Do our rights come from nature and God as Paul Ryan says?

Sad as it seems our right come from the law of the land we are in at the time. When in Spain, do as the Spanish do. Simple as that. Some of our rights are taken from GOD's laws. We are not yet living in the Kingdom of GOD so his rights do not yet apply. Man is governing himself at the time.

How is it that you guys don't get this? Unalienable rights exist even when they're not recognized and even when they're violated. It's what made slavery WRONG, what made it a predictable cause of faction and tumult, and why we had war instead of peace in those days.

Ask yourself... just because history is full of examples of people being enslaved, are there some people who simply deserved it? Or... were human beings meant to be free? Call it God, call it nature, the issue isn't so much about how we came to be human but rather an observance that we ARE.

What don't you get, about the question of the source of the rights themselves as being debatable, as men are fallable, and Religion is not proven? It's an abstract concept to begin with and has no defined "source," except a definition provided by some men in our founding documents. Is it that profound of a thought that it flies this far way the fuck over your head?
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Paul Ryan keeps saying our rights come from nature and God not the government. Actually, they come from "we the people" and we decide the rights that government puts foward through our representatives, referendums and so forth. Nature dictates some of our limitiations only. But we have been able to overcome a lot of those. God? If you believe in him, I thought he gave us free will to decide things for ourselves?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


What a dumbfuck thread....

Not dumb at all, this was an immature assholish answer, though.

If rights are "self evident," that is a subjective statement thus open for discussion.

That's why we have a Ninth Amendment, which recognizes that not all unalienable rights are listed in the Constitution.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

What a dumbfuck thread....

Not dumb at all, this was an immature assholish answer, though.

If rights are "self evident," that is a subjective statement thus open for discussion.

That's why we have a Ninth Amendment, which recognizes that not all unalienable rights are listed in the Constitution.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Which is irrelevant to the philosophical question of where rights actually come from -

Our Founding Documents offer an opinion, and a Law regarding said source for our Nation - but as a philosophical question being debated, it's not been logically proven thus people questioning the origins of "rights" are well within the confines of "truth and logic."
Paul Ryan keeps saying our rights come from nature and God not the government. Actually, they come from "we the people" and we decide the rights that government puts foward through our representatives, referendums and so forth. Nature dictates some of our limitiations only. But we have been able to overcome a lot of those. God? If you believe in him, I thought he gave us free will to decide things for ourselves?

He says that because conservatives for some inexplicable reason like to say it, and like to hear it.

The question they won't answer is which rights came from God.

:badgrin:Thats because each religion is different. Its up to you to decide. He doesn't dictate it to you like Ubama does. Make your own choice.
The crux of murf's rant -
We are self-fruitful in the matter of our unalienable rights. They are that which we are BORN with as human beings. Not provided to us by other people or by governments.

So, in other words, I have the same rights as, say, an Afghani, a Russian, a Chinese. I have the same rights as a trillionaire or a bowry bum. Women have the same rights as men - regardless of which country they live in.

And, we, in the US, had all these rights before the American Revolution.

The gun nuts say they need all those guns so they can be ready to fight their own government. Never mind that they're going up against the biggest weapons known to humankind and all they'll have is little pea-shooter by comparison. That's what many of these idiots say.

If what YOU say were true, they have no need of their pea-shooters.

IOW, you could not be more wrong.

Humans fight for every right they have and they will always fight for them. If they don't, some government just might take them all away.
Paul Ryan keeps saying our rights come from nature and God not the government. Actually, they come from "we the people" and we decide the rights that government puts foward through our representatives, referendums and so forth. Nature dictates some of our limitiations only. But we have been able to overcome a lot of those. God? If you believe in him, I thought he gave us free will to decide things for ourselves?

If you believe that government is god, and can therefore decide which rights you have that are inalienable, if any, then you are an OWS parasite.
The crux of murf's rant -
We are self-fruitful in the matter of our unalienable rights. They are that which we are BORN with as human beings. Not provided to us by other people or by governments.

So, in other words, I have the same rights as, say, an Afghani, a Russian, a Chinese. I have the same rights as a trillionaire or a bowry bum. Women have the same rights as men - regardless of which country they live in.

