Do Politicians Even Care That Forced Mask Laws Violate ADA and PAs? Some examples.

The Mask mandate is stupid as hell since China Virus isn't airborne!

The recognized way to get is by DIRECT contact, people sneezing around you.

Since Masks such as N95 isn't capable of blocking the virus anyway.
You have no clue what your talking about. Seek better sources of information.

I do have a clue, posted a few published papers on it a few weeks ago in this forum.

The average China virus size is .125 microns, the N95 mask is rated to .30 microns.

You are being played by those who are trying to control you.
And how far does the virus project off of somebody who is wearing a face covering vs no face covering? Same distance? Or not?

Again have to REPEAT this because you keep ignoring it:

The average China virus size is .125 microns, the N95 mask is rated to .30 microns.

Which number is bigger?

.125 or .30

Take your time, and realize that the Virus isn't airborne.
I hear what your saying but your not looking at the full picture. Why is it for effective to wear gloves and wash your hands? How does the virus get on your hands?

Gee you and others can't read shit, AGAIN I repeat myself:

The recognized way to get infected is by DIRECT contact, people sneezing around you.

Notice both you and Coyote ignore this inconvenience

The average China virus size is .125 microns, the N95 mask is rated to .30 microns.

Bandanas and basic cloths being used for masks are essentially worthless, they have no proven micron blocking rating to depend on.

Surgeons and nurses uses masks for surgery since they are standing right around and over the patient, they are well within 2 feet a lot.
You’re mental... woolster22 just laid it all out for you but your ego won’t let you hear it. Can’t fix stupid

I see you didn't answer a difficult math question.

Ok so since your brain seems to operate at an elementary level I’ll give you a metaphor that a 1st grader would understand and maybe you will get it...

Let’s say you make a big net with holes 30 inches wide... and then you have 1000’s of wet sticky balls that are 1/3 the size of the holes. Now throughout the course of a day you fling big clumps of balls at that net.

So tell me Tommy. Do all the balls make it through the net? Do the ones that make it through the net project a further distance than they would of there was no net?

Take your time. Close your eyes. See the net. Do the math. Carry the 1. Now tell me you understand.

You flunk in math since .30 micron isn't going to block .125 micron size. Only stupid leftists fight this mathematical reality.

You have no idea what the SCALE difference is between those two numbers, since you don't think that far.
Hey dumb ass... do you really not understand the net example I just gave you?! Of course SOME will get through but not as much and not as far. Do you want proof? Put a mask on and sneeze in front of a mirror. The take it off and sneeze again and tel me which mirror was cleaner.

Now go to sleep you’re embarrassing yourself


You keep ducking the math over and over.

.125 Microns is a LOT smaller than. the rated .30 micron of the best face mask available, the 95Mask.
No shit, hence the reason I said the wet sticky balls being thrown at the net were 1/3 the size of the holes in the net. Damn you’re gonna feel stupid when you finally understand. Did you do the sneeze experiment yet?

Still avoiding the math, you must be terrified of it.

Virus are NOT sticky and far smaller than sticky balls.

Math is too hard for you to contemplate.

Biology might be hard for you to comprehend: viruses are sticky...

Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
I had my first customer confrontation the other day

As I was walking by him he said...could you wear your mask the right way please
(I wear it on my chin or forehead, this time it was protecting my chin)

So I said, if you're that afraid could you stay home please

I would have escorted you out the door then. Honestly, if you can't show just the minimum amount of respect and consideration, don't go out.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
I had my first customer confrontation the other day

As I was walking by him he said...could you wear your mask the right way please
(I wear it on my chin or forehead, this time it was protecting my chin)

So I said, if you're that afraid could you stay home please
Wow, you sound like a real winner! Way to go douchebag. I guess it’s all about YOU. Can’t say I’m surprised
It IS all about body, my right

Why aren't condoms mandatory?

As soon as condoms are mandatory and fucking is put on lockdown
to deal with AIDS and herpes, let me know...until then, go fuck yourself
Actually, selfish prick, other people wearing masks protects you. You are not returning the favor.
Baaaaa Baaaaa
The Mask mandate is stupid as hell since China Virus isn't airborne!

The recognized way to get is by DIRECT contact, people sneezing around you.

