Zone1 Do JWs fit the Description of a Dangerous Cult?

I have a New King James Bible and I have the Holy Spirit. I fellowship with Bible believers who worship Jesus and the Father. I don't need anyone who claims to be the only ones who speak for God. Amen.
I use the NIV myself and like you, don't need anyone except G-d the Holy Spirit to help me understand and properly interpret Scripture. We fellowship with other believers and have a Pastor and elders to lead our flock because it is scriptural and it also strengthens us.
Among the resources that expose the Watchtower Society for what it is, Witnesses of Jehovah written by Len and Marjorie Cretien is a telling expose of the mind control and brainwashing of the Watchtower cult, as they were members themselves and left. Also, Kingdom Of The Cults which was written by the late Dr. Walter R. Martin is a great resource on countercult apologetics.
Anyone who gives supreme power to a personality or organization put them above God.

That is idolatry. That is a cult.

The chilling thing is, any church can be subverted into one.

Just ask pastor Jim Jones who led his congregation to the jungles of Central America because he felt the church was not Marxist enough as he later convinced them all to drink cool aid.
I guess Moses Israel was idolatry and a cult? Being a cult doesn’t make an organization bad. Being idolatrous and occult makes it bad. In fact, your definition means all prophets of Israel and Apostles of Jesus Christ were idolatrous and occults.
JWs don’t blindly follow their leaders any more than the LDS Church members do. There are issues with JWs like shunning family who don’t want to be a part of their faith. Or, they’re bad interpretations of the scriptures and not knowing the true Jesus Christ. But, I don’t see them pushing Jim Jones stuff and by suggesting they are just like them is bearing false witness against your neighbors.
I banter back and forth with others discussing doctrine. But calling someone a Jim Jones because you don’t agree with them is over the top and unChristian.
I guess Moses Israel was idolatry and a cult? Being a cult doesn’t make an organization bad. Being idolatrous and occult makes it bad. In fact, your definition means all prophets of Israel and Apostles of Jesus Christ were idolatrous and occults.
JWs don’t blindly follow their leaders any more than the LDS Church members do. There are issues with JWs like shunning family who don’t want to be a part of their faith. Or, they’re bad interpretations of the scriptures and not knowing the true Jesus Christ. But, I don’t see them pushing Jim Jones stuff and by suggesting they are just like them is bearing false witness against your neighbors.
I banter back and forth with others discussing doctrine. But calling someone a Jim Jones because you don’t agree with them is over the top and unChristian.
And yet the Watchtower is guilty of false predictions as well.
And yet the Watchtower is guilty of false predictions as well.
We know that. But, the concept of freedom of speech means people can lie and make false claims. We have become such a whoosie woke country and wilt at someone’s words. What happened to sticks and stones…
None of that means they are idolatrous and occult.
We know that. But, the concept of freedom of speech means people can lie and make false claims. We have become such a whoosie woke country and wilt at someone’s words. What happened to sticks and stones…
None of that means they are idolatrous and occult.
No, but their doctrinal stances do. Denying the very deity of Christ, the Triune G-dhead, and Salvation by faith are their key doctrines.
No, but their doctrinal stances do. Denying the very deity of Christ, the Triune G-dhead, and Salvation by faith are their key doctrines.
And, freedom of religion also allows them to deny the deity of Christ. That doesn’t make them idolatrous or occult. Would you say the same things to Muslims? No. Because they’d chop your head off. So, you go after peaceful people. Again, I don’t agree with them on lots. So discuss doctrine and lower the flame on name calling.
1Peter 3:18-21 - Jesus went to the spirit prison Where those who died in the days of Noah. So, JWs don’t believe we have a spirit body inside our earthly body. Yet, Jesus went there where spirits of the dead exist.
So, explain where our spirit bodies are from originally?
I have a New King James Bible and I have the Holy Spirit. I fellowship with Bible believers who worship Jesus and the Father. I don't need anyone who claims to be the only ones who speak for God. Amen.

But what if you have all of the right answers. Shouldn’t we listen to you? You seem to say no.

If you don’t have the right answers then why should we listen to you or anybody else?

Now we are back at square one. Nobody knows anything. They never have. They never will. Everybody needs to eat the foods that they find the most delicious. Everybody needs to believe the lie that they find to be the most delicious. That’s how we maximize our pleasure in life. Everybody does it. We love to believe unverifiable lies and/or unverifiable truths. We just have no idea which ones are true and which ones are lies. We just know they are 100% unverifiable. We have to choose to believe on another basis rather than whether it is true or not. Often that basis is somebody I like said it, so I believe it. A bully I am afraid of said it, so I believe it. I like believing that, so I believe it. Pursuing the truth has never been a goal.

It’s all about pursuing the most fun version of ignorance as possible .
It spoke of foreigners walking around. They spoke to them in their language, by holy spirit. They never spoke or knew the languages prior.
What about people who speak in tongues today?
I seriously don't know why people have a problem with cults ...

Read the entire book of Acts without a Watchtower magazine. You'll learn a lot.
I have. What's wrong with the watchtower magazine? It keeps JW,s unified in thought( 1 Cor 1:10) Every sunday worldwide a JW gets the same spiritual feeding using the watchtower along with the bible.. Scriptures in every paragraph to back what is taught. Every mid week meeting-worldwide the JW,s have the same bible reading to be discussed with any who want to participate. It accomplishes-1Cor 1:10--a true mark of Jesus' 1 religion= no division.
1 Corinthians 14:18. Paul said he spoke in tongues. He wasn't in the upper room on the day of Pentecost. This is what happens when you don't study your Bible and trust false teachers. You end being a fool.

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