Do Masks Work?

Masks are causing staph infections in children.
No, they don't. Stop getting your medical advice from Dr. facebook.

Ask those godbothering republicans who have died from covid, if given the chance would they defy the best advice available.

Why do you republicans invent these hideous scenarios purely to demonstrate your hatred if dtns, which is what this is.
If trump had got off his lard arse when it hit, maybe we wouldn't be here.
He was in complete control then and did nothing. Now you are pointing the finger at any cheap target you can. Go away.
Democrat open borders are letting in all the varients. The new strains resistant to the vaccine. Guess you better go hide under your bed and thank the Biden administration for making you less safe.
No, they don't. Stop getting your medical advice from Dr. facebook.

Masks do NOT restrict airflow. Uh huh
Masks do NOT restrict airflow. Uh huh

Depends on the mask and the type of activity. If you're walking, then a normal mask won't restrict airflow. The problem when you're breathing heavily can be that the mask ends up in your mouth, if you're not breathing heavily, it won't do that.
Democrat open borders are letting in all the varients. The new strains resistant to the vaccine. Guess you better go hide under your bed and thank the Biden administration for making you less safe.

Maybe, one day, you'll figure out that both sides are doing you over.
Masks do NOT restrict airflow. Uh huh
An athlete who ran the 4th fastest race in the country while wearing a mask. She then collapses at the finish line as though that never happens.

Less than compelling but the coach is only referring to outside sports. Also doesn't directly relate to staph infections which is what I was responding to, but whatever.
An athlete who ran the 4th fastest race in the country while wearing a mask. She then collapses at the finish line as though that never happens.

Less than compelling but the coach is only referring to outside sports. Also doesn't directly relate to staph infections which is what I was responding to, but whatever.
It is entirely a coincidence that so many children that wear masks all day get staph infections.
Seems I had the courage to do what is right to protect my family, friends, neighbors.
Where's your nutsack?
You did what you wanted, fk dude, me too and it chuffs your ass. Jim joneser
Surgical and cloth masks are like trying to use a tennis net as a coffee filter.

N95 and KN95 in conjunction with hand hygiene does the job... anything else is nothing but pissin' in the wind.
Actually surgical masks are very effective.

Even the OP link admits this:
The study found that those in the cloth-mask group were 13 times more likely (2.28 percent to 0.17 percent) to develop an influenza-like illness than those in the surgical-mask group—a statistically significant difference. The trial also lab-tested penetration rates and found that while surgical masks were “poor” at preventing the penetration of particles—letting 44 percent through—cloth masks were “extremely poor,” letting 97 percent through. (N95 hospital respirators let 0.1 percent through.)
How many?
Lately, every time I hear about a sick kid, it's a staph infection around the mouth, usually with strep also. I have two great grandkids in the hospital now with staph and strep. Was it caused by 8 hours a day of wearing a mask?
Lately, every time I hear about a sick kid, it's a staph infection around the mouth, usually with strep also. I have two great grandkids in the hospital now with staph and strep. Was it caused by 8 hours a day of wearing a mask?
Your personal recollections don't mean squat. How many? Come on, lush, try to win one for a change.
Still with this shit?

Do I need to post everything it says?

I can of course. Done it about FIVE fucking timers on this thread
Actually surgical masks are very effective.
I suppose that depends on your definition of effective. 56% is not what I would define as effective. I'd define that as "better than nothing". And that 56% would be a mask worn perfectly. I suspect in a real world scenario it would be more akin to 30%...and 0% if you leave your nose hanging out.

Expressed as a probability... two out of every three breaths would contain virus. Or, under lab conditions...a little less than every other breath. Those aren't exactly stellar odds...

...but better than nothing.

Tell you what...the next time you or anyone you love has surgery...insist nobody wears a mask. Ok?

Are they 100% effective? No. You do a better job of protecting yourself with proper PPE than you do without.
I can't understand why you are so proud of your ignorance concerning the use of masks and the transmission of a VIRUS.

NO ONE wears a mask in an operating room to prevent the transmission of a virus. They are worn to prevent the transmission of germs and bacteria. Both of which are hundreds if not thousands of times larger than a virus. Why is that so difficult for you to accept?


Put a fucking mask on and try to blow out a candle .

You can't
Put on a mask, strike a match to light that candle, and tell us you can't smell smoke from the match. If you can't smell the smoke, you're protected against a virus.

Difference between a virus and bacteria
Put on a mask, strike a match to light that candle, and tell us you can't smell smoke from the match. If you can't smell the smoke, you're protected against a virus.

Difference between a virus and bacteria

Do the same and try to blow OUT that candle. You can't

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