Do liberals know or care the reason merrick garland not being judge was biden?

Prove your partisanship here.
If Dems take the Senate in November, will you support them not filling any SCOTUS vacancies under Trump?

Its a fact they wouldn't fill any vacancies, not just in the Supreme Court but elsewhere where confirmation is required.

BTW,had Mrs. Clinton won the election in 2016, Garland would have probably been confirmed in short order. He was never destroyed as a human being, the Republicans weren't interested in personal destruction, just intent on maintaining the careful POLITICAL BALANCE on the court by not replacing the martyred Scalia with a rabid anti-life gun grabber.
There is no political balance to preserve. Conservatives had ruled the court for thirty years. They were in danger of losing that majority and were not happy about it.
So much so that they were willing to destroy the SCOTUS selection process in order to maintain a Conservative Majority.
Do you honestly believe that if a liberal judge was up for selection and Republicans found a sexual assault in his past that Republicans would have just let it go?

The rules have largely changed with this latest outrage.

The Republicans never even explored the high school experiences of Democrat nominees to the court. No one on the Republican side asked Sotomayor about her sexual experiences in high school or when she lost her virginity. Did Ginsberg violate the Volstead Act by drinking in High school? No Republican asked, none thought to.
There is no political balance to preserve. Conservatives had ruled the court for thirty years. They were in danger of losing that majority and were not happy about it..

Not true.

Before Scalia was whacked in early 2016, Scalia, Alito and Thomas were the conservative wing of the court, the two moderates were Roberts and Kennedy, and there was a Solid Wall of 4 hardcore ultraliberals who always voted in unison.
Do you honestly believe that if a liberal judge was up for selection and Republicans found a sexual assault in his past that Republicans would have just let it go?

The rules have largely changed with this latest outrage.

The Republicans never even explored the high school experiences of Democrat nominees to the court. No one on the Republican side asked Sotomayor about her sexual experiences in high school or when she lost her virginity. Did Ginsberg violate the Volstead Act by drinking in High school? No Republican asked, none thought to.
Where were they given the opportunity?
The Liberal nominees to the court had no skeletons in their closet like Clarence Thomas and Kavenaugh did
Roberts, Alito and Gorsuch were confirmed without going into issues with their personal behavior

Republicans impeached over a blowjob. You think they would have just ignored personal issues with a liberal judge?
There is no political balance to preserve. Conservatives had ruled the court for thirty years. They were in danger of losing that majority and were not happy about it..

Not true.

Before Scalia was whacked in early 2016, Scalia, Alito and Thomas were the conservative wing of the court, the two moderates were Roberts and Kennedy, and there was a Solid Wall of 4 hardcore ultraliberals who always voted in unison.

Roberts and Kennedy were Conservatives nominated by Republican presidents. Roberts is an arch conservative and Kennedy leaned towards right center
Do you honestly believe that if a liberal judge was up for selection and Republicans found a sexual assault in his past that Republicans would have just let it go?

The rules have largely changed with this latest outrage.

The Republicans never even explored the high school experiences of Democrat nominees to the court. No one on the Republican side asked Sotomayor about her sexual experiences in high school or when she lost her virginity. Did Ginsberg violate the Volstead Act by drinking in High school? No Republican asked, none thought to.
Where were they given the opportunity?
The Liberal nominees to the court had no skeletons in their closet like Clarence Thomas and Kavenaugh did
Roberts, Alito and Gorsuch were confirmed without going into issues with their personal behavior

Republicans impeached over a blowjob. You think they would have just ignored personal issues with a liberal judge?
Guess what?
Kavanaugh is going to be on the Supreme Court, Garland is not… Live with It bed wetter...
Roberts is an arch conservative and Kennedy leaned towards right center

Roberts OK'ed Obamacare, hardly "conservative", and Kennedy was a huge proponent of Homosexual Marriage- not the sign of a conservative at all, especially when someone insists its a constitutional right.
The Liberal nominees to the court had no skeletons in their closet like Clarence Thomas and Kavenaugh did
Roberts, Alito and Gorsuch were confirmed without going into issues with their personal behavior

Republicans impeached over a blowjob. You think they would have just ignored personal issues with a liberal judge?

The Republicans never even ASKED about Sotomayor's high school experiences, no one really knows what the Wise Latina did in school. Sotomayor attended a elite Catholic high school too, yet wasn't asked about the parties she attended and was never asked to explain markings in her yearbook.

We don't even know if the broad even has a yearbook.
Do you honestly believe that if a liberal judge was up for selection and Republicans found a sexual assault in his past that Republicans would have just let it go?

The rules have largely changed with this latest outrage.