And, we, in the US, had all these rights before the American Revolution.

The gun nuts say they need all those guns so they can be ready to fight their own government. Never mind that they're going up against the biggest weapons known to humankind and all they'll have is little pea-shooter by comparison. That's what many of these idiots say.

If what YOU say were true, they have no need of their pea-shooters.

IOW, you could not be more wrong.

Humans fight for every right they have and they will always fight for them. If they don't, some government just might take them all away.
Especially those governments presiding over an increasingly secular populace that rejects the notion that god is above government, and accepts that god is government.
Paul Ryan keeps saying our rights come from nature and God not the government. Actually, they come from "we the people" and we decide the rights that government puts foward through our representatives, referendums and so forth. Nature dictates some of our limitiations only. But we have been able to overcome a lot of those. God? If you believe in him, I thought he gave us free will to decide things for ourselves?

If you believe that government is god, and can therefore decide which rights you have that are inalienable, if any, then you are an OWS parasite.

This is not a logical post in regards to the origins of rights.

Just pointing that out.

It's a sophomoric jab, riddled with a talking point and a stereotyping.
The crux of murf's rant -
We are self-fruitful in the matter of our unalienable rights. They are that which we are BORN with as human beings. Not provided to us by other people or by governments.

So, in other words, I have the same rights as, say, an Afghani, a Russian, a Chinese. I have the same rights as a trillionaire or a bowry bum. Women have the same rights as men - regardless of which country they live in.

And, we, in the US, had all these rights before the American Revolution.

The gun nuts say they need all those guns so they can be ready to fight their own government. Never mind that they're going up against the biggest weapons known to humankind and all they'll have is little pea-shooter by comparison. That's what many of these idiots say.

If what YOU say were true, they have no need of their pea-shooters.

IOW, you could not be more wrong.

Humans fight for every right they have and they will always fight for them. If they don't, some government just might take them all away.
Especially those governments presiding over an increasingly secular populace that rejects the notion that god is above government, and accepts that god is government.

This is hyperbole.

If you believe in God, you obviously think that he is above Government.

If you don't believe in God, your hyperbolic statement doesn't even apply.

More childish shit.
Paul Ryan keeps saying our rights come from nature and God not the government. Actually, they come from "we the people" and we decide the rights that government puts foward through our representatives, referendums and so forth. Nature dictates some of our limitiations only. But we have been able to overcome a lot of those. God? If you believe in him, I thought he gave us free will to decide things for ourselves?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


What a dumbfuck thread....

Not dumb at all, this was an immature assholish answer, though.

If rights are "self evident," that is a subjective statement thus open for discussion.

Nah, not really. I think "endowed by their Creator" is self explanatory, except maybe to dumbfucks like yourself who get confused opening a box of matches.
I put that forward as an example of how I think Ryan is out of touch and I'm not a liberal. I'm an independent moderate who has voted for a lot of different candidates of different parties. I'm not grasping at straws or anything else. I just wanted to hear discussion on it not one liner talking points!

I think you want to hear what you want to hear, and ignore the rest.

Yeah, I tend to ignore swipes and ridiculous one liners!

:badgrin:Well it seems you don't have the common sence to understand what a single statement makes. You believe every statement must be followed by a total definition to its meaning. Just like standing on your own two feet...Ubama has to do it for you.

What a dumbfuck thread....

Not dumb at all, this was an immature assholish answer, though.

If rights are "self evident," that is a subjective statement thus open for discussion.

Nah, not really. I think "endowed by their Creator" is self explanatory, except maybe to dumbfucks like yourself who get confused opening a box of matches.

Do you need it spelled out with crayons and glitter glue?

"Endowed by their creator" is a philosophical statement, not a proven truth. Glad I could help, if you even yet understand what that means.
Not dumb at all, this was an immature assholish answer, though.

If rights are "self evident," that is a subjective statement thus open for discussion.

That's why we have a Ninth Amendment, which recognizes that not all unalienable rights are listed in the Constitution.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Which is irrelevant to the philosophical question of where rights actually come from -

Our Founding Documents offer an opinion, and a Law regarding said source for our Nation - but as a philosophical question being debated, it's not been logically proven thus people questioning the origins of "rights" are well within the confines of "truth and logic."

