Do non christians go to hell?

I want christians who dont believe to tell you in front of me why you are wrong. I believe all christians must believe non christians go to hell because it says it in the bible. They deny deny deny and I want to see them deny it to you. How can you say youre a christian then dont believe what's in the bible?

In other words you are trying to start a fight between theists so you can sit back and watch with a grin on your face.
Explain to bluephantom and everyone else you can't cherry pick from the bible. Every real christian believes non christians go to hell. Or at least there are no non christians in heaven.

Every christian I've ever talked to has said just being a good person is not enough because we are all sinners. You must take Jesus in as your lord and savior

The question of hell is not a question of cherry-picking. It's a question of translation and the evolution of the Judaic and Christian religions.
See we do go to hell. How come you christians who dont believe non believers go to hell won't argue with this guy? Because maybe deep down you believe it to?

Because he is not the one asking the question. You are. He is giving you his opinion. I already gave you mine. Others already gave you theirs. It seems to me that you are more interested in watching theists fight among themselves than having the question answered. Sorry I am not going to bite on the worm you are dangling. ;)

If you want to know about this stuff go research it. Do some reading on the words I pointed to before: Gehenna, Tartarus, Hades, and Sheol. Read the Bible from start to finish and pay close attention to how the concepts of evil and Satan evolve over time and to whom they are attributed. Make sure you cross-reference your English Bible with reek and Hebrew Interlinear Bibles and pay close attention to the words used in the original languages. I would suggest getting a full range of scholarly opinions. Dr. Luke Timothy Johnson is an excellent Christian scholar. Dr. Amy-Jill Levine is an excellent Jewish scholar. Dr. Bart Ehrman is an excellent secular scholar. Go talk to priests, rabbis, and pastors from various denominations and faiths to get their viewpoints. Then reach your own conclusion about whether non-Christians go to hell.
Level of support for evolution. Wiki that. Superman provided me a link and it show americans are the biggest deniers of evolution. Why? Because it conflicts with their religious beliefs.

Why? Because you tell people exactly what they believe? Do you know how many denominations of Christians there are? How many ecclesiastical splits there are? If a Christian told me that he/she believed in evolution, I wouldn't bat an eye. See, you're just going off of the sensationalism in the news about evolutionists vs. so-called fundamental Christians. You've decided all of that stuff is a team sport and that one side is absolutely wrong and one side is absolutely wrong when the truth is nobody knows. You pretend you know and get high and mighty about it. But you don't know; and you should step off your soap box and stop being such a deuche.
Solomon said don't cast your pearls to swine. If you think I'm interested in relaying my every deep spiritual belief to an ass hat, then you couldn't be more wrong. I mean what's the point of telling you what I believe when you're so convinced that it's all fiction? And no, I don't think it's merely a matter or 'reason.' Faith is not mathematics, it's not absolute reason, it's not anything that you want to pin down to a T. It never will be. That may sound like it's a fool's errand to you; but here's the thing, one can have faith and great sense and knowledge. This is why I'm telling you you're lame when you say preposterous nonsense like being Christian means one is anti science. You know how many conversations I've had with Christians who don't believe in science? ZERO. And I've had thousands of conversations with Christians. It's a fucking myth that haters like yourself perpetuate. You can't say you're not a bigot and purport such ignorant concept. You just can't, dude. You come off as a fraud when you do that.
Apparently you dont read what other theists say to me. Wiki number of people who dont believe in evolution. If you dont believe evolution it means you are anti science when it conflicts with your religion.

How many anti science theists are on usmb. And you've never talked to any of them or read any of their posts? Are you new here?

5000 pieces of scientific evidence prove evolution exists yet you doubt it why? Because your religion can't believe we are related to frogs and trees and fish. But that same science you trust to cure you or convict someone with the very same science. Religion is dumb. Holding us all back.

