Zone1 Do JWs fit the Description of a Dangerous Cult?

Well of course I do....but my belief isn't as relevant as God's belief in me...which for some inane reason He seems to hold just such a belief. I don't see it but....who am I to argue?
Ok. Is it a cult if it's true? I believe in God. If God is real, am I a cultist for believing in him?
Ok. Is it a cult if it's true? I believe in God. If God is real, am I a cultist for believing in him?

You are misunderstanding the OP.
Beliefs in God are not what makes a cult.

It's the organizing believers together into a cohesive group led by a person that makes you a cult member.
Now most Christian church organizations are beneficial cults...we believe in altruistic pursuits. Helping each other and our communities. Nobody usually has any issue with that except for the ACLU and other atheists. Even Jews tend to build hospitals and libraries for the communities they live in. Muslim groups as well usually have some altruistic endeavors in their communities. (Nevermind the extremists which seem to be in charge at the moment)

Now there are Christian cults that aren't exactly beneficial. (And I'm not talking about the Catholics) There was one in Brentwood TN that wasn't good. (HBO special) They were all about starving themselves and isolating people away from families. They were facing some serious lawsuits and criminal charges that all vanished when the principle leadership had a suspicious plane crash.
There are beneficial cults and disastrous cults. Pick your poison well eh?

The term "cult" has gotten a negative connotation from some notorious groups....but the term itself is not necessarily a negative. Jim Jefferds had a very detrimental cult...(fundamentalist Mormons) Other Mormons aren't so evil.
Most are like me....rather square and straight. I don't believe like they do....but I'm more worried about me until they ask.

And as a side note....I just moved into another state (not the State of Confusion between Incest Alabama and West Virginia) and I'm needing to find me another Church to join....because I can make friends and join in with like minded people there....get the guys to go for coffee and small group studies. You a normal person and not an isolated lunatic.
That's the natural reaction for some people.
The darkness amazes me. Ones speak on matters they know nothing about, they listen to others who do not speak truth.
Best to learn reality--God view of a cult, the only view that matters in the end = A house divided( trinity religionssssssssssssssss) will not stand. They fail this true mark of Jesus' 1 religion 100%= 1 Cor 1:10- Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.
What don't trinity religionssssssssssss understand an bout-no division?
Another fact, Jesus promised to send holy spirit to his REAL teachers on earth to guide them into ALL truth--Trinity religionsssssssssssss all have different truths, here is why= a lack of holy spirit because Jesus is not with them.
God speaks to us through his written word. Anybody who claims to literally "speak for God" is a liar and should be ignored.
Should the bible writers be ignored then? Should the prophets of old be ignored then? Oh , God always used righteous men to share his truths-correct? Jesus promised to send holy spirit to his real teachers on earth to guide them into all truth--through men.
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The darkness amazes me. Ones speak on matters they know nothing about, they listen to others who do not speak truth.
Best to learn reality--God view of a cult, the only view that matters in the end = A house divided( trinity religionssssssssssssssss) will not stand. They fail this true mark of Jesus' 1 religion 100%= 1 Cor 1:10- Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.
What don't trinity religionssssssssssss understand an bout-no division?
Another fact, Jesus promised to send holy spirit to his REAL teachers on earth to guide them into ALL truth--Trinity religionsssssssssssss all have different truths, here is why= a lack of holy spirit because Jesus is not with them.
I have the Holy Spirit. You and your false prophets don't.
These men speaking are members of the Governing Body of the Watchtower organization, Jehovah's Witnesses. They claim to be the only men on earth speaking for God. Take a listen.

This cult is dangerous only to those who do not have the capacity for "critical, independent thought based on reason and logic". According to "Charles Taze Russel", God was not smart enough to inspire scripture that is understandable by takes an elite person to inform and explain to you that which you have read.