The beauty of our system of guaranteeing unalienable rights though is that we're guaranteed THAT right as well, to believe what we want to believe. Note that the government is directly forbidden to "establish" a religion.

To say that these rights don't exist at all because one man believes they come from God and another from Nature is simply nonsense. One would have to embrace such notions as slavery as a natural right, a condition that people would not predictably struggle against and would not require force to maintain.
The crux of murf's rant -
We are self-fruitful in the matter of our unalienable rights. They are that which we are BORN with as human beings. Not provided to us by other people or by governments.

So, in other words, I have the same rights as, say, an Afghani, a Russian, a Chinese. I have the same rights as a trillionaire or a bowry bum. Women have the same rights as men - regardless of which country they live in.

And, we, in the US, had all these rights before the American Revolution.

The gun nuts say they need all those guns so they can be ready to fight their own government. Never mind that they're going up against the biggest weapons known to humankind and all they'll have is little pea-shooter by comparison. That's what many of these idiots say.

If what YOU say were true, they have no need of their pea-shooters.

IOW, you could not be more wrong.

Humans fight for every right they have and they will always fight for them. If they don't, some government just might take them all away.

What a string of retarded logic. I am dumber for having actually read it.
I think you want to hear what you want to hear, and ignore the rest.

Yeah, I tend to ignore swipes and ridiculous one liners!

:badgrin:Well it seems you don't have the common sence to understand what a single statement makes. You believe every statement must be followed by a total definition to its meaning. Just like standing on your own two feet...Ubama has to do it for you.

Don't call people dumb while at the same time having the grammar skills of a second-grader, or worse.
The crux of murf's rant -

So, in other words, I have the same rights as, say, an Afghani, a Russian, a Chinese. I have the same rights as a trillionaire or a bowry bum. Women have the same rights as men - regardless of which country they live in.

And, we, in the US, had all these rights before the American Revolution.

The gun nuts say they need all those guns so they can be ready to fight their own government. Never mind that they're going up against the biggest weapons known to humankind and all they'll have is little pea-shooter by comparison. That's what many of these idiots say.

If what YOU say were true, they have no need of their pea-shooters.

IOW, you could not be more wrong.

Humans fight for every right they have and they will always fight for them. If they don't, some government just might take them all away.
Especially those governments presiding over an increasingly secular populace that rejects the notion that god is above government, and accepts that god is government.

This is hyperbole.

If you believe in God, you obviously think that he is above Government.

If you don't believe in God, your hyperbolic statement doesn't even apply.

More childish shit.

Irrelevant, as usual. The country was founded upon the idea that your rights come from God, not government.

Deal with it... if you choose to be godless heathen, so be it, that is your right. It does not however change the principle that this nation was founded upon.

Get over yourself.
Not dumb at all, this was an immature assholish answer, though.

If rights are "self evident," that is a subjective statement thus open for discussion.

Nah, not really. I think "endowed by their Creator" is self explanatory, except maybe to dumbfucks like yourself who get confused opening a box of matches.

Do you need it spelled out with crayons and glitter glue?

"Endowed by their creator" is a philosophical statement, not a proven truth. Glad I could help, if you even yet understand what that means.

Creator is a capital 'C' in our foundational document. It is a proper name. .
That's why we have a Ninth Amendment, which recognizes that not all unalienable rights are listed in the Constitution.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Which is irrelevant to the philosophical question of where rights actually come from -

Our Founding Documents offer an opinion, and a Law regarding said source for our Nation - but as a philosophical question being debated, it's not been logically proven thus people questioning the origins of "rights" are well within the confines of "truth and logic."

The beauty of our system of guaranteeing unalienable rights though is that we're guaranteed THAT right as well, to believe what we want to believe. Note that the government is directly forbidden to "establish" a religion.

To say that these rights don't exist at all because one man believes they come from God and another from Nature is simply nonsense. One would have to embrace such notions as slavery as a natural right, a condition that people would not predictably struggle against and would not require force to maintain.

The bolded is the only part that makes a modicum of sense when attempting to discuss the origins of rights, and whether rights are an abstract idea of man or even provable at all through the confines of logic.

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