Do Liberals Worship Failure?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
It's a legitimate question, especially in the context of all the new troll threads from Billy. But consider.

-Libs worship FDR, who managed to turn a recesion into the Great Depression. He managed not to stop Hitler before the war started, nor could he persuade Congress to act against Hitler until Pearl Harbor. FDR conceded Eastern Europe and half of Germany to Stalin. A record this poor would disqualify normal people but libs consistently rate FDR one of hte greatest presidents.

-Libs love Castro and Cuba. Yet Cuba is one of the most repressive dictatorships in the region. Its economy has not grown significantly since 1962. It produces pretty much the same goods for export it did 50 years ago. Its jails are filled with dissidents. Yet libs love the failure that is Cuba.

-Homosexuality. Libs love homosexuals and delighjt in showing how open minded they are by accepting gay people, maybe up to taking it in the ass themselves. Yet homosexuality is a failure of the human species, the end of any family blood line.

-Electric cars. Libs love electric cars. It makes them feel warm and fuzzy because they plunked down 30k+ dollars for their Prius. Yet the electric car produces worse pollution than conventional cars because first, the power has to come from someplace, and second, they use batteries filled with acid and heavy metals, that require dispolsal somewhere. Now with gas prices plummeting they look like dolts. Electric cars are a failure.

-Obamacare. Libs complain about Obamacare only because it didnt go far enough. Yet all the failures of the program so far are due to government screw ups. Yet they want more government intervention to fix the screwups gov't created in the first place. How does that even make sense??

-Global warming. Ok, now it's called climate change because the charade of global warming couldnt be sustained anymore. It is a failed scientific theory yet appeals to libs' sense of guilt that we humans are raping the planet. But there is no evidence for man made climate change. And there is certainly no evidence that anything proposed will reverse tht change one iota. Further it ignores benefits from a warming climate. The global warming fraud failure is a lib favorite.

-Barack Obama. Libs jumped all over the first black president meme, promising that Obama was a transformational figure who would unite the country and lead us to the future. Yet every policy of his has been a gross failure and the country is worse off today than the day he took office.

-Hillary CLinton. Clinton has failed up from every job she ever had. Even her supporters cannot name one accomplishment of hers.

The evidence is pretty clear. Libs love failure and hate success. How else to explain their insane desire to punish the successful?
You left out the inclusion of the LaRouchians in the Democrat factions.
Oh wait, nix that. The resolutions committee did pass rules precluding the LaRouchians
from hijacking the conventions.

So yes, there are some people that even the liberals will reject off their reject list!
An odd question considering all the well known failures of conservative Republican administrations, especially the most recent one. You really shouldn't be throwing stones considering the glass house you conservatives are in.
I dunno................record stock market, sustained job growth for over 50 months, deficit reduction by over 1/3, and the economy is acting healthy again.

Yeah..................if those are "failures" of the Liberals, I'm comfortable with it.
It's a legitimate question, especially in the context of all the new troll threads from Billy. But consider.

-Libs worship FDR, who managed to turn a recesion into the Great Depression. He managed not to stop Hitler before the war started, nor could he persuade Congress to act against Hitler until Pearl Harbor. FDR conceded Eastern Europe and half of Germany to Stalin. A record this poor would disqualify normal people but libs consistently rate FDR one of hte greatest presidents.

-Libs love Castro and Cuba. Yet Cuba is one of the most repressive dictatorships in the region. Its economy has not grown significantly since 1962. It produces pretty much the same goods for export it did 50 years ago. Its jails are filled with dissidents. Yet libs love the failure that is Cuba.

-Homosexuality. Libs love homosexuals and delighjt in showing how open minded they are by accepting gay people, maybe up to taking it in the ass themselves. Yet homosexuality is a failure of the human species, the end of any family blood line.

-Electric cars. Libs love electric cars. It makes them feel warm and fuzzy because they plunked down 30k+ dollars for their Prius. Yet the electric car produces worse pollution than conventional cars because first, the power has to come from someplace, and second, they use batteries filled with acid and heavy metals, that require dispolsal somewhere. Now with gas prices plummeting they look like dolts. Electric cars are a failure.

-Obamacare. Libs complain about Obamacare only because it didnt go far enough. Yet all the failures of the program so far are due to government screw ups. Yet they want more government intervention to fix the screwups gov't created in the first place. How does that even make sense??

-Global warming. Ok, now it's called climate change because the charade of global warming couldnt be sustained anymore. It is a failed scientific theory yet appeals to libs' sense of guilt that we humans are raping the planet. But there is no evidence for man made climate change. And there is certainly no evidence that anything proposed will reverse tht change one iota. Further it ignores benefits from a warming climate. The global warming fraud failure is a lib favorite.

-Barack Obama. Libs jumped all over the first black president meme, promising that Obama was a transformational figure who would unite the country and lead us to the future. Yet every policy of his has been a gross failure and the country is worse off today than the day he took office.

-Hillary CLinton. Clinton has failed up from every job she ever had. Even her supporters cannot name one accomplishment of hers.

The evidence is pretty clear. Libs love failure and hate success. How else to explain their insane desire to punish the successful?
Trolling? Stay under the bridge for everyone's sake.
It's a legitimate question, especially in the context of all the new troll threads from Billy. But consider.