Since Masks such as N95 isn't capable of blocking the virus anyway.
You have no clue what your talking about. Seek better sources of information.

I do have a clue, posted a few published papers on it a few weeks ago in this forum.

The average China virus size is .125 microns, the N95 mask is rated to .30 microns.

You are being played by those who are trying to control you.
And how far does the virus project off of somebody who is wearing a face covering vs no face covering? Same distance? Or not?

Again have to REPEAT this because you keep ignoring it:

The average China virus size is .125 microns, the N95 mask is rated to .30 microns.

Which number is bigger?

.125 or .30

Take your time, and realize that the Virus isn't airborne.
I hear what your saying but your not looking at the full picture. Why is it for effective to wear gloves and wash your hands? How does the virus get on your hands?

Gee you and others can't read shit, AGAIN I repeat myself:

The recognized way to get infected is by DIRECT contact, people sneezing around you.

Notice both you and Coyote ignore this inconvenience

The average China virus size is .125 microns, the N95 mask is rated to .30 microns.

Bandanas and basic cloths being used for masks are essentially worthless, they have no proven micron blocking rating to depend on.

Surgeons and nurses uses masks for surgery since they are standing right around and over the patient, they are well within 2 feet a lot.
You’re mental... woolster22 just laid it all out for you but your ego won’t let you hear it. Can’t fix stupid

I see you didn't answer a difficult math question.

Ok so since your brain seems to operate at an elementary level I’ll give you a metaphor that a 1st grader would understand and maybe you will get it...

Let’s say you make a big net with holes 30 inches wide... and then you have 1000’s of wet sticky balls that are 1/3 the size of the holes. Now throughout the course of a day you fling big clumps of balls at that net.

So tell me Tommy. Do all the balls make it through the net? Do the ones that make it through the net project a further distance than they would of there was no net?

Take your time. Close your eyes. See the net. Do the math. Carry the 1. Now tell me you understand.

You flunk in math since .30 micron isn't going to block .125 micron size. Only stupid leftists fight this mathematical reality.

You have no idea what the SCALE difference is between those two numbers, since you don't think that far.
Hey dumb ass... do you really not understand the net example I just gave you?! Of course SOME will get through but not as much and not as far. Do you want proof? Put a mask on and sneeze in front of a mirror. The take it off and sneeze again and tel me which mirror was cleaner.

Now go to sleep you’re embarrassing yourself


You keep ducking the math over and over.

.125 Microns is a LOT smaller than. the rated .30 micron of the best face mask available, the 95Mask.
No shit, hence the reason I said the wet sticky balls being thrown at the net were 1/3 the size of the holes in the net. Damn you’re gonna feel stupid when you finally understand. Did you do the sneeze experiment yet?

Still avoiding the math, you must be terrified of it.

Virus are NOT sticky and far smaller than sticky balls.

Math is too hard for you to contemplate.

Biology might be hard for you to comprehend: viruses are sticky...

Meanwhile leftists continue to ignore the facts that face masks are not feasible against China Virus, sticky or not.

American Thinker

What good do the masks do, really?

By Ted Noel, MD

June 26, 2020


We are seeing jurisdictions everywhere imposing mask bans at a rate that approaches the number of bars being threatened with liquor license revocation for failing to enforce social distancing. If that sentence seems complicated, then you are beginning to appreciate just how confusing all the arguments are about face coverings. After all, we have N95s, surgical masks, homemade cloth masks (enjoy the video), and the classic train robber bandana. Just for good measure, as I wore my cup-style dust mask on my last pass through Costco, I saw staff members wearing required face coverings that came from lathe section at Woodcraft.

It should be intuitively obvious to the most casual observer that these masks are not all identical in their intended use and possible function against viruses. The bandana and face shield represent the extreme of one side of the spectrum. The shield blocks large objects (relative to viruses) traveling from striking the user's eyes at high speeds. The bandana blocks the good guys from seeing who the bad guy is. In both cases, breathing around them is very easy, and aerosols aren't blocked. They may be effective against a sneeze, but ordinary breathing or talking defeats them easily. The cup-style dust mask falls roughly into that same category. Let's look at the better masks.

