commandment daily. One small letter alteration has cost billions their eternal lives.
You do realize, don't you, that the Bible was written by men who literally spoke for God, right? And that throughout the history that it covers, it gives accounts of other men literally speaking for God?

I'm not a JW, and I think they are kind of whacky, but so is the idea that God was, a couple thousand years ago, bound and gagged, and prevented from ever speaking to us again through His designated prophets.
Jesus is the last prophet. The Scriptures are complete.
You do realize, don't you, that the Bible was written by men who literally spoke for God, right? And that throughout the history that it covers, it gives accounts of other men literally speaking for God?

I'm not a JW, and I think they are kind of whacky, but so is the idea that God was, a couple thousand years ago, bound and gagged, and prevented from ever speaking to us again through His designated prophets.
Hebrews 1:2. God has spoken to us in these last days by his Son.
Jesus is the last prophet. The Scriptures are complete.
Hebrews 1:2. God has spoken to us in these last days by his Son.

Was Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament after Jesus' time on Earth had ended, a prophet, or wasn't he?

God didn't stop talking to Mankind.

Mankind stopped listening.

Mankind arrogantly declared an end to God's word, and refused to listen to any more.
Was Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament after Jesus' time on Earth had ended, a prophet, or wasn't he?

God didn't stop talking to Mankind.

Mankind stopped listening.

Mankind arrogantly declared an end to God's word, and refused to listen to any more.
I agree God still talks to us through the Holy Spirit. However, Scripture is complete.
The words that support slavery or the words that support polygamy?
I doubt it supports slavery. You not looking clearly enough makes you think it. Polygamy is not acceptable anymore. Things were different in the OT days. Even Incest occurred for awhile, but they were closer to perfection.

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