Do Masks Work?

try it!

Why? I like to breathe.

curious, does your underwear stop farts?
I'll do better than that

From the reference list:
1 and 2 are on asymptomatic transmission, not the efficacy of masking.

3 is a study in a controlled environment that does nothing to address the efficacy of mask wearing as a public measure but rather direct reading of droplets in a laboratory setting. It does not even involve actual breathing but spraying masks.

4 - At least involves people but, again, in a laboratory setting and no investigation as to the efficacy of mandates or use as a public health measure.

5 - same as 3 - simulated coughs. Yet again, nothing on efficacy of mandates or use as a public health measure.

6 - Oh look, same as 3, controlled laboratory environment with nothing on efficacy of mandates or use as a public health measure. They could not even be bothered to write up an abstract for this one. Are we seeing a pattern yet?

7 - Another one the same as 3.

8 - yet again, laboratory setting. Nothing on efficacy of mandates or use as a public health measure.

9 - You guessed it, another laboratory test that does not even investigate actual impacts. This one uses a mannequin as well, not even testing a person.

10 - Another laboratory test. On singing. With a mask.... lol.

I could continue but you get the picture. The studies are all of the same cloth - controlled settings to measure droplets with no indication that such protection works in the real world. Their efficacy in a laboratory setting is how you set up a hypothesis that mask wearing and mandates MIGHT help prevent the spread, not how you prove they do.

your link is absolutely irrelevant to my statement which was, to make the point again, testing has been done in a controlled setting and there is no evidence that masks or mask mandates work as a public health measure. More specifically, they do not work here. This is, to be quite frank, asininely obvious to anyone that has bothered paying attention at all. The actual real world outcomes have had virtually no bearing on mask wearing, mask mandates or lockdowns whatsoever. Those locations that have gone above CDC guidelines have fared no better in general than those that utterly ignored them. The reasons are blatantly obvious, the public does not wear a mask in the manner that these controlled studies are examining, Americans largely do not cooperate when they are told what to do and no one is actually using masks as they are intended ie. using them multiple times, changing them out constantly, ensuring they do not get damp, properly fitting them and, the most asinine of all and something we see CONTINUIOUSLY:


Wearing the god damn thing in a manner that is not covering where most of your breath comes out of.
I will state again, where is this 'mountain of evidence' that masks actually work. Not that they may work.
I have posted ON THIS THREAD. Studies that show that even cloth masks protect the wearer.

That better masks protect more completely.

That they protect OTHERS very well

Do I need to post it again?
Call the CDC and tell them you dispute their studies
On the response to that post. Though you quoted yourself I assumed it was targeted at me (as the original seemed so as well. If that is not the case then I was mistaken. If it is the case then I was referring to my post above yours.
Fuck off little boy ...

I am well fucking aware of what wearing the N95 is all about ....

You want to have a problem with it ....

Call your boy Biden and ask him why he is transporting Wuhan positive Illegals ALL over the US .....

Protect the people you LOVE !!!
Good shot; wrong target. Read it again!!!

I what? Your cryptic response is useless
The question I posed to you. The very last statement in my post regarding your CDC link and why it is not applicable to my point.

"I will state again, where is this 'mountain of evidence' that masks actually work. Not that they may work."

Human Studies of Masking and SARS-CoV-2 Transmission​

Data regarding the “real-world” effectiveness of community masking are limited to observational and epidemiological studies.

  • An investigation of a high-exposure event, in which 2 symptomatically ill hair stylists interacted for an average of 15 minutes with each of 139 clients during an 8-day period, found that none of the 67 clients who subsequently consented to an interview and testing developed infection. The stylists and all clients universally wore masks in the salon as required by local ordinance and company policy at the time.36
  • In a study of 124 Beijing households with > 1 laboratory-confirmed case of SARS-CoV-2 infection, mask use by the index patient and family contacts before the index patient developed symptoms reduced secondary transmission within the households by 79%.37
  • A retrospective case-control study from Thailand documented that, among more than 1,000 persons interviewed as part of contact tracing investigations, those who reported having always worn a mask during high-risk exposures experienced a greater than 70% reduced risk of acquiring infection compared with persons who did not wear masks under these circumstances.38
  • A study of an outbreak aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt, an environment notable for congregate living quarters and close working environments, found that use of face coverings on-board was associated with a 70% reduced risk.39
  • Investigations involving infected passengers aboard flights longer than 10 hours strongly suggest that masking prevented in-flight transmissions, as demonstrated by the absence of infection developing in other passengers and crew in the 14 days following exposure.40,41
You wanted real world studies. The CDC has done that

They also did lab experiments.