The Republicans never even explored the high school experiences of Democrat nominees to the court. No one on the Republican side asked Sotomayor about her sexual experiences in high school or when she lost her virginity. Did Ginsberg violate the Volstead Act by drinking in High school? No Republican asked, none thought to.
Where were they given the opportunity?
The Liberal nominees to the court had no skeletons in their closet like Clarence Thomas and Kavenaugh did
Roberts, Alito and Gorsuch were confirmed without going into issues with their personal behavior

Republicans impeached over a blowjob. You think they would have just ignored personal issues with a liberal judge?
Guess what?
Kavanaugh is going to be on the Supreme Court, Garland is not… Live with It bed wetter...
I figured he would

You guys won and are stacking the court system with young conservatives whether they are qualified or not
Do you honestly believe that if a liberal judge was up for selection and Republicans found a sexual assault in his past that Republicans would have just let it go?

The rules have largely changed with this latest outrage.

The Republicans never even explored the high school experiences of Democrat nominees to the court. No one on the Republican side asked Sotomayor about her sexual experiences in high school or when she lost her virginity. Did Ginsberg violate the Volstead Act by drinking in High school? No Republican asked, none thought to.
Where were they given the opportunity?
The Liberal nominees to the court had no skeletons in their closet like Clarence Thomas and Kavenaugh did
Roberts, Alito and Gorsuch were confirmed without going into issues with their personal behavior

Republicans impeached over a blowjob. You think they would have just ignored personal issues with a liberal judge?
Guess what?
Kavanaugh is going to be on the Supreme Court, Garland is not… Live with It bed wetter...
I figured he would

You guys won and are stacking the court system with young conservatives whether they are qualified or not
Elections have consequences

And there would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch
The Liberal nominees to the court had no skeletons in their closet like Clarence Thomas and Kavenaugh did
Roberts, Alito and Gorsuch were confirmed without going into issues with their personal behavior

Republicans impeached over a blowjob. You think they would have just ignored personal issues with a liberal judge?

The Republicans never even ASKED about Sotomayor's high school experiences, no one really knows what the Wise Latina did in school. Sotomayor attended a elite Catholic high school too, yet wasn't asked about the parties she attended and was never asked to explain markings in her yearbook.

We don't even know if the broad even has a yearbook.

Democrats never asked either during Kavenaughs confirmation hearings. It was after the hearings that the charges came to light

If Republicans had some dirt on Sotomayor, they would have used it
There was none
Do you honestly believe that if a liberal judge was up for selection and Republicans found a sexual assault in his past that Republicans would have just let it go?

The rules have largely changed with this latest outrage.

The Republicans never even explored the high school experiences of Democrat nominees to the court. No one on the Republican side asked Sotomayor about her sexual experiences in high school or when she lost her virginity. Did Ginsberg violate the Volstead Act by drinking in High school? No Republican asked, none thought to.
Where were they given the opportunity?
The Liberal nominees to the court had no skeletons in their closet like Clarence Thomas and Kavenaugh did
Roberts, Alito and Gorsuch were confirmed without going into issues with their personal behavior

Republicans impeached over a blowjob. You think they would have just ignored personal issues with a liberal judge?
Guess what?
Kavanaugh is going to be on the Supreme Court, Garland is not… Live with It bed wetter...
I figured he would

You guys won and are stacking the court system with young conservatives whether they are qualified or not
Elections have consequences

And there would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch
There would be no Trump if not for gullible conservatives
Roberts is an arch conservative and Kennedy leaned towards right center

Roberts OK'ed Obamacare, hardly "conservative", and Kennedy was a huge proponent of Homosexual Marriage- not the sign of a conservative at all, especially when someone insists its a constitutional right.

Roberts voted his conscience on the one issue. On all else he is solid Conservative

Roberts did not want destroying the healthcare system as the legacy of his court
The rules have largely changed with this latest outrage.

The Republicans never even explored the high school experiences of Democrat nominees to the court. No one on the Republican side asked Sotomayor about her sexual experiences in high school or when she lost her virginity. Did Ginsberg violate the Volstead Act by drinking in High school? No Republican asked, none thought to.
Where were they given the opportunity?
The Liberal nominees to the court had no skeletons in their closet like Clarence Thomas and Kavenaugh did
Roberts, Alito and Gorsuch were confirmed without going into issues with their personal behavior

Republicans impeached over a blowjob. You think they would have just ignored personal issues with a liberal judge?
Guess what?
Kavanaugh is going to be on the Supreme Court, Garland is not… Live with It bed wetter...
I figured he would

You guys won and are stacking the court system with young conservatives whether they are qualified or not
Elections have consequences

And there would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch
There would be no Trump if not for gullible conservatives

Actually you have it half assed backwards.