I wore surgical masks daily for 36 years as an anesthesiologist. Their purpose was to reduce the chance that I would infect an open wound with bacteria from my mouth. This article of faith has been shown to be false. If staff who are working outside of the immediate sterile field do not wear masks, there is no increase in wound infections. And this is in a closed environment where staff will be present for hours. This casts a very large cloud of doubt on the utility of masks for COVID-19.



Leftists be sure you ignore ANOTHER set of published peer reviewed papers, that shows face masks are not effective against the virus, and the author with 36 years as a anesthesiologist.

Ignore all that and you will continue to be ignorant and easily mislead.

Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189

Masks are a proven tool against fighting the spread. Your wife has a mask that accommodates her. Nothing left to say in regards to her. The girl who made the post is in a tiny minority. I do have sympathy for her situation, but ultimately when people give her shit about not wearing a mask she should politely explain she has a medical exemption. I know that might not always work, so this falls into the category of life isn’t fair. The anti maskers really need to shut the fuck up and stop being children. It saves lives. You owe it to your fellow countrymen to put one on when you’re in public. It’s not that hard. But some people are too selfish to make the tiniest sacrifice and use their so called principles as an excuse to be assholes.

What makes this so bizarre is that a public health measure has become a political issue. I can’t recall happening at any other time time. Is this a symbol of how whacked we’ve become?

I often see signs in business’ stating “no shoes, no shirt, no service”....where are the shirtless shoeless hoarders screaming about their rights?

The other thing is “death rates”....that is only one aspect of covid. There is a significant number of people, including those with moderate cases, who were not hospitalized, that have long organ damage, particularly lung scarring, showing up. We don’t yet know the long term implications of this disease yet we are whining about a simple and temporary, public health measure.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189

Masks are a proven tool against fighting the spread. Your wife has a mask that accommodates her. Nothing left to say in regards to her. The girl who made the post is in a tiny minority. I do have sympathy for her situation, but ultimately when people give her shit about not wearing a mask she should politely explain she has a medical exemption. I know that might not always work, so this falls into the category of life isn’t fair. The anti maskers really need to shut the fuck up and stop being children. It saves lives. You owe it to your fellow countrymen to put one on when you’re in public. It’s not that hard. But some people are too selfish to make the tiniest sacrifice and use their so called principles as an excuse to be assholes.

What makes this so bizarre is that a public health measure has become a political issue. I can’t recall happening at any other time time. Is this a symbol of how whacked we’ve become?

I often see signs in business’ stating “no shoes, no shirt, no service”....where are the shirtless shoeless hoarders screaming about their rights?

The other thing is “death rates”....that is only one aspect of covid. There is a significant number of people, including those with moderate cases, who were not hospitalized, that have long organ damage, particularly lung scarring, showing up. We don’t yet know the long term implications of this disease yet we are whining about a simple and temporary, public health measure.

Surely you jest, it was made political when democrats attacked him every step of the way. At first THEY belittled the China Virus concerns , then quickly switched to the attack mode.

The Mask mandate is stupid as hell since China Virus isn't airborne!

The recognized way to get is by DIRECT contact, people sneezing around you.

Since Masks such as N95 isn't capable of blocking the virus anyway.
You have no clue what your talking about. Seek better sources of information.

I do have a clue, posted a few published papers on it a few weeks ago in this forum.

The average China virus size is .125 microns, the N95 mask is rated to .30 microns.

You are being played by those who are trying to control you.
And how far does the virus project off of somebody who is wearing a face covering vs no face covering? Same distance? Or not?

Again have to REPEAT this because you keep ignoring it:

The average China virus size is .125 microns, the N95 mask is rated to .30 microns.

Which number is bigger?

.125 or .30

Take your time, and realize that the Virus isn't airborne.
I hear what your saying but your not looking at the full picture. Why is it for effective to wear gloves and wash your hands? How does the virus get on your hands?

Gee you and others can't read shit, AGAIN I repeat myself:

The recognized way to get infected is by DIRECT contact, people sneezing around you.

Notice both you and Coyote ignore this inconvenience

The average China virus size is .125 microns, the N95 mask is rated to .30 microns.

Bandanas and basic cloths being used for masks are essentially worthless, they have no proven micron blocking rating to depend on.