I already explained that the number of people that believe or don't believe in the theory of evolution is not the metric that you think it is. And no, I doubt if I've talked to an anti-science Christian even on message boards. Yes, I know there are people in the fringes (Christians and other beliefs) that don't somehow believe in science or are otherwise into holistic medicine; but it's pretty damn disingenuous to say that Christians are anti-science when 99.9 percent of them are pro-science. If you want to explore religious issues then fine; but when you make these absurd arguments, then it's clear that you are at least partly trying to get a bigotry buzz.
Show me 99% are pro science.

Show me who these alledged anti science USMB'ers. Plenty of Christians here. I don't recall even one being anti science. How about you have a shred of intellectual honesty and just drop your propular myth tailor made for bigots.
See tuateras list

Don't know what you're talking; but I think I made my point(s). You're throwing out a strawman about Christians being anti science.
Solomon said don't cast your pearls to swine. If you think I'm interested in relaying my every deep spiritual belief to an ass hat, then you couldn't be more wrong. I mean what's the point of telling you what I believe when you're so convinced that it's all fiction? And no, I don't think it's merely a matter or 'reason.' Faith is not mathematics, it's not absolute reason, it's not anything that you want to pin down to a T. It never will be. That may sound like it's a fool's errand to you; but here's the thing, one can have faith and great sense and knowledge. This is why I'm telling you you're lame when you say preposterous nonsense like being Christian means one is anti science. You know how many conversations I've had with Christians who don't believe in science? ZERO. And I've had thousands of conversations with Christians. It's a fucking myth that haters like yourself perpetuate. You can't say you're not a bigot and purport such ignorant concept. You just can't, dude. You come off as a fraud when you do that.
Apparently you dont read what other theists say to me. Wiki number of people who dont believe in evolution. If you dont believe evolution it means you are anti science when it conflicts with your religion.

How many anti science theists are on usmb. And you've never talked to any of them or read any of their posts? Are you new here?

5000 pieces of scientific evidence prove evolution exists yet you doubt it why? Because your religion can't believe we are related to frogs and trees and fish. But that same science you trust to cure you or convict someone with the very same science. Religion is dumb. Holding us all back.

I already explained that the number of people that believe or don't believe in the theory of evolution is not the metric that you think it is. And no, I doubt if I've talked to an anti-science Christian even on message boards. Yes, I know there are people in the fringes (Christians and other beliefs) that don't somehow believe in science or are otherwise into holistic medicine; but it's pretty damn disingenuous to say that Christians are anti-science when 99.9 percent of them are pro-science. If you want to explore religious issues then fine; but when you make these absurd arguments, then it's clear that you are at least partly trying to get a bigotry buzz.
Show me 99% are pro science.

Show me who these alledged anti science USMB'ers. Plenty of Christians here. I don't recall even one being anti science. How about you have a shred of intellectual honesty and just drop your propular myth tailor made for bigots.

to name a few

And I'm guessing this is your list of people who don't believe in evolution or have made some perceived slight against science? None of them are anti science based on anything I've seen.
Explain to bluephantom and everyone else you can't cherry pick from the bible. Every real christian believes non christians go to hell. Or at least there are no non christians in heaven.

Every christian I've ever talked to has said just being a good person is not enough because we are all sinners. You must take Jesus in as your lord and savior

The question of hell is not a question of cherry-picking. It's a question of translation and the evolution of the Judaic and Christian religions.
Uh oh. You introduced the "e" word. There will be hell to pay.
Explain to bluephantom and everyone else you can't cherry pick from the bible. Every real christian believes non christians go to hell. Or at least there are no non christians in heaven.

Every christian I've ever talked to has said just being a good person is not enough because we are all sinners. You must take Jesus in as your lord and savior

The question of hell is not a question of cherry-picking. It's a question of translation and the evolution of the Judaic and Christian religions.
Uh oh. You introduced the "e" word. There will be hell to pay.