The fact that conservatives were no longer gullible and would not nominate a low energy candidate like Jeb! in 2016 was why Trump got the nomination
The rules have largely changed with this latest outrage.

The Republicans never even explored the high school experiences of Democrat nominees to the court. No one on the Republican side asked Sotomayor about her sexual experiences in high school or when she lost her virginity. Did Ginsberg violate the Volstead Act by drinking in High school? No Republican asked, none thought to.
Where were they given the opportunity?
The Liberal nominees to the court had no skeletons in their closet like Clarence Thomas and Kavenaugh did
Roberts, Alito and Gorsuch were confirmed without going into issues with their personal behavior

Republicans impeached over a blowjob. You think they would have just ignored personal issues with a liberal judge?
Guess what?
Kavanaugh is going to be on the Supreme Court, Garland is not… Live with It bed wetter...
I figured he would

You guys won and are stacking the court system with young conservatives whether they are qualified or not
Elections have consequences

And there would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch
There would be no Trump if not for gullible conservatives
Funny, There’s no way Trump would be president if there was no Obama. You guys have made your bed and now you have to sleep in it
Roberts is an arch conservative and Kennedy leaned towards right center

Roberts OK'ed Obamacare, hardly "conservative", and Kennedy was a huge proponent of Homosexual Marriage- not the sign of a conservative at all, especially when someone insists its a constitutional right.

Roberts voted his conscience on the one issue. On all else he is solid Conservative

Roberts did not want destroying the healthcare system as the legacy of his court
Na, not really
Roberts was paid off.... Obamacare is devastating to conservatives everywhere
Where were they given the opportunity?
The Liberal nominees to the court had no skeletons in their closet like Clarence Thomas and Kavenaugh did
Roberts, Alito and Gorsuch were confirmed without going into issues with their personal behavior

Republicans impeached over a blowjob. You think they would have just ignored personal issues with a liberal judge?
Guess what?
Kavanaugh is going to be on the Supreme Court, Garland is not… Live with It bed wetter...
I figured he would

You guys won and are stacking the court system with young conservatives whether they are qualified or not
Elections have consequences

And there would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch
There would be no Trump if not for gullible conservatives

Actually you have it half assed backwards.

The fact that conservatives were no longer gullible and would not nominate a low energy candidate like Jeb! in 2016 was why Trump got the nomination
Yep, we’ve had well over 100 years of career politicians as president… It’s been 100+ years of failure. What did Einstein say… Doing something over and over again and expecting different results… Insanity

I’m pretty sure that if the Dems win control of the Senate in November, they will revert to the 60 vote standard for SC judges.

That’s because the Dems think big picture.

Nuclear option is now the norm
Republicans will have to live with it
In all honesty I hope not. Judges who are selected for there extreme partisan views don't make for the most evenhanded court system.
It will be a long time before we see another moderate judge
I think your right. I just highly doubt it's a good development. You can't really put the genie back in the bottle. I'm also of the opinion that putting Kavanaugh on the bench is shortsighted from the GOP's side. Not only are they seemingly preparing to put someone on the bench that will keep on being controversial long after this confirmation process is done. Not only are they risking to lose moderate woman for a generation. They are letting the Supreme Court open for all kinds of request for recusals whenever he has to judge ANYTHING that involves politics. It seems a modest gain and a high price. Since the GOP has other candidates and will likely hold on to the senate.
Republicans panicked when it seemed the court would turn liberal

They have established a new norm that they will not be happy with
Republicans rule from a minority

They received fewer votes for the Presidency
They receive fewer total votes in the House and Senate

But they look at changing demographics and see their days of controlling the White House, Senate and House are numbered regardless of Electoral Votes and Gerrymandering

Now they look to stocking our Court System with young conservatives to thwart the expected Democratic wave
Oh, I’m pretty sure they were there. No one back then went back to pre school to look for them.
Do you honestly believe that if a liberal judge was up for selection and Republicans found a sexual assault in his past that Republicans would have just let it go?

The rules have largely changed with this latest outrage.

The Republicans never even explored the high school experiences of Democrat nominees to the court. No one on the Republican side asked Sotomayor about her sexual experiences in high school or when she lost her virginity. Did Ginsberg violate the Volstead Act by drinking in High school? No Republican asked, none thought to.
Where were they given the opportunity?
The Liberal nominees to the court had no skeletons in their closet like Clarence Thomas and Kavenaugh did
Roberts, Alito and Gorsuch were confirmed without going into issues with their personal behavior

Republicans impeached over a blowjob. You think they would have just ignored personal issues with a liberal judge?

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