Surgeons and nurses uses masks for surgery since they are standing right around and over the patient, they are well within 2 feet a lot.
You’re mental... woolster22 just laid it all out for you but your ego won’t let you hear it. Can’t fix stupid

I see you didn't answer a difficult math question.

Ok so since your brain seems to operate at an elementary level I’ll give you a metaphor that a 1st grader would understand and maybe you will get it...

Let’s say you make a big net with holes 30 inches wide... and then you have 1000’s of wet sticky balls that are 1/3 the size of the holes. Now throughout the course of a day you fling big clumps of balls at that net.

So tell me Tommy. Do all the balls make it through the net? Do the ones that make it through the net project a further distance than they would of there was no net?

Take your time. Close your eyes. See the net. Do the math. Carry the 1. Now tell me you understand.

You flunk in math since .30 micron isn't going to block .125 micron size. Only stupid leftists fight this mathematical reality.

You have no idea what the SCALE difference is between those two numbers, since you don't think that far.
Hey dumb ass... do you really not understand the net example I just gave you?! Of course SOME will get through but not as much and not as far. Do you want proof? Put a mask on and sneeze in front of a mirror. The take it off and sneeze again and tel me which mirror was cleaner.

Now go to sleep you’re embarrassing yourself


You keep ducking the math over and over.

.125 Microns is a LOT smaller than. the rated .30 micron of the best face mask available, the 95Mask.
No shit, hence the reason I said the wet sticky balls being thrown at the net were 1/3 the size of the holes in the net. Damn you’re gonna feel stupid when you finally understand. Did you do the sneeze experiment yet?

Still avoiding the math, you must be terrified of it.

Virus are NOT sticky and far smaller than sticky balls.

Math is too hard for you to contemplate.

Biology might be hard for you to comprehend: viruses are sticky...

Meanwhile leftists continue to ignore the facts that face masks are not feasible against China Virus, sticky or not.

American Thinker

What good do the masks do, really?

By Ted Noel, MD

June 26, 2020


We are seeing jurisdictions everywhere imposing mask bans at a rate that approaches the number of bars being threatened with liquor license revocation for failing to enforce social distancing. If that sentence seems complicated, then you are beginning to appreciate just how confusing all the arguments are about face coverings. After all, we have N95s, surgical masks, homemade cloth masks (enjoy the video), and the classic train robber bandana. Just for good measure, as I wore my cup-style dust mask on my last pass through Costco, I saw staff members wearing required face coverings that came from lathe section at Woodcraft.

It should be intuitively obvious to the most casual observer that these masks are not all identical in their intended use and possible function against viruses. The bandana and face shield represent the extreme of one side of the spectrum. The shield blocks large objects (relative to viruses) traveling from striking the user's eyes at high speeds. The bandana blocks the good guys from seeing who the bad guy is. In both cases, breathing around them is very easy, and aerosols aren't blocked. They may be effective against a sneeze, but ordinary breathing or talking defeats them easily. The cup-style dust mask falls roughly into that same category. Let's look at the better masks.

I wore surgical masks daily for 36 years as an anesthesiologist. Their purpose was to reduce the chance that I would infect an open wound with bacteria from my mouth. This article of faith has been shown to be false. If staff who are working outside of the immediate sterile field do not wear masks, there is no increase in wound infections. And this is in a closed environment where staff will be present for hours. This casts a very large cloud of doubt on the utility of masks for COVID-19.



Leftists be sure you ignore ANOTHER set of published peer reviewed papers, that shows face masks are not effective against the virus, and the author with 36 years as a anesthesiologist.

Ignore all that and you will continue to be ignorant and easily mislead.


I would agree not all masks are equal, or 100% effective, they just need to be effective enough to reduce overall transmission and studies show that they are.

One statement in your article above strikes me as conflicting:

In both cases, breathing around them is very easy, and aerosols aren't blocked. They may be effective against a sneeze, but ordinary breathing or talking defeats them easily.

