Do liberals want the whole world to stop the coal industry, or just the US?

Does anyone know?

Let's hear from the left. The coal industry. Should it be completely shut down?

Only here or everywhere?

Please, explain.

The coal industry will never be completely shut down- coal is necessary for lots of things- just not for power production.

Coal is just much more expensive than natural gas, and much dirtier than natural gas or alternatives.

Will the environment of the entire world be better once we stop burning dirty coal?

Sure- and that is why China is spending so much money to convert from coal to natural gas, and is a leader in both wind and solar technology.

We should continue our conversion from coal to natural gas, and use coal for the industries like steel that we need coal for.

That is the direction that eventually the whole world will go- it will be harder for poor countries like India to make the conversion- but China moving that direction.

Actually, China has been starting new coal fired plants at the rate of about 2 per week. Your belief that china is cutting back on coal is based on a statement made by the government...and long history has shown that what government says and what it does are two very different things. The report that they have abandoned over 100 coal projects is meaningless in the face of two new coal projects beginning every week.

China keeps building coal plants despite new overcapacity policy - Energydesk
Sorry...still not playing global warming denial games

Translation = I wish I had a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supported AGW over natural variability that I could use to bitch slap you, but you know what....I just can't find it so I am going to pretend disinterest so I don't have to face the fact that my entire position is based on my political leanings and faith.
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Sorry...still not playing global warming denial games

Translation = I wish I had a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supported AGW over natural variability that I could use to bitch slap you, but you know what....I just can't find it so I am going to pretend disinterest so I don't have to face the fact that my entire position is based on my political leanings and faith.
Global warming is an accepted fact. And yes, we are contributing to it
The overwhelming majority of scientists attest to that fact

I am not going to play your silly semantic games.....You can't convince me there is global warming

And let me believe a photo of pollution in a heavily industrialized locality is evidence that our CO2 is altering the global climate.
The topic of the thread is coal

And why is coal even a topic? Because the claim that CO2 is altering the global climate. Which leads to the question...Do you have any actual evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...

I didn't bring coal up...nor did I bring up the topic of CO2 emissions...that was you....and why did you bring up the topic of emissions?...because you believe it is important....which led me to ask you why you believe it is important...what observed, measured, quantified evidence have you see that would lead you to the position that CO2 emissions are important.

The answer to that question is obviously none. Now that I am asking about the very topic you brought up, you want to run away, or pretend to be the thread police and decide which direction the conversation should go...and why?...because you can't provide a single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting the AGW hypothesis over natural must be embarrassing.
Sorry...still not playing global warming denial games

Translation = I wish I had a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supported AGW over natural variability that I could use to bitch slap you, but you know what....I just can't find it so I am going to pretend disinterest so I don't have to face the fact that my entire position is based on my political leanings and faith.
Global warming is an accepted fact. And yes, we are contributing to it
The overwhelming majority of scientists attest to that fact

I am not going to play your silly semantic games.....You can't convince me there is global warming
Accepted by liberal loons and and government stooges who believe they can know what the temperature was thousands of years ago, and those who base "facts" on barely 150 years of collected data on an Eco system over four billion years old. That's the only fact of it.
Sorry...still not playing global warming denial games

Translation = I wish I had a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supported AGW over natural variability that I could use to bitch slap you, but you know what....I just can't find it so I am going to pretend disinterest so I don't have to face the fact that my entire position is based on my political leanings and faith.
Global warming is an accepted fact. And yes, we are contributing to it
The overwhelming majority of scientists attest to that fact

I am not going to play your silly semantic games.....You can't convince me there is global warming
Accepted by liberal loons and and government stooges who believe they can know what the temperature was thousands of years ago, and those who base "facts" on barely 150 years of collected data on an Eco system over four billion years old. That's the only fact of it.
Well, the truth of it is that we really do have a pretty good idea of what the temperature was thousands of years ago. In fact, we have a damned good record of what the temperature has been over most of the past 10,000 years although liberals don't like to look at it. Here, have a look at the gold standard temperature reconstruction for the past 10,000 years. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see immediately why liberals don't bring it up much and prefer to stick to the past 100 years or so because if you look at the longer picture, it is clear that the earth is a good bit cooler now than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years and it is also clear that the rate of warming..a typical warmer claim... that we have seen is not exceptional in any way.

