Do Libertarians have historical perspectives?

Libertarians have a naïve, utopian, and failed political philosophy.

Mr Dingle Berry, Sir:

Who the fuck can compete in the political arena where the opponents pledge to use US Treasury funds to:

1- feed you
2- insure you
3- clothe you
4- quench your thirst
5- educate you including community college
5- invade every country on the face of mother earth
7- serve and protect the Jewish State

Libertarians have a naïve, utopian, and failed political philosophy.
"Fifty years ago, the vigilance of FDA medical officer Dr. Frances Kelsey prevented a public health tragedy of enormous proportion by ensuring that the sedative thalidomide was never approved in the United States"

. - See more at: 50 Years after Thalidomide Why Regulation Matters FDA Voice

Or is it only the Crazy Right Wing so stuck in an ideology they reject the FDA (and many other Federal agencies) as unconstitutional?

Funny how you equate libertarians with the "Crazy Right Wing". All during the Bush years we were considered "Radical leftists". Kinda tells you something that the entrenched power on both sides of the aisle attack us with equal fervor.

Let's face it: if we look at a clock face and see the moderate Democrats to the left of noon, and the moderate (or RINO's) Republicans to its Right. And Progressives a bit to the left of 15 before the hour, the Radical Republikans to the Right of 15 after the hour - we can put the Libertarians at 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after the hour.

The Crazy Right Wing is off the clock, in the area known as the Idiot fringe.

"Between the past and the future, between sanity and madness, between dreams and reality, lies the mystery of the" Crazy Right Wing.

We can easily classify you as a radical leftist.....king george would have wept.

You could, well why don't you try?
Libertarians have a naïve, utopian, and failed political philosophy.


Joseph Stalin

The tyrant of choice for parasites, communists, and government supremacists.


That's better.

Adam Smith was not a friend of the prasites or socialists.

He believed that the wealth be redistributed by the INVISIBLE HAND OF THE MARKET PLACE, not you friendly welfare/warfare state politician.

"Fifty years ago, the vigilance of FDA medical officer Dr. Frances Kelsey prevented a public health tragedy of enormous proportion by ensuring that the sedative thalidomide was never approved in the United States"

. - See more at: 50 Years after Thalidomide Why Regulation Matters FDA Voice

Or is it only the Crazy Right Wing so stuck in an ideology they reject the FDA (and many other Federal agencies) as unconstitutional?


The Federal Drug Administration is an Unconstitutional boondoggle that should be abolish at once.

"Problems, sometimes serious, can arise even after FDA approval. Baycol (cerivastatin), Seldane (terfenadine), Vioxx (rofecoxib), and “Fen Phen” (fenfluramine and phentermine) are well-known examples of FDA-approved drugs that their manufacturers voluntarily withdrew after the drugs were found to be dangerous to some patients. Xalatan (latanoprost) for glaucoma caused 3–10 percent of users’ blue eyes to turn permanently brown. This amazing side effect was uncovered only after the drug was approved as “safe and effective.” One group of researchers estimated that 106,000 people died in 1994 alone from adverse reactions to drugs the FDA deemed “safe.”5"


What is the Libertarian alternative? How many would suffer without due diligence. Do you honestly believe some CEO's wouldn't rush a product to market, putting profit ahead of safety? If you believe a product which is harmful will eventually be discovered by the customer and be pulled from the market you are a callous conservative.
Libertarians have a naïve, utopian, and failed political philosophy.


Joseph Stalin

The tyrant of choice for parasites, communists, and government supremacists.


That's better.

Adam Smith was not a friend of the prasites or socialists.

He believed that the wealth be redistributed by the INVISIBLE HAND OF THE MARKET PLACE, not you friendly welfare/warfare state politician.


Seems by the quote he was an advocate for a progressive income tax. Stalin was a mass murderer, he is only a friend of Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolph and Scott Roeder, hero's to dirt bags on the far right of the political spectrum.
"Fifty years ago, the vigilance of FDA medical officer Dr. Frances Kelsey prevented a public health tragedy of enormous proportion by ensuring that the sedative thalidomide was never approved in the United States"

. - See more at: 50 Years after Thalidomide Why Regulation Matters FDA Voice

Or is it only the Crazy Right Wing so stuck in an ideology they reject the FDA (and many other Federal agencies) as unconstitutional?
You're an utter idiot.
Thalidomide is sold world wide to this day. It is a valuable drug for treating many illnesses, as long as pregnant women dont take it. The FDA barred genuinely sick needy people from access to the drug because it was contraindicated in one segment of the population.
This is the problem with the FDA: They crow about preventing danger but you never hear about people denied life saving drugs because the drug hasnt passed FDA muster.
At this moment I am suffering with psoriasis, even though Novartis' break through drug, Cosentyx, is available in Europe.
"Fifty years ago, the vigilance of FDA medical officer Dr. Frances Kelsey prevented a public health tragedy of enormous proportion by ensuring that the sedative thalidomide was never approved in the United States"

. - See more at: 50 Years after Thalidomide Why Regulation Matters FDA Voice

Or is it only the Crazy Right Wing so stuck in an ideology they reject the FDA (and many other Federal agencies) as unconstitutional?


The Federal Drug Administration is an Unconstitutional boondoggle that should be abolish at once.

"Problems, sometimes serious, can arise even after FDA approval. Baycol (cerivastatin), Seldane (terfenadine), Vioxx (rofecoxib), and “Fen Phen” (fenfluramine and phentermine) are well-known examples of FDA-approved drugs that their manufacturers voluntarily withdrew after the drugs were found to be dangerous to some patients. Xalatan (latanoprost) for glaucoma caused 3–10 percent of users’ blue eyes to turn permanently brown. This amazing side effect was uncovered only after the drug was approved as “safe and effective.” One group of researchers estimated that 106,000 people died in 1994 alone from adverse reactions to drugs the FDA deemed “safe.”5"


What is the Libertarian alternative? How many would suffer without due diligence. Do you honestly believe some CEO's wouldn't rush a product to market, putting profit ahead of safety? If you believe a product which is harmful will eventually be discovered by the customer and be pulled from the market you are a callous conservative.

Reputation is an asset.

Private certifiers can approve or clear medicines for use as done by Underwriter Laboratories.

Libertarian creed: I got mine, fuck the rest of you
Libertarians have a naïve, utopian, and failed political philosophy.


Joseph Stalin

The tyrant of choice for parasites, communists, and government supremacists.


That's better.
Smith was arguing that a property tax would fall more heavily on the rich, in other words, for a tax no different than current property taxes. He wasn't arguing for a progressive income tax.

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