Haven’t you been making the point that this virus is not aerosolized? If so, then these less than perfect masks should be sufficient for public health purposes.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189

Masks are a proven tool against fighting the spread. Your wife has a mask that accommodates her. Nothing left to say in regards to her. The girl who made the post is in a tiny minority. I do have sympathy for her situation, but ultimately when people give her shit about not wearing a mask she should politely explain she has a medical exemption. I know that might not always work, so this falls into the category of life isn’t fair. The anti maskers really need to shut the fuck up and stop being children. It saves lives. You owe it to your fellow countrymen to put one on when you’re in public. It’s not that hard. But some people are too selfish to make the tiniest sacrifice and use their so called principles as an excuse to be assholes.

What makes this so bizarre is that a public health measure has become a political issue. I can’t recall happening at any other time time. Is this a symbol of how whacked we’ve become?

I often see signs in business’ stating “no shoes, no shirt, no service”....where are the shirtless shoeless hoarders screaming about their rights?

The other thing is “death rates”....that is only one aspect of covid. There is a significant number of people, including those with moderate cases, who were not hospitalized, that have long organ damage, particularly lung scarring, showing up. We don’t yet know the long term implications of this disease yet we are whining about a simple and temporary, public health measure.

Surely you jest, it was made political when democrats attacked him every step of the way. At first THEY belittled the China Virus concerns , then quickly switched to the attack mode.


oh right..of silly was the Dems and it is all because they hate Trump....

Get real. Your side has been an active participant in politicizing public health.
It's not about controlling "the virus".
It's about controlling YOU.
If forced to wear one I recommend these:

If you're willing to wear a submission scarf then at least admit your acceptance of THE MARK OF THE BEAST.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
I had my first customer confrontation the other day

As I was walking by him he said...could you wear your mask the right way please
(I wear it on my chin or forehead, this time it was protecting my chin)

So I said, if you're that afraid could you stay home please
Wow, you sound like a real winner! Way to go douchebag. I guess it’s all about YOU. Can’t say I’m surprised
It IS all about body, my right

Why aren't condoms mandatory?

As soon as condoms are mandatory and fucking is put on lockdown
to deal with AIDS and herpes, let me know...until then, go fuck yourself
Actually, selfish prick, other people wearing masks protects you. You are not returning the favor.
I'm not asking others to protect me.


Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
I had my first customer confrontation the other day

As I was walking by him he said...could you wear your mask the right way please
(I wear it on my chin or forehead, this time it was protecting my chin)

So I said, if you're that afraid could you stay home please
Wow, you sound like a real winner! Way to go douchebag. I guess it’s all about YOU. Can’t say I’m surprised
It IS all about body, my right

Why aren't condoms mandatory?

As soon as condoms are mandatory and fucking is put on lockdown
to deal with AIDS and herpes, let me know...until then, go fuck yourself
Actually, selfish prick, other people wearing masks protects you. You are not returning the favor.
I'm not asking others to protect me.



You are being asked to show some courtesy and some empathy toward your fellow human being.
It really isn't that much to ask. If you don't like it, stay home.
The Mask mandate is stupid as hell since China Virus isn't airborne!

The recognized way to get is by DIRECT contact, people sneezing around you.

Since Masks such as N95 isn't capable of blocking the virus anyway.
You have no clue what your talking about. Seek better sources of information.

I do have a clue, posted a few published papers on it a few weeks ago in this forum.

The average China virus size is .125 microns, the N95 mask is rated to .30 microns.

You are being played by those who are trying to control you.
And how far does the virus project off of somebody who is wearing a face covering vs no face covering? Same distance? Or not?

Again have to REPEAT this because you keep ignoring it:

The average China virus size is .125 microns, the N95 mask is rated to .30 microns.

Which number is bigger?

.125 or .30

Take your time, and realize that the Virus isn't airborne.
I hear what your saying but your not looking at the full picture. Why is it for effective to wear gloves and wash your hands? How does the virus get on your hands?

Gee you and others can't read shit, AGAIN I repeat myself:

The recognized way to get infected is by DIRECT contact, people sneezing around you.

Notice both you and Coyote ignore this inconvenience

The average China virus size is .125 microns, the N95 mask is rated to .30 microns.

Bandanas and basic cloths being used for masks are essentially worthless, they have no proven micron blocking rating to depend on.

Surgeons and nurses uses masks for surgery since they are standing right around and over the patient, they are well within 2 feet a lot.
You’re mental... woolster22 just laid it all out for you but your ego won’t let you hear it. Can’t fix stupid

I see you didn't answer a difficult math question.

