Do Politicians Even Care That Forced Mask Laws Violate ADA and PAs? Some examples.

Unfortunately, we're between a rock and a hard place. I feel bad for those who have legitimate reasons for not wanting to wear a mask but at this point, it's reality. If you can't wear one. Stay home. Ask a neighbor, a family member, or a friend to shop for you.

Worthless, pathetic, Gillettized cowards who blindly believe and obey every lie that their masters tell them, should not be the ones telling those who are otherwise to stay home.

In other words, Trump's blindly devoted followers who refuse to wear masks because Trump said so, should stay the fuck at home, because they're too stupid to be allowed out in public.
Unfortunately, we're between a rock and a hard place. I feel bad for those who have legitimate reasons for not wanting to wear a mask but at this point, it's reality. If you can't wear one. Stay home. Ask a neighbor, a family member, or a friend to shop for you.

Worthless, pathetic, Gillettized cowards who blindly believe and obey every lie that their masters tell them, should not be the ones telling those who are otherwise to stay home.

In other words, Trump's blindly devoted followers who refuse to wear masks because Trump said so, should stay the fuck at home, because they're too stupid to be allowed out in public.
well I'm not a trump supporter but why dont you come and make me stay home you fucking ****???
fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.
Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning ...
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

NOTHING DOES unless youre a fascist fuck,,,

the problem with buttercups like you is youve never faced real death and run in fear at little mice,,,

Stop with the comparisons to the flu. This is much more contagious and has a much higher mortality rate.
No one is repealing your rights. Just laying down guidelines during a national pandemic. Really just courtesy
and respect...and common sense. Something that I know is sorely lacking with covidiots. Remember, it's all
just a hoax. :)
Yeah, yeah, and ever since this thing got started, and with all the fear mongering, warnings, statistics and etc, we haven't changed our lives not one bit. We never stopped working, never wore mask, and we spend time with family, work on the front lines, eat out in resteraunts, go fishing, visit friends, mow the grass, visit our elder relatives, go to big box stores, work projects, grocery shop, eat at resteraunts, go to Church, and just live life normally. No Covid in the family yet, and our elder relatives are still alive, as well as our family and friends. Infact we don't know of anyone who has had the thing either near or around us.

Don't want it, but should the nation have shut down like it did ??? Really ?????? Maybe in areas of need, but everywhere ??

Be safe of course, and be aware of what people are talking about, but cower in fear about it ??????? Uhhh no. We wear mask where it is required only, but never where it isn't required.

Right now, the way these numbers are going, and who it might be that is controlling or reporting them, uh it could turn out to be skewed like the polls were to elect Hillary Clinton, and then surprise Trump was the big winner. Can anyone trust anything anymore, and especially after the 2016 election where Hillary was supposed to have had it in the bag, and then upon what happened everyday afterwards or upon leading right up until now ?????????????

We've been tested, and negative results for the Covid were the results.

Now leave some toilet paper in the store's already. Good grief.
fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.
Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning ...
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

NOTHING DOES unless youre a fascist fuck,,,

the problem with buttercups like you is youve never faced real death and run in fear at little mice,,,

Stop with the comparisons to the flu. This is much more contagious and has a much higher mortality rate.
No one is repealing your rights. Just laying down guidelines during a national pandemic. Really just courtesy
and respect...and common sense. Something that I know is sorely lacking with covidiots. Remember, it's all
just a hoax. :)
Yeah, yeah, and ever since this thing got started, and with all the fear mongering, warnings, statistics and etc, we haven't changed our lives not one bit. We never stopped working, never wore mask, and we spend time with family, work on the front lines, eat out in resteraunts, go fishing, visit friends, mow the grass, visit our elder relatives, go to big box stores, work projects, grocery shop, eat at resteraunts, go to Church, and just live life normally. No Covid in the family yet, and our elder relatives are still alive, as well as our family and friends. Infact we don't know of anyone who has had the thing either near or around us.

Don't want it, but should the nation have shut down like it did ??? Really ?????? Maybe in areas of need, but everywhere ??

Be safe of course, and be aware of what people are talking about, but cower in fear about it ??????? Uhhh no. We wear mask where it is required only, but never where it isn't required.

Right now, the way these numbers are going, and who it might be that is controlling or reporting them, uh it could turn out to be skewed like the polls were to elect Hillary Clinton, and then surprise Trump was the big winner. Can anyone trust anything anymore, and especially after the 2016 election where Hillary was supposed to have had it in the bag, and then upon what happened everyday afterwards or upon leading right up until now ?????????????

We've been tested, and negative results for the Covid were the results.

Now leave some toilet paper in the store's already. Good grief.

Denial. Blame pivot...and the 2016 Greatest Hits of Hillary and look...a conspiracy theory. All in the same post. :)
Did you have the anti-body test? That will tell if you if you've been exposed.
A regular test will only tell you if you have the virus at the moment you were tested.
You know this...right?

BTW, toilet paper has been back on the shelves regularly for about a month now.
fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.
Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning ...
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

NOTHING DOES unless youre a fascist fuck,,,

the problem with buttercups like you is youve never faced real death and run in fear at little mice,,,

Stop with the comparisons to the flu. This is much more contagious and has a much higher mortality rate.
No one is repealing your rights. Just laying down guidelines during a national pandemic. Really just courtesy
and respect...and common sense. Something that I know is sorely lacking with covidiots. Remember, it's all
just a hoax. :)
Convince the protestor's, and then you come back and convince me. Wait what, did I hear you say you are scared of the protestor's, and you have to just let them be free to do what they wish ???? Yes I did hear that didn't I..??....... LOL.
fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.
Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning ...
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

NOTHING DOES unless youre a fascist fuck,,,

the problem with buttercups like you is youve never faced real death and run in fear at little mice,,,

Stop with the comparisons to the flu. This is much more contagious and has a much higher mortality rate.
No one is repealing your rights. Just laying down guidelines during a national pandemic. Really just courtesy
and respect...and common sense. Something that I know is sorely lacking with covidiots. Remember, it's all
just a hoax. :)
Convince the protestor's, and then you come back and convince me. Wait what, did I hear you say you are scared of the protestor's, and you have to just let them be free to do what they wish ???? Yes I did hear that didn't I..??....... LOL.
hes the typical nazi pussy,,,
guidelines are not laws and I will do what the fuck I want,,,

you are more than welcome to try and stop me you nazi fuck,,,

NC Gov. Roy Cooper signs executive order extending Phase 2, requiring face masks in public

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper has signed an executive order extending Phase 2 until at least July 17 and requiring face coverings in public.

People must wear face coverings when in public places, indoors or outdoors, where physical distancing of 6 feet from other people who aren’t in the same household or residence isn’t possible.

They will be required for all employees and customers of retail businesses and restaurants as well as workers in manufacturing, construction, meat processing and agriculture settings.

To read the full executive order, requiring face coverings and extending Phase 2, click here.
guidelines are not laws and I will do what the fuck I want,,,

you are more than welcome to try and stop me you nazi fuck,,,

NC Gov. Roy Cooper signs executive order extending Phase 2, requiring face masks in public

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper has signed an executive order extending Phase 2 until at least July 17 and requiring face coverings in public.

People must wear face coverings when in public places, indoors or outdoors, where physical distancing of 6 feet from other people who aren’t in the same household or residence isn’t possible.

They will be required for all employees and customers of retail businesses and restaurants as well as workers in manufacturing, construction, meat processing and agriculture settings.

To read the full executive order, requiring face coverings and extending Phase 2, click here.
EO's dont over ride the constitution,,,

try again,,,
fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.
Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning ...
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

NOTHING DOES unless youre a fascist fuck,,,

the problem with buttercups like you is youve never faced real death and run in fear at little mice,,,

Stop with the comparisons to the flu. This is much more contagious and has a much higher mortality rate.
No one is repealing your rights. Just laying down guidelines during a national pandemic. Really just courtesy
and respect...and common sense. Something that I know is sorely lacking with covidiots. Remember, it's all
just a hoax. :)
Convince the protestor's, and then you come back and convince me. Wait what, did I hear you say you are scared of the protestor's, and you have to just let them be free to do what they wish ???? Yes I did hear that didn't I..??....... LOL.

What do we need to convince protestors of? Most of them I see wear masks. Sure no social distancing but I saw no masks and no social distancing all over the country on Memorial Day weekend...and also no masks at Trump's rallies.
fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.
Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning ...
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

NOTHING DOES unless youre a fascist fuck,,,

the problem with buttercups like you is youve never faced real death and run in fear at little mice,,,

Stop with the comparisons to the flu. This is much more contagious and has a much higher mortality rate.
No one is repealing your rights. Just laying down guidelines during a national pandemic. Really just courtesy
and respect...and common sense. Something that I know is sorely lacking with covidiots. Remember, it's all
just a hoax. :)
Convince the protestor's, and then you come back and convince me. Wait what, did I hear you say you are scared of the protestor's, and you have to just let them be free to do what they wish ???? Yes I did hear that didn't I..??....... LOL.

What do we need to convince protestors of? Most of them I see wear masks. Sure no social distancing but I saw no masks and no social distancing all over the country on Memorial Day weekend...and also no masks at Trump's rallies.
fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.
Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning ...
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

NOTHING DOES unless youre a fascist fuck,,,

the problem with buttercups like you is youve never faced real death and run in fear at little mice,,,

Stop with the comparisons to the flu. This is much more contagious and has a much higher mortality rate.
No one is repealing your rights. Just laying down guidelines during a national pandemic. Really just courtesy
and respect...and common sense. Something that I know is sorely lacking with covidiots. Remember, it's all
just a hoax. :)
Convince the protestor's, and then you come back and convince me. Wait what, did I hear you say you are scared of the protestor's, and you have to just let them be free to do what they wish ???? Yes I did hear that didn't I..??....... LOL.
hes the typical nazi pussy,,,

You're starting to bore me. If you want to be a dick, that's your right. I'm just not going to feel sorry for you if you get shamed, harassed. or fined. :)
fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.
Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning ...
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

NOTHING DOES unless youre a fascist fuck,,,

the problem with buttercups like you is youve never faced real death and run in fear at little mice,,,

Stop with the comparisons to the flu. This is much more contagious and has a much higher mortality rate.
No one is repealing your rights. Just laying down guidelines during a national pandemic. Really just courtesy
and respect...and common sense. Something that I know is sorely lacking with covidiots. Remember, it's all
just a hoax. :)
Yeah, yeah, and ever since this thing got started, and with all the fear mongering, warnings, statistics and etc, we haven't changed our lives not one bit. We never stopped working, never wore mask, and we spend time with family, work on the front lines, eat out in resteraunts, go fishing, visit friends, mow the grass, visit our elder relatives, go to big box stores, work projects, grocery shop, eat at resteraunts, go to Church, and just live life normally. No Covid in the family yet, and our elder relatives are still alive, as well as our family and friends. Infact we don't know of anyone who has had the thing either near or around us.

Don't want it, but should the nation have shut down like it did ??? Really ?????? Maybe in areas of need, but everywhere ??

Be safe of course, and be aware of what people are talking about, but cower in fear about it ??????? Uhhh no. We wear mask where it is required only, but never where it isn't required.

Right now, the way these numbers are going, and who it might be that is controlling or reporting them, uh it could turn out to be skewed like the polls were to elect Hillary Clinton, and then surprise Trump was the big winner. Can anyone trust anything anymore, and especially after the 2016 election where Hillary was supposed to have had it in the bag, and then upon what happened everyday afterwards or upon leading right up until now ?????????????

We've been tested, and negative results for the Covid were the results.

Now leave some toilet paper in the store's already. Good grief.

Denial. Blame pivot...and the 2016 Greatest Hits of Hillary and look...a conspiracy theory. All in the same post. :)
Did you have the anti-body test? That will tell if you if you've been exposed.
A regular test will only tell you if you have the virus at the moment you were tested.
You know this...right?

BTW, toilet paper has been back on the shelves regularly for about a month now.
We have had the test more than once, because we are front lines. No Covid yet, does that make you sad leftist ??? Gotta get that fear out of us don't you leftist ?? Not happening.
fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.
Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning ...
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

NOTHING DOES unless youre a fascist fuck,,,

the problem with buttercups like you is youve never faced real death and run in fear at little mice,,,

Stop with the comparisons to the flu. This is much more contagious and has a much higher mortality rate.
No one is repealing your rights. Just laying down guidelines during a national pandemic. Really just courtesy
and respect...and common sense. Something that I know is sorely lacking with covidiots. Remember, it's all
just a hoax. :)
Yeah, yeah, and ever since this thing got started, and with all the fear mongering, warnings, statistics and etc, we haven't changed our lives not one bit. We never stopped working, never wore mask, and we spend time with family, work on the front lines, eat out in resteraunts, go fishing, visit friends, mow the grass, visit our elder relatives, go to big box stores, work projects, grocery shop, eat at resteraunts, go to Church, and just live life normally. No Covid in the family yet, and our elder relatives are still alive, as well as our family and friends. Infact we don't know of anyone who has had the thing either near or around us.

Don't want it, but should the nation have shut down like it did ??? Really ?????? Maybe in areas of need, but everywhere ??

Be safe of course, and be aware of what people are talking about, but cower in fear about it ??????? Uhhh no. We wear mask where it is required only, but never where it isn't required.

Right now, the way these numbers are going, and who it might be that is controlling or reporting them, uh it could turn out to be skewed like the polls were to elect Hillary Clinton, and then surprise Trump was the big winner. Can anyone trust anything anymore, and especially after the 2016 election where Hillary was supposed to have had it in the bag, and then upon what happened everyday afterwards or upon leading right up until now ?????????????

We've been tested, and negative results for the Covid were the results.

Now leave some toilet paper in the store's already. Good grief.

Denial. Blame pivot...and the 2016 Greatest Hits of Hillary and look...a conspiracy theory. All in the same post. :)
Did you have the anti-body test? That will tell if you if you've been exposed.
A regular test will only tell you if you have the virus at the moment you were tested.
You know this...right?

BTW, toilet paper has been back on the shelves regularly for about a month now.
Have to have had the test more than once, because we are front lines. No Covid yet, does that make you sad leftist ??? Gotta get that fear out of us don't you leftist ?? Not happening.

Good for you. No one is sad you haven't got sick. In fact, being on the front line, count your lucky stars that you probably have pretty good protection against getting the virus. A lot of people don't have that luxury...hence the requests for common decency and courtesy. Again, it really isn't all that much of a inconvenience. :)
fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.
Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning ...
youre what they call a useful idiot,,,

its just another flu with a little higher death rate,,,

and this fake emergency doesnt allow repeal of rights,,,

NOTHING DOES unless youre a fascist fuck,,,

the problem with buttercups like you is youve never faced real death and run in fear at little mice,,,

Stop with the comparisons to the flu. This is much more contagious and has a much higher mortality rate.
No one is repealing your rights. Just laying down guidelines during a national pandemic. Really just courtesy
and respect...and common sense. Something that I know is sorely lacking with covidiots. Remember, it's all
just a hoax. :)
Convince the protestor's, and then you come back and convince me. Wait what, did I hear you say you are scared of the protestor's, and you have to just let them be free to do what they wish ???? Yes I did hear that didn't I..??....... LOL.

What do we need to convince protestors of? Most of them I see wear masks. Sure no social distancing but I saw no masks and no social distancing all over the country on Memorial Day weekend...and also no masks at Trump's rallies.
It's all politics what is going on. Just look at who is pushing all the bullcrap, the domestic terrorist demon-cratzi's.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
Democrats making demands like any moslem country do you must wear this or that fuck you tyrant pieces of shit
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
Check your laws on this folks. The law in PA states if you are exempt from wearing a mask if have a medical condition, and no business are allowed to ask what the condition is or they’ll be fined 150,000
A law created to prevent Ku Klux Klan members from wearing face masks could prevent COVID-related mask-wearing during a pandemic.

North Carolina lawmakers attempted in the early hours of Friday morning to undermine the Democratic governor’s announcement that face coverings would be required in public to stem the spread of COVID-19.

Since the 1950s, North Carolina has banned mask-wearing in public, a law aimed at members of the Ku Klux Klan. That law ran up against guidelines to keep people safe from the coronavirus, and earlier this year, the state voted to exempt citizens from the law until Aug. 1. But when Democratic lawmakers attempted to extend that exemption, Republicans blocked the effort at around 2 a.m., despite an increased number of cases in the state.
Democrats say that North Carolina Republicans are invoking the law in an effort to undermine Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s face mask mandate, set to go into effect on Friday.

Unfortunately, we're between a rock and a hard place. I feel bad for those who have legitimate reasons for not wanting to wear a mask but at this point, it's reality. If you can't wear one. Stay home. Ask a neighbor, a family member, or a friend to shop for you.

Worthless, pathetic, Gillettized cowards who blindly believe and obey every lie that their masters tell them, should not be the ones telling those who are otherwise to stay home.

In other words, Trump's blindly devoted followers who refuse to wear masks because Trump said so, should stay the fuck at home, because they're too stupid to be allowed out in public.

I think it’s good if I wear a mask, I also believe everyone has a right to decide on whether they want to wear them. I don’t own a gun, however others have a different opinion and I respect their opinions. Some people believe in abortion and I side with science and that life starts at conception, however they have their opinion.
Unfortunately, we're between a rock and a hard place. I feel bad for those who have legitimate reasons for not wanting to wear a mask but at this point, it's reality. If you can't wear one. Stay home. Ask a neighbor, a family member, or a friend to shop for you.

Worthless, pathetic, Gillettized cowards who blindly believe and obey every lie that their masters tell them, should not be the ones telling those who are otherwise to stay home.

In other words, Trump's blindly devoted followers who refuse to wear masks because Trump said so, should stay the fuck at home, because they're too stupid to be allowed out in public.

I think it’s good if I wear a mask, I also believe everyone has a right to decide on whether they want to wear them. I don’t own a gun, however others have a different opinion and I respect their opinions. Some people believe in abortion and I side with science and that life starts at conception, however they have their opinion.
Exactly, otherwise if you don't feel comfortable around those without mask, then you put your mask on (no regrets and no embarassment). What I think is going on also, is what goes on within the demon-cratzi big tent, otherwise the demon-cratzi's are afraid but they don't want to show it, so if they can force everyone under the tent, then it makes them feel better in life. Everyone gets a trophy right ??? No child left behind right ?? Merit system ? We can't allow a merit system says the demon-cratzi's, because it might show weaknesses amongst the group where everyone is considered the same.... This mask wearing by force is just more of the same bullcrap.

I have seen individuals riding by themselves in cars with a damn mask on.. Really ????? So when they get laughed at, then the Demon-cratzi's try to level the field by force, and this is highly unexceptable, and it should be.

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