Do liberals want the whole world to stop the coal industry, or just the US?

Does anyone know?

Let's hear from the left. The coal industry. Should it be completely shut down?

Only here or everywhere?

Please, explain.

Why is everything in absolutes with conservatives?

A goal of reducing carbon emissions by 10% worldwide is automatically labeled.........They want to completely shut down coal!
Why do you deny that you only want to destroy the United States?

Hillary never said she wanted to destroy the coal industry. Unlike Trump, who made promises he can't keep, Hillary acknowledged that the coal industry was dying and that we needed to do more to bring new industries into coal country

Suck it up, cupcakes. Coal is dying. It's being killed off by natural gas.


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"coal is dying........."

But only to the suckers who watch CNN!
Does anyone know?

Let's hear from the left. The coal industry. Should it be completely shut down?

Only here or everywhere?

Please, explain.

I knew a guy who was from a coal mining town. The people to advise about his future career told him not to bother, as he'd be going down the mines. He said 'fuck that' and left and did very well for himself. Coal mining isn't a nice job, people would be better of getting into cleaner energy, better for the health of the miners, and everyone else.
Does anyone know?

Let's hear from the left. The coal industry. Should it be completely shut down?

Only here or everywhere?

Please, explain.

I knew a guy who was from a coal mining town. The people to advise about his future career told him not to bother, as he'd be going down the mines. He said 'fuck that' and left and did very well for himself. Coal mining isn't a nice job, people would be better of getting into cleaner energy, better for the health of the miners, and everyone else.

I did genealogical research on my wife's family. They were Pennsylvania coal miners for over 100 years. Generation after generation went down into the mines. There were no other jobs. Most died in their 50s or younger
Her father broke the cycle by being drafted in WWII
Does anyone know?

Let's hear from the left. The coal industry. Should it be completely shut down?

Only here or everywhere?

Please, explain.

Why is everything in absolutes with conservatives?

A goal of reducing carbon emissions by 10% worldwide is automatically labeled.........They want to completely shut down coal!
Why do you deny that you only want to destroy the United States?

Hillary never said she wanted to destroy the coal industry. Unlike Trump, who made promises he can't keep, Hillary acknowledged that the coal industry was dying and that we needed to do more to bring new industries into coal country

Suck it up, cupcakes. Coal is dying. It's being killed off by natural gas.


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"coal is dying........."

But only to the suckers who watch CNN!

Coal is dying?

Are we going back to the stone age or something?

Do we have a full understanding of how stupid all liberals are?
Why is everything in absolutes with conservatives?

A goal of reducing carbon emissions by 10% worldwide is automatically labeled.........They want to completely shut down coal!
Why do you deny that you only want to destroy the United States?

Hillary never said she wanted to destroy the coal industry. Unlike Trump, who made promises he can't keep, Hillary acknowledged that the coal industry was dying and that we needed to do more to bring new industries into coal country

Suck it up, cupcakes. Coal is dying. It's being killed off by natural gas.


Sent from my iPad using

"coal is dying........."

But only to the suckers who watch CNN!

Coal is dying?

Are we going back to the stone age or something?

Do we have a full understanding of how stupid all liberals are?

To put it another way, in the USA, there are now literally more yoga instructors than coal miners.

And the gap is growing.

Even Yoga instructors are now kicking denier butts.
Does anyone know?

Let's hear from the left. The coal industry. Should it be completely shut down?

Only here or everywhere?

Please, explain.

The coal industry will never be completely shut down- coal is necessary for lots of things- just not for power production.

Coal is just much more expensive than natural gas, and much dirtier than natural gas or alternatives.

Will the environment of the entire world be better once we stop burning dirty coal?

Sure- and that is why China is spending so much money to convert from coal to natural gas, and is a leader in both wind and solar technology.

We should continue our conversion from coal to natural gas, and use coal for the industries like steel that we need coal for.

That is the direction that eventually the whole world will go- it will be harder for poor countries like India to make the conversion- but China moving that direction.

Actually, China has been starting new coal fired plants at the rate of about 2 per week. Your belief that china is cutting back on coal is based on a statement made by the government...and long history has shown that what government says and what it does are two very different things. The report that they have abandoned over 100 coal projects is meaningless in the face of two new coal projects beginning every week.