Ok so since your brain seems to operate at an elementary level I’ll give you a metaphor that a 1st grader would understand and maybe you will get it...

Let’s say you make a big net with holes 30 inches wide... and then you have 1000’s of wet sticky balls that are 1/3 the size of the holes. Now throughout the course of a day you fling big clumps of balls at that net.

So tell me Tommy. Do all the balls make it through the net? Do the ones that make it through the net project a further distance than they would of there was no net?

Take your time. Close your eyes. See the net. Do the math. Carry the 1. Now tell me you understand.

You flunk in math since .30 micron isn't going to block .125 micron size. Only stupid leftists fight this mathematical reality.

You have no idea what the SCALE difference is between those two numbers, since you don't think that far.
Hey dumb ass... do you really not understand the net example I just gave you?! Of course SOME will get through but not as much and not as far. Do you want proof? Put a mask on and sneeze in front of a mirror. The take it off and sneeze again and tel me which mirror was cleaner.

Now go to sleep you’re embarrassing yourself


You keep ducking the math over and over.

.125 Microns is a LOT smaller than. the rated .30 micron of the best face mask available, the 95Mask.
No shit, hence the reason I said the wet sticky balls being thrown at the net were 1/3 the size of the holes in the net. Damn you’re gonna feel stupid when you finally understand. Did you do the sneeze experiment yet?

Still avoiding the math, you must be terrified of it.

Virus are NOT sticky and far smaller than sticky balls.

Math is too hard for you to contemplate.

Biology might be hard for you to comprehend: viruses are sticky...

Meanwhile leftists continue to ignore the facts that face masks are not feasible against China Virus, sticky or not.

American Thinker

What good do the masks do, really?

By Ted Noel, MD

June 26, 2020


We are seeing jurisdictions everywhere imposing mask bans at a rate that approaches the number of bars being threatened with liquor license revocation for failing to enforce social distancing. If that sentence seems complicated, then you are beginning to appreciate just how confusing all the arguments are about face coverings. After all, we have N95s, surgical masks, homemade cloth masks (enjoy the video), and the classic train robber bandana. Just for good measure, as I wore my cup-style dust mask on my last pass through Costco, I saw staff members wearing required face coverings that came from lathe section at Woodcraft.

It should be intuitively obvious to the most casual observer that these masks are not all identical in their intended use and possible function against viruses. The bandana and face shield represent the extreme of one side of the spectrum. The shield blocks large objects (relative to viruses) traveling from striking the user's eyes at high speeds. The bandana blocks the good guys from seeing who the bad guy is. In both cases, breathing around them is very easy, and aerosols aren't blocked. They may be effective against a sneeze, but ordinary breathing or talking defeats them easily. The cup-style dust mask falls roughly into that same category. Let's look at the better masks.

I wore surgical masks daily for 36 years as an anesthesiologist. Their purpose was to reduce the chance that I would infect an open wound with bacteria from my mouth. This article of faith has been shown to be false. If staff who are working outside of the immediate sterile field do not wear masks, there is no increase in wound infections. And this is in a closed environment where staff will be present for hours. This casts a very large cloud of doubt on the utility of masks for COVID-19.



Leftists be sure you ignore ANOTHER set of published peer reviewed papers, that shows face masks are not effective against the virus, and the author with 36 years as a anesthesiologist.

Ignore all that and you will continue to be ignorant and easily mislead.

That’s one of the dumbest articles I’ve read in a while. Not scientific and not relevant to the points being made here. We are talking about 100s of thousands of infected people walking around, not healthy doctors doing surgery. They guy even admits that masks block fluid through sneezes which is also true for coughs and for spit talking. So right there particles are being blocked and reduced. You’ve been shown over and over again undeniable examples of how covering your mouth is effective in blocking the projection of spit. Not full proof for blocking all virus particles but effective In blocking some. You ignore all those points. I haven’t seen one smart counter point from you. You just respond with random garbage like this article that really shows nothing.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189

Masks are a proven tool against fighting the spread. Your wife has a mask that accommodates her. Nothing left to say in regards to her. The girl who made the post is in a tiny minority. I do have sympathy for her situation, but ultimately when people give her shit about not wearing a mask she should politely explain she has a medical exemption. I know that might not always work, so this falls into the category of life isn’t fair. The anti maskers really need to shut the fuck up and stop being children. It saves lives. You owe it to your fellow countrymen to put one on when you’re in public. It’s not that hard. But some people are too selfish to make the tiniest sacrifice and use their so called principles as an excuse to be assholes.