None of course is good enough for you...because in truth...nothing would been good enough since you have you mind made up
You wanted real world studies. The CDC has done that

They also did lab experiments.

None of course is good enough for you...because in truth...nothing would been good enough since you have you mind made up
So, back to my statement you seem to not be able to understand, no you do not have any evidence.

I want studies OF THE REAL WORLD. Because that is the standard. Sorry that you cannot do a study in a controlled environment, with strict settings and boundaries and then extrapolate that to environments that do not match the study whatsoever and then claim they are facts. That is not how studies or science works. The links provided, the ones I went through one by one, all do one thing - establish that masks CAN be effective. Now, when implemented in the real world it turns out that reality does not seem to agree with the laboratory for a whole host of reasons.

Go on though, post a link with zero actual investigation of what it says and then run to an appeal to authority fallacy. That is not an indication that I made up my mind or that nothing is sufficient to change my stance on the issue, it is an indication that YOU have made up your mind and are unwilling to even engage. Just 'go call the CDC.'

Where are the damn studies that show it is effective IN THE REAL WORLD. I can't find a single one that does not rely on a counter factual or that looks at extremely small slices of time rather than overall effectiveness. They just are not there.

If the best you can do is demanding the CDC says so then I guess you are basing your position on rather specious grounds.
I want studies OF THE REAL WORLD.
You were presented with them. I'll repost them. You won't care
Sorry that you cannot do a study in a controlled environment, with strict settings and boundaries and then extrapolate that to environments that do not match the study whatsoever and then claim they are facts.
That is not how studies or science works.
Yea it is. But you got BOTH

Human Studies of Masking and SARS-CoV-2 Transmission​

Data regarding the “real-world” effectiveness of community masking are limited to observational and epidemiological studies.

  • An investigation of a high-exposure event, in which 2 symptomatically ill hair stylists interacted for an average of 15 minutes with each of 139 clients during an 8-day period, found that none of the 67 clients who subsequently consented to an interview and testing developed infection. The stylists and all clients universally wore masks in the salon as required by local ordinance and company policy at the time.36
  • In a study of 124 Beijing households with > 1 laboratory-confirmed case of SARS-CoV-2 infection, mask use by the index patient and family contacts before the index patient developed symptoms reduced secondary transmission within the households by 79%.37
  • A retrospective case-control study from Thailand documented that, among more than 1,000 persons interviewed as part of contact tracing investigations, those who reported having always worn a mask during high-risk exposures experienced a greater than 70% reduced risk of acquiring infection compared with persons who did not wear masks under these circumstances.38
  • A study of an outbreak aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt, an environment notable for congregate living quarters and close working environments, found that use of face coverings on-board was associated with a 70% reduced risk.39
  • Investigations involving infected passengers aboard flights longer than 10 hours strongly suggest that masking prevented in-flight transmissions, as demonstrated by the absence of infection developing in other passengers and crew in the 14 days following exposure.40,41
At least ten studies have confirmed the benefit of universal masking in community level analyses: in a unified hospital system,42 a German city,43 two U.S. states,44, 45 a panel of 15 U.S. states and Washington, D.C.,46, 47 as well as both Canada48 and the U.S. 49-51 nationally. Each analysis demonstrated that, following directives from organizational and political leadership for universal masking, new infections fell significantly. Two of these studies46, 47 and an additional analysis of data from 200 countries that included the U.S.51 also demonstrated reductions in mortality. Another 10-site study showed reductions in hospitalization growth rates following mask mandate implementation 49. A separate series of cross-sectional surveys in the U.S. suggested that a 10% increase in self-reported mask wearing tripled the likelihood of stopping community transmission.53 An economic analysis using U.S. data found that, given these effects, increasing universal masking by 15% could prevent the need for lockdowns and reduce associated losses of up to $1 trillion or about 5% of gross domestic product.47

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