The same temperature signatures over the past 10,000 years are evident in ice cores taken from Antarctica as well which shows that the warmer temperatures over the past 10,000 years were global and not just confined to small parts of the northern hemisphere as claimed by most warmer wackos.



And let me believe a photo of pollution in a heavily industrialized locality is evidence that our CO2 is altering the global climate.
The topic of the thread is coal

And why is coal even a topic? Because the claim that CO2 is altering the global climate. Which leads to the question...Do you have any actual evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...

I didn't bring coal up...nor did I bring up the topic of CO2 emissions...that was you....and why did you bring up the topic of emissions?...because you believe it is important....which led me to ask you why you believe it is important...what observed, measured, quantified evidence have you see that would lead you to the position that CO2 emissions are important.

The answer to that question is obviously none. Now that I am asking about the very topic you brought up, you want to run away, or pretend to be the thread police and decide which direction the conversation should go...and why?...because you can't provide a single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting the AGW hypothesis over natural must be embarrassing.
As an energy source....coal is dirty
Until that can be resolved, it will drop out of our energy policy

Now, why don't you explain to me how I can't prove evolution?
Like always, your claims and squiggly lines prove nothing

Well, I guess they mean nothing to you and that is to bad since they clearly support your position on this topic that the whole man made global warming claim is bullshit. They clearly show that for most of the past 10,000 years, the earth has been a good bit warmer than it is now.
Sorry...still not playing global warming denial games

Translation = I wish I had a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supported AGW over natural variability that I could use to bitch slap you, but you know what....I just can't find it so I am going to pretend disinterest so I don't have to face the fact that my entire position is based on my political leanings and faith.
Global warming is an accepted fact. And yes, we are contributing to it
The overwhelming majority of scientists attest to that fact

I am not going to play your silly semantic games.....You can't convince me there is global warming
Accepted by liberal loons and and government stooges who believe they can know what the temperature was thousands of years ago, and those who base "facts" on barely 150 years of collected data on an Eco system over four billion years old. That's the only fact of it.
All scientists are liberal loons intent on pissing off big oil and the Republicans?
Global warming is an accepted fact. And yes, we are contributing to it
The overwhelming majority of scientists attest to that fact

Sure...we are still warming from the little ice age. No one is arguing that fact. But the claim that we are contributing to it?...that is a different matter. I agree that most scientists support that claim but it has to do with the billions upon billions of dollars up for has nothing to do with actual observed, measured, quantified evidence as proven by the inability of any warmer, including yourself to provide even a single piece of evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.

I am not going to play your silly semantic games.....You can't convince me there is global warming

Asking for observed, measured evidence to support a claim regarding an observable, measurable quantity like the atmosphere is semantics? Here is a newsflash goober, observed, measured evidence is the foundation of science. Since you don't seem to be able to provide any, clearly your position, nor the position of all those so called scientists is based in science.
Sorry...still not playing global warming denial games

Translation = I wish I had a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supported AGW over natural variability that I could use to bitch slap you, but you know what....I just can't find it so I am going to pretend disinterest so I don't have to face the fact that my entire position is based on my political leanings and faith.
Global warming is an accepted fact. And yes, we are contributing to it
The overwhelming majority of scientists attest to that fact

I am not going to play your silly semantic games.....You can't convince me there is global warming
Accepted by liberal loons and and government stooges who believe they can know what the temperature was thousands of years ago, and those who base "facts" on barely 150 years of collected data on an Eco system over four billion years old. That's the only fact of it.
All scientists are liberal loons intent on pissing off big oil and the Republicans?
There you go again, pretending i said something I didn't say. You clowns are as predictable as flies on watermelon.
Like always, your claims and squiggly lines prove nothing

Well, I guess they mean nothing to you and that is to bad since they clearly support your position on this topic that the whole man made global warming claim is bullshit. They clearly show that for most of the past 10,000 years, the earth has been a good bit warmer than it is now.
Again, as I have proven many times, anyone, ANYONE, can make a graph like that. It means NOTHING, as do your perpetual claims of doom.
Does anyone know?

Let's hear from the left. The coal industry. Should it be completely shut down?

Only here or everywhere?

Please, explain.

Why is everything in absolutes with conservatives?