China keeps building coal plants despite new overcapacity policy - Energydesk
the coal power overcapacity crisis has continued to grow in 2016, with total power generation from coal falling by 4% in the first five months of 2016, another 25 large coal-fired plants brought online, and capacity utilisation falling by another 10% from the record-low levels in 2015.

China continues to build plants- and use less and less coal for generation- they have an overcapacity issue.

Meanwhile- their solar, wind and hydro continue to grow.
Does anyone know?

Let's hear from the left. The coal industry. Should it be completely shut down?

Only here or everywhere?

Please, explain.

Why is everything in absolutes with conservatives?

A goal of reducing carbon emissions by 10% worldwide is automatically labeled.........They want to completely shut down coal!
Why do you deny that you only want to destroy the United States?

Hillary never said she wanted to destroy the coal industry. Unlike Trump, who made promises he can't keep, Hillary acknowledged that the coal industry was dying and that we needed to do more to bring new industries into coal country

She told everyone during the campaign that coal miners would not have a job.
That is destroying the industry.
Hillary Clinton Has A Message For Coal Miners: You're Fired

No- what is 'destroying the industry' is cheap natural gas.
Who the hell that isn't mentally challenged thinks coal is the future?
Glad to see you don't know what the fuck you are talking about like every other pathetic cocksucking liberal like you.

How long have humans been burning coal you pathetic moron?

You know anything about the iron age you piece of shit?

Was not long after humans clawed our way out of the stone age. You fucking moron.

Tell us you fuckwad. How many products made from coal are you going to stop using, now that you know just how dependant on coal we are?

Carbon fiber is used as a reinforcement material in mountain bikes, building construction and tennis rackets. Different types of coal are used in different ways. Steam coal is primarily used in power generation, while coking coal is used mainly in steel production.

Wheelie, you are fucking ignorant hypocritical gasbag. Nothing more. You and the people that actually give you a thumbs up for every stupid hypocritical thing you say.

Fucking loser.
I'm sorry about your rage/mental problems.

Scientists have developed a new coal car, it is the future of fossil fuel technology.
-Just kidding no one would do that because it is moronic.
You stupid ass ignorant fuck. .

And that basically is how the right 'argues'.

Coal will continue to be used for all of the things it needs to be used for.

It doesn't need to be used for power generation.
Does anyone know?

Let's hear from the left. The coal industry. Should it be completely shut down?

Only here or everywhere?

Please, explain.

The coal industry will never be completely shut down- coal is necessary for lots of things- just not for power production.

Coal is just much more expensive than natural gas, and much dirtier than natural gas or alternatives.

Will the environment of the entire world be better once we stop burning dirty coal?

Sure- and that is why China is spending so much money to convert from coal to natural gas, and is a leader in both wind and solar technology.

We should continue our conversion from coal to natural gas, and use coal for the industries like steel that we need coal for.

That is the direction that eventually the whole world will go- it will be harder for poor countries like India to make the conversion- but China moving that direction.

Actually, China has been starting new coal fired plants at the rate of about 2 per week. Your belief that china is cutting back on coal is based on a statement made by the government...and long history has shown that what government says and what it does are two very different things. The report that they have abandoned over 100 coal projects is meaningless in the face of two new coal projects beginning every week.

China keeps building coal plants despite new overcapacity policy - Energydesk
the coal power overcapacity crisis has continued to grow in 2016, with total power generation from coal falling by 4% in the first five months of 2016, another 25 large coal-fired plants brought online, and capacity utilisation falling by another 10% from the record-low levels in 2015.

China continues to build plants- and use less and less coal for generation- they have an overcapacity issue.

Meanwhile- their solar, wind and hydro continue to grow.
I will bet my scrotum that you don't do a fucking thing for the planet. You may drive one of those cars with the pussy pedal, better known as a prius.

Other than that, nothing. Oh, you hate republicans well enough. That may be something to you and the rest of the morons, which is what makes you all morons.
Does anyone know?

Let's hear from the left. The coal industry. Should it be completely shut down?

Only here or everywhere?

Please, explain.
If there's a better way why not? It's damaging the environment.

You know white people tell detroiters to re invent themselves when auto manufacturing went overseas. Well let's see white coal miners do the same. Natural gas is better

Coal will go when another cheap, readily available energy source comes along...and you can bet, that energy source won't be brought to us via the government.


