Do non christians go to hell?

I suspect that if you do not believe in the afterlife, then when you are either buried, burned or cast out to sea, then you will become, worm food, dust in the wind, or fish food. Nothing more. I on the other hand, will not take the chance to not believe that God is my savior, because if i do end up at the gates, i do hope my virtues outweight my vices. God gives us choices, and "Lucifer" is walking the Earth and is there to get us to turn away from God. Saul Alinsky s Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to
the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom —
Of course non-Christians burn in Hell. Nothing says a God of Love like eternal torment for the vast majority of His children that didn't pick the right way to worship Him.
I'm sick of some christians saying yes and some no. What's the truth? Where does it say in the bible?

Jesus said only through me can you enter heaven but christianity hadn't started yet. And he didn't say non believers would burn in hell. Did he? Christians please discuss and let me know what you decide.

I have heard catholic priests and even the pope back peddle on this but I think the truth is christians believe non christians go to hell. People who dont believe that shouldnt call themselves christians.

Actually, the author of the New Testament texts SAYS Jesus said various things. If Jesus had things to say it's curious he didn't bother writing any of them down and it didn't even occur to his contemporaries to do so until several decades after he died.

What the NT texts say is mostly political early-church stuff designed to fit the emerging narrative.
I'm sick of some christians saying yes and some no. What's the truth? Where does it say in the bible?

Jesus said only through me can you enter heaven but christianity hadn't started yet. And he didn't say non believers would burn in hell. Did he? Christians please discuss and let me know what you decide.

I have heard catholic priests and even the pope back peddle on this but I think the truth is christians believe non christians go to hell. People who dont believe that shouldnt call themselves christians.

Actually, the author of the New Testament texts SAYS Jesus said various things. If Jesus had things to say it's curious he didn't bother writing any of them down and it didn't even occur to his contemporaries to do so until several decades after he died.

What the NT texts say is mostly political early-church stuff designed to fit the emerging narrative.

Well that's true. The earliest account of the life, deeds, and saying of Jesus is Mark which was written about 35 or so after Jesus' death. To put that into perspective, imagine sitting down today and writing about the life and presidency of Ronald Reagan just off the top of your head. You can use no source materials at all except for what you personally remember and what others have told you by word of mouth. How accurate do you think it is going to be? Do you think the account will probably be influenced by the perspective of society and politics in 2015? Are you going to have to make some assumptions and fill in some gaps? You know.....probably.
I'm sick of some christians saying yes and some no. What's the truth? Where does it say in the bible?

Jesus said only through me can you enter heaven but christianity hadn't started yet. And he didn't say non believers would burn in hell. Did he? Christians please discuss and let me know what you decide.

I have heard catholic priests and even the pope back peddle on this but I think the truth is christians believe non christians go to hell. People who dont believe that shouldnt call themselves christians.

Actually, the author of the New Testament texts SAYS Jesus said various things. If Jesus had things to say it's curious he didn't bother writing any of them down and it didn't even occur to his contemporaries to do so until several decades after he died.

What the NT texts say is mostly political early-church stuff designed to fit the emerging narrative.

Well that's true. The earliest account of the life, deeds, and saying of Jesus is Mark which was written about 35 or so after Jesus' death. To put that into perspective, imagine sitting down today and writing about the life and presidency of Ronald Reagan just off the top of your head. You can use no source materials at all except for what you personally remember and what others have told you by word of mouth. How accurate do you think it is going to be? Do you think the account will probably be influenced by the perspective of society and politics in 2015? Are you going to have to make some assumptions and fill in some gaps? You know.....probably.

Almost like writing something about Reagan. But he was just a President, not someone you thought was God incarnate. Would think that'd be something you'd get to writing about as you walked along with him. :)
Who is Jesus Christ? Many people will acknowledge Jesus Christ as a good man, a great teacher, or even a prophet of God. These things are definitely true of Jesus, but they do not fully define who He truly is. The Bible tells us that Jesus is God in the flesh, God in human form (see John 1:1, 14). God came to earth to teach us, heal us, correct us, forgive us—and die for us! Jesus Christ is God, the Creator, the sovereign Lord. Have you accepted this Jesus?

Could you clarify something?

Infinite God took a form and He came to earth and Jesus was God in human form. And at that time there were no other God except of Jesus Christ. Am I right?
I'm sick of some christians saying yes and some no. What's the truth? Where does it say in the bible?

Jesus said only through me can you enter heaven but christianity hadn't started yet. And he didn't say non believers would burn in hell. Did he? Christians please discuss and let me know what you decide.

I have heard catholic priests and even the pope back peddle on this but I think the truth is christians believe non christians go to hell. People who dont believe that shouldnt call themselves christians.

All non Muslims, unbelievers who disbelieve in the Prophethood of Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, will go to Hell; wherein they shall neither die nor live.

Not only the non Muslims, but the Muslims who love anything or anyone, be it their wives or their husbands, will go to Hell. In Islam, we love God only, and that entails loving His beloved and His chosen one, Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family.

