Do Politicians Even Care That Forced Mask Laws Violate ADA and PAs? Some examples.

fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.
Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning ...
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

NOTHING DOES unless youre a fascist fuck,,,

the problem with buttercups like you is youve never faced real death and run in fear at little mice,,,
Those are not official cards. I agree. They are bullshit.

But, they do accurately state the law (at least somewhat). The ADA applies if one has been diagnosed with a condition that prevents them wearing a mask.

But ADA only requires "reasonable accommodation" It is not an absolute right. Why do you think they don't have disabled firemen? Why shouldn't somebody in a wheelchair get to be a fireman?

Think about it.
I don't disagree. I just said that the ADA applies. Nothing more.
That was China's position, and they got the pandemic under control faster than any other country.

Their report infection rate stopped at 82,000 and held there for at least a month....which is statistically and in all other ways practically impossible.

China known for it's blatant lying and other bullshit. I don't believe a word those ChiComs say.....EVER.
How is it a stretch?

I'm having trouble figuring out why someone would have trouble wearing a mask, even going so far as to have a doctor say that wearing a mask causes undue anxiety. We are in the middle of a pandemic that has, at the latest count, killed over 120,000 people, and it is literally a matter of life or death for many people, and a matter of protecting other vulnerable people if you are an asymptomatic carrier. I think any medical excusal for not wearing a mask is indeed a stretch of credulity.
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

Argue with Trump, who declared a national emergency under his authority as president of the united states.

If he didn't mean it, he wouldn't have declared it. But now that he has, it has great effect upon law, and what powers and authorities it empowers on all levels of government.
I find it highly suspect that this thing started back in flu season, and maybe it reeked havoc or maybe it didn't, who knows anymore ???? Especially after everything the cratzi's have tried in order to can Trump that hasn't worked yet.... Now the campaign season starts up, and all of a sudden we are getting these spikes right on cue. Shockingly we are getting them out of season for such a thing, so what's up with that. Do we now have smart diseases, that can be programed by cratzi's to break Trump's economy right on cue ???

This nation can't stand another shut down, and infact it's time to get this thing back wide open regardless of the bullcrap going on in all of this..... Freedom must prevail at all cost, and either the medical community is going to work with us or it isn't.

We can't wear these mask out of fear, and that is just that. Let the chips fall where they may. A huge investigation needs to go on in all of this, and a study needs to be on going as to why it is that the left has embraced and latched onto this Covid in the extreme right now or at this time ??????

The very fact that we see this as being the case, should send shockwaves through any freedom loving red blooded American in this country right now.

This mask thing is just a way to excert power over us, and it could be a trial run on some terrible things to come if Trump doesn't win the election.

The left, is it in it's insurance policy mode that was talked about early on, and this Covid thing has been weaponized by these leftist now ???

I wouldn't doubt it if the left aren't ready to completely lose their minds if they can't make this work if that is their plan ??

I wouldn't doubt it if they wouldn't be beyond weaponizing the disease itself, otherwise if they could somehow do it.

I wouldn't trust the Chinese or the left as far as I could throw them. Sorry.
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I think any medical excusal for not wearing a mask is indeed a stretch of credulity.

The excuse may be valid, but that doesn't override legal requirements.

Disneyland doesn't have to let people in wheelchairs on all the rides.
I find it highly suspect that this thing started back in flu season, and maybe it reeked havoc or maybe it didn't, who knows anymore ???? Especially after everything the cratzi's have tried in order to can Trump that hasn't worked yet.... Now the campaign season starts up, and all of a sudden we are getting these spikes right on cue. Shockingly we are getting them out of season for such a thing, so what's up with that. Do we now have smart diseases, that can be programed by cratzi's to break Trump's economy right on cue ???

This nation can't stand another shut down, and infact it's time to get this thing back wide open regardless of the bullcrap going on in all of this..... Freedom must prevail at all cost, and either the medical community is going to work with us or it isn't.

We can't wear these mask out of fear, and that is just that. Let the chips fall where they may. A huge investigation needs to go on in all of this, and a study needs to be on going as to why it is that the left has embraced and latched onto this Covid in the extreme right now or at this time ??????

The very fact that we see this as being the case, should send shockwaves through any freedom loving red blooded American in this country right now.

This mask thing is just a way to excert power over us, and it could be a trial run on some terrible things to come if Trump doesn't win the election.

The left is in it's insurance policy mode that was talked about early on, and this Covid thing has been weaponized by these leftist I do believe.

I wouldn't doubt it if the left aren't ready to completely lose their minds if they can't make this work.

I wouldn't doubt it if they wouldn't be beyond weaponizing the disease itself, otherwise if they can somehow do it.

I wouldn't trust the Chinese or the left as far as I could throw them. Sorry.
WOW, the conspiracy theory that the global pandemic, effecting 190 countries around the world, was done to attack Trump, knowing his ego wouldn't allow him to take the harsh steps necessary to control a pandemic.
I find it highly suspect that this thing started back in flu season, and maybe it reeked havoc or maybe it didn't, who knows anymore ???? Especially after everything the cratzi's have tried in order to can Trump that hasn't worked yet.... Now the campaign season starts up, and all of a sudden we are getting these spikes right on cue. Shockingly we are getting them out of season for such a thing, so what's up with that. Do we now have smart diseases, that can be programed by cratzi's to break Trump's economy right on cue ???

This nation can't stand another shut down, and infact it's time to get this thing back wide open regardless of the bullcrap going on in all of this..... Freedom must prevail at all cost, and either the medical community is going to work with us or it isn't.

We can't wear these mask out of fear, and that is just that. Let the chips fall where they may. A huge investigation needs to go on in all of this, and a study needs to be on going as to why it is that the left has embraced and latched onto this Covid in the extreme right now or at this time ??????

The very fact that we see this as being the case, should send shockwaves through any freedom loving red blooded American in this country right now.

This mask thing is just a way to excert power over us, and it could be a trial run on some terrible things to come if Trump doesn't win the election.

The left is in it's insurance policy mode that was talked about early on, and this Covid thing has been weaponized by these leftist I do believe.

I wouldn't doubt it if the left aren't ready to completely lose their minds if they can't make this work.

I wouldn't doubt it if they wouldn't be beyond weaponizing the disease itself, otherwise if they can somehow do it.

I wouldn't trust the Chinese or the left as far as I could throw them. Sorry.
WOW, the conspiracy theory that the global pandemic, effecting 190 countries around the world, was done to attack Trump, knowing his ego wouldn't allow him to take the harsh steps necessary to control a pandemic.
Goes along with the global climate meltdown bull crap just as well, and yet that was pushed by the leftist as if it was America's fault.
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Unfortunately, we're between a rock and a hard place. I feel bad for those who have legitimate reasons for not wanting to wear a mask but at this point, it's reality. If you can't wear one. Stay home. Ask a neighbor, a family member, or a friend to shop for you.
be easier for you to stay home since youre [sic] so scared,,,

And less of a burden, since he apparently doesn't have a job. At least that's what I make of someone who goes by a lusername that boasts of having no employable skills or abilities.
Unfortunately, we're between a rock and a hard place. I feel bad for those who have legitimate reasons for not wanting to wear a mask but at this point, it's reality. If you can't wear one. Stay home. Ask a neighbor, a family member, or a friend to shop for you.
be easier for you to stay home since youre so scared,,,

I've been out and about for almost two months now. Not scared in the slightest. Just cautious. A wise way to be in these times. Show just a bit of common sense and take a few precautions and you can go about your business.
if youre not scared then shut up and let others live theoir lives,,

Sorry. Follow the guidelines and nobody would have to tell you how you should behave. People like you are idiots. Not only that, but you're selfish and show you don't give a damn beyond your own little circle. You could be carrying and be infectious but hey, screw em.
guidelines are not laws,,,

nor do you or any other person have a right to tell others how to behave,,,

so fuck off you fascist prick,,,

To each his own. If you're shamed, don't bitch about it. Another poster put it best. Go be a douche on some else's time. Get out of my line of sight. I got no patience for people like you anymore.
The patience is wearing thin on this side too.

I would strongly recommend you relax and deal with it the best you can. It looks like things just get worse from here.
Unfortunately, we're between a rock and a hard place. I feel bad for those who have legitimate reasons for not wanting to wear a mask but at this point, it's reality. If you can't wear one. Stay home. Ask a neighbor, a family member, or a friend to shop for you.
be easier for you to stay home since youre [sic] so scared,,,

And less of a burden, since he apparently doesn't have a job. At least that's what I make of someone who goes by a lusername that boasts of having no employable skills or abilities.

Got nothing, huh snowflake? Just being a douche and bitching about it? Yeah, you're a hero. Yes I have a job.
Wear the mask or stay home. It's real easy.
fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.
Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning ...
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

NOTHING DOES unless youre a fascist fuck,,,

the problem with buttercups like you is youve never faced real death and run in fear at little mice,,,

Stop with the comparisons to the flu. This is much more contagious and has a much higher mortality rate.
No one is repealing your rights. Just laying down guidelines during a national pandemic. Really just courtesy
and respect...and common sense. Something that I know is sorely lacking with covidiots. Remember, it's all
just a hoax. :)
How is it a stretch?

I'm having trouble figuring out why someone would have trouble wearing a mask, even going so far as to have a doctor say that wearing a mask causes undue anxiety. We are in the middle of a pandemic that has, at the latest count, killed over 120,000 people, and it is literally a matter of life or death for many people, and a matter of protecting other vulnerable people if you are an asymptomatic carrier. I think any medical excusal for not wearing a mask is indeed a stretch of credulity.

I’m glad we have doctors that are a lot more concerned and are smarter and caring than yourself. Everyone, have fears and anxieties and reasons. I have learned over the years not to judge others until I walk in their shoes.
Unfortunately, we're between a rock and a hard place. I feel bad for those who have legitimate reasons for not wanting to wear a mask but at this point, it's reality. If you can't wear one. Stay home. Ask a neighbor, a family member, or a friend to shop for you.
be easier for you to stay home since youre [sic] so scared,,,

And less of a burden, since he apparently doesn't have a job. At least that's what I make of someone who goes by a lusername that boasts of having no employable skills or abilities.

Got nothing, huh snowflake? Just being a douche and bitching about it? Yeah, you're a hero. Yes I have a job.
Wear the mask or stay home. It's real easy.
make us you nazi prick,,,,
fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.
Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning ...
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

NOTHING DOES unless youre a fascist fuck,,,

the problem with buttercups like you is youve never faced real death and run in fear at little mice,,,

Stop with the comparisons to the flu. This is much more contagious and has a much higher mortality rate.
No one is repealing your rights. Just laying down guidelines during a national pandemic. Really just courtesy
and respect...and common sense. Something that I know is sorely lacking with covidiots. Remember, it's all
just a hoax. :)
guidelines are not laws and I will do what the fuck I want,,,

you are more than welcome to try and stop me you nazi fuck,,,

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