It has been in the past

Hoover Dam - Wikipedia

Government has subsidized many forms of energy- including huge amounts of hydroelectric.

However, the cheap, readily available energy source has come along

Natural gas.
The death of US coal: industry on a steep decline as cheap natural gas rises
The death of US coal: industry on a steep decline as cheap natural gas rises
Does anyone know?

Let's hear from the left. The coal industry. Should it be completely shut down?

Only here or everywhere?

Please, explain.

The coal industry will never be completely shut down- coal is necessary for lots of things- just not for power production.

Coal is just much more expensive than natural gas, and much dirtier than natural gas or alternatives.

Will the environment of the entire world be better once we stop burning dirty coal?

Sure- and that is why China is spending so much money to convert from coal to natural gas, and is a leader in both wind and solar technology.

We should continue our conversion from coal to natural gas, and use coal for the industries like steel that we need coal for.

That is the direction that eventually the whole world will go- it will be harder for poor countries like India to make the conversion- but China moving that direction.

Actually, China has been starting new coal fired plants at the rate of about 2 per week. Your belief that china is cutting back on coal is based on a statement made by the government...and long history has shown that what government says and what it does are two very different things. The report that they have abandoned over 100 coal projects is meaningless in the face of two new coal projects beginning every week.

China keeps building coal plants despite new overcapacity policy - Energydesk
the coal power overcapacity crisis has continued to grow in 2016, with total power generation from coal falling by 4% in the first five months of 2016, another 25 large coal-fired plants brought online, and capacity utilisation falling by another 10% from the record-low levels in 2015.

China continues to build plants- and use less and less coal for generation- they have an overcapacity issue.

Meanwhile- their solar, wind and hydro continue to grow.
I will bet my scrotum .

Give me a break.

Everyone knows you don't have a scrotum.

That would imply you have balls.

All you have is a foul mouth and access to a key board.
Does anyone know?

Let's hear from the left. The coal industry. Should it be completely shut down?

Only here or everywhere?

Please, explain.
If there's a better way why not? It's damaging the environment.

You know white people tell detroiters to re invent themselves when auto manufacturing went overseas. Well let's see white coal miners do the same. Natural gas is better

Coal will go when another cheap, readily available energy source comes along...and you can bet, that energy source won't be brought to us via the government.


It has been in the past

Hoover Dam - Wikipedia

Government has subsidized many forms of energy- including huge amounts of hydroelectric.

However, the cheap, readily available energy source has come along

Natural gas.
The death of US coal: industry on a steep decline as cheap natural gas rises
The death of US coal: industry on a steep decline as cheap natural gas rises

And didn't the US Government GIVE AWAY all our land to the oil/robber barons so they could supply us with gas? You know, the oil companies didn't have to take all the land but they seemed to gobble it up.

The government would have been happy to tap the ground for oil and then sell gas cheap to us citizens but the for profit oil companies convinced us they could do it better.
Long History Of U.S. Energy Subsidies | December 19, 2011 Issue - Vol. 89 Issue 51 | Chemical & Engineering News

In comparing current support for renewable energy with past aid for today’s traditional energy sources, the report focuses on two types of assistance: funding during the first 15 years of support and annualized expenditures over the life of the energy source.

The first 15 years, the report says, are critical to developing new technologies. It finds that oil and gas subsidies, including tax breaks and government spending, were about five times as much as aid to renewables during their first 15 years of development; nuclear received 10 times as much support.

Federal support during the first 15 years works out to $3.3 billion annually for nuclear energy and $1.8 billion annually for oil and gas, but an average of only $400 million a year in inflation-adjusted dollars for renewables.

For coal, which generates half the nation’s electricity, the authors were unable to quantify government support for the first 15 years, which includes federal and state aid. Coal, Pfund notes, benefits from a host of centuries-old programs that signal a rich history of aid, which is intertwined with the development of the nation. The aid runs deep and comes in many forms—state and federal tax breaks for mining and use; technological support for mining and exploration; national resource maps to encourage exploration and development; tariffs on foreign coal; and aid to steel smelters, railroads, and other industries that burn coal to encourage greater use and develop a steady market for coal.

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