Do Politicians Even Care That Forced Mask Laws Violate ADA and PAs? Some examples.

funny you should say that after telling other people how to behave,,,classic fascist tactics,,,

its going to take a lot more than complaining about me not wearing a mask to shame me,,,

The number of coronavirus cases (including hospitalizations) has hit a new record. The pandemic in America is getting worse, and your position is advocating behavior that spreads it even faster.
This gives her some entitlement to go into public areas and share her germs with others? She has an option: STAY HOME.
Yes, stay home and stop whining.
If you have a medical reason that you can't wear a life jacket, you won't be allowed on the boat.
Actually, no one is medically harmed by staying home. The issue is whether people should be allowed to potentially harm others by going into public areas without a mask, and possibly being asymptomatic or … worse.. feeling bad and not caring.
funny you should say that after telling other people how to behave,,,classic fascist tactics,,,

its going to take a lot more than complaining about me not wearing a mask to shame me,,,

The number of coronavirus cases (including hospitalizations) has hit a new record. The pandemic in America is getting worse, and your position is advocating behavior that spreads it even faster.
Shameing PH is the least of his concerns.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
This gives her some entitlement to go into public areas and share her germs with others? She has an option: STAY HOME.
First off, everyone is entitled to go into public areas. Freedom of travel, etc.

But, the Mask Nazis also have an option......they can stay home too.

The difference is that the Mask Nazis are the people forcing other people to wear masks. Mask Nazis are placing conditions on people's free pursuit of happiness and freedom of travel. Non-maskers are forcing nothing.

Somebody is an authoritarian dictator in this scenario. Who could it be?
Actually, no one is medically harmed by staying home. The issue is whether people should be allowed to potentially harm others by going into public areas without a mask, and possibly being asymptomatic or … worse.. feeling bad and not caring.

I was forced to isolate for 14 days, and I admit I fell into bad habits during my 2 week isolation. Which would be many times as bad if I had to keep it up for months. I can admit that people suffer harm from being stuck at home, but nobody is dropping dead from it.

There is anecdotal evidence that suicides are up, domestic violence is up, and similar acts based on people forced to stay in close proximity.

But as with the obese guy who couldn't leave the house, the instances of that is just a tiny fraction of the over a million who would have died without the lockdown.

This is like littering. A hundred people can do their best to keep the streets clean, but it only takes a handful of morons to undo it by throwing their trash on the street.
You analogy is misplaced.

It's more like invisible trash allegedly being "littered" with no proof anyone is actually littering, only the presumption that they are doing so because they are not wearing the state-ordered pink triangle/star of david.

Think of coronavirus (by being microscopic) is like invisible shit all over the street. The only way to avoid stepping in it, is to stay home.

Or to ban shit in the street.
Again, your analogy is misplaced.

If shitting were involuntary, constant, and continually necessary to sustain life (like breathing) you may have a point.

One does not need to wear a symbolic article of clothing to stop him from constantly/involuntarily shooting shit out of his ass, because (1) absent eating a thremo-nuclear-ass-rape burrito from the roach wagon, he does not constantly shoot shit out of his ass; and (2) he will not die if he holds his shit for more than 4 minutes.

So, ban breathing.
funny you should say that after telling other people how to behave,,,classic fascist tactics,,,

its going to take a lot more than complaining about me not wearing a mask to shame me,,,

The number of coronavirus cases (including hospitalizations) has hit a new record. The pandemic in America is getting worse, and your position is advocating behavior that spreads it even faster.
I am advocating for a behavior that respects freedom,,,

whats next are you going to shoot people without masks???
Those are not official cards. I agree. They are bullshit.

But, they do accurately state the law (at least somewhat). The ADA applies if one has been diagnosed with a condition that prevents them wearing a mask.

But ADA only requires "reasonable accommodation" It is not an absolute right. Why do you think they don't have disabled firemen? Why shouldn't somebody in a wheelchair get to be a fireman?

Think about it.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189

Where are these ADA laws? Anyway your wife probably has an exemption.
and your position is advocating behavior that spreads it even faster.
I am advocating for a behavior that respects freedom,,,

whats next are you going to shoot people without masks???
That was China's position, and they got the pandemic under control faster than any other country.

I'm not advocating taking the position of such dictatorial actions, but in a national emergency some freedom we took for granted get to be denied. Such as through the imposition of the 14 day mandatory quarantine period.

That's like incarceration without due process.
and your position is advocating behavior that spreads it even faster.
I am advocating for a behavior that respects freedom,,,

whats next are you going to shoot people without masks???
That was China's position, and they got the pandemic under control faster than any other country.

I'm not advocating taking the position of such dictatorial actions, but in a national emergency some freedom we took for granted get to be denied. Such as through the imposition of the 14 day mandatory quarantine period.

That's like incarceration without due process.
fuck china and fuck your fascist BS,,,

there is no national emergency,,,

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