-Libs worship FDR, who managed to turn a recesion into the Great Depression. He managed not to stop Hitler before the war started, nor could he persuade Congress to act against Hitler until Pearl Harbor. FDR conceded Eastern Europe and half of Germany to Stalin. A record this poor would disqualify normal people but libs consistently rate FDR one of hte greatest presidents.

-Libs love Castro and Cuba. Yet Cuba is one of the most repressive dictatorships in the region. Its economy has not grown significantly since 1962. It produces pretty much the same goods for export it did 50 years ago. Its jails are filled with dissidents. Yet libs love the failure that is Cuba.

-Homosexuality. Libs love homosexuals and delighjt in showing how open minded they are by accepting gay people, maybe up to taking it in the ass themselves. Yet homosexuality is a failure of the human species, the end of any family blood line.

-Electric cars. Libs love electric cars. It makes them feel warm and fuzzy because they plunked down 30k+ dollars for their Prius. Yet the electric car produces worse pollution than conventional cars because first, the power has to come from someplace, and second, they use batteries filled with acid and heavy metals, that require dispolsal somewhere. Now with gas prices plummeting they look like dolts. Electric cars are a failure.

-Obamacare. Libs complain about Obamacare only because it didnt go far enough. Yet all the failures of the program so far are due to government screw ups. Yet they want more government intervention to fix the screwups gov't created in the first place. How does that even make sense??

-Global warming. Ok, now it's called climate change because the charade of global warming couldnt be sustained anymore. It is a failed scientific theory yet appeals to libs' sense of guilt that we humans are raping the planet. But there is no evidence for man made climate change. And there is certainly no evidence that anything proposed will reverse tht change one iota. Further it ignores benefits from a warming climate. The global warming fraud failure is a lib favorite.

-Barack Obama. Libs jumped all over the first black president meme, promising that Obama was a transformational figure who would unite the country and lead us to the future. Yet every policy of his has been a gross failure and the country is worse off today than the day he took office.

-Hillary CLinton. Clinton has failed up from every job she ever had. Even her supporters cannot name one accomplishment of hers.

The evidence is pretty clear. Libs love failure and hate success. How else to explain their insane desire to punish the successful?

So instead of the usual whining, please state what a success would look like now after the Republicans themselves said that the collapse in 2008 was the worst since 1929.

Or is that just too difficult?

Certainly none of the Republican leaders have stated a plan or a vision. And you're just sucking up to that lack of vision, RabbiT.
It's a legitimate question, especially in the context of all the new troll threads from Billy. But consider.

-Libs worship FDR, who managed to turn a recesion into the Great Depression. He managed not to stop Hitler before the war started, nor could he persuade Congress to act against Hitler until Pearl Harbor. FDR conceded Eastern Europe and half of Germany to Stalin. A record this poor would disqualify normal people but libs consistently rate FDR one of hte greatest presidents.

-Libs love Castro and Cuba. Yet Cuba is one of the most repressive dictatorships in the region. Its economy has not grown significantly since 1962. It produces pretty much the same goods for export it did 50 years ago. Its jails are filled with dissidents. Yet libs love the failure that is Cuba.

-Homosexuality. Libs love homosexuals and delighjt in showing how open minded they are by accepting gay people, maybe up to taking it in the ass themselves. Yet homosexuality is a failure of the human species, the end of any family blood line.

-Electric cars. Libs love electric cars. It makes them feel warm and fuzzy because they plunked down 30k+ dollars for their Prius. Yet the electric car produces worse pollution than conventional cars because first, the power has to come from someplace, and second, they use batteries filled with acid and heavy metals, that require dispolsal somewhere. Now with gas prices plummeting they look like dolts. Electric cars are a failure.

-Obamacare. Libs complain about Obamacare only because it didnt go far enough. Yet all the failures of the program so far are due to government screw ups. Yet they want more government intervention to fix the screwups gov't created in the first place. How does that even make sense??

-Global warming. Ok, now it's called climate change because the charade of global warming couldnt be sustained anymore. It is a failed scientific theory yet appeals to libs' sense of guilt that we humans are raping the planet. But there is no evidence for man made climate change. And there is certainly no evidence that anything proposed will reverse tht change one iota. Further it ignores benefits from a warming climate. The global warming fraud failure is a lib favorite.

-Barack Obama. Libs jumped all over the first black president meme, promising that Obama was a transformational figure who would unite the country and lead us to the future. Yet every policy of his has been a gross failure and the country is worse off today than the day he took office.

-Hillary CLinton. Clinton has failed up from every job she ever had. Even her supporters cannot name one accomplishment of hers.

The evidence is pretty clear. Libs love failure and hate success. How else to explain their insane desire to punish the successful?

So instead of the usual whining, please state what a success would look like now after the Republicans themselves said that the collapse in 2008 was the worst since 1929.

Or is that just too difficult?

Certainly none of the Republican leaders have stated a plan or a vision. And you're just sucking up to that lack of vision, RabbiT.
Fallacy noted.
Rabbi Rules.

Republicans would have produced growth over 5% and unemployment under 6% within about 2years.
You forgot that FDR caused Japan to attack us by cutting off their oil supply. And let's us not forget what he did to Japanese Americans. But hey, the depression ended with the destruction of Europe.

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