Logic and Reason? For over 1800 years........not one person was saved through the grace of the Gospel of Christ as salvation only came about when Russel interpreted the scriptures for the laity. According to Russel if one studies the bible for themselves, he/she will lose that information within 2 years and become lost its best not to even read the scriptures for yourself, some elite person must read and interpret them in your stead.
Should the bible writers be ignored then? Should the prophets of old be ignored then? Oh , God always used righteous men to share his truths-correct? Jesus promised to send holy spirit to his real teachers on earth to guide them into all truth--through men.
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The Holy Spirit filled everyone in the upper room and all believers. They spoke in tongues. I speak in other tongues as do millions. Do you? Do your false teachers?
Should the bible writers be ignored then? Should the prophets of old be ignored then? Oh , God always used righteous men to share his truths-correct? Jesus promised to send holy spirit to his real teachers on earth to guide them into all truth--through men.
Your post is 100% error.
the Holy Spirit was sent for everyone. You'd know that if you ever read your Bible instead of magazines written by frauds.
The Holy Spirit filled everyone in the upper room and all believers. They spoke in tongues. I speak in other tongues as do millions. Do you? Do your false teachers?
The tongues spoken back then were foreign languages, not gibberish.
the Holy Spirit was sent for everyone. You'd know that if you ever read your Bible instead of magazines written by frauds.
Yes but Jesus made that promise to his teachers. Yes the righteous, who learn and apply all that Jesus taught can get holy spirit as well.
Yes but Jesus made that promise to his teachers. Yes the righteous, who learn and apply all that Jesus taught can get holy spirit as well.
You better read Acts. It says they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and there were more there than just his disciples. You're wrong.
You better read Acts. It says they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and there were more there than just his disciples. You're wrong.
I don't enjoy disagreeing.....but, the actual content of the scriptures in Acts 2 explains that the "gift" of the Holy Spirit is the gift of inspired knowledge that is used to establish N.T. doctrine. The promise of this gift is for ALL CHRISTIANS. Peter did not declare that you would receive the HOLY SPIRIT Himself....but the " of the Holy Spirit". This promise is made to "as many as the Lord shall receive."

Baptism of the Holy Spirit occurred 2 times in the N.T. Acts2 and Acts10..........a decade after Acts 2 as an indication from God that the Gentiles were to be welcomed into the kingdom of God. No one but the Apostles received the gift of the Holy Spirit to do miracles as promised to the Apostles by Jesus Christ Himself. (Acts 1:2-8......Jesus was addressing His hand picked Apostles Acts 1:2)

Only they received super natual power to lay hands unto others so that the Holy Spirit might bestow some gift unto those who had been took an Apostle to lay hands on a person to receive these gifts as described in Acts 8. Those saved did not receive the gift of the spirit until an Apostle laid hands on them.

Examples of Apostles laying on hands to pass on these gifts of the Spirit. Paul laid hands on Timothy to receive the gifts of the Spirit -- 2 Tim. 1:6 He also passed on gifts to those in Ephesus -- Acts 19:6 As mentioned earlier.........Acts one received the gift in Samaria after being baptized into Christ until later after an Apostle came to lay on hands.

Not everyone could receive these gifts of the Spirit in a supernatural fashion to do miracles -- 1 Cor. 12:29-31

The Apostle states that these supernatural gifts were but temporary with the infant church until mature doctrine was established.........the supernatural gifts of the spirit would one day soon fail -- 1 Cor. 13:8-10 "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, when I became an adult I put away childish things. Paul was chastising those in Cornith for abusing the gifts of the spirit and making a mockery of the gifts that were to be used to establish wisdom and doctrine. He asked....."Do you not have houses to eat in?"

Then the question and disagreement comes with the question. Is the gift of the Spirit, the spirit itself, or the truth taught by inspiration? Is this gift the ability to speak in foreign tongues (tongues/languages as taught by the scriptures themselves?

It was the Apostles that began speaking in tongues........"But Peter standing up among the 11...." (Act 2:14), clearly the 11 were the Apostles that Jesus hand picked. And indeed the tongues were LANGUAGES as explained in scripture. "And how hear we every man in our own tongue, where we were born?" -- Acts 2:8 And the scriptures go on to describe the different languages spoken, "Parthians, and Medes and Elamites.....and the dwellers in Mesopotamia and in Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia. Cretes and Abrabians, we do hear them speak in our tongue/language the wonderful works of God.

More cities and nations mentioned? Phrygia.......Pamphylia, and Egypt......and in the parts of Liyba about Cyrene and strangers from Rome......Jews and Proselytes." -- Acts 2:8-11 PROSELYTES: others than Jews converted.

What is the gift of the Spirit today? Remaining are Faith, Hope and Charity/love. The Gift of the Spirit is the inspired word of God that gives the believer everything that pertains to life and godliness -- 2 Peter 1:3 You want the Spirit of God to communicate with you? Open your reveals the "PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY" -- James 1:25
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