Christianity is obvious nonsense.
If you're not a Christian why do you care? As a Christian, I'd like to see you in Heaven, if possible.
Do you believe non christians go to hell or dont go to heaven? Very simple question. If you really believe be proud. I've had christians say yes and christians say those christians are not real christians and those christians say they are wrong. Tell those christians they are wrong. Dont talk to me.
So are you asking Christians to argue this on this thread for you and you don't have an opinion or do you have an opinion? There are literally thousands of things Christians don't agree on. Why are you focused on this particular issue?
I'm sick of some christians say its very clear in the bible and christians who disagree stay silent. So I'll take that as you dont believe that? Or you do? I'll assume you dont or you'd have said it.

From now on anyone who doesnt fucking answer the question doesnt believe it and where are the nuts that do? Hello?

You asked us not to talk to you. Make up your mind or continue to rant. You want me to be happy, yet attack? You are just a mess of contradictions. A fine example of an atheist.
If you're not a Christian why do you care? As a Christian, I'd like to see you in Heaven, if possible.
Do you believe non christians go to hell or dont go to heaven? Very simple question. If you really believe be proud. I've had christians say yes and christians say those christians are not real christians and those christians say they are wrong. Tell those christians they are wrong. Dont talk to me.
So are you asking Christians to argue this on this thread for you and you don't have an opinion or do you have an opinion? There are literally thousands of things Christians don't agree on. Why are you focused on this particular issue?
I'm sick of some christians say its very clear in the bible and christians who disagree stay silent. So I'll take that as you dont believe that? Or you do? I'll assume you dont or you'd have said it.

From now on anyone who doesnt fucking answer the question doesnt believe it and where are the nuts that do? Hello?

You asked us not to talk to you. Make up your mind or continue to rant. You want me to be happy, yet attack? You are just a mess of contradictions. A fine example of an atheist.
Today I heard 7 in 10 americans are christian. I wonder how many believe non christians go to hell?
I'm sick of some christians saying yes and some no. What's the truth? Where does it say in the bible?

Jesus said only through me can you enter heaven but christianity hadn't started yet. And he didn't say non believers would burn in hell. Did he? Christians please discuss and let me know what you decide.

I have heard catholic priests and even the pope back peddle on this but I think the truth is christians believe non christians go to hell. People who dont believe that shouldnt call themselves christians.

All non Muslims, unbelievers who disbelieve in the Prophethood of Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, will go to Hell; wherein they shall neither die nor live.

Not only the non Muslims, but the Muslims who love anything or anyone, be it their wives or their husbands, will go to Hell. In Islam, we love God only, and that entails loving His beloved and His chosen one, Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family.

Christianity is obvious nonsense.

God loves EVERYONE....even you. Wow...the brainwash is really strong with your religion. I'll pray for you.
I'm sick of some christians saying yes and some no. What's the truth? Where does it say in the bible?

Jesus said only through me can you enter heaven but christianity hadn't started yet. And he didn't say non believers would burn in hell. Did he? Christians please discuss and let me know what you decide.

I have heard catholic priests and even the pope back peddle on this but I think the truth is christians believe non christians go to hell. People who dont believe that shouldnt call themselves christians.

Actually, the author of the New Testament texts SAYS Jesus said various things. If Jesus had things to say it's curious he didn't bother writing any of them down and it didn't even occur to his contemporaries to do so until several decades after he died.

What the NT texts say is mostly political early-church stuff designed to fit the emerging narrative.

Well that's true. The earliest account of the life, deeds, and saying of Jesus is Mark which was written about 35 or so after Jesus' death. To put that into perspective, imagine sitting down today and writing about the life and presidency of Ronald Reagan just off the top of your head. You can use no source materials at all except for what you personally remember and what others have told you by word of mouth. How accurate do you think it is going to be? Do you think the account will probably be influenced by the perspective of society and politics in 2015? Are you going to have to make some assumptions and fill in some gaps? You know.....probably.
So do non christians go to hell? How do christians deny it when other christians can quote where it says it in the bible? Different bibles?
I'm sick of some christians saying yes and some no. What's the truth? Where does it say in the bible?

Jesus said only through me can you enter heaven but christianity hadn't started yet. And he didn't say non believers would burn in hell. Did he? Christians please discuss and let me know what you decide.

I have heard catholic priests and even the pope back peddle on this but I think the truth is christians believe non christians go to hell. People who dont believe that shouldnt call themselves christians.

Actually, the author of the New Testament texts SAYS Jesus said various things. If Jesus had things to say it's curious he didn't bother writing any of them down and it didn't even occur to his contemporaries to do so until several decades after he died.

What the NT texts say is mostly political early-church stuff designed to fit the emerging narrative.

Well that's true. The earliest account of the life, deeds, and saying of Jesus is Mark which was written about 35 or so after Jesus' death. To put that into perspective, imagine sitting down today and writing about the life and presidency of Ronald Reagan just off the top of your head. You can use no source materials at all except for what you personally remember and what others have told you by word of mouth. How accurate do you think it is going to be? Do you think the account will probably be influenced by the perspective of society and politics in 2015? Are you going to have to make some assumptions and fill in some gaps? You know.....probably.
So do non christians go to hell? How do christians deny it when other christians can quote where it says it in the bible? Different bibles?

I think they do, because that's what the Bible says. I just pray that I'm wrong. I would never tell someone they were going to hell if they didn't believe....that's between you and God. I know what "I" believe the Bible says, but I don't know if there was really more to it and hopefully everyone can be saved.
So do non christians go to hell? How do christians deny it when other christians can quote where it says it in the bible? Different bibles?

Because it doesn't say it in the Bible. The words that are translated into "hell" in English Bibles did not mean the same thing in the 1st century CE and prior. They started getting translated that way far later after the Church had invented the concept of hell in order to terrify the peasants into behaving the way they wanted them to behave. I said earlier....we have been over this on these boards 1,000 times.
Yes, if you don't accept Christ as your Savior then you will go to Hell.

But this is America and you have Freedom of Choice, Speech and Religion. So use it.

You Atheists are whiniest people ever.
So do non christians go to hell? How do christians deny it when other christians can quote where it says it in the bible? Different bibles?

Because it doesn't say it in the Bible. The words that are translated into "hell" in English Bibles did not mean the same thing in the 1st century CE and prior. They started getting translated that way far later after the Church had invented the concept of hell in order to terrify the peasants into behaving the way they wanted them to behave. I said earlier....we have been over this on these boards 1,000 times.
I want to see all the fire and brimstone theist who tell me you are wrong to explain to you why you are wrong and visa versa
They tell me you are wro
So do non christians go to hell? How do christians deny it when other christians can quote where it says it in the bible? Different bibles?

Because it doesn't say it in the Bible. The words that are translated into "hell" in English Bibles did not mean the same thing in the 1st century CE and prior. They started getting translated that way far later after the Church had invented the concept of hell in order to terrify the peasants into behaving the way they wanted them to behave. I said earlier....we have been over this on these boards 1,000 times.
They tell me you are wrong but I never see them tell you that you are wrong.
They tell me you are wro
So do non christians go to hell? How do christians deny it when other christians can quote where it says it in the bible? Different bibles?

Because it doesn't say it in the Bible. The words that are translated into "hell" in English Bibles did not mean the same thing in the 1st century CE and prior. They started getting translated that way far later after the Church had invented the concept of hell in order to terrify the peasants into behaving the way they wanted them to behave. I said earlier....we have been over this on these boards 1,000 times.
They tell me you are wrong but I never see them tell you that you are wrong.

UGH...Sealy...we have been over this and over this on these boards. :lmao: If you read it in English from the perspective of the 4th century CE or so on, then yes it says you will go to hell if you are not a Christian. But if you read it in the original langues from the perspective of the authors at the time those scriptures were written it doesn't say that at all. The reason why many modern Christians believe that nonsense is because that concept has been the traditional view of the Church (again for reasons of controlling the actions of the peasants and kings) since the early part of the first millennium CE and it's simply never gone away.

Recently, some Bibles are starting to use the original words (Gehenna, Sheol, etc) instead of "hell" because it is a misinterpretation and they are finally starting to acknowledge that. But that tradition has been hammered into the heads of Christians for the better part of 2,000 years because it's a damned effective way to get people to do what church leaders want them to do. It will take a while before the tradition is corrected.
I'm sick of some christians saying yes and some no. What's the truth? Where does it say in the bible?

Jesus said only through me can you enter heaven but christianity hadn't started yet. And he didn't say non believers would burn in hell. Did he? Christians please discuss and let me know what you decide.

I have heard catholic priests and even the pope back peddle on this but I think the truth is christians believe non christians go to hell. People who dont believe that shouldnt call themselves christians.
Why don't you read the Bible and see for yourself? John 14;6 is a good verse.
I'm sick of some christians saying yes and some no. What's the truth? Where does it say in the bible?

Jesus said only through me can you enter heaven but christianity hadn't started yet. And he didn't say non believers would burn in hell. Did he? Christians please discuss and let me know what you decide.

I have heard catholic priests and even the pope back peddle on this but I think the truth is christians believe non christians go to hell. People who dont believe that shouldnt call themselves christians.
Why don't you read the Bible and see for yourself? John 14;6 is a good verse.
I want christians who dont believe to tell you in front of me why you are wrong. I believe all christians must believe non christians go to hell because it says it in the bible. They deny deny deny and I want to see them deny it to you. How can you say youre a christian then dont believe what's in the bible?
I'm sick of some christians saying yes and some no. What's the truth? Where does it say in the bible?

Jesus said only through me can you enter heaven but christianity hadn't started yet. And he didn't say non believers would burn in hell. Did he? Christians please discuss and let me know what you decide.

I have heard catholic priests and even the pope back peddle on this but I think the truth is christians believe non christians go to hell. People who dont believe that shouldnt call themselves christians.
Why don't you read the Bible and see for yourself? John 14;6 is a good verse.
Blue phantom explains why he thinks you are wrong. Any truth to what he says?

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