Don't bite Sealy's worm. ;)
Apparently you dont read what other theists say to me. Wiki number of people who dont believe in evolution. If you dont believe evolution it means you are anti science when it conflicts with your religion.

How many anti science theists are on usmb. And you've never talked to any of them or read any of their posts? Are you new here?

5000 pieces of scientific evidence prove evolution exists yet you doubt it why? Because your religion can't believe we are related to frogs and trees and fish. But that same science you trust to cure you or convict someone with the very same science. Religion is dumb. Holding us all back.

I already explained that the number of people that believe or don't believe in the theory of evolution is not the metric that you think it is. And no, I doubt if I've talked to an anti-science Christian even on message boards. Yes, I know there are people in the fringes (Christians and other beliefs) that don't somehow believe in science or are otherwise into holistic medicine; but it's pretty damn disingenuous to say that Christians are anti-science when 99.9 percent of them are pro-science. If you want to explore religious issues then fine; but when you make these absurd arguments, then it's clear that you are at least partly trying to get a bigotry buzz.
Show me 99% are pro science.

Show me who these alledged anti science USMB'ers. Plenty of Christians here. I don't recall even one being anti science. How about you have a shred of intellectual honesty and just drop your propular myth tailor made for bigots.

to name a few

And I'm guessing this is your list of people who don't believe in evolution or have made some perceived slight against science? None of them are anti science based on anything I've seen.
If you don't believe in evolution you are being anti-science.
Level of support for evolution. Wiki that. Superman provided me a link and it show americans are the biggest deniers of evolution. Why? Because it conflicts with their religious beliefs.

Why? Because you tell people exactly what they believe? Do you know how many denominations of Christians there are? How many ecclesiastical splits there are? If a Christian told me that he/she believed in evolution, I wouldn't bat an eye. See, you're just going off of the sensationalism in the news about evolutionists vs. so-called fundamental Christians. You've decided all of that stuff is a team sport and that one side is absolutely wrong and one side is absolutely wrong when the truth is nobody knows. You pretend you know and get high and mighty about it. But you don't know; and you should step off your soap box and stop being such a deuche.
If evolution is true it sort of debunks the creatiom myth. If Jesus isnt real and Zeus wasn't wtf?
Level of support for evolution. Wiki that. Superman provided me a link and it show americans are the biggest deniers of evolution. Why? Because it conflicts with their religious beliefs.

Why? Because you tell people exactly what they believe? Do you know how many denominations of Christians there are? How many ecclesiastical splits there are? If a Christian told me that he/she believed in evolution, I wouldn't bat an eye. See, you're just going off of the sensationalism in the news about evolutionists vs. so-called fundamental Christians. You've decided all of that stuff is a team sport and that one side is absolutely wrong and one side is absolutely wrong when the truth is nobody knows. You pretend you know and get high and mighty about it. But you don't know; and you should step off your soap box and stop being such a deuche.
If evolution is true it sort of debunks the creatiom myth. If Jesus isnt real and Zeus wasn't wtf?

Oh, is that what you think? You think that everything hinges on the theory of evolution?

Well, rest your little head, child. Because for starters, The theory of evolution will remain a theory as it relates to the genesis of humans. But in the second place, this isn't the faith shaker you think it is. I frankly believe in evolution. That doesn't mean that we evolved from a monkey. It simply means that species can evolve, imo.

You should frankly be happy that Christians aren't at war with science. But instead you have to soothe your bigoted soul and pretend that they are. You're just a hater, dude. I ain't got respect for that.
If you don't believe in evolution you are being anti-science.

That's fucking retarded.
No, what is really retarded is those who will accept science until it conflicts with their religious beliefs. Evolution is filled with overwhelming evidence yet those who are against it believe only what the creationist apologists are telling them and they are willfully lying to them. They demand facts and evidence yet their version of creationism has not one shred of evidence. Zilch. That's retarded.
If you don't believe in evolution you are being anti-science.