A goal of reducing carbon emissions by 10% worldwide is automatically labeled.........They want to completely shut down coal!
Why do you deny that you only want to destroy the United States?

Hillary never said she wanted to destroy the coal industry. Unlike Trump, who made promises he can't keep, Hillary acknowledged that the coal industry was dying and that we needed to do more to bring new industries into coal country

She told everyone during the campaign that coal miners would not have a job.
That is destroying the industry.
Hillary Clinton Has A Message For Coal Miners: You're Fired
Like always, your claims and squiggly lines prove nothing

Well, I guess they mean nothing to you and that is to bad since they clearly support your position on this topic that the whole man made global warming claim is bullshit. They clearly show that for most of the past 10,000 years, the earth has been a good bit warmer than it is now.
Again, as I have proven many times, anyone, ANYONE, can make a graph like that. It means NOTHING, as do your perpetual claims of doom.

You are missing the whole point guy....I am not making any claims of doom...I believe the whole manmade global warming claim is a big steaming pile of bullshit and those graphs which to you are nothing but squiggly lines actually prove that the left's manmade global warming claims are bullshit.

No offense, but I don't think it would hurt you to much to take just a bit of time and try to at least educate yourself enough to be able to tell which people are on your side and which aren't. Clearly you aren't there because you won't find anyone more skeptical of the global warming claims coming from climate science than me.
Does anyone know?

Let's hear from the left. The coal industry. Should it be completely shut down?

Only here or everywhere?

Please, explain.

The coal industry will never be completely shut down- coal is necessary for lots of things- just not for power production.

Coal is just much more expensive than natural gas, and much dirtier than natural gas or alternatives.

Will the environment of the entire world be better once we stop burning dirty coal?

Sure- and that is why China is spending so much money to convert from coal to natural gas, and is a leader in both wind and solar technology.

We should continue our conversion from coal to natural gas, and use coal for the industries like steel that we need coal for.

That is the direction that eventually the whole world will go- it will be harder for poor countries like India to make the conversion- but China moving that direction.

Actually, China has been starting new coal fired plants at the rate of about 2 per week. Your belief that china is cutting back on coal is based on a statement made by the government...and long history has shown that what government says and what it does are two very different things. The report that they have abandoned over 100 coal projects is meaningless in the face of two new coal projects beginning every week.

China keeps building coal plants despite new overcapacity policy - Energydesk

You pressure China on human rights violation and get them to put filters on their plants like we have done.
Like always, your claims and squiggly lines prove nothing

Well, I guess they mean nothing to you and that is to bad since they clearly support your position on this topic that the whole man made global warming claim is bullshit. They clearly show that for most of the past 10,000 years, the earth has been a good bit warmer than it is now.
Again, as I have proven many times, anyone, ANYONE, can make a graph like that. It means NOTHING, as do your perpetual claims of doom.

You are missing the whole point guy....I am not making any claims of doom...I believe the whole manmade global warming claim is a big steaming pile of bullshit and those graphs which to you are nothing but squiggly lines actually prove that the left's manmade global warming claims are bullshit.

No offense, but I don't think it would hurt you to much to take just a bit of time and try to at least educate yourself enough to be able to tell which people are on your side and which aren't. Clearly you aren't there because you won't find anyone more skeptical of the global warming claims coming from climate science than me.

Slight correction-
Political Science driven ideology
Not real Science
Global warming is an accepted fact. And yes, we are contributing to it
The overwhelming majority of scientists attest to that fact

Sure...we are still warming from the little ice age. No one is arguing that fact. But the claim that we are contributing to it?...that is a different matter. I agree that most scientists support that claim but it has to do with the billions upon billions of dollars up for has nothing to do with actual observed, measured, quantified evidence as proven by the inability of any warmer, including yourself to provide even a single piece of evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.

I am not going to play your silly semantic games.....You can't convince me there is global warming

Asking for observed, measured evidence to support a claim regarding an observable, measurable quantity like the atmosphere is semantics? Here is a newsflash goober, observed, measured evidence is the foundation of science. Since you don't seem to be able to provide any, clearly your position, nor the position of all those so called scientists is based in science.
It's a conspiracy....a conspiracy I say

Don't trust those scientists Big oil has our best interests at heart

Besides..... President Trump says it is a scam. We all know he wouldn't lie to us

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