What makes this so bizarre is that a public health measure has become a political issue. I can’t recall happening at any other time time. Is this a symbol of how whacked we’ve become?

I often see signs in business’ stating “no shoes, no shirt, no service”....where are the shirtless shoeless hoarders screaming about their rights?

The other thing is “death rates”....that is only one aspect of covid. There is a significant number of people, including those with moderate cases, who were not hospitalized, that have long organ damage, particularly lung scarring, showing up. We don’t yet know the long term implications of this disease yet we are whining about a simple and temporary, public health measure.

Surely you jest, it was made political when democrats attacked him every step of the way. At first THEY belittled the China Virus concerns , then quickly switched to the attack mode.

Instead of playing Mr Tough guy who won’t wear a mask he could have walked out in a maga mask and ran with it. All his bots would be in his corner and America would be a safer less deadly place tj an it is now. This ones largely on Trump
Unfortunately, we're between a rock and a hard place. I feel bad for those who have legitimate reasons for not wanting to wear a mask but at this point, it's reality. If you can't wear one. Stay home. Ask a neighbor, a family member, or a friend to shop for you.
be easier for you to stay home since youre so scared,,,
its ego and selfishness that’s driving these people
Yes. It is.

I am a selfish motherfucker and it is my right to be so.

I owe you NOTHING!!!


Then stay out of my shop. Go be a douche in doucheland by yourself. I have the right to keep you and your germs away from me and my customers.

At least you recognize and admit that your argument is the selfish one making the counter argument the selfless one. You care only about yourself while the mask wearers are doing so for the good of their community. I’m good with that line and I know which side I stand on
Unfortunately, we're between a rock and a hard place. I feel bad for those who have legitimate reasons for not wanting to wear a mask but at this point, it's reality. If you can't wear one. Stay home. Ask a neighbor, a family member, or a friend to shop for you.
be easier for you to stay home since youre so scared,,,

I've been out and about for almost two months now. Not scared in the slightest. Just cautious. A wise way to be in these times. Show just a bit of common sense and take a few precautions and you can go about your business.
Unfortunately, we're between a rock and a hard place. I feel bad for those who have legitimate reasons for not wanting to wear a mask but at this point, it's reality. If you can't wear one. Stay home. Ask a neighbor, a family member, or a friend to shop for you.
be easier for you to stay home since youre so scared,,,

I've been out and about for almost two months now. Not scared in the slightest. Just cautious. A wise way to be in these times. Show just a bit of common sense and take a few precautions and you can go about your business.
if youre not scared then shut up and let others live theoir lives,,
Unfortunately, we're between a rock and a hard place. I feel bad for those who have legitimate reasons for not wanting to wear a mask but at this point, it's reality. If you can't wear one. Stay home. Ask a neighbor, a family member, or a friend to shop for you.
be easier for you to stay home since youre so scared,,,

I've been out and about for almost two months now. Not scared in the slightest. Just cautious. A wise way to be in these times. Show just a bit of common sense and take a few precautions and you can go about your business.
if youre not scared then shut up and let others live theoir lives,,

Sorry. Follow the guidelines and nobody would have to tell you how you should behave. People like you are idiots. Not only that, but you're selfish and show you don't give a damn beyond your own little circle. You could be carrying and be infectious but hey, screw em.
You are being asked to show some courtesy and some empathy toward your fellow human being.
I am being FORCED!!!

If you don't like it, YOU stay home. I am not forcing you to do ANYTHING.
I could say the same about spitting on the sidewalk, or public urination. Why should I be FORCED not to spit. or to find a bathroom to relieve myself. GOD did not invent the toilet, Adam and Eve pissed whereever they wanted.
I'm sure the people FORCED to pick up after their dog feel the same say as your being FORCED to wear a mask. This is a battle over the right to shit in public. And if you don't like it, you can stay home.


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