That's fucking retarded.
No, what is really retarded is those who will accept science until it conflicts with their religious beliefs. Evolution is filled with overwhelming evidence yet those who are against it believe only what the creationist apologists are telling them and they are willfully lying to them. They demand facts and evidence yet their version of creationism has not one shred of evidence. Zilch. That's retarded.

And you have air tight proof that you evolved from a monkey? See, your a hypocrite. You talk about how great science is and what not; and yet you're not beholden to the scientific process. You're a phony using trumped up science to serve your own bigotry.
Level of support for evolution. Wiki that. Superman provided me a link and it show americans are the biggest deniers of evolution. Why? Because it conflicts with their religious beliefs.

Why? Because you tell people exactly what they believe? Do you know how many denominations of Christians there are? How many ecclesiastical splits there are? If a Christian told me that he/she believed in evolution, I wouldn't bat an eye. See, you're just going off of the sensationalism in the news about evolutionists vs. so-called fundamental Christians. You've decided all of that stuff is a team sport and that one side is absolutely wrong and one side is absolutely wrong when the truth is nobody knows. You pretend you know and get high and mighty about it. But you don't know; and you should step off your soap box and stop being such a deuche.
If evolution is true it sort of debunks the creatiom myth. If Jesus isnt real and Zeus wasn't wtf?

Oh, is that what you think? You think that everything hinges on the theory of evolution?

Well, rest your little head, child. Because for starters, The theory of evolution will remain a theory as it relates to the genesis of humans. But in the second place, this isn't the faith shaker you think it is. I frankly believe in evolution. That doesn't mean that we evolved from a monkey. It simply means that species can evolve, imo.

You should frankly be happy that Christians aren't at war with science. But instead you have to soothe your bigoted soul and pretend that they are. You're just a hater, dude. I ain't got respect for that.
I know you aren't at war with science because its over. You lost.

We didn't just come from monkeys dummy. Before we were monkeys we were a smaller mammal that walked on all 4 and before that we breathed water.

Everything is related. Unless of course you actually believe a human species was put on this earth and a separate dog cat bird lion ardvark beatle turkey hippo snake horse etc species were all individually put here.

See your theory is even more unbelievable and evolution makes more sense.

You may accept science and god but that's just cognative dissonance.
Level of support for evolution. Wiki that. Superman provided me a link and it show americans are the biggest deniers of evolution. Why? Because it conflicts with their religious beliefs.

Why? Because you tell people exactly what they believe? Do you know how many denominations of Christians there are? How many ecclesiastical splits there are? If a Christian told me that he/she believed in evolution, I wouldn't bat an eye. See, you're just going off of the sensationalism in the news about evolutionists vs. so-called fundamental Christians. You've decided all of that stuff is a team sport and that one side is absolutely wrong and one side is absolutely wrong when the truth is nobody knows. You pretend you know and get high and mighty about it. But you don't know; and you should step off your soap box and stop being such a deuche.
If evolution is true it sort of debunks the creatiom myth. If Jesus isnt real and Zeus wasn't wtf?

Oh, is that what you think? You think that everything hinges on the theory of evolution?

Well, rest your little head, child. Because for starters, The theory of evolution will remain a theory as it relates to the genesis of humans. But in the second place, this isn't the faith shaker you think it is. I frankly believe in evolution. That doesn't mean that we evolved from a monkey. It simply means that species can evolve, imo.

You should frankly be happy that Christians aren't at war with science. But instead you have to soothe your bigoted soul and pretend that they are. You're just a hater, dude. I ain't got respect for that.
I know you aren't at war with science because its over. You lost.

We didn't just come from monkeys dummy. Before we were monkeys we were a smaller mammal that walked on all 4 and before that we breathed water.

Everything is related. Unless of course you actually believe a human species was put on this earth and a separate dog cat bird lion ardvark beatle turkey hippo snake horse etc species were all individually put here.

See your theory is even more unbelievable and evolution makes more sense.

You may accept science and god but that's just cognative dissonance.

Dude, if you believe in evolution then you believe you came from a monkey. It's irrelevant what step monkey was in the process. See, you have a kneejerk reaction against that because God endowed you with a dignity tank. But hey, if you want to think you came from a monkey, then maybe it's just as well in your case.

What theory is unbelievable? I haven't presented one. But if you're talking about creationism, then there's nothing unbelievable about it except naturally to unbelievers of God.

Cognitive dissonance? Quite the term. But next time you throw something out there to sound smart, you might want to at least spell it right. No, I've never felt uneasy about science and religion. That's the whole point of me pointing out how ignorant you are. I root for science, dude. I love science. That doesn't mean there aren't whacky scientists just like there are whacky Christians. But to me, science is beautiful.
Level of support for evolution. Wiki that. Superman provided me a link and it show americans are the biggest deniers of evolution. Why? Because it conflicts with their religious beliefs.

Why? Because you tell people exactly what they believe? Do you know how many denominations of Christians there are? How many ecclesiastical splits there are? If a Christian told me that he/she believed in evolution, I wouldn't bat an eye. See, you're just going off of the sensationalism in the news about evolutionists vs. so-called fundamental Christians. You've decided all of that stuff is a team sport and that one side is absolutely wrong and one side is absolutely wrong when the truth is nobody knows. You pretend you know and get high and mighty about it. But you don't know; and you should step off your soap box and stop being such a deuche.
If evolution is true it sort of debunks the creatiom myth. If Jesus isnt real and Zeus wasn't wtf?

Oh, is that what you think? You think that everything hinges on the theory of evolution?

Well, rest your little head, child. Because for starters, The theory of evolution will remain a theory as it relates to the genesis of humans. But in the second place, this isn't the faith shaker you think it is. I frankly believe in evolution. That doesn't mean that we evolved from a monkey. It simply means that species can evolve, imo.

You should frankly be happy that Christians aren't at war with science. But instead you have to soothe your bigoted soul and pretend that they are. You're just a hater, dude. I ain't got respect for that.
I know you aren't at war with science because its over. You lost.

We didn't just come from monkeys dummy. Before we were monkeys we were a smaller mammal that walked on all 4 and before that we breathed water.

Everything is related. Unless of course you actually believe a human species was put on this earth and a separate dog cat bird lion ardvark beatle turkey hippo snake horse etc species were all individually put here.

See your theory is even more unbelievable and evolution makes more sense.

You may accept science and god but that's just cognative dissonance.

Dude, if you believe in evolution then you believe you came from a monkey. It's irrelevant what step monkey was in the process. See, you have a kneejerk reaction against that because God endowed you with a dignity tank. But hey, if you want to think you came from a monkey, then maybe it's just as well in your case.

What theory is unbelievable? I haven't presented one. But if you're talking about creationism, then there's nothing unbelievable about it except naturally to unbelievers of God.

Cognitive dissonance? Quite the term. But next time you throw something out there to sound smart, you might want to at least spell it right. No, I've never felt uneasy about science and religion. That's the whole point of me pointing out how ignorant you are. I root for science, dude. I love science. That doesn't mean there aren't whacky scientists just like there are whacky Christians. But to me, science is beautiful.

You miss my point when I ask what your theory is. Because if evolution isnt true then your theory is god not only planted a beatle seed, he planted 1 million diffent beatle seeds. And he planted a monkey seed and dog seed and tiger seed. And the fact that 90% of every species has gone extinct and DNA.

When the evidence for evolution is overwhelming and you deny it it says 2 things. You are anti science and ignorant of the facts. The fact is you dont like evolution because it conflicts too much with your creation story. You'll believe those very same scientists in court or in a hospital but not believe the facts on evolution.

So what's your theory on how every species came to be? Have we seen any new species pop up out of no where? Let's see god plant